Trump...the "great deal maker"???.........Really???

China is an enemy, why do you want a well fed enemy?

Did you miss the part about China finding other sellers of soybeans? Or did you not get that far before you had to bleat?
Does not matter, the USA should not be feeding its enemies...…………………..Let them eat puppies

Let Trump explain that to the farmers
98 or 99 percent of American farmers are not exporting their crop to China and never did. Only 1 to 2 percent of the largest farms export, so 98 to 99 percent of American farmers are not effected.

It affects the prices for everyone you nitwit.

So does intellectual property theft and corporate espionage.

98 or 99 percent of American farmers are not exporting their crop to China and never did. Only 1 to 2 percent of the largest farms export, so 98 to 99 percent of American farmers are not effected.


Farmers Built a Soybean Export Empire Around China. Now They’re Fighting to Save It.
Trade tensions have hammered sales of soybeans to the Chinese, a major export market it took U.S. agriculture decades to create

Farmers Built a Soybean Export Empire Around China. Now They’re Fighting to Save It.

So tell the class who was buying Brazilian beans before China? Did they suddenly decide they no longer need the product?

Did you miss the part about China finding other sellers of soybeans? Or did you not get that far before you had to bleat?
Does not matter, the USA should not be feeding its enemies...…………………..Let them eat puppies

Let Trump explain that to the farmers
98 or 99 percent of American farmers are not exporting their crop to China and never did. Only 1 to 2 percent of the largest farms export, so 98 to 99 percent of American farmers are not effected.

It affects the prices for everyone you nitwit.

So does intellectual property theft and corporate espionage.

If the big corporations were really worried about that they'd stop sending their businesses over there.
Does not matter, the USA should not be feeding its enemies...…………………..Let them eat puppies

Let Trump explain that to the farmers
98 or 99 percent of American farmers are not exporting their crop to China and never did. Only 1 to 2 percent of the largest farms export, so 98 to 99 percent of American farmers are not effected.

It affects the prices for everyone you nitwit.

So does intellectual property theft and corporate espionage.

If the big corporations were really worried about that they'd stop sending their businesses over there.

Corporations are concerned about the bottom line, not national security. All the tech China steals goes straight to their military.

First let me state that China holds over TWO TRILLIONS of U.S. debt.

That stated, China has recently signed a trade agreement to buy soy beans with Brazil and Argentina; most likely, China will never buy US soybeans again....thereby virtually destroying a key component of US farming exports.

The Trump mantra that China would pay for the tariffs imposed by the idiot-in-chief, holds the same validity to his former mantra that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Next year's vote will really boil down to just how many morons we have in the US voting constituency.

China Steps Up Brazil Soy Buying as Argentine Farmers Hoard ...
China is an enemy, why do you want a well fed enemy?

They will be fed one way or the other, the only question is who will profit from it.

It used to be our farmers

Well, if China needs soybeans then others do as well. We have soybeans, write us a check and get wealthy.
Again I know farmers, they do not all export, in fact none of those I know do. Are you aware that 2 percent of the largest farms make most of the money on farming. The fact is that farmers were going bankrupt when we were exporting fully to China, you forget that bub?

Think before you babble
How many times do I need to tell you idiots that my father is a farmer?

You conservitards don't know shit about farming. From Marion Morrison claiming soybean farmers would "just switch" to pork to you and your retarded "2%" nonsense you people have NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!
Too bad, what if it rains again before the crop gets in. You gonna blame that on Trump? Like I said farming is a gamble, most factory workers end up with more than most farmers at the end of the year and their is no combine mortgage to pay

300 to 500 grand for a combine, how many does your daddy own
You don't harvest beef with a combine.
Well then imbecilic fool if the tariff drop farm prices your father will pay less to feed the beef

U always been brain dead
We don't export hay. Pop raises organic beef.
So how are the tariffs increasing beef process for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study
Fart on you delusional turds

Hey you eternal (and ignorant) moron....check the fucking DATES of your citations versus mine....and then go to bed clutching an orange fat doll.........LOL
Dude face the facts, trump is bettering the USA with these tariffs and a deal with China will be made shortly before the 2020 election when the stock market will soar welcoming in another 4 years of Trump.

Check the date doofy
How many times do I need to tell you idiots that my father is a farmer?

You conservitards don't know shit about farming. From Marion Morrison claiming soybean farmers would "just switch" to pork to you and your retarded "2%" nonsense you people have NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!
Too bad, what if it rains again before the crop gets in. You gonna blame that on Trump? Like I said farming is a gamble, most factory workers end up with more than most farmers at the end of the year and their is no combine mortgage to pay

300 to 500 grand for a combine, how many does your daddy own
You don't harvest beef with a combine.
Well then imbecilic fool if the tariff drop farm prices your father will pay less to feed the beef

U always been brain dead
We don't export hay. Pop raises organic beef.
So how are the tariffs increasing beef process for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study

There is less beef being exported which drives the price the ranchers receive down, which will drive many smaller operations out of business and we will be left with the big operations you seem to hate so much.
What the hell does the American left want? Trump is trying to fix the trade deficit and the trade debit but the crazy angry left doesn't want to touch it. If the crazy left would support the President's agenda maybe we could fix this mess but it seems the crazy angry incoherent left has decided to become agents of foreign propaganda designed to undermine the social fabric of America.

