Trump thinks he can change the Constitution via EO

To think that the pre-eminent legal document in the nation provides a legality to an illegal act shows you to be a moron. Why don't you show where the SC actually ruled on this?

They have not yet, but the wording leave little wiggle room.

But you do not care about such things, you want to shit on the Constitution every chance possible.

(smile) As you so blithely try to use a legal document to legalize an illegality. You're dismissed child.
Here is something for the stupid Moon Bats to put in their pipes and smoke it:

It’s time to tell the truth; the 14th amendment was never ratified.

It’s time to tell the truth; the 14th amendment was never ratified.

They simply passed a “resolution” that “declared” that the 14th amendment had been ratified and then ORDERED the secretary of state to sign off on it. That is how it was “ratified”. The reality is that 16 states had said NO or TRIED to say NO when all was said and done. 16! when just 10 no’s was enough to defeat the amendment. 60% MORE NO’s THAN was needed to defeat it.
!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Trump---again!
I'll state it again---should've been done decades ago
this is common sense
this is not 1776 or 1850 anymore--things change-drastically
you can't make up laws/rules/etc for everything/every situation
any type of rulebook/lawbook is just a guide book
So the second needs looking at by that standard. I agree with you.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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"Under current policy, anyone born in the U.S. – regardless of whether they are delivered by a non-citizen or undocumented immigrant – is considered a citizen. The interpretation has been blamed for so-called 'birth tourism' and chain migration.

The 14th Amendment states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I hope he does! It should end. It would end all these mothers having babies in our country and then leaving to go back to their country. Then coming back as they complain, "My baby was born here in the US, so that makes me a citizen, too!"

We need to do something to stop the flow of these illegals coming here. They are taking advantage of our resources. We have enough hard time trying to take care of our own. Nevermind someone's child from another country. Especially, when the parents come here illegally.
He can sign the Executive Order, it’s still going to be thrown out by the Supreme Court.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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"Under current policy, anyone born in the U.S. – regardless of whether they are delivered by a non-citizen or undocumented immigrant – is considered a citizen. The interpretation has been blamed for so-called 'birth tourism' and chain migration.

The 14th Amendment states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I hope he does! It should end. It would end all these mothers having babies in our country and then leaving to go back to their country. Then coming back as they complain, "My baby was born here in the US, so that makes me a citizen, too!"

We need to do something to stop the flow of these illegals coming here. They are taking advantage of our resources. We have enough hard time trying to take care of our own. Nevermind someone's child from another country. Especially, when the parents come here illegally.
He can sign the Executive Order, it’s still going to be thrown out by the Supreme Court.
why do you hate America so much?
please explain
A POTUS *can* fix laws by EO (e.g. Barak the Nimrod did it on several occasions) because the Executive can determine when/why/how to enforce laws through it's agencies and thanks to Congress having deferred so much of it's Constitutional Authority to the Executive those same agencies get broad discretion on the details of how those laws look when they hit the Federal Register.

That being said, Executive Orders were never intended to "fix" or "change" existing law, it's only because they've been abused for so long that the precedent has been set and half the Partisan Sheeple accept it when *their* POTUS does it.
You don't need to hope, if Trump follows through on this EO , it's GUARANTEED to be challenged in Court.
And blown out of the water once and for all.

Don't count on it, I would say that the chances are more than good that a SCOTUS decision will go against Trump given the social ramifications of upholding such an EO.
Nope. The 14th Amendment has been misinterpreted to include children of illegals. It's original intent was to grant citizenship to freed slaves in a counter move to head of Democrats attempts to maintain slavery in the South.
Yada Yada Yada...….The word "slave " is not in the amendment
The word slave doesn't have to be in there for it to be its intent.

What is the 14th amendment to the US constitution?

