Trump, the GOP and 2018

Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

So, you want the GOP to cave to propaganda?

They might want to 'cave' to public opinion, because the public is where the voters come from.

Right now, all you have is propaganda.

That's bullshit. Thoroughly unsurprising bullshit.
If socialism leads the day it won't be because of Trump or his supporters, that you can be certain of.
As I said, the Trumpsters got what they wanted. If he's as wonderful as they think he is, you'll never have to worry about socialism.
by the same token, if he's as horrible as people say, they wouldn't need to make things up on a regular basis and call it duty.
That's a broad statement. What is made up?

Hutch Starskey said:
If you're referring to the investigations, they are progressing toward indictments.

Hutch Starskey said:
The scope has more than likely moved beyond mere collusion and into an organized crime and espionage focus.

Hutch Starskey said:
That's a broad statement. What is made up?
Congratulations on answering your own question.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?
What is with your incessant sniveling about Trump and the GOP? Like like a school girl that is angry the quarterback won't date her. No one needs the left's approval or permission. The left is out of power so they seek to destroy the right via media and non stop hysteria.

There are good things happening that don't get air time. Instead it's Russia Comey Russia Comey ad nauseum. I imagine they will run on facts and hopefully not let themselves get dragged into the leftist dung pile. what are you hoping to accomplish?

If Clinton had garner the green vote in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania then Trump would be doing a reality show and not acting as President.

So let get real and realize more people across the nation were against Trump when you add the third party vote with Clintob votes!
Huh? What's that got to do with anything? Clinton didn't get a majority of votes either. That's not how elections work. The difference this time is one side refuses to accept the results. I am real, are you?

Clinton won the popular vote while losing the electoral college.

One of the reasons she won the popular vote was because of California slanted victory.

Also if you add the third party total number of votes with Clinton votes it would show more Americans voted against Trump and he does not have the backing of the majority here in America or do you deny this?

Also before you write he won the only vote that counts and that is true he won the Electoral College but he won it in states by winning that state popular vote by a slim margin.

So no Trump is not supported by the majority of America and that is reality and you are welcome to prove me wrong and if you claim that Clinton won the popular vote because of illegal voting and voter fraud, well then you have no case ...
Here we go again. The popular vote doesn't mean jack shit, that's not how we elect presidents. Trump didn't campaign in California, I know the drill. And Hillary did not get the majority of the popular vote so the meme is for propaganda purposes only.

I said nothing about voter fraud or Trump having a majority of support, are you stoned? You are arguing against a fictitious post. Why are you even bringing up popular support? That isn't how it's governed here. The guys that win go about their agenda, we are a republic, not an American Idol style popular vote on this and that democracy.
If socialism leads the day it won't be because of Trump or his supporters, that you can be certain of.
As I said, the Trumpsters got what they wanted. If he's as wonderful as they think he is, you'll never have to worry about socialism.
by the same token, if he's as horrible as people say, they wouldn't need to make things up on a regular basis and call it duty.
That's a broad statement. What is made up?

Hutch Starskey said:
If you're referring to the investigations, they are progressing toward indictments.

Hutch Starskey said:
The scope has more than likely moved beyond mere collusion and into an organized crime and espionage focus.

Hutch Starskey said:
That's a broad statement. What is made up?
Congratulations on answering your own question.

What is the purpose of a grand jury again?

The fact that multiple grand jury proceedings have begun shows quite clearly that there is not only evidence but that evidence is under scrutiny for possible criminality. If that is found to be the case. Indictments will follow.

So to say it's progressing toward indictments is in no way speculation.

Flynn's financials have been subpoenaed. That would seem to indicate a scope beyond simple collusion.

It's time that you reassess your position.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Democrats are using the 2018 midterms as a referendum on the Trump Presidency

If these investigations are viewed as thorough and acquit President Trump of any wrongdoing, then Republicans should do very well in the midterm elections

If the public views the investigations as a cover-up, or serious charges are made against the President, then Republicans will suffer a bloodbath in the election as the public retaliates against the Republican Party
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Doing so would compound their previous betrayals of their base and end the GOP as a national party.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Doing so would compound their previous betrayals of their base and end the GOP as a national party.
...which is exactly what he really wants.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Doing so would compound their previous betrayals of their base and end the GOP as a national party.
Yeah, they're in a tough position right now if they're not really thrilled with him.
If socialism leads the day it won't be because of Trump or his supporters, that you can be certain of.
As I said, the Trumpsters got what they wanted. If he's as wonderful as they think he is, you'll never have to worry about socialism.
by the same token, if he's as horrible as people say, they wouldn't need to make things up on a regular basis and call it duty.
That's a broad statement. What is made up?

Hutch Starskey said:
If you're referring to the investigations, they are progressing toward indictments.

