Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

No, idiot.

The 2nd amendment says that the citizens should be allowed to have arms to defend themselves.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Nothing about defending themselves. It is remarkable how often you are wrong, in fact of all the things we have discussions about, you have never been right, not even once.

The 14th amendment says that slaves are citizens. We no longer have slaves, therefore the 14th amendment is as irrelevant as the 18th amendment.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Nothing about slaves, you are wrong yet again. Your track record is perfect! Good job.

You should be pushing for the 2nd to go away, there is no way that you utopia you described happens with guns present in society.
The way my utopia works is just like Switzerland, the people are armed for the state.

It is remarkable how dishonest you are about the 2nd amendment. The well regulated militia is for the people to defend themselves from a tyrannical government and foreign invasion.
That was created fucking centuries ago before any modern technology to give the slaves official citizenship and to a lesser extent, the Native Americans.

To say that this applies to the kids of squatters today is more than insane.

Read the fucking 18th amendment and tell me that there is something there that we have to abide by as well.

It was created 79 years after the 2nd, so if age is what matters, you should be pushing for the 13 before it to be ignored as well.

The 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.

That is what should happen to the 14th if you feel it is no longer valid.

You cannot just pick and choose which ones you want to ignore on any given day.
The 2nd amendment is not a circumstantial amendment, it is in the fucking Bill of Rights.

The 14th was nothing more than a method to assuage guilt from the Dred Scott v Sandford decision.

This is just yet another anti-intellectual argument that Democrats pulled out of their ass that you were duped by.
The way my utopia works is just like Switzerland, the people are armed for the state.

It is remarkable how dishonest you are about the 2nd amendment. The well regulated militia is for the people to defend themselves from a tyrannical government and foreign invasion.


The utopia you want is controlled by a tyrannical government
This isn't subverting the Constitution.
ok then, Obama could have nullified the 2nd amendment.
Trump isn't talking about repealing the 14th amendment.

Just ignoring it, which is far worse.

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No moron.

The 14th amendment has long since served its purpose and Ted Kennedy's stunt in the 60s doesn't change that.
Are you asserting that the 14th Amendment has an expiration date?

Yes, it stopped being relevant as soon as it was put into the Constitution.
The way my utopia works is just like Switzerland, the people are armed for the state.

It is remarkable how dishonest you are about the 2nd amendment. The well regulated militia is for the people to defend themselves from a tyrannical government and foreign invasion.


The utopia you want is controlled by a tyrannical government
It is controlled by many people who are in fact related to the people they have governance over.
That was created fucking centuries ago before any modern technology to give the slaves official citizenship and to a lesser extent, the Native Americans.

To say that this applies to the kids of squatters today is more than insane.

Read the fucking 18th amendment and tell me that there is something there that we have to abide by as well.

It was created 79 years after the 2nd, so if age is what matters, you should be pushing for the 13 before it to be ignored as well.

The 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.

That is what should happen to the 14th if you feel it is no longer valid.

You cannot just pick and choose which ones you want to ignore on any given day.
The 2nd amendment is not a circumstantial amendment, it is in the fucking Bill of Rights.

The 14th was nothing more than a method to assuage guilt from the Dred Scott v Sandford decision.

This is just yet another anti-intellectual argument that Democrats pulled out of their ass that you were duped by.

I actually agree with you about the 14th, but that still does not give us the right to just ignore it.

The founding fathers gave us a system to alter the Constitution.

To not use it is to piss on their graves and the Constitution itself,
The way my utopia works is just like Switzerland, the people are armed for the state.

It is remarkable how dishonest you are about the 2nd amendment. The well regulated militia is for the people to defend themselves from a tyrannical government and foreign invasion.


The utopia you want is controlled by a tyrannical government
It is controlled by many people who are in fact related to the people they have governance over.

There is no way the amount of control you want in your utopia would be possible with an armed citizenry.
Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

Paul Ryan Rejects Trump’s Claim He Can End Birthright Citizenship

“Well, you obviously cannot do that,” the House speaker said.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) made the smallest break from President Donald Trump on Tuesday, rejecting Trump’s recent claim that the president has the power to do away with birthright citizenship.

“Well, you obviously cannot do that,” Ryan said on Kentucky’s WVLK radio station after Trump said he was thinking about signing an executive order to end birthright citizenship.

“You know, as a conservative, I’m a believer in following the plain text of the Constitution, and I think in this case the 14th Amendment is pretty clear, and that would involve a very, very lengthy constitutional process,” Ryan said.