"The 14th amendment was adopted in 1868, after the American Civil War, and addresses the equal protection and rights of former slaves. The 14th amendment limits the action of state and local officials. In addition to equal protection under the law to all citizens, the amendment also addresses what is called "due process", which prevents citizens from being illegally deprived of life, liberty, or property."​
That is your interpretation, and opinion. Nothing more. Worthless
So not all your rights are "God Given" ?
Right wingers make me chuckle.
Why is this amendment disposable and the 2nd amendment is sacrosanct ?
In the United States rights are inalienable – beyond the purview of governments, constitutions, and men, as codified by the 14th Amendment.

And because one’s inalienable rights manifest as a consequent of being human, an American is a citizen at birth to safeguard his inalienable rights, where the citizenship or immigration status of his parents is legally and constitutionally irrelevant.

The Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment is therefore consistent with the doctrine of inalienable rights.
So Donny is just pissing against the wind ?
It seems bizarre that he wants to open up this box of tricks.
To think that the pre-eminent legal document in the nation provides a legality to an illegal act shows you to be a moron. Why don't you show where the SC actually ruled on this?

They have not yet, but the wording leave little wiggle room.

But you do not care about such things, you want to shit on the Constitution every chance possible.

(smile) As you so blithely try to use a legal document to legalize an illegality. You're dismissed child.

I do not think the Amendment was meant to be used this way, but the words are what they are, which is why you cannot even bring yourself to post them.

There is not much grey area in the words.

To argue intent is a dangerous argument.
So not all your rights are "God Given" ?
Right wingers make me chuckle.
Why is this amendment disposable and the 2nd amendment is sacrosanct ?
In the United States rights are inalienable – beyond the purview of governments, constitutions, and men, as codified by the 14th Amendment.

And because one’s inalienable rights manifest as a consequent of being human, an American is a citizen at birth to safeguard his inalienable rights, where the citizenship or immigration status of his parents is legally and constitutionally irrelevant.

The Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment is therefore consistent with the doctrine of inalienable rights.
So Donny is just pissing against the wind ?
It seems bizarre that he wants to open up this box of tricks.

Not bizarre at all. His "plan" to give tax cuts via royal decree died a quick death and he needed some more red meat to throw to the faithful to keep them riled up till election day.
That was created fucking centuries ago before any modern technology to give the slaves official citizenship and to a lesser extent, the Native Americans.

To say that this applies to the kids of squatters today is more than insane.

Read the fucking 18th amendment and tell me that there is something there that we have to abide by as well.

It was created 79 years after the 2nd, so if age is what matters, you should be pushing for the 13 before it to be ignored as well.

The 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.

That is what should happen to the 14th if you feel it is no longer valid.

You cannot just pick and choose which ones you want to ignore on any given day.
The 2nd amendment is not a circumstantial amendment, it is in the fucking Bill of Rights.

The 14th was nothing more than a method to assuage guilt from the Dred Scott v Sandford decision.

This is just yet another anti-intellectual argument that Democrats pulled out of their ass that you were duped by.

I actually agree with you about the 14th, but that still does not give us the right to just ignore it.

The founding fathers gave us a system to alter the Constitution.

To not use it is to piss on their graves and the Constitution itself,

What happened to that "living document" bullshit the left keeps insisting is constitutional?

So not all your rights are "God Given" ?
Right wingers make me chuckle.
Why is this amendment disposable and the 2nd amendment is sacrosanct ?
In the United States rights are inalienable – beyond the purview of governments, constitutions, and men, as codified by the 14th Amendment.

And because one’s inalienable rights manifest as a consequent of being human, an American is a citizen at birth to safeguard his inalienable rights, where the citizenship or immigration status of his parents is legally and constitutionally irrelevant.

The Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment is therefore consistent with the doctrine of inalienable rights.
So Donny is just pissing against the wind ?
It seems bizarre that he wants to open up this box of tricks.

Not bizarre at all. His "plan" to give tax cuts via royal decree died a quick death and he needed some more red meat to throw to the faithful to keep them riled up till election day.
Its remarkable that there are people so dumb that they get carried along with this.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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Dictator Don said he would pass a !0% tax break to the middle class after forgetting to give a tax break to the middle class months back. Then he forgot congress wouldn't be available to pass such a law anyways. What a jackass.

