Trump thinks the SCOTUS can overturn the second Amendment

Here's a clue for all the moron Trump Supporters......An amendment to the constitution can only be overturned by a super majority of the House and Senate and three quarters of the states.

That's an example of how ignorant Trump and is minions are. It's just another Nazi style propaganda fear tactic.

And suggesting that Clinton even plans to overturn the 2nd amendment is a flat out LIE!

There is a big difference between banning assault weapons and taking everyone's guns away.

Trying to take away 300 million guns from Americans is as big a fantasy as building a wall across the Mexican boarder.....both are impossible.

He is right. Regressed liberals CONSTANTLY make arguments as to how the 2nd amendment doesn't mean what it clearly does. With liberal scotus the amendment will take the meaning that the government military and Hillary Clinton's security force only can have guns.

wake up Normie, the SC can't do jack shit without a State majority ..

now, go back to sleep.

So how come we have Roe Vs Wade? Or Obamacare? Or as you are so enamored Citizens United?
All SCOTUS interpretations of the Constitution!
Why is it that you are so ignorant as to not know that congress passed both?

Yup congress passes laws and guess what you dummy!

The Supreme Court is the final judge in all cases involving laws of Congress, and the highest law of all — the Constitution. The Supreme Court, however, is far from all-powerful. Its power is limited by the other two branches of government. The President nominates justices to the court.
The Role of the Supreme Court |
Remember this issue is so important Congress needs to be worked around.....libs tol me so

Like the architect for Obamacare,Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Jonathan Gruber appears on a panel and discusses how the reform earned enough votes to pass.
He suggested that many lawmakers and voters didn't know what was in the law or how its financing worked, and that this helped it win approval.
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said. "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
Gruber made the comment while discussing how the law was "written in a tortured way" to avoid a bad score from the Congressional Budget Office. He suggested that voters would have rejected ObamaCare if the penalties for going without health insurance were interpreted as taxes, either by budget analysts or the public.
While analysts expect the market to stabilize once premiums rise and more young, healthy people sign up, some observers have not ruled out the possibility of a collapse of the market, known in insurance parlance as a “death spiral.”
Here's a clue for all the moron Trump Supporters......An amendment to the constitution can only be overturned by a super majority of the House and Senate and three quarters of the states.

That's an example of how ignorant Trump and is minions are. It's just another Nazi style propaganda fear tactic.

And suggesting that Clinton even plans to overturn the 2nd amendment is a flat out LIE!

There is a big difference between banning assault weapons and taking everyone's guns away.

Trying to take away 300 million guns from Americans is as big a fantasy as building a wall across the Mexican boarder.....both are impossible.

He is right. Regressed liberals CONSTANTLY make arguments as to how the 2nd amendment doesn't mean what it clearly does. With liberal scotus the amendment will take the meaning that the government military and Hillary Clinton's security force only can have guns.

wake up Normie, the SC can't do jack shit without a State majority ..

now, go back to sleep.

So how come we have Roe Vs Wade? Or Obamacare? Or as you are so enamored Citizens United?
All SCOTUS interpretations of the Constitution!
Why is it that you are so ignorant as to not know that congress passed both?

Yup congress passes laws and guess what you dummy!

The Supreme Court is the final judge in all cases involving laws of Congress, and the highest law of all — the Constitution. The Supreme Court, however, is far from all-powerful. Its power is limited by the other two branches of government. The President nominates justices to the court.
The Role of the Supreme Court |


We can not allow SCOTUS to amend the Constitution and deprive us of its protection under the guise of "interpreting" the Constitution.

Americans must learn what the constitution says, what it means and must NOT allow the scumbags to get away with murder.

He is right. Regressed liberals CONSTANTLY make arguments as to how the 2nd amendment doesn't mean what it clearly does. With liberal scotus the amendment will take the meaning that the government military and Hillary Clinton's security force only can have guns.

wake up Normie, the SC can't do jack shit without a State majority ..

now, go back to sleep.

