Trump..................the martyr........................


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
There is a reason that I'm posting this in General. The tag line says that we can talk about anything we want (which doesn't mean that links are required), as well as says that it doesn't really matter. Well, I know that my opinion is my opinion, and it really doesn't matter unless someone else takes it to heart.

That being said.....................................................

There have been many people (both on here, as well as a great many Congress people) who have said that they either (a) need to invoke the 25th Amendment, or (b) that they need to impeach Trump.

Me? I have repeatedly said since the idiots invaded the Capitol, and that many politicians have called for his removal, have said that it would be a waste of taxpayer money and time.

But, after thinking about it, I've come to the same conclusion, but for a different reason.

If Trump is impeached, or removed via the 25th, then he becomes a martyr. That basically means that his loyal supporters will say that Trump was unfairly removed, and that is why they need to revolt.

I say just let Trump finish his term, face whatever things come to him as a civilian (probably lots of lawsuits, some of which might result in jail time), and on Jan 20th, say a polite good bye to the Orange Idiot. If you kick him out (with so little time left), you will only fuel the fires that say he was treated unfairly, and they will make him a martyr.

Don't make Trump a martyr, he's not worth it, nor does he deserve to be one. Just let him fade out and go into the history books as one of the worst presidents ever.
There is a reason that I'm posting this in General. The tag line says that we can talk about anything we want (which doesn't mean that links are required), as well as says that it doesn't really matter. Well, I know that my opinion is my opinion, and it really doesn't matter unless someone else takes it to heart.

That being said.....................................................

There have been many people (both on here, as well as a great many Congress people) who have said that they either (a) need to invoke the 25th Amendment, or (b) that they need to impeach Trump.

Me? I have repeatedly said since the idiots invaded the Capitol, and that many politicians have called for his removal, have said that it would be a waste of taxpayer money and time.

But, after thinking about it, I've come to the same conclusion, but for a different reason.

If Trump is impeached, or removed via the 25th, then he becomes a martyr. That basically means that his loyal supporters will say that Trump was unfairly removed, and that is why they need to revolt.

I say just let Trump finish his term, face whatever things come to him as a civilian (probably lots of lawsuits, some of which might result in jail time), and on Jan 20th, say a polite good bye to the Orange Idiot. If you kick him out (with so little time left), you will only fuel the fires that say he was treated unfairly, and they will make him a martyr.

Don't make Trump a martyr, he's not worth it, nor does he deserve to be one. Just let him fade out and go into the history books as one of the worst presidents ever.

If we knew what his next stunt might be, I would agree with you. He's still president, and as such he is capable of much damage. He's nuts, and I want him neutralized by what ever means.
If we knew what his next stunt might be, I would agree with you. He's still president, and as such he is capable of much damage. He's nuts, and I want him neutralized by what ever means.

Not for nothing Bulldog, but Trump has neutralized himself. The GOP is leaving him in droves, the military is telling him that they won't obey unlawful orders, he's damaged the standing of this country (now dictators are saying that the US isn't any better than they are), and he has managed to show how much of an idiot he is.

The only people that would elect him to be a jizz mopper at a porno place are his loyal supporters. And, after what happened Wednesday, I'm thinking that some of his supporters are willing to jump ship as well.
If we knew what his next stunt might be, I would agree with you. He's still president, and as such he is capable of much damage. He's nuts, and I want him neutralized by what ever means.

Not for nothing Bulldog, but Trump has neutralized himself. The GOP is leaving him in droves, the military is telling him that they won't obey unlawful orders, he's damaged the standing of this country (now dictators are saying that the US isn't any better than they are), and he has managed to show how much of an idiot he is.

The only people that would elect him to be a jizz mopper at a porno place are his loyal supporters. And, after what happened Wednesday, I'm thinking that some of his supporters are willing to jump ship as well.

In normal reality, you would be right. In normal reality, that crazy bastard wouldn't have been elected to start with. With Trump, you have to consider the worst possible move from him, and hope he doesn't come up with something even worse than you could imagine. Until he is completely neutralized we are not safe.
If we knew what his next stunt might be, I would agree with you. He's still president, and as such he is capable of much damage. He's nuts, and I want him neutralized by what ever means.