Under the 14th Amendment, citizenship is granted to all people born in the U.S., even if their parents aren’t citizens.

More: Paul Ryan Rejects Trump's Claim He Can End Birthright Citizenship

No, Trump, you can't do that. Try reading and comprehending the Constitution sometime.
The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..
The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..

I do not think they should be granted citizenship.

There is a process for making changes to the Constitution, and EOs are not a part of that process.
I do not think they should be granted citizenship.

There is a process for making changes to the Constitution, and EOs are not a part of that process.
I agree that there is a process, but given that there has been no controversy before the SCOTUS, EOs are necessary to bring the issue to the Court. Once ruled unconstitutional, we can start the amendment process.

The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..

I do not think they should be granted citizenship.

There is a process for making changes to the Constitution, and EOs are not a part of that process.

True, but it will create a case that will likely go to the Supreme Court.
The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..

I do not think they should be granted citizenship.

There is a process for making changes to the Constitution, and EOs are not a part of that process.

True, but it will create a case that will likely go to the Supreme Court.

Fair point. I personally believe that many people will be disappointed by the SCOTUS ruling when it comes. The wording of the 14th is not really very vague at all, to declare it not valid based upon supposed "intent" would open a door that I do not think any of us want to go down.
That was created fucking centuries ago before any modern technology to give the slaves official citizenship and to a lesser extent, the Native Americans.

To say that this applies to the kids of squatters today is more than insane.

Read the fucking 18th amendment and tell me that there is something there that we have to abide by as well.

It was created 79 years after the 2nd, so if age is what matters, you should be pushing for the 13 before it to be ignored as well.

The 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.

That is what should happen to the 14th if you feel it is no longer valid.

You cannot just pick and choose which ones you want to ignore on any given day.
The 2nd amendment is not a circumstantial amendment, it is in the fucking Bill of Rights.

The 14th was nothing more than a method to assuage guilt from the Dred Scott v Sandford decision.

This is just yet another anti-intellectual argument that Democrats pulled out of their ass that you were duped by.

I actually agree with you about the 14th, but that still does not give us the right to just ignore it.

The founding fathers gave us a system to alter the Constitution.

To not use it is to piss on their graves and the Constitution itself,
And then we would have another worthless amendment for Democrats to twist into pretzels to suit their agenda.
That was created fucking centuries ago before any modern technology to give the slaves official citizenship and to a lesser extent, the Native Americans.

To say that this applies to the kids of squatters today is more than insane.

Read the fucking 18th amendment and tell me that there is something there that we have to abide by as well.

It was created 79 years after the 2nd, so if age is what matters, you should be pushing for the 13 before it to be ignored as well.

The 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.

That is what should happen to the 14th if you feel it is no longer valid.

You cannot just pick and choose which ones you want to ignore on any given day.
The 2nd amendment is not a circumstantial amendment, it is in the fucking Bill of Rights.

The 14th was nothing more than a method to assuage guilt from the Dred Scott v Sandford decision.

This is just yet another anti-intellectual argument that Democrats pulled out of their ass that you were duped by.

I actually agree with you about the 14th, but that still does not give us the right to just ignore it.

The founding fathers gave us a system to alter the Constitution.

To not use it is to piss on their graves and the Constitution itself,
And then we would have another worthless amendment for Democrats to twist into pretzels to suit their agenda.

Does not matter. Either you support the Constitution or you do not. There is no half way.

The founding fathers gave us a system to alter the Constitution.

To not use it is to piss on their graves and the Constitution itself,
The word is that President Trump will make an attempt by executive order to get rid of the travesty of anchor babies - you know what “Anchor Babies “ are, those babies born here and who automatically become citizens and worthy of all the benefits of real citizens. And then bring in a whole army of Illegals with them..

I do not think they should be granted citizenship.

There is a process for making changes to the Constitution, and EOs are not a part of that process.

True, but it will create a case that will likely go to the Supreme Court.

Fair point. I personally believe that many people will be disappointed by the SCOTUS ruling when it comes. The wording of the 14th is not really very vague at all, to declare it not valid based upon supposed "intent" would open a door that I do not think any of us want to go down.
Strict constructionists should support that interpretation.

We need to amend it.

No changes needed to the Constitution. Citizenship is granted to babies born to legal residents who are living here UNDER THE LAWS IF THE UNITED STATES. Illegals don’t meet that requirement. Send them home.

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