Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

Feel free to prove it Judge.

I have nothing to prove, I gave my opinion of what might happen. how can I prove what might happen if something else that has not happens yet, happens?

Crawl back under your rock

LOL, you say stupid shit and get defensive when called out over it.


Congratulations, I own your ass. I jerk, you react. You're just another low life son. Quit speaking out of your ass and I'll quit embarrassing you.


Dance mail man.
------------------------------------ because the EO will be denied by YOUR liberal Courts . After that happens the EO will be appealed and eventualy a case will be crafted that will get to TRUMPS Supreme Court W. P. .
Here's the scoop poindexter, a suit has to be filed first, not by the DOJ, (which is preposterous) but by some group like the ACLU. This will automatically go to the lower courts. An injunction delaying the implementation of such an EO is also quite possible.

The suit most likely will will be phrased to narrowly focus on this incident only, not the entire concept of "anchor babies" which blows to hell any kind of fantasy expectations the right may have for this elevating into a constitutional landmark case. The lower court, after an in determinant amount of time, will reach it's decision. If trump doesn't like like it, then he can appeal to SCOTUS. However, SCOTUS can pass on it, send it back for reconsideration or just agree with the lower courts decision.

IF the high court chooses to take it, it can only rule on the narrow focus which the case has presented itself. Either way, there is no instant victory for the right, just a lot of wasted time and money.
------------------------------------- thankyou , point for me is that the 14th is on the TRUMP Agenda as he promised as he was running for President . Plus whether anyone else thinks so or not . it is my thinking that the TRUMP brought up this subject at this time to rally his Deplorables WP. .
Only the profoundly immoral anti-American left thinks you can lift something from the foundational legal document of a Nation and use it to justify an illegality.
Trump will issue his EO, a judge will rule it invalid, the DOJ will will end up at the SCOTUS
That doesn't explain how. Do you think the DOJ, on it's own, is going to file a suit against trump?????? It doesn't work that way, sorry.
Which illustrates the ignorance and stupidity of Trump’s ‘EO.’

For example, will the order have a provision to retroactively take from citizens their citizenship whose parents were not citizens, in essence an ex post facto provision clearly prohibited by Article I, Section 10, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution.

This wrongheaded idiocy of ‘revoking’ the 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause is Trump yet again throwing red meat to his moronic supporters in a desperate effort to avoid Democrats winning control of the House this November.
That was created fucking centuries ago before any modern technology to give the slaves official citizenship and to a lesser extent, the Native Americans.

To say that this applies to the kids of squatters today is more than insane.

Read the fucking 18th amendment and tell me that there is something there that we have to abide by as well.

It was created 79 years after the 2nd, so if age is what matters, you should be pushing for the 13 before it to be ignored as well.

The 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.

That is what should happen to the 14th if you feel it is no longer valid.

You cannot just pick and choose which ones you want to ignore on any given day.
9th and 10th are ignored with impunity
No changes needed to the Constitution. Citizenship is granted to babies born to legal residents who are living here UNDER THE LAWS IF THE UNITED STATES. Illegals don’t meet that requirement. Send them home.

They dont'?

So, if a illegal alien kills someone, they are not under our laws?
As citizens of say Mexico they still have their home country embassy they can appeal to for help. Same as any US citizen in Mexico accused of a crime. But if you’re a US citizen in Mexico none of your kids born there are Mexican citizens.
!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Trump---again!
I'll state it again---should've been done decades ago
this is common sense
this is not 1776 or 1850 anymore--things change-drastically
you can't make up laws/rules/etc for everything/every situation
any type of rulebook/lawbook is just a guide book
Trump will issue his EO, a judge will rule it invalid, the DOJ will will end up at the SCOTUS
That doesn't explain how. Do you think the DOJ, on it's own, is going to file a suit against trump?????? It doesn't work that way, sorry.
Which illustrates the ignorance and stupidity of Trump’s ‘EO.’

For example, will the order have a provision to retroactively take from citizens their citizenship whose parents were not citizens, in essence an ex post facto provision clearly prohibited by Article I, Section 10, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution.

This wrongheaded idiocy of ‘revoking’ the 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause is Trump yet again throwing red meat to his moronic supporters in a desperate effort to avoid Democrats winning control of the House this November.
So when do you suggest this ignorant policy stop? Can we stop it today? Or are we stuck with it forever?
There is a very good reason why Trump thinks that he can override a constitutional amendment with an EO. He has never read the constitution.
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The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..
There is no such thing as an ‘anchor baby.’
No changes needed to the Constitution. Citizenship is granted to babies born to legal residents who are living here UNDER THE LAWS IF THE UNITED STATES. Illegals don’t meet that requirement. Send them home.

They dont'?

So, if a illegal alien kills someone, they are not under our laws?
As citizens of say Mexico they still have their home country embassy they can appeal to for help. Same as any US citizen in Mexico accused of a crime. But if you’re a US citizen in Mexico none of your kids born there are Mexican citizens.

