Trump, the GOP and 2018

Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?
What is with your incessant sniveling about Trump and the GOP? Like like a school girl that is angry the quarterback won't date her. No one needs the left's approval or permission. The left is out of power so they seek to destroy the right via media and non stop hysteria.

There are good things happening that don't get air time. Instead it's Russia Comey Russia Comey ad nauseum. I imagine they will run on facts and hopefully not let themselves get dragged into the leftist dung pile. what are you hoping to accomplish?
What I was hoping to accomplish was an interesting conversation by civil, reasonable adults.

Then you showed up. But there has been some interesting conversation too, so that's fine.
...just like a school girl. Passive aggressive as always, that's how you roll. There's NOTHING mature about crying on the internet day after day expecting different results. We're supposed to believe you are really worried about Trump and the GOP?
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?
What is with your incessant sniveling about Trump and the GOP? Like like a school girl that is angry the quarterback won't date her. No one needs the left's approval or permission. The left is out of power so they seek to destroy the right via media and non stop hysteria.

There are good things happening that don't get air time. Instead it's Russia Comey Russia Comey ad nauseum. I imagine they will run on facts and hopefully not let themselves get dragged into the leftist dung pile. what are you hoping to accomplish?
What I was hoping to accomplish was an interesting conversation by civil, reasonable adults.

Then you showed up. But there has been some interesting conversation too, so that's fine.
...just like a school girl. Passive aggressive as always, that's how you roll. There's NOTHING mature about crying on the internet day after day expecting different results. We're supposed to believe you are really worried about Trump and the GOP?
Great, thanks.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

So, you want the GOP to cave to propaganda?

They might want to 'cave' to public opinion, because the public is where the voters come from.

Right now, all you have is propaganda.
If socialism leads the day it won't be because of Trump or his supporters, that you can be certain of.
As I said, the Trumpsters got what they wanted. If he's as wonderful as they think he is, you'll never have to worry about socialism..
by the same token, if he's as horrible as people say, they wouldn't need to make things up on a regular basis and call it duty.
Sure. But politics is about image, not substance. Given the nature of the media, this would have been tough enough for Trump. But when he attacked and insulted them, and their very profession, World War III was on, and it's not going anywhere.

So that's just baked in now. How the hell does he change that?

1. Get his act together (staffing changes, messaging discipline and building an equitable partnership with GOP'ers in Congress) with respect to how he manages his Administration since as Jack Welsh put it "so far his management has been crappy", he needs to stop dealing self inflicted wounds on his own Administration.
2. Let the ongoing investigations proceed and go where they will and hope that exculpatory evidence emerges; he's got the bully pulpit and the emergence of exculpatory evidence will give him the opportunity to annihilate the credibility of the media that already has him convicted based on allegations alone.

Will any of that happen? Who knows? It's certainly doable and other Presidents that have found themselves in similar predicaments have managed to pull it off, we'll see if the Donald has the political acumen to pull it off.
At this point I would be stunned to see #1 happen. I just don't think he has the capacity.

Seems to me the best that he and his fans can hope for now is to tread water.
His fans? In your partisan world either you are a Trump fan or an reasonable person like you, correct? How could there be anything else? I'm not a fan of anybody, where does that leave me? When have you ever used the term Obama fan?
.............“More than 10 centrist Republicans over the past 48 hours have criticized Trump for reportedly sharing classified information with Russian officials or allegedly trying to quash an FBI investigation.”
Vulnerable Republicans Flee from Trump - Political Wire............
these more anonymous mad people?

if you're that mad, put your name on it.
Vulnerable Republicans flee from Trump
One swing-district lawmaker, Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida, raised the possibility of impeaching Trump if it turns out to be true that he leaned on FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn. But in case it wasn’t clear how Curbelo felt about the matter, his office called reporters to make sure they emphasized Curbelo was the first Republican lawmaker to utter the “I-word.”

“Obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense, so that is an allegation that we have to take very seriously,” Curbelo told a Miami CBS affiliate. “That does not mean it happened, but if this story is accurate, it may have happened. Whatever the case is, we need to get the facts.”