Hutch Starskey said:
The scope has more than likely moved beyond mere collusion and into an organized crime and espionage focus.

Hutch Starskey said:
That's a broad statement. What is made up?
Congratulations on answering your own question.

What is the purpose of a grand jury again?

The fact that multiple grand jury proceedings have begun shows quite clearly that there is not only evidence but that evidence is under scrutiny for possible criminality. If that is found to be the case. Indictments will follow.
Since when has anybody empaneled a Grand Jury to examine an indictment of President Big Mouth or any members of his official campaign or current members of his Administration? So far the only GJ I'm aware of is pursuant to Flynn's alleged malfeasance which is independent of any allegations of Trump Campaign collusion with Russia or any of the other allegations that have been leveled against the current Administration.

It's time that you reassess your position.
You must be looking in the mirror since your position is one that has apparently conflated Flynn's problems with the broader investigation surrounding election interference, collusion and other allegations of wrongdoing aimed at the Trump Administration and the Trump Campaign.
As I said, the Trumpsters got what they wanted. If he's as wonderful as they think he is, you'll never have to worry about socialism.
by the same token, if he's as horrible as people say, they wouldn't need to make things up on a regular basis and call it duty.
That's a broad statement. What is made up?

Hutch Starskey said:
If you're referring to the investigations, they are progressing toward indictments.

Hutch Starskey said:
The scope has more than likely moved beyond mere collusion and into an organized crime and espionage focus.

Hutch Starskey said:
That's a broad statement. What is made up?
Congratulations on answering your own question.

What is the purpose of a grand jury again?

The fact that multiple grand jury proceedings have begun shows quite clearly that there is not only evidence but that evidence is under scrutiny for possible criminality. If that is found to be the case. Indictments will follow.
Since when has anybody empaneled a Grand Jury to examine an indictment of President Big Mouth or any members of his official campaign or current members of his Administration? So far the only GJ I'm aware of is pursuant to Flynn's alleged malfeasance which is independent of any allegations of Trump Campaign collusion with Russia or any of the other allegations that have been leveled against the current Administration.

It's time that you reassess your position.
You must be looking in the mirror since your position is one that has apparently conflated Flynn's problems with the broader investigation surrounding election interference, collusion and other allegations of wrongdoing aimed at the Trump Administration and the Trump Campaign.
CNN exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI's Russia investigation -

"The Flynn inquiry is one piece of the broader investigation, which FBI Director James Comey testified in a Senate hearing last week is led jointly by the Alexandria US Attorney's Office and the Justice Department's National Security Division."

You can attempt to minimize this as insignificant but that won't last long.
The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2018.

They have no ideas.

They already were told by The NSA, CIA, FBI, Director of National Intelligence and The Treasury Department that there is Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion.

They still persist in promoting the False Narrative they KNOW IS FALSE.

Now they are going to have their noses rubbed in it by a highly respected, impartial no nonsense Independent Special Council, and many of The Dem Operatives loyal to Obama and Clinton who engaged in all of this Felonious Behavior are going to go down and never get up again.
Oh, I forgot to add '$1 Million 50-State Post-Election-Defeat HATE RALLIES' on to the Democratic party's 2018 / 2020 Election Resume. Can't forget that one. THAT will win over voters. :p
The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2018.

They have no ideas.

They already were told by The NSA, CIA, FBI, Director of National Intelligence and The Treasury Department that there is Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion.

They still persist in promoting the False Narrative they KNOW IS FALSE.

Now they are going to have their noses rubbed in it by a highly respected, impartial no nonsense Independent Special Council, and many of The Dem Operatives loyal to Obama and Clinton who engaged in all of this Felonious Behavior are going to go down and never get up again.

Dems should get slaughtered
They normally do poorly in midterms, Republicans are only defending nine Senate seats with most being in solid red states, the Republicans have an unbreakable Gerrymander in the House...

But Democrats are going to rerun the GOP playbook....Make the election a referendum on Trump. Bury the Republicans with Trumpcare. Keep the scandals coming showing Republicans and Trump are inept
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Doing so would compound their previous betrayals of their base and end the GOP as a national party.
Yeah, they're in a tough position right now if they're not really thrilled with him.

You realize that "dumping" him would fuck up the entire country, perhaps irreversibly, right?
The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2018.

They have no ideas.

They already were told by The NSA, CIA, FBI, Director of National Intelligence and The Treasury Department that there is Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion.

They still persist in promoting the False Narrative they KNOW IS FALSE.

Now they are going to have their noses rubbed in it by a highly respected, impartial no nonsense Independent Special Council, and many of The Dem Operatives loyal to Obama and Clinton who engaged in all of this Felonious Behavior are going to go down and never get up again.