This is true, we are different than Mexico.

And again, I am do not support the idea of automatic citizenship based just on birth, but the Constitution is the Constitution and we cannot choose to ignore the parts we do not like.
Trump will issue his EO, a judge will rule it invalid, the DOJ will will end up at the SCOTUS
That doesn't explain how. Do you think the DOJ, on it's own, is going to file a suit against trump?????? It doesn't work that way, sorry.
Which illustrates the ignorance and stupidity of Trump’s ‘EO.’

For example, will the order have a provision to retroactively take from citizens their citizenship whose parents were not citizens, in essence an ex post facto provision clearly prohibited by Article I, Section 10, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution.

This wrongheaded idiocy of ‘revoking’ the 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause is Trump yet again throwing red meat to his moronic supporters in a desperate effort to avoid Democrats winning control of the House this November.
So when do you suggest this ignorant policy stop? Can we stop it today? Or are we stuck with it forever?

The founding fathers gave us the system to change the Constitution, it should be used.

To ignore one part of the Constitution, is to piss on the whole thing
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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You should try actually reading the amendment before giving us your opinion.

The Illegal Alien worshippers will challenge it, and it WILL make it to the Supreme Court where it WILL BE UPHELD.

...still living in your alternative universe, I see...
That was created fucking centuries ago before any modern technology to give the slaves official citizenship and to a lesser extent, the Native Americans.

To say that this applies to the kids of squatters today is more than insane.

Read the fucking 18th amendment and tell me that there is something there that we have to abide by as well.

It was created 79 years after the 2nd, so if age is what matters, you should be pushing for the 13 before it to be ignored as well.

The 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.

That is what should happen to the 14th if you feel it is no longer valid.

You cannot just pick and choose which ones you want to ignore on any given day.
9th and 10th are ignored with impunity

So, your solutoin is to join in and just ignore other parts?

What the hell is the point of having a constitution then?
Trump will issue his EO, a judge will rule it invalid, the DOJ will will end up at the SCOTUS
That doesn't explain how. Do you think the DOJ, on it's own, is going to file a suit against trump?????? It doesn't work that way, sorry.
Which illustrates the ignorance and stupidity of Trump’s ‘EO.’

For example, will the order have a provision to retroactively take from citizens their citizenship whose parents were not citizens, in essence an ex post facto provision clearly prohibited by Article I, Section 10, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution.

This wrongheaded idiocy of ‘revoking’ the 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause is Trump yet again throwing red meat to his moronic supporters in a desperate effort to avoid Democrats winning control of the House this November.
So when do you suggest this ignorant policy stop? Can we stop it today? Or are we stuck with it forever?

The founding fathers gave us the system to change the Constitution, it should be used.

To ignore one part of the Constitution, is to piss on the whole thing

To think that the pre-eminent legal document in the nation provides a legality to an illegal act shows you to be a moron. Why don't you show where the SC actually ruled on this?
No, idiot.

The 2nd amendment says that the citizens should be allowed to have arms to defend themselves.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Nothing about defending themselves. It is remarkable how often you are wrong, in fact of all the things we have discussions about, you have never been right, not even once.

The 14th amendment says that slaves are citizens. We no longer have slaves, therefore the 14th amendment is as irrelevant as the 18th amendment.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Nothing about slaves, you are wrong yet again. Your track record is perfect! Good job.

You should be pushing for the 2nd to go away, there is no way that you utopia you described happens with guns present in society.
The way my utopia works is just like Switzerland, the people are armed for the state.

It is remarkable how dishonest you are about the 2nd amendment. The well regulated militia is for the people to defend themselves from a tyrannical government and foreign invasion.

Okay stated that the well regulated militia is for defense from a tyrannical government and a foreign invasion.

Well...................the "foreign invasion" is showing up at the southern border in 2 1/2 weeks, so why is Trump sending the military and not sending the "well regulated militia" for defense from a "foreign invasion". Can't you patriots save the government some tax dollars and go guard the border yourselves?
To think that the pre-eminent legal document in the nation provides a legality to an illegal act shows you to be a moron. Why don't you show where the SC actually ruled on this?

They have not yet, but the wording leave little wiggle room.

But you do not care about such things, you want to shit on the Constitution every chance possible.
There is no upside

It reduces a motivation for illegal immigration. And a source of new and unwanted citizens.

And it saves we the tax payer billions each year.

Actually the exact opposite is true. I hope he tries to subvert the Constitution before the midterm. Manna from Heaven
I respectfully disagree. His base is so far gone they will NOT wake up if he tries to subvert the Constitution. They will continue to applaud because....MAGA!

Base? Perhaps. Those who held their nose and voted for him? Buh bye...depending on the alternative

Birthright citizenship to children of illegals is not reasonable, nor good.
Then it he should have written it into the amendment. He wanted it but apparently the majority did not:

Jacob M. Howard - Wikipedia

During the debate over the first clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, he argued for including the phrase "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof:"

[The 14th amendment] will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of person.[2]

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