Not for nothing Bulldog, but Trump has neutralized himself. The GOP is leaving him in droves, the military is telling him that they won't obey unlawful orders, he's damaged the standing of this country (now dictators are saying that the US isn't any better than they are), and he has managed to show how much of an idiot he is.

The only people that would elect him to be a jizz mopper at a porno place are his loyal supporters. And, after what happened Wednesday, I'm thinking that some of his supporters are willing to jump ship as well.

In normal reality, you would be right. In normal reality, that crazy bastard wouldn't have been elected to start with. With Trump, you have to consider the worst possible move from him, and hope he doesn't come up with something even worse than you could imagine. Until he is completely neutralized we are not safe.

Not for nothing, but Trump is finally starting to see that being president is much different than being a CEO. As a CEO, you can tell the company what is reality and what isn't by threatening their jobs and saying you'd fire them. Trump can't do that as president. Why? Because he didn't appoint them to their office in Congress, they were elected, and some of them are still smart enough to stand up to him.

I'm guessing that for the CEO's of companies, they don't do democracy, they do dictatorial rule.
There is a reason that I'm posting this in General. The tag line says that we can talk about anything we want (which doesn't mean that links are required), as well as says that it doesn't really matter. Well, I know that my opinion is my opinion, and it really doesn't matter unless someone else takes it to heart.

That being said.....................................................

There have been many people (both on here, as well as a great many Congress people) who have said that they either (a) need to invoke the 25th Amendment, or (b) that they need to impeach Trump.

Me? I have repeatedly said since the idiots invaded the Capitol, and that many politicians have called for his removal, have said that it would be a waste of taxpayer money and time.

But, after thinking about it, I've come to the same conclusion, but for a different reason.

If Trump is impeached, or removed via the 25th, then he becomes a martyr. That basically means that his loyal supporters will say that Trump was unfairly removed, and that is why they need to revolt.

I say just let Trump finish his term, face whatever things come to him as a civilian (probably lots of lawsuits, some of which might result in jail time), and on Jan 20th, say a polite good bye to the Orange Idiot. If you kick him out (with so little time left), you will only fuel the fires that say he was treated unfairly, and they will make him a martyr.

Don't make Trump a martyr, he's not worth it, nor does he deserve to be one. Just let him fade out and go into the history books as one of the worst presidents ever.
The idea is that if he is impeached and this time the Senate finds him guilty he will no longer be allowed to hold any federal office. Same if he is ousted via the 25th..I think
There is a reason that I'm posting this in General. The tag line says that we can talk about anything we want (which doesn't mean that links are required), as well as says that it doesn't really matter. Well, I know that my opinion is my opinion, and it really doesn't matter unless someone else takes it to heart.

That being said.....................................................

There have been many people (both on here, as well as a great many Congress people) who have said that they either (a) need to invoke the 25th Amendment, or (b) that they need to impeach Trump.

Me? I have repeatedly said since the idiots invaded the Capitol, and that many politicians have called for his removal, have said that it would be a waste of taxpayer money and time.

But, after thinking about it, I've come to the same conclusion, but for a different reason.

If Trump is impeached, or removed via the 25th, then he becomes a martyr. That basically means that his loyal supporters will say that Trump was unfairly removed, and that is why they need to revolt.

I say just let Trump finish his term, face whatever things come to him as a civilian (probably lots of lawsuits, some of which might result in jail time), and on Jan 20th, say a polite good bye to the Orange Idiot. If you kick him out (with so little time left), you will only fuel the fires that say he was treated unfairly, and they will make him a martyr.

Don't make Trump a martyr, he's not worth it, nor does he deserve to be one. Just let him fade out and go into the history books as one of the worst presidents ever.