The break from Trump among centrist Republicans is especially notable because some of them had stuck by the president through the brutal fight over Obamacare repeal legislation two weeks ago, backing an unpopular bill despite great political risk at home. .................
Rep. Steve Knight of California.............
Again Democrats have 20+ seats to defend in the Senate and the House is almost impossible for the Democrats to win with the way the districts are drawn.

Under normal circumstances, you might have a point. Logically, The Democrats never should have taken the House and Senate in 2006, but they did. The districts were drawn to favor Republicans and the same states that were up in 2018 were up then.

But Bush's unpopularity after Katrina and Iraq told a different story.

Also please stop with the Nazi nonsense because as much as I hate Trump he is far from being a Nazi!

Because you and I disagree with his political views does not mean he is like Hitler and until he start gassing and baking minorities and gays, well he is far from being a damn Nazi!

Hitler didn't start gassing people until 1940. SO by that logic, Hitler wasn't a Nazi until 1940.

Sorry, man, Trump is a Nazi.

Also let me add that Sanders is not Communist either and is a Socialist and yes I know the damn difference between Communistic States like the former USSR and Socialistic States like Norway and Sanders is more like the Norwegian system and far from Stalin or even Trotsky form of Marxism or Communism.

Sure he is... Actually, he's a typical marxist, living in a mansion and wanting to redistribute other people's wealth.

Yeah that freedom of choice and pissing the vote away must annoy the hell out of you, am I correct?

When you make bad decisions that I pay for, yeah, it annoys me. Johnson and Stein were never going to win, but voting for them let Trump win, and we are all paying for htat now.

Well then do me a favor and show me where Trump is just like Hitler and when you fail to show it then note he is not a damn Nazi!

Is he like Joe McCarthy?


Is he like Nixon?


Also add the Johnson and Stein vote together here in Texas and realize Clinton would have lost the state still, so let get real and understand that people have the damn right to vote for the candidate they want and what you would prefer is a communistic state where you only vote for the candidate of just one party and that is the Democratic Party.

Again you seem to believe I am one of those dumb ass Trumpsters that can not tell the difference between communism and socialism and Sanders is Socialist and far from Communist or Marxist.

Feel free to point out where Sanders favor more of a Stalinist, Trotskyist, Maoist, or Castro type of Government because I have yet to see or read anything from Sanders that would show him to be a true communist!

In the end you believe free will should be punished and believe you either should vote for choice A ( Democratic Party )or nothing else because to you anything else is a sin against the political party you worship.

I wish more Americans would vote third party and shake the two party foundation but too many Americans are close minded fools like you that believe the two party system is the only damn answer to this country political problems!

Now get working and show me actual proof of Trump being a true Nazi and not just some egomaniac in the mold of McCarthy and Nixon and then show me where Sanders is just like Castro, Mao, Stalin or Trotsky and please entertain me and not just write they are because you believe it and Democracy Now told you that it must be true!
If socialism leads the day it won't be because of Trump or his supporters, that you can be certain of.
As I said, the Trumpsters got what they wanted. If he's as wonderful as they think he is, you'll never have to worry about socialism..
by the same token, if he's as horrible as people say, they wouldn't need to make things up on a regular basis and call it duty.
Sure. But politics is about image, not substance. Given the nature of the media, this would have been tough enough for Trump. But when he attacked and insulted them, and their very profession, World War III was on, and it's not going anywhere.

So that's just baked in now. How the hell does he change that?

1. Get his act together (staffing changes, messaging discipline and building an equitable partnership with GOP'ers in Congress) with respect to how he manages his Administration since as Jack Welsh put it "so far his management has been crappy", he needs to stop dealing self inflicted wounds on his own Administration.
2. Let the ongoing investigations proceed and go where they will and hope that exculpatory evidence emerges; he's got the bully pulpit and the emergence of exculpatory evidence will give him the opportunity to annihilate the credibility of the media that already has him convicted based on allegations alone.