I would love for Trump to fix the problems. So far, he;s just made them worse.
My bills have not gone up.
More people are working.
Do you live in an area that doesn't encourage businesses to invest?

Tariffs have increased our prices and closed the market for farmer's crops.You think those are good things?

Easy fix, stop buying the Chinese cheap shit.
Good luck with that
What the hell does the American left want? Trump is trying to fix the trade deficit and the trade debit but the crazy angry left doesn't want to touch it. If the crazy left would support the President's agenda maybe we could fix this mess but it seems the crazy angry incoherent left has decided to become agents of foreign propaganda designed to undermine the social fabric of America.

I would love for Trump to fix the problems. So far, he;s just made them worse.
My bills have not gone up.
More people are working.
Do you live in an area that doesn't encourage businesses to invest?

Tariffs have increased our prices and closed the market for farmer's crops.You think those are good things?

Easy fix, stop buying the Chinese cheap shit.
Good luck with that

Sort of funny since you know he has a Chinese made cellphone and his computer he is typing on is made mostly in China.
Let Trump explain that to the farmers
98 or 99 percent of American farmers are not exporting their crop to China and never did. Only 1 to 2 percent of the largest farms export, so 98 to 99 percent of American farmers are not effected.

It affects the prices for everyone you nitwit.

So does intellectual property theft and corporate espionage.

If the big corporations were really worried about that they'd stop sending their businesses over there.

Corporations are concerned about the bottom line, not national security. All the tech China steals goes straight to their military.

Lol, I'm doubting most ifnit has military applications.

I reiterate: If the corporations were all that worried about it they wouldn't send their business there.
How many times do I need to tell you idiots that my father is a farmer?

You conservitards don't know shit about farming. From Marion Morrison claiming soybean farmers would "just switch" to pork to you and your retarded "2%" nonsense you people have NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!
Too bad, what if it rains again before the crop gets in. You gonna blame that on Trump? Like I said farming is a gamble, most factory workers end up with more than most farmers at the end of the year and their is no combine mortgage to pay

300 to 500 grand for a combine, how many does your daddy own
You don't harvest beef with a combine.
Well then imbecilic fool if the tariff drop farm prices your father will pay less to feed the beef

U always been brain dead
We don't export hay. Pop raises organic beef.
So how are the tariffs increasing beef process for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study
Give it up lady, you're just making yourself look silly.
Too bad, what if it rains again before the crop gets in. You gonna blame that on Trump? Like I said farming is a gamble, most factory workers end up with more than most farmers at the end of the year and their is no combine mortgage to pay

300 to 500 grand for a combine, how many does your daddy own
You don't harvest beef with a combine.
Well then imbecilic fool if the tariff drop farm prices your father will pay less to feed the beef

U always been brain dead
We don't export hay. Pop raises organic beef.
So how are the tariffs increasing beef process for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study
Give it up lady, you're just making yourself look silly.
So how are the tariffs increasing beef feed prices for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study

If you could answer you would, but you can't because lower grain prices are better for both the general public and beef farmers too.

First let me state that China holds over TWO TRILLIONS of U.S. debt.

That stated, China has recently signed a trade agreement to buy soy beans with Brazil and Argentina; most likely, China will never buy US soybeans again....thereby virtually destroying a key component of US farming exports.

The Trump mantra that China would pay for the tariffs imposed by the idiot-in-chief, holds the same validity to his former mantra that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Next year's vote will really boil down to just how many morons we have in the US voting constituency.

China Steps Up Brazil Soy Buying as Argentine Farmers Hoard ...

Who ever said we really want a trade deal with China? They are communists who use slave labor. We need to have tariffs against them.

Any businesses in the US that rely on these communists should find another market. Maybe the EU, which has tariffs against the US for some reason?
First let me state that China holds over TWO TRILLIONS of U.S. debt.

That stated, China has recently signed a trade agreement to buy soy beans with Brazil and Argentina; most likely, China will never buy US soybeans again....thereby virtually destroying a key component of US farming exports.

The Trump mantra that China would pay for the tariffs imposed by the idiot-in-chief, holds the same validity to his former mantra that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Next year's vote will really boil down to just how many morons we have in the US voting constituency.

China Steps Up Brazil Soy Buying as Argentine Farmers Hoard ...

Who ever said we really want a trade deal with China? They are communists who use slave labor. We need to have tariffs against them.

Any businesses in the US that rely on these communists should find another market. Maybe the EU, which has tariffs against the US for some reason?
Right now China NEEDS a trade deal with the USA
Who ever said we really want a trade deal with China? They are communists who use slave labor. We need to have tariffs against them.

The above typed in by an idiot who is probably using a PC manufactured in a communist country...

But, he may be on to something.....We rather to business with Fascist countries such as Saudi Arabia because.....well, because the Saudi regime thinks that Trump is so damn cute (and an idiot?)
You don't harvest beef with a combine.
Well then imbecilic fool if the tariff drop farm prices your father will pay less to feed the beef

U always been brain dead
We don't export hay. Pop raises organic beef.
So how are the tariffs increasing beef process for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study
Give it up lady, you're just making yourself look silly.
So how are the tariffs increasing beef feed prices for you?


Were you born stupid or did you study

If you could answer you would, but you can't because lower grain prices are better for both the general public and beef farmers too.

No, no I wouldn't. I'm done here.

You enjoy your little rant.

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