Trump Thanks AOC and “Vicious Young Socialist Congresswomen” for Boosting His Ratings!

Among Republicans. Typical Gateway Pundit "news".

I guess they forgot to mention that his ratings sunk with independents. Don't want any negative news in the Trumpiverse.

Oh, that's right, Trump doesn't need independents. Just keep feeding the base!

The fact that the Orange Virus's approval went up with Republicans after his racially retarded remarks tells me all I need to know about the state of the party..
Why do you hate America? What flag do you fly over your compound? Why do you support The Democrat Party who supports Slavery, and Pedophilia, Infanticide, Child Prostitution, and Open Borders, and Deficit Spending to provide Free Shit to Lazy People?

I'm American born and raised. I hope you don't expect me to entertain any faux patriotic rah-rah go America bullshit coming from Cult45 extremists. Don't even try going there, snowflake. This 'love it or leave it' nonsense spewing from your hive mind tribe is the latest example of how out of touch and out of ideas 'republicans' are today. I'm starting to see real desperation here. Not a great look for Cult45.

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