Will any of that happen? Who knows? It's certainly doable and other Presidents that have found themselves in similar predicaments have managed to pull it off, we'll see if the Donald has the political acumen to pull it off.
At this point I would be stunned to see #1 happen. I just don't think he has the capacity.
That's your opinion and I can understand where you're coming from; however I do concur with Jack Welsh's assessment that he does have the capability but hasn't yet figured out that being President isn't the same as being a CEO, IMHO it's a toss-up as to whether he'll come out of this OJT phase with a handle on how to manage himself (primarily his own big mouth) and his Administration.

Seems to me the best that he and his fans can hope for now is to tread water.
Looks that way at this point but things can change very quickly and to a certain degree IMHO the President has the ability to take the initiative and get in front of all this rather quickly, some major staffing changes would go along way as would an overt reach out to ALL the GOP congressional caucus (i.e. much Congress Critter ass kissing is in order).

Personally I think he should hire somebody like Dana Perino as his communications director, she was able to handle Georgy Boy pretty well which had to be challenging, second move see if he can convince say Condoleezza Rice to take the FBI director post (long shot) which would put a whole lot of credibility back into the slot.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

So, you want the GOP to cave to propaganda?
As I said, the highest priority for a politician is being re-elected, and that's the context of my question. Trump's behavior since the day he announced has made him the easiest target of all time, and congressional Republicans know it.

The whole point for many was to help take down the GOP or rather to take out those two warring factions in the GOP. If they were truly interested in being reelected then they would recognize why Trump was elected and change accordingly.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Good point. At some point they will have to decide if it's worth it to stick their necks out for the president and his legislative agenda or pursue a safer course.
Either way, I don't think we're going to see any more rose garden victory rallies.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?
What is with your incessant sniveling about Trump and the GOP? Like like a school girl that is angry the quarterback won't date her. No one needs the left's approval or permission. The left is out of power so they seek to destroy the right via media and non stop hysteria.

There are good things happening that don't get air time. Instead it's Russia Comey Russia Comey ad nauseum. I imagine they will run on facts and hopefully not let themselves get dragged into the leftist dung pile. what are you hoping to accomplish?

If Clinton had garner the green vote in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania then Trump would be doing a reality show and not acting as President.

So let get real and realize more people across the nation were against Trump when you add the third party vote with Clinton votes!
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the problem is, what trump needs to do is pretty simple really. shut up and let his people do their jobs.

the frustrating part is he won't ever do it.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

So, you want the GOP to cave to propaganda?
As I said, the highest priority for a politician is being re-elected, and that's the context of my question. Trump's behavior since the day he announced has made him the easiest target of all time, and congressional Republicans know it.

The whole point for many was to help take down the GOP or rather to take out those two warring factions in the GOP. If they were truly interested in being reelected then they would recognize why Trump was elected and change accordingly.
Get more specific - do you mean move towards him?
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

So, you want the GOP to cave to propaganda?
As I said, the highest priority for a politician is being re-elected, and that's the context of my question. Trump's behavior since the day he announced has made him the easiest target of all time, and congressional Republicans know it.

The whole point for many was to help take down the GOP or rather to take out those two warring factions in the GOP. If they were truly interested in being reelected then they would recognize why Trump was elected and change accordingly.
Get more specific - do you mean move towards him?

I'd think listening to the people would be a priority rather than obey the IMF. These clowns (and Dems too) are all about the revolving door.

People not media.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?
What is with your incessant sniveling about Trump and the GOP? Like like a school girl that is angry the quarterback won't date her. No one needs the left's approval or permission. The left is out of power so they seek to destroy the right via media and non stop hysteria.

There are good things happening that don't get air time. Instead it's Russia Comey Russia Comey ad nauseum. I imagine they will run on facts and hopefully not let themselves get dragged into the leftist dung pile. what are you hoping to accomplish?

If Clinton had garner the green vote in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania then Trump would be doing a reality show and not acting as President.