Dems should get slaughtered
They normally do poorly in midterms, Republicans are only defending nine Senate seats with most being in solid red states, the Republicans have an unbreakable Gerrymander in the House...

But Democrats are going to rerun the GOP playbook....Make the election a referendum on Trump. Bury the Republicans with Trumpcare. Keep the scandals coming showing Republicans and Trump are inept

THe only question is, will your propaganda work better in 2018 then it did in 2016.
You realize that "dumping" him would fuck up the entire country, perhaps irreversibly, right?
Impeachment? I dunno. If this were 50/50 and there were no Republicans/Conservatives who didn't like Trump, maybe. Of course, if that were the case, there wouldn't be votes for impeachment in the first place and it would never happen. This would all be moot.

But my (wild ass) guess is that there are quite a few Republicans/Conservatives who would like to see it happen, get Pence in there, and try to calm things down. That's the point of the thread, really, and no doubt some are making that calculation right now.
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

Doing so would compound their previous betrayals of their base and end the GOP as a national party.
Yeah, they're in a tough position right now if they're not really thrilled with him.

You realize that "dumping" him would fuck up the entire country, perhaps irreversibly, right?
Impeachment? I dunno. If this were 50/50 and there were no Republicans/Conservatives who didn't like Trump, maybe. Of course, if that were the case, there wouldn't be votes for impeachment in the first place and it would never happen. This would all be moot.

But my (wild ass) guess is that there are quite a few Republicans/Conservatives who would like to see it happen, get Pence in there, and try to calm things down. That's the point of the thread, really, and no doubt some are making that calculation right now.

If the GOP loses a third of it's support, then they never win again.

And the Establishment should be thinking about how to dig itself out of the hole they dug by trying to steal the primary from Trump, not to mention a significant portion of them siding with FUCKING HILLARY.

Instead of digging it deeper.

You really want people like RW and Guno to have uncontested control over this country? Because we you are suggesting is how we get there, FAST.
The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2018.

They have no ideas.

They already were told by The NSA, CIA, FBI, Director of National Intelligence and The Treasury Department that there is Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion.

They still persist in promoting the False Narrative they KNOW IS FALSE.

Now they are going to have their noses rubbed in it by a highly respected, impartial no nonsense Independent Special Council, and many of The Dem Operatives loyal to Obama and Clinton who engaged in all of this Felonious Behavior are going to go down and never get up again.

Dems should get slaughtered
They normally do poorly in midterms, Republicans are only defending nine Senate seats with most being in solid red states, the Republicans have an unbreakable Gerrymander in the House...

But Democrats are going to rerun the GOP playbook....Make the election a referendum on Trump. Bury the Republicans with Trumpcare. Keep the scandals coming showing Republicans and Trump are inept

THe only question is, will your propaganda work better in 2018 then it did in 2016.

In 2016....Republicans had promises

Kill Obamacare, indict Hillary, balance the budget, tax reform, the wall, jobs, jobs, jobs

In 2018 when they have to show what they have accomplished....the voters will ask...What Happened?
Fool me once....
Here's one fact on which (hopefully, who knows) we can all agree: As of this writing, the 2018 elections are a little less than 18 months away.

If you are a GOP congressperson and you think Trump is now irreparably damaged (or worse) -- I know, talk radio won't entertain that possibility, but you have your comfy congressional job to save -- wouldn't it be better to just get this over with, and try to (a) stop the bleeding and (b) try to regain some party momentum for 2018 by dumping the guy?

The numbers say Trump can't be impeached, but that's only if the GOP hangs together. I think we all know a professional politician's first priority is not the country or their constituents, it's re-election.

Isn't it just time to get this over with and try to regain your 2016 mojo before the 2018 elections?

i'm more concerned at the the precedence we set if we stomp our foot and toss out elected officials cause hollywood hates them. cause liberals must have their way. and hell, just because "mob mentality".

as long as liberals are willing to make up RUSSIA crap and shit it out daily like a regular turd then whatever they're mad at needs to stay for no other reason than they need to realize you don't always get what you want and at times, you need to work with people you don't like or agree with for the greater good.

not mental masturbation participation.
my problem ice is when info linking repubs with russia in a bad way all your republicans circle their wagons and claim it's all lies and everyone is out to get them like you just did

kinda like dems circle the wagons and say hillary is just misunderstood.

and if you have actual verified info - lay it on me. to date all i hear is people say it's out there yet, "investigation" so we don't know what it is. that alone means you have zero idea what they DO have, or you could link it up.

when you can apply your 1 sided logic to both sides, we'll talk. til then, don't see much of a need.
Reuters....flynn in touch with russians to set a back channel of communications that security wouldn't be able to check on between trump and putin,,,,,now tell us how hill and obama were traitors too

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