Trump: there isn't "one true Trump supporter" who would vote for Ron DeSantis if he wins the Republican presidential nomination.

Trump supporters, would you vote for Desantis, Biden, or other? (abstain, third party)

  • Desantis

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • Biden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
Republicans now are forced to vote for Trump in the primary because if they nominate Desantis, Ron will have no Trump support and will therefore lose to Biden

Desantis should call on his handful of supporters to boycott the selfish, petty Trump as well .

Is this the lib lie of the day?

Trump did not say that

A practically unknown country music singer named Rich did

And he only speaks for himself
Why should DeSantis primary Trump and pursue the nomination if he realizes he's just going to lose in the end? Seems rather foolish, as all it would do is to enable Sleepy Joe, as well as destroy his own chances of ever rising to power in Washington.

Now is the time for the Republicans to put their differences behind them and unite- like the D's did by cancelling their own primary debates.

I don't know if DeSantis can win or not, but he should be pretty sure before he throws his hat into the ring to primary Trump.

The key factor I will be looking at in the General Election if DeSantis is the nominee is how well he tells the Bushes and Cheneys to go copulate themselves and makes it clear to everyone that those folks will have no jobs and no influence in his administration.
I will vote for the republican nominee no matter who it is, and I don't give a shit what Trump or anyone else thinks about that. I will not be intimidated, shamed, or influenced by anybody to follow anyone else's opinions instead of my own.
What is this bullshit?

Trump is not a damn king. He is not entitled to be the nominee.

This is some Hillary Clinton entitlement level thinking.


Of course, Trump isn't "entitled" to be the nominee, and neither is Biden.

But the Republicans should be uniting now, especially with the D's cancelling their primary season next year.

To have a massive intra-party fight, when the other side is united, isn't a recipe for success for whomever wins the nomination.
I don't think RFK Jr. got the memo that the democrat primary is canceled.

Rich [country singer] "If he won, there wouldn't be one true Trump supporter left that would vote for him and he would be destroyed in a general election."

Sorry, but I say that is bat**** bonkers

At this time, I am leaning toward DeSantis (gather info on him).

Up until recently, I had been focused on Trump only, didn't think anything could dissuade me away from that... but then I heard from Trump's own mouth that he would ARREST the have-nots (homeless) who don't go by "the rules" which, said rules have not been specified, that I know of. I don't have a problem with putting the homeless in a certain area in town or outside or wherever... as long as it is a decent place. But arrest them??? Why not just a small fine? Arrests are for CRIMINALS so this is effectively criminalizing the poor/downtrodden.

Most homeless obviously cannot afford to pay any fine so I am sure that is all that is needed to keep them in their own area. But

Arrest them?

That is sick... un-American
Trumpers get anxiety when they are asked to talk about division in their party. Their defense mechanisms are withdrawal, gaslighting, and changing the topic to Hunter Biden's child support.
the conservatives will vote for the gop nominee Trump or DeSantis .... is Biden the best the left has to run ? is Harris the best choice for the left if Biden is unable to finish his term ?
Republicans now are forced to vote for Trump in the primary because if they nominate Desantis, Ron will have no Trump support and will therefore lose to Biden

Desantis should call on his handful of supporters to boycott the selfish, petty Trump as well .

A "true trump supporter"...........aren't those the ones who would con-tinue to support trump even if he shot someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight....or raped someone?
You stupid hate filled Moon Bats don't need need to worry your little Tranny minds about this.

We Americans will work it out in the Republican Primary. Meanwhile you little Leftest turds can go fuck yourself. Or, better yet, go blow yourselves since most of you are queers.
You said nothing about Trump or Desantis'.
As expected.

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