Trump...the "great deal maker"???.........Really???

Well then imbecilic fool if the tariff drop farm prices your father will pay less to feed the beef

U always been brain dead
We don't export hay. Pop raises organic beef.
So how are the tariffs increasing beef process for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study
Give it up lady, you're just making yourself look silly.
So how are the tariffs increasing beef feed prices for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study

If you could answer you would, but you can't because lower grain prices are better for both the general public and beef farmers too.

No, no I wouldn't. I'm done here.

You enjoy your little rant.
You were done the moment you engaged me

So how are the tariffs increasing beef feed prices for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study

If you could answer you would, but you can't because lower grain prices are better for both the general public and beef farmers too.

We don't export hay. Pop raises organic beef.
So how are the tariffs increasing beef process for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study
Give it up lady, you're just making yourself look silly.
So how are the tariffs increasing beef feed prices for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study

If you could answer you would, but you can't because lower grain prices are better for both the general public and beef farmers too.

No, no I wouldn't. I'm done here.

You enjoy your little rant.
You were done the moment you engaged me

So how are the tariffs increasing beef feed prices for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study

If you could answer you would, but you can't because lower grain prices are better for both the general public and beef farmers too.


But the lower cost of feed does not necessarily offset the lower price they receive for their beef due to the cut in exports
Who ever said we really want a trade deal with China? They are communists who use slave labor. We need to have tariffs against them.

The above typed in by an idiot who is probably using a PC manufactured in a communist country...

But, he may be on to something.....We rather to business with Fascist countries such as Saudi Arabia because.....well, because the Saudi regime thinks that Trump is so damn cute (and an idiot?)

Nice deflection. We import oil from Saudi, not manufactured goods, big distinction there, then again you are an idiot.

As for computers, yes most are manufactured in China or at least many parts are. All because we allowed it to happen and reward companies that do. Do you want to change that or no? Of course you don’t, because you love communists.
As for computers, yes most are manufactured in China or at least many parts are. All because we allowed it to happen and reward companies that do. Do you want to change that or no? Of course you don’t, because you love communists.

Why did we allow it to happen? Oh yeah, because we, the American consumer, did not want to pay 5 times as much for our computers.

We buy things from China because we the American consumer choose to do so.

Why do you have freedom and the free market?
As for computers, yes most are manufactured in China or at least many parts are. All because we allowed it to happen and reward companies that do. Do you want to change that or no? Of course you don’t, because you love communists.

In escalating trade war, US consumers may see higher prices

Trump has insisted that China itself pays the tariffs. But in fact, economic research has concluded that the costs of the duties fall on U.S. businesses and consumers. Trump had indirectly acknowledged the tariffs' impact by delaying some of the duties until Dec. 15, after holiday goods are already on store shelves.

A study by J.P. Morgan found that Trump's tariffs will cost the average U.S. household $1,000 a year. That study was done before Trump raised the Sept. 1 and Dec. 15 tariffs to 15% from 10%.
As for computers, yes most are manufactured in China or at least many parts are. All because we allowed it to happen and reward companies that do. Do you want to change that or no? Of course you don’t, because you love communists.

In escalating trade war, US consumers may see higher prices

Trump has insisted that China itself pays the tariffs. But in fact, economic research has concluded that the costs of the duties fall on U.S. businesses and consumers. Trump had indirectly acknowledged the tariffs' impact by delaying some of the duties until Dec. 15, after holiday goods are already on store shelves.

A study by J.P. Morgan found that Trump's tariffs will cost the average U.S. household $1,000 a year. That study was done before Trump raised the Sept. 1 and Dec. 15 tariffs to 15% from 10%.

Funny, you guys on the left always claim you want higher wages and more jobs. Yet you support outsourcing jobs and importing illegals for cheap labor. You can’t have it both ways. Yes, manufacturing here would make prices higher, but it would also raise wages. What good is having cheap goods if we have no good jobs left?
As for computers, yes most are manufactured in China or at least many parts are. All because we allowed it to happen and reward companies that do. Do you want to change that or no? Of course you don’t, because you love communists.

Why did we allow it to happen? Oh yeah, because we, the American consumer, did not want to pay 5 times as much for our computers.

We buy things from China because we the American consumer choose to do so.

Why do you have freedom and the free market?

Yup, and look how that turned out. We shipped millions of jobs overseas, and now we have a generation of misfits who have nothing to do because so many jobs are overseas now.

The free market also chose to import African slaves for cheaper goods, was that ok too?
Yup, and look how that turned out. We shipped millions of jobs overseas, and now we have a generation of misfits who have nothing to do because so many jobs are overseas now.

How did that turn out?

Let's see...

Sub 4% unemployment

1 million more jobs than people looking for a job

record setting stretch of positive job growth

record setting stretch of economic expansion.

Seems like it worked out pretty darn well. Unless you see all those things as bad
Yup, and look how that turned out. We shipped millions of jobs overseas, and now we have a generation of misfits who have nothing to do because so many jobs are overseas now.

How did that turn out?

Let's see...

Sub 4% unemployment

1 million more jobs than people looking for a job

record setting stretch of positive job growth

record setting stretch of economic expansion.