Yeah I agreed with you until you said the jail thing. That’s a ridiculous fantasy. The best we can hope for is Trump goes away, but I don’t think that’s happening. 70 million people voted for him and he’ll probably look to parlay all of his worshipers into money.
There is a reason that I'm posting this in General. The tag line says that we can talk about anything we want (which doesn't mean that links are required), as well as says that it doesn't really matter. Well, I know that my opinion is my opinion, and it really doesn't matter unless someone else takes it to heart.

That being said.....................................................

There have been many people (both on here, as well as a great many Congress people) who have said that they either (a) need to invoke the 25th Amendment, or (b) that they need to impeach Trump.

Me? I have repeatedly said since the idiots invaded the Capitol, and that many politicians have called for his removal, have said that it would be a waste of taxpayer money and time.

But, after thinking about it, I've come to the same conclusion, but for a different reason.

If Trump is impeached, or removed via the 25th, then he becomes a martyr. That basically means that his loyal supporters will say that Trump was unfairly removed, and that is why they need to revolt.

I say just let Trump finish his term, face whatever things come to him as a civilian (probably lots of lawsuits, some of which might result in jail time), and on Jan 20th, say a polite good bye to the Orange Idiot. If you kick him out (with so little time left), you will only fuel the fires that say he was treated unfairly, and they will make him a martyr.

Don't make Trump a martyr, he's not worth it, nor does he deserve to be one. Just let him fade out and go into the history books as one of the worst presidents ever.
The idea is that if he is impeached and this time the Senate finds him guilty he will no longer be allowed to hold any federal office. Same if he is ousted via the 25th..I think

Do you REALLY think that the Orange Asshole could ever get elected? If he threw his hat into another ring, they would laugh it out of the stadium. There is no way in hell that anyone is going to take Trump seriously after the debacle that was his presidency.

Even if he wanted to run, there is no way in hell that they would let him.
There is a reason that I'm posting this in General. The tag line says that we can talk about anything we want (which doesn't mean that links are required), as well as says that it doesn't really matter. Well, I know that my opinion is my opinion, and it really doesn't matter unless someone else takes it to heart.

That being said.....................................................

There have been many people (both on here, as well as a great many Congress people) who have said that they either (a) need to invoke the 25th Amendment, or (b) that they need to impeach Trump.

Me? I have repeatedly said since the idiots invaded the Capitol, and that many politicians have called for his removal, have said that it would be a waste of taxpayer money and time.

But, after thinking about it, I've come to the same conclusion, but for a different reason.

If Trump is impeached, or removed via the 25th, then he becomes a martyr. That basically means that his loyal supporters will say that Trump was unfairly removed, and that is why they need to revolt.

I say just let Trump finish his term, face whatever things come to him as a civilian (probably lots of lawsuits, some of which might result in jail time), and on Jan 20th, say a polite good bye to the Orange Idiot. If you kick him out (with so little time left), you will only fuel the fires that say he was treated unfairly, and they will make him a martyr.

Don't make Trump a martyr, he's not worth it, nor does he deserve to be one. Just let him fade out and go into the history books as one of the worst presidents ever.
I disagree with it for a different reason. Congress cant seem to do their regular jobs right. They should concentrate on helping the public instead of trying to impeach this incompetent fuckup and grifter. Its a waste of time and energy.
There is a reason that I'm posting this in General. The tag line says that we can talk about anything we want (which doesn't mean that links are required), as well as says that it doesn't really matter. Well, I know that my opinion is my opinion, and it really doesn't matter unless someone else takes it to heart.

That being said.....................................................

There have been many people (both on here, as well as a great many Congress people) who have said that they either (a) need to invoke the 25th Amendment, or (b) that they need to impeach Trump.

Me? I have repeatedly said since the idiots invaded the Capitol, and that many politicians have called for his removal, have said that it would be a waste of taxpayer money and time.

But, after thinking about it, I've come to the same conclusion, but for a different reason.

If Trump is impeached, or removed via the 25th, then he becomes a martyr. That basically means that his loyal supporters will say that Trump was unfairly removed, and that is why they need to revolt.

I say just let Trump finish his term, face whatever things come to him as a civilian (probably lots of lawsuits, some of which might result in jail time), and on Jan 20th, say a polite good bye to the Orange Idiot. If you kick him out (with so little time left), you will only fuel the fires that say he was treated unfairly, and they will make him a martyr.

