Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..

I do not think they should be granted citizenship.

There is a process for making changes to the Constitution, and EOs are not a part of that process.

True, but it will create a case that will likely go to the Supreme Court.

Fair point. I personally believe that many people will be disappointed by the SCOTUS ruling when it comes. The wording of the 14th is not really very vague at all, to declare it not valid based upon supposed "intent" would open a door that I do not think any of us want to go down.
Trump thought it was a great idea to delegate the DACA problem to the legislative branch. How did that work out for us?
I don't think throwing this to the judicial branch is going to work out well, either.
The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..

I do not think they should be granted citizenship.

There is a process for making changes to the Constitution, and EOs are not a part of that process.

True, but it will create a case that will likely go to the Supreme Court.

Fair point. I personally believe that many people will be disappointed by the SCOTUS ruling when it comes. The wording of the 14th is not really very vague at all, to declare it not valid based upon supposed "intent" would open a door that I do not think any of us want to go down.
Strict constructionists should support that interpretation.

We need to amend it.


I agree. The whole "intent" argument opens all sorts of boxes that people will regret.
No changes needed to the Constitution. Citizenship is granted to babies born to legal residents who are living here UNDER THE LAWS IF THE UNITED STATES. Illegals don’t meet that requirement. Send them home.

They dont'?

So, if a illegal alien kills someone, they are not under our laws?
The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..

I do not think they should be granted citizenship.

There is a process for making changes to the Constitution, and EOs are not a part of that process.

True, but it will create a case that will likely go to the Supreme Court.

Fair point. I personally believe that many people will be disappointed by the SCOTUS ruling when it comes. The wording of the 14th is not really very vague at all, to declare it not valid based upon supposed "intent" would open a door that I do not think any of us want to go down.
Trump thought it was a great idea to delegate the DACA problem to the legislative branch. How did that work out for us?
I don't think throwing this to the judicial branch is going to work out well, either.

That is a fair point also. I am not sold that Trump really does not believe he can EO this.
The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..

I do not think they should be granted citizenship.

There is a process for making changes to the Constitution, and EOs are not a part of that process.

True, but it will create a case that will likely go to the Supreme Court.

Fair point. I personally believe that many people will be disappointed by the SCOTUS ruling when it comes. The wording of the 14th is not really very vague at all, to declare it not valid based upon supposed "intent" would open a door that I do not think any of us want to go down.
--------------------------- i think that TRUMP want to go down that road on lots of stuff GGator ,
No changes needed to the Constitution. Citizenship is granted to babies born to legal residents who are living here UNDER THE LAWS IF THE UNITED STATES. Illegals don’t meet that requirement. Send them home.

They dont'?

So, if a illegal alien kills someone, they are not under our laws?
They didn’t come here as proscribed by our laws, doesn’t mean they won’t be prosecuted by the.
The way my utopia works is just like Switzerland, the people are armed for the state.

It is remarkable how dishonest you are about the 2nd amendment. The well regulated militia is for the people to defend themselves from a tyrannical government and foreign invasion.


The utopia you want is controlled by a tyrannical government
It is controlled by many people who are in fact related to the people they have governance over.

There is no way the amount of control you want in your utopia would be possible with an armed citizenry.
It absolutely would.

The people in the government would be the brothers, sisters, cousins etc of that armed citizenry. That is similar to what the Founders of this country wanted with their citizen government. Instead of thinking about the Soviet Union or Cuban dictatorships etc, think about the system of government that the Pilgrims employed, only a modern version with access to the internet and other modern advances.

Big government works and works very well when you have a homogeneous population. That is why Scandinavia was so successful for so long. The problem is that Scandinavia also adopted a pacifist attitude spurred by their Viking past, which caused massive immigration to affect them and eventually dominate them.
The 14th Amendment codifies the doctrine of inalienable rights – rights which manifest as the consequence of being human, rights that can neither be taken nor bestowed by any government, constitution, or man.

Because our rights are inalienable – beyond the purview of presidents and other elected officials – when a child is born in the Unites States, his inalienable rights are recognized at the moment of his birth, and so too is his American citizenship recognized, to safeguard his inalienable rights.

That other countries might not recognize citizenship at birth is irrelevant – those countries do not respect the doctrine of inalienable rights; the United States does, and appropriately so.

Because Americans are citizens at birth as the consequence of being human, the citizenship or immigration status of one’s parents is likewise irrelevant – it is the act of being born in the United States which confers upon an American his citizenship, consistent with the doctrine of inalienable rights.
So not all your rights are "God Given" ?
Right wingers make me chuckle.
Why is this amendment disposable and the 2nd amendment is sacrosanct ?
No changes needed to the Constitution. Citizenship is granted to babies born to legal residents who are living here UNDER THE LAWS IF THE UNITED STATES. Illegals don’t meet that requirement. Send them home.

They dont'?

So, if a illegal alien kills someone, they are not under our laws?
They didn’t come here as proscribed by our laws, doesn’t mean they won’t be prosecuted by the.

Which means they are still living under our laws

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The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..
This is as ignorant as it is hateful and wrong – the same moronic bigotry and demagoguery employed by Trump.
Part of me wonders if trump thinks he can say such stupid things because he thinks the SCOTUS is his pet, now.
The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..
So..he deports himself?
The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..

I do not think they should be granted citizenship.

There is a process for making changes to the Constitution, and EOs are not a part of that process.

True, but it will create a case that will likely go to the Supreme Court.

Fair point. I personally believe that many people will be disappointed by the SCOTUS ruling when it comes. The wording of the 14th is not really very vague at all, to declare it not valid based upon supposed "intent" would open a door that I do not think any of us want to go down.

Many people said the same of the 2nd in 2008.

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