So let get real and realize more people across the nation were against Trump when you add the third party vote with Clintob votes!
Huh? What's that got to do with anything? Clinton didn't get a majority of votes either. That's not how elections work. The difference this time is one side refuses to accept the results. I am real, are you?
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

i'm more concerned at the the precedence we set if we stomp our foot and toss out elected officials cause hollywood hates them. cause liberals must have their way. and hell, just because "mob mentality".

as long as liberals are willing to make up RUSSIA crap and shit it out daily like a regular turd then whatever they're mad at needs to stay for no other reason than they need to realize you don't always get what you want and at times, you need to work with people you don't like or agree with for the greater good.

not mental masturbation participation.
my problem ice is when info linking repubs with russia in a bad way all your republicans circle their wagons and claim it's all lies and everyone is out to get them like you just did
If socialism leads the day it won't be because of Trump or his supporters, that you can be certain of.
As I said, the Trumpsters got what they wanted. If he's as wonderful as they think he is, you'll never have to worry about socialism.
by the same token, if he's as horrible as people say, they wouldn't need to make things up on a regular basis and call it duty.

That's a broad statement. What is made up?
If you're referring to the investigations, they are progressing toward indictments. That doesn't happen over "made up things".
The scope has more than likely moved beyond mere collusion and into an organized crime and espionage focus.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?
What is with your incessant sniveling about Trump and the GOP? Like like a school girl that is angry the quarterback won't date her. No one needs the left's approval or permission. The left is out of power so they seek to destroy the right via media and non stop hysteria.

There are good things happening that don't get air time. Instead it's Russia Comey Russia Comey ad nauseum. I imagine they will run on facts and hopefully not let themselves get dragged into the leftist dung pile. what are you hoping to accomplish?

If Clinton had garner the green vote in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania then Trump would be doing a reality show and not acting as President.

So let get real and realize more people across the nation were against Trump when you add the third party vote with Clintob votes!
Huh? What's that got to do with anything? Clinton didn't get a majority of votes either. That's not how elections work. The difference this time is one side refuses to accept the results. I am real, are you?

Clinton won the popular vote while losing the electoral college.

One of the reasons she won the popular vote was because of California slanted victory.

Also if you add the third party total number of votes with Clinton votes it would show more Americans voted against Trump and he does not have the backing of the majority here in America or do you deny this?

Also before you write he won the only vote that counts and that is true he won the Electoral College but he won it in states by winning that state popular vote by a slim margin.

So no Trump is not supported by the majority of America and that is reality and you are welcome to prove me wrong and if you claim that Clinton won the popular vote because of illegal voting and voter fraud, well then you have no case ...
If socialism leads the day it won't be because of Trump or his supporters, that you can be certain of.
As I said, the Trumpsters got what they wanted. If he's as wonderful as they think he is, you'll never have to worry about socialism..
by the same token, if he's as horrible as people say, they wouldn't need to make things up on a regular basis and call it duty.
Sure. But politics is about image, not substance. Given the nature of the media, this would have been tough enough for Trump. But when he attacked and insulted them, and their very profession, World War III was on, and it's not going anywhere.

So that's just baked in now. How the hell does he change that?

Just as he's attacked and insulted the Intel community as well as the FBI. Trump himself is largely responsible for where we are.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

i'm more concerned at the the precedence we set if we stomp our foot and toss out elected officials cause hollywood hates them. cause liberals must have their way. and hell, just because "mob mentality".

as long as liberals are willing to make up RUSSIA crap and shit it out daily like a regular turd then whatever they're mad at needs to stay for no other reason than they need to realize you don't always get what you want and at times, you need to work with people you don't like or agree with for the greater good.

not mental masturbation participation.
my problem ice is when info linking repubs with russia in a bad way all your republicans circle their wagons and claim it's all lies and everyone is out to get them like you just did

kinda like dems circle the wagons and say hillary is just misunderstood.

and if you have actual verified info - lay it on me. to date all i hear is people say it's out there yet, "investigation" so we don't know what it is. that alone means you have zero idea what they DO have, or you could link it up.

when you can apply your 1 sided logic to both sides, we'll talk. til then, don't see much of a need.

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