"I was for the globe before I wasn't for the globe"

That was created fucking centuries ago before any modern technology to give the slaves official citizenship and to a lesser extent, the Native Americans.

To say that this applies to the kids of squatters today is more than insane.

Read the fucking 18th amendment and tell me that there is something there that we have to abide by as well.

It was created 79 years after the 2nd, so if age is what matters, you should be pushing for the 13 before it to be ignored as well.

The 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.

That is what should happen to the 14th if you feel it is no longer valid.

You cannot just pick and choose which ones you want to ignore on any given day.
The 2nd amendment is not a circumstantial amendment, it is in the fucking Bill of Rights.

The 14th was nothing more than a method to assuage guilt from the Dred Scott v Sandford decision.

This is just yet another anti-intellectual argument that Democrats pulled out of their ass that you were duped by.

I actually agree with you about the 14th, but that still does not give us the right to just ignore it.

The founding fathers gave us a system to alter the Constitution.

To not use it is to piss on their graves and the Constitution itself,

What happened to that "living document" bullshit the left keeps insisting is constitutional?


There is a process for amending the constitution, other than establishing a dictatorship.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

Sent from my iPhone using

"Under current policy, anyone born in the U.S. – regardless of whether they are delivered by a non-citizen or undocumented immigrant – is considered a citizen. The interpretation has been blamed for so-called 'birth tourism' and chain migration.

The 14th Amendment states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I hope he does! It should end. It would end all these mothers having babies in our country and then leaving to go back to their country. Then coming back as they complain, "My baby was born here in the US, so that makes me a citizen, too!"

We need to do something to stop the flow of these illegals coming here. They are taking advantage of our resources. We have enough hard time trying to take care of our own. Nevermind someone's child from another country. Especially, when the parents come here illegally.
He can sign the Executive Order, it’s still going to be thrown out by the Supreme Court.
why do you hate America so much?
please explain
I don’t hate America just because you’re too ignorant to understand the Constitution.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
That was created fucking centuries ago before any modern technology to give the slaves official citizenship and to a lesser extent, the Native Americans.

To say that this applies to the kids of squatters today is more than insane.

Read the fucking 18th amendment and tell me that there is something there that we have to abide by as well.

It was created 79 years after the 2nd, so if age is what matters, you should be pushing for the 13 before it to be ignored as well.

The 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.

That is what should happen to the 14th if you feel it is no longer valid.

You cannot just pick and choose which ones you want to ignore on any given day.
The 2nd amendment is not a circumstantial amendment, it is in the fucking Bill of Rights.

The 14th was nothing more than a method to assuage guilt from the Dred Scott v Sandford decision.

This is just yet another anti-intellectual argument that Democrats pulled out of their ass that you were duped by.

I actually agree with you about the 14th, but that still does not give us the right to just ignore it.

The founding fathers gave us a system to alter the Constitution.

To not use it is to piss on their graves and the Constitution itself,

What happened to that "living document" bullshit the left keeps insisting is constitutional?


That's only for when THEY do it.

If it weren't for double standards, libs would have no standards at all.
That was created fucking centuries ago before any modern technology to give the slaves official citizenship and to a lesser extent, the Native Americans.

To say that this applies to the kids of squatters today is more than insane.

Read the fucking 18th amendment and tell me that there is something there that we have to abide by as well.

It was created 79 years after the 2nd, so if age is what matters, you should be pushing for the 13 before it to be ignored as well.

The 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.

That is what should happen to the 14th if you feel it is no longer valid.

You cannot just pick and choose which ones you want to ignore on any given day.
The 2nd amendment is not a circumstantial amendment, it is in the fucking Bill of Rights.

The 14th was nothing more than a method to assuage guilt from the Dred Scott v Sandford decision.

This is just yet another anti-intellectual argument that Democrats pulled out of their ass that you were duped by.

I actually agree with you about the 14th, but that still does not give us the right to just ignore it.

The founding fathers gave us a system to alter the Constitution.

To not use it is to piss on their graves and the Constitution itself,

What happened to that "living document" bullshit the left keeps insisting is constitutional?

