Trump thinks Paris is in Germany?

Obama thinks there are 57 states, Biden thinks a guy in an wheelchair can stand up. Clinton can't manage an email account. Call us when you have a flub on that level.
We can always count on the Tu Quoque Brigade in topics like this.
It is not surprising the clueless dummies who are butthurt about The Donald being so successful cannot comprehend that he thinks big and was alluding to the Arab Muslims in Germany who are assaulting German women.
And yet Germany and France are not banning Muslim immigrants. Because even European socialist surrender monkeys have more courage than The Donald.
It is not surprising the clueless dummies who are butthurt about The Donald being so successful cannot comprehend that he thinks big and was alluding to the Arab Muslims in Germany who are assaulting German women.
And yet Germany is not banning Muslim immigrants. Because even their women have more courage than The Donald.
What an asshole.
A german mayor basically told all the women to get used to muslim rape and just accept it.
Better sharpen their butter knives!
Like I said. Trumpeter could have avoided all the confusion by just tweeting, "Still hatin' all Muslims over here!"
It is not surprising the clueless dummies who are butthurt about The Donald being so successful cannot comprehend that he thinks big and was alluding to the Arab Muslims in Germany who are assaulting German women.
And yet Germany is not banning Muslim immigrants. Because even their women have more courage than The Donald.
What an asshole.
A german mayor basically told all the women to get used to muslim rape and just accept it.
Better sharpen their butter knives!
You basically lied.

First, that mayor is a female. I know you probably wanted us to assume the mayor was a sexist male pig.

Second, that mayor was stabbed in the neck by a bigoted anti-immigrant asshole a couple months ago. Trump probably cheered over that. Like I said, she has more guts than any of you pants shitters.

Third, the mayor advised women on safety precautions they should take during festivals, which is good advice for any festival anywhere on the planet. She did NOT tell them to get used to being raped.

Stop manufacturing BULLSHIT!!!
Germany is a big mess. Trump needs to call a halt to all immigration of Germans since they have a habit of stabbing political candidates.
It is not surprising the clueless dummies who are butthurt about The Donald being so successful cannot comprehend that he thinks big and was alluding to the Arab Muslims in Germany who are assaulting German women.
And yet Germany is not banning Muslim immigrants. Because even their women have more courage than The Donald.
What an asshole.
A german mayor basically told all the women to get used to muslim rape and just accept it.
Better sharpen their butter knives!
You basically lied.

First, that mayor is a female. I know you probably wanted us to assume the mayor was a sexist male pig.

Second, that mayor was stabbed in the neck by a bigoted anti-immigrant asshole a couple months ago. Trump probably cheered over that. Like I said, she has more guts than any of you pants shitters.

Third, the mayor advised women on safety precautions they should take during festivals, which is good advice for any festival anywhere on the planet. She did NOT tell them to get used to being raped.

Stop manufacturing BULLSHIT!!!
What does her gender have to do with anything? I am quit aware it was a woman. I read her remarks
And yes, that is basically what she said. "Women would also be smart not to go and embrace everyone that you meet and who seems to be nice. Such offers could be misunderstood, and that is something every woman and every girl should protect herself from."
Cologne attacks: Mayor's 'arm's length' advice slammed -

Q: Does Donald Trump think Paris is in Germany? A: Probably not - BBC News
You get 140 characters and spaces. Trump expressed two separate thoughts.
Obama thinks there are 57 states, Biden thinks a guy in an wheelchair can stand up. Clinton can't manage an email account. Call us when you have a flub on that level.
If you read the paragraph and that is what it is. There are TWO sentences with TWO topics. One with Germany and one with Paris.
I guess liberals only understand one kind of period.

Oh are the libs lying again? So how does one become a liberal, do they bash their head against a wall until their brain is so damaged they can't tell right from wrong?
It is not surprising the clueless dummies who are butthurt about The Donald being so successful cannot comprehend that he thinks big and was alluding to the Arab Muslims in Germany who are assaulting German women.
And yet Germany is not banning Muslim immigrants. Because even their women have more courage than The Donald.
What an asshole.
A german mayor basically told all the women to get used to muslim rape and just accept it.
Better sharpen their butter knives!
You basically lied.

First, that mayor is a female. I know you probably wanted us to assume the mayor was a sexist male pig.

Second, that mayor was stabbed in the neck by a bigoted anti-immigrant asshole a couple months ago. Trump probably cheered over that. Like I said, she has more guts than any of you pants shitters.

Third, the mayor advised women on safety precautions they should take during festivals, which is good advice for any festival anywhere on the planet. She did NOT tell them to get used to being raped.

Stop manufacturing BULLSHIT!!!
What does her gender have to do with anything? I am quit aware it was a woman. I read her remarks
And yes, that is basically what she said. "Women would also be smart not to go and embrace everyone that you meet and who seems to be nice. Such offers could be misunderstood, and that is something every woman and every girl should protect herself from."
Cologne attacks: Mayor's 'arm's length' advice slammed -
Please explain how telling women not to embrace everyone in sight and to exercise common sense is "get used to muslim rape and just accept it".

This should be fun.
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Obama thinks there are 57 states, Biden thinks a guy in an wheelchair can stand up. Clinton can't manage an email account. Call us when you have a flub on that level.
We can always count on the Tu Quoque Brigade in topics like this.

Look who's talking, do you really want me to post a montage of threads you have started? :laugh:
Do you even know what a tu quoque fallacy is? I will dumb it down for you. It means "two wrongs make a right". That's why whenever one of you commits that fallacy, I say, "Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger."

Starting a topic is, by definition, NOT a tu quoque fallacy.

Whenever someone starts a topic about a politician doing something illegal or stupid, dipshits like you can always be depended upon to come rushing to their defense with a tu quoque fallacy or a red herring rather than address the point of the topic.
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Trump wasn't saying Paris is in Germany. He just has a huckster's rhetorical style. He uses catchwords which light up specific parts of the brains of the rubes. He's a genius at it. He was attacking Muslims without mentioning Muslims.
Obama thinks there are 57 states, Biden thinks a guy in an wheelchair can stand up. Clinton can't manage an email account. Call us when you have a flub on that level.
We can always count on the Tu Quoque Brigade in topics like this.

Look who's talking, do you really want me to post a montage of threads you have started? :laugh:
Do you even know what a tu quoque fallacy is? I will dumb it down for you. It means "two wrongs make a right". That's why whenever one of you commits that fallacy, I say, "Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger."

Starting a topic is, by definition, NOT a tu quoque fallacy.

Whenever someone starts a topic about a politician doing something illegal or stupid, dipshits like you can always be depended upon to come rushing to their defense with a tu quoque fallacy rather than address the point of the topic.

I will dumb it down for you, you are in no position to point fingers.
Tu Quoque examples:

TOPIC: Republicrat Senator Jim Snosgood was just caught boning his secretary.

TU QUOUE RUBE: Oh yeah? What about Democan President Wick Dipper who was caught fucking his dog back in 1958? Huh? Huh? Huh?

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