Trump...the "great deal maker"???.........Really???

Do you have an English translation for that first sentence?

doubting most of it has military applications.


A little, most no military applications, but a lot does, manufacturing tech and computer tech, absolutely. Then you have companies like google that are working with the chicoms in artificial intelligence and facial recognition, yet refuse to work with the US.

I do not think that is true.

Just proves your line of work ain't think'n.

Then list up some proof. Prove me wrong.

Google Helps Chinese Military, Why Not US? Bob Work

Google working with China but not US military is 'peculiar': Peter Thiel

Oh and google is aiding in the oppression of the the Chinese people.

Google Refuses To Assist U.S. Military, Bends Over For China's Censors

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doubting most of it has military applications.


A little, most no military applications, but a lot does, manufacturing tech and computer tech, absolutely. Then you have companies like google that are working with the chicoms in artificial intelligence and facial recognition, yet refuse to work with the US.

I do not think that is true.

Just proves your line of work ain't think'n.

Then list up some proof. Prove me wrong.

Google Helps Chinese Military, Why Not US? Bob Work

Google working with China but not US military is 'peculiar': Peter Thiel

Oh and google is aiding in the oppression of the the Chinese people.

Google Refuses To Assist U.S. Military, Bends Over For China's Censors

Line one in your link:

"Google indirectly and inadvertently assists the Chinese military"
A little, most no military applications, but a lot does, manufacturing tech and computer tech, absolutely. Then you have companies like google that are working with the chicoms in artificial intelligence and facial recognition, yet refuse to work with the US.

I do not think that is true.

Just proves your line of work ain't think'n.

Then list up some proof. Prove me wrong.

Google Helps Chinese Military, Why Not US? Bob Work

Google working with China but not US military is 'peculiar': Peter Thiel

Oh and google is aiding in the oppression of the the Chinese people.

Google Refuses To Assist U.S. Military, Bends Over For China's Censors

Line one in your link:

"Google indirectly and inadvertently assists the Chinese military"

Inadvertently my ass, they pulled out of China for years, they know the score. Money is more important.

The only “Trump cultists” are moronic shitbags like you that have been obsessed with the Donald since he decided to run. You tried to convince everyone he never had a chance winning. You predicted Mueller would nail him. You’ve been wrong for three years:

Tell you what....YOU vote for your orange clown to help him stay out of courts.....LOL

Why would he need help to stay out of courts? Your Russia hoax was a bust, all those supposed “rape victims” are nowhere to be found, do we even need to bring up Avenatti?
First let me state that China holds over TWO TRILLIONS of U.S. debt.

That stated, China has recently signed a trade agreement to buy soy beans with Brazil and Argentina; most likely, China will never buy US soybeans again....thereby virtually destroying a key component of US farming exports.

The Trump mantra that China would pay for the tariffs imposed by the idiot-in-chief, holds the same validity to his former mantra that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Next year's vote will really boil down to just how many morons we have in the US voting constituency.

China Steps Up Brazil Soy Buying as Argentine Farmers Hoard ...
China is an enemy, why do you want a well fed enemy?

I thought the press was our enemy. Or, is it the Mexicans and Latin Americans. I guess it could be the Chinese. But then, again, it used to be the Muslims.
All are enemies of truth and freedom

Well, fortunately, we have a friend in N. Korea, who writes "beautiful letters' to Trump! I would mention Putin, but it would be best not to dig too deeply into his personal relationship with Trump. They keep it discreet, and always get a private room....
Would war be better 4 u

Oh. I forgot that Trump told us that Obama was planning to go to war with N. Korea. Interestingly enough, there seems to be some people who believe Trump!
China is an enemy, why do you want a well fed enemy?

I thought the press was our enemy. Or, is it the Mexicans and Latin Americans. I guess it could be the Chinese. But then, again, it used to be the Muslims.
All are enemies of truth and freedom

Well, fortunately, we have a friend in N. Korea, who writes "beautiful letters' to Trump! I would mention Putin, but it would be best not to dig too deeply into his personal relationship with Trump. They keep it discreet, and always get a private room....
Would war be better 4 u

Oh. I forgot that Trump told us that Obama was planning to go to war with N. Korea. Interestingly enough, there seems to be some people who believe Trump!
Neither is true, the fact is that NK wants to destroy SK and control the peninsula as was always their goal

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