Don't make Trump a martyr, he's not worth it, nor does he deserve to be one. Just let him fade out and go into the history books as one of the worst presidents ever.
The idea is that if he is impeached and this time the Senate finds him guilty he will no longer be allowed to hold any federal office. Same if he is ousted via the 25th..I think

Do you REALLY think that the Orange Asshole could ever get elected? If he threw his hat into another ring, they would laugh it out of the stadium. There is no way in hell that anyone is going to take Trump seriously after the debacle that was his presidency.

Even if he wanted to run, there is no way in hell that they would let him.
I agree. No one with an once of sense would vote for him, but we are talking about white nationalist xenophobes who think he is the Chosen One.
There is a reason that I'm posting this in General. The tag line says that we can talk about anything we want (which doesn't mean that links are required), as well as says that it doesn't really matter. Well, I know that my opinion is my opinion, and it really doesn't matter unless someone else takes it to heart.

That being said.....................................................

There have been many people (both on here, as well as a great many Congress people) who have said that they either (a) need to invoke the 25th Amendment, or (b) that they need to impeach Trump.

Me? I have repeatedly said since the idiots invaded the Capitol, and that many politicians have called for his removal, have said that it would be a waste of taxpayer money and time.

But, after thinking about it, I've come to the same conclusion, but for a different reason.

If Trump is impeached, or removed via the 25th, then he becomes a martyr. That basically means that his loyal supporters will say that Trump was unfairly removed, and that is why they need to revolt.

I say just let Trump finish his term, face whatever things come to him as a civilian (probably lots of lawsuits, some of which might result in jail time), and on Jan 20th, say a polite good bye to the Orange Idiot. If you kick him out (with so little time left), you will only fuel the fires that say he was treated unfairly, and they will make him a martyr.

Don't make Trump a martyr, he's not worth it, nor does he deserve to be one. Just let him fade out and go into the history books as one of the worst presidents ever.
The idea is that if he is impeached and this time the Senate finds him guilty he will no longer be allowed to hold any federal office. Same if he is ousted via the 25th..I think

Do you REALLY think that the Orange Asshole could ever get elected? If he threw his hat into another ring, they would laugh it out of the stadium. There is no way in hell that anyone is going to take Trump seriously after the debacle that was his presidency.

Even if he wanted to run, there is no way in hell that they would let him.
I agree. No one with an once of sense would vote for him, but we are talking about white nationalist xenophobes who think he is the Chosen One.

Fortunately, the white nationalist xenophobes who think Trump is the chosen one are firmly in the minority. That is one reason Trump lost reelection. The other is that some who thought he might be good for the country actually opened their eyes and saw what a failure he is.
If we knew what his next stunt might be, I would agree with you. He's still president, and as such he is capable of much damage. He's nuts, and I want him neutralized by what ever means.

Not for nothing Bulldog, but Trump has neutralized himself. The GOP is leaving him in droves, the military is telling him that they won't obey unlawful orders, he's damaged the standing of this country (now dictators are saying that the US isn't any better than they are), and he has managed to show how much of an idiot he is.

The only people that would elect him to be a jizz mopper at a porno place are his loyal supporters. And, after what happened Wednesday, I'm thinking that some of his supporters are willing to jump ship as well.

In normal reality, you would be right. In normal reality, that crazy bastard wouldn't have been elected to start with. With Trump, you have to consider the worst possible move from him, and hope he doesn't come up with something even worse than you could imagine. Until he is completely neutralized we are not safe.

Not for nothing, but Trump is finally starting to see that being president is much different than being a CEO. As a CEO, you can tell the company what is reality and what isn't by threatening their jobs and saying you'd fire them. Trump can't do that as president. Why? Because he didn't appoint them to their office in Congress, they were elected, and some of them are still smart enough to stand up to him.

I'm guessing that for the CEO's of companies, they don't do democracy, they do dictatorial rule.

It's a little late to expect him to catch on to the difference now. He needs to be neutralized now.

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