Who said it’s not still a living document?
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

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"Under current policy, anyone born in the U.S. – regardless of whether they are delivered by a non-citizen or undocumented immigrant – is considered a citizen. The interpretation has been blamed for so-called 'birth tourism' and chain migration.

The 14th Amendment states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I hope he does! It should end. It would end all these mothers having babies in our country and then leaving to go back to their country. Then coming back as they complain, "My baby was born here in the US, so that makes me a citizen, too!"

We need to do something to stop the flow of these illegals coming here. They are taking advantage of our resources. We have enough hard time trying to take care of our own. Nevermind someone's child from another country. Especially, when the parents come here illegally.
He can sign the Executive Order, it’s still going to be thrown out by the Supreme Court.
why do you hate America so much?
please explain
I don’t hate America just because you’re too ignorant to understand the Constitution.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Bull. YOu libs don't need a reason to hate America, you just do.
No changes needed to the Constitution. Citizenship is granted to babies born to legal residents who are living here UNDER THE LAWS IF THE UNITED STATES. Illegals don’t meet that requirement. Send them home.

They dont'?

So, if a illegal alien kills someone, they are not under our laws?
As citizens of say Mexico they still have their home country embassy they can appeal to for help. Same as any US citizen in Mexico accused of a crime. But if you’re a US citizen in Mexico none of your kids born there are Mexican citizens.

This is true, we are different than Mexico.

And again, I am do not support the idea of automatic citizenship based just on birth, but the Constitution is the Constitution and we cannot choose to ignore the parts we do not like.
Do you think the 14th was intended for anchor babies? If it wasn’t then we should stop doing that. Nobody in their right mind would have voted it in thinking it meant anyone in the world could just come here and give birth to an American citizen.
That was created fucking centuries ago before any modern technology to give the slaves official citizenship and to a lesser extent, the Native Americans.

To say that this applies to the kids of squatters today is more than insane.

Read the fucking 18th amendment and tell me that there is something there that we have to abide by as well.

It was created 79 years after the 2nd, so if age is what matters, you should be pushing for the 13 before it to be ignored as well.

The 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.

That is what should happen to the 14th if you feel it is no longer valid.

You cannot just pick and choose which ones you want to ignore on any given day.
The 2nd amendment is not a circumstantial amendment, it is in the fucking Bill of Rights.

The 14th was nothing more than a method to assuage guilt from the Dred Scott v Sandford decision.

This is just yet another anti-intellectual argument that Democrats pulled out of their ass that you were duped by.

I actually agree with you about the 14th, but that still does not give us the right to just ignore it.

The founding fathers gave us a system to alter the Constitution.

To not use it is to piss on their graves and the Constitution itself,

What happened to that "living document" bullshit the left keeps insisting is constitutional?


That's only for when THEY do it.

If it weren't for double standards, libs would have no standards at all.
Dayam, are you ever ignorant. There’s no double standard. No one here on the left is saying the Constitution isn’t a living document.
Trump plans to sign executive order ending birthright citizenship: Axios

More red meat for the masses. Even he is not stupid enough to think this will work.

Sent from my iPhone using

"Under current policy, anyone born in the U.S. – regardless of whether they are delivered by a non-citizen or undocumented immigrant – is considered a citizen. The interpretation has been blamed for so-called 'birth tourism' and chain migration.

The 14th Amendment states: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

I hope he does! It should end. It would end all these mothers having babies in our country and then leaving to go back to their country. Then coming back as they complain, "My baby was born here in the US, so that makes me a citizen, too!"

We need to do something to stop the flow of these illegals coming here. They are taking advantage of our resources. We have enough hard time trying to take care of our own. Nevermind someone's child from another country. Especially, when the parents come here illegally.
He can sign the Executive Order, it’s still going to be thrown out by the Supreme Court.
why do you hate America so much?
please explain
I don’t hate America just because you’re too ignorant to understand the Constitution.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Bull. YOu libs don't need a reason to hate America, you just do.


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