Seems like it worked out pretty darn well. Unless you see all those things as bad

Thanks to our magnificent President and tariffs against China.
Yup, and look how that turned out. We shipped millions of jobs overseas, and now we have a generation of misfits who have nothing to do because so many jobs are overseas now.

How did that turn out?

Let's see...

Sub 4% unemployment

1 million more jobs than people looking for a job

record setting stretch of positive job growth

record setting stretch of economic expansion.

Seems like it worked out pretty darn well. Unless you see all those things as bad

Thanks to our magnificent President and tariffs against China.

Except it all happened before the current POTUS took office and before his stupid tariff war.

But sadly people like you are too stupid and too blinded by your worship of the man to know that there was life before Jan 2017.
First let me state that China holds over TWO TRILLIONS of U.S. debt.

That stated, China has recently signed a trade agreement to buy soy beans with Brazil and Argentina; most likely, China will never buy US soybeans again....thereby virtually destroying a key component of US farming exports.

The Trump mantra that China would pay for the tariffs imposed by the idiot-in-chief, holds the same validity to his former mantra that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Next year's vote will really boil down to just how many morons we have in the US voting constituency.

China Steps Up Brazil Soy Buying as Argentine Farmers Hoard ...
China is an enemy, why do you want a well fed enemy?

Did you miss the part about China finding other sellers of soybeans? Or did you not get that far before you had to bleat?
Does not matter, the USA should not be feeding its enemies...…………………..Let them eat puppies

Let Trump explain that to the farmers
98 or 99 percent of American farmers are not exporting their crop to China and never did. Only 1 to 2 percent of the largest farms export, so 98 to 99 percent of American farmers are not effected.

First let me state that China holds over TWO TRILLIONS of U.S. debt.

That stated, China has recently signed a trade agreement to buy soy beans with Brazil and Argentina; most likely, China will never buy US soybeans again....thereby virtually destroying a key component of US farming exports.

The Trump mantra that China would pay for the tariffs imposed by the idiot-in-chief, holds the same validity to his former mantra that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Next year's vote will really boil down to just how many morons we have in the US voting constituency.

China Steps Up Brazil Soy Buying as Argentine Farmers Hoard ...

China will be crushed. Thats why they're lashing out.
China is an enemy, why do you want a well fed enemy?

Did you miss the part about China finding other sellers of soybeans? Or did you not get that far before you had to bleat?
Does not matter, the USA should not be feeding its enemies...…………………..Let them eat puppies

Let Trump explain that to the farmers
98 or 99 percent of American farmers are not exporting their crop to China and never did. Only 1 to 2 percent of the largest farms export, so 98 to 99 percent of American farmers are not effected.

Can you provide a link as to why the USA should feed the enemies of peace and freedom
First let me state that China holds over TWO TRILLIONS of U.S. debt.

That stated, China has recently signed a trade agreement to buy soy beans with Brazil and Argentina; most likely, China will never buy US soybeans again....thereby virtually destroying a key component of US farming exports.

The Trump mantra that China would pay for the tariffs imposed by the idiot-in-chief, holds the same validity to his former mantra that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Next year's vote will really boil down to just how many morons we have in the US voting constituency.

China Steps Up Brazil Soy Buying as Argentine Farmers Hoard ...
Trump is the great deal breaker. No foreign power trusts him or his spineless senate and will not be betting on any deal they reach with him. Basically, they are all waiting for him to go away.
Did you miss the part about China finding other sellers of soybeans? Or did you not get that far before you had to bleat?
Does not matter, the USA should not be feeding its enemies...…………………..Let them eat puppies

Let Trump explain that to the farmers
98 or 99 percent of American farmers are not exporting their crop to China and never did. Only 1 to 2 percent of the largest farms export, so 98 to 99 percent of American farmers are not effected.

Can you provide a link as to why the USA should feed the enemies of peace and freedom

Back up your claim! That's things work on forums, when you make unsubstantiated claims.
If you can't back up your claims, don't make any.
I think you are full of shit. Prove me wrong.
China is an enemy, why do you want a well fed enemy?

Did you miss the part about China finding other sellers of soybeans? Or did you not get that far before you had to bleat?
Does not matter, the USA should not be feeding its enemies...…………………..Let them eat puppies

Let Trump explain that to the farmers
98 or 99 percent of American farmers are not exporting their crop to China and never did. Only 1 to 2 percent of the largest farms export, so 98 to 99 percent of American farmers are not effected.


She cannot provide a link because she is full of shit and pulled that number from her ass. She does not even understand how the system farm exports themselves, they sell to a buyer who does that part of the equation. That buyer buys from all farms, large and small. In the case of something like soybeans or corn all the grain goes into the same bin, matters not who grew it, and the price is the same for it all, whether it is being exported or not.
Does not matter, the USA should not be feeding its enemies...…………………..Let them eat puppies

Let Trump explain that to the farmers
98 or 99 percent of American farmers are not exporting their crop to China and never did. Only 1 to 2 percent of the largest farms export, so 98 to 99 percent of American farmers are not effected.

Can you provide a link as to why the USA should feed the enemies of peace and freedom

Back up your claim! That's things work on forums, when you make unsubstantiated claims.
If you can't back up your claims, don't make any.
I think you are full of shit. Prove me wrong.
I always get a laugh out of kids who believe that an internet link proves something...

The Story Of The Mothman, The Legendary Creature That Terrorized West Virginia

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