So how come we have Roe Vs Wade? Or Obamacare? Or as you are so enamored Citizens United?
All SCOTUS interpretations of the Constitution!
Why is it that you are so ignorant as to not know that congress passed both?

Yup congress passes laws and guess what you dummy!

The Supreme Court is the final judge in all cases involving laws of Congress, and the highest law of all — the Constitution. The Supreme Court, however, is far from all-powerful. Its power is limited by the other two branches of government. The President nominates justices to the court.
The Role of the Supreme Court |


We can not allow SCOTUS to amend the Constitution and deprive us of its protection under the guise of "interpreting" the Constitution.

Americans must learn what the constitution says, what it means and must NOT allow the scumbags to get away with murder.

Just name one time the SCOTUS has amended the constitution.
Here's a clue for all the moron Trump Supporters......An amendment to the constitution can only be overturned by a super majority of the House and Senate and three quarters of the states.

That's an example of how ignorant Trump and is minions are. It's just another Nazi style propaganda fear tactic.

And suggesting that Clinton even plans to overturn the 2nd amendment is a flat out LIE!

There is a big difference between banning assault weapons and taking everyone's guns away.

Trying to take away 300 million guns from Americans is as big a fantasy as building a wall across the Mexican boarder.....both are impossible.

He is right. Regressed liberals CONSTANTLY make arguments as to how the 2nd amendment doesn't mean what it clearly does. With liberal scotus the amendment will take the meaning that the government military and Hillary Clinton's security force only can have guns.

wake up Normie, the SC can't do jack shit without a State majority ..

now, go back to sleep.

So how come we have Roe Vs Wade? Or Obamacare? Or as you are so enamored Citizens United?
All SCOTUS interpretations of the Constitution!
Why is it that you are so ignorant as to not know that congress passed both?

Yup congress passes laws and guess what you dummy!

The Supreme Court is the final judge in all cases involving laws of Congress, and the highest law of all — the Constitution. The Supreme Court, however, is far from all-powerful. Its power is limited by the other two branches of government. The President nominates justices to the court.
The Role of the Supreme Court |
It doesn't matter whether to constitution is amended if the supreme court just interprets the 2nd amendment to mean that only Hillary Clinton should have access to arms. It's not like the liberal judges aren't using the constitution as toilet paper already.

Trump plays to the ignorance of the Trumpbots .... 10/1 he doesn't know about overturning the constitution so he figures his Trumpbots don't either.

and correct he is.
Bullshit....according to.liberals.....they can make the constitution its a living breathing document. If we repealed the amendment, do you think Liberals would go through that process to get it back? No they would just have a court decision.
And Democrats claim they are winning on this forum....

Trump plays to the ignorance of the Trumpbots .... 10/1 he doesn't know about overturning the constitution so he figures his Trumpbots don't either.

and correct he is.
Bullshit....according to.liberals.....they can make the constitution its a living breathing document. If we repealed the amendment, do you think Liberals would go through that process to get it back? No they would just have a court decision.
^ Doesn't know Amendment process.
^Doesn't know laws have changed without Amendments.
wake up Normie, the SC can't do jack shit without a State majority ..

now, go back to sleep.

So how come we have Roe Vs Wade? Or Obamacare? Or as you are so enamored Citizens United?
All SCOTUS interpretations of the Constitution!
Why is it that you are so ignorant as to not know that congress passed both?

Yup congress passes laws and guess what you dummy!

The Supreme Court is the final judge in all cases involving laws of Congress, and the highest law of all — the Constitution. The Supreme Court, however, is far from all-powerful. Its power is limited by the other two branches of government. The President nominates justices to the court.
The Role of the Supreme Court |


We can not allow SCOTUS to amend the Constitution and deprive us of its protection under the guise of "interpreting" the Constitution.

Americans must learn what the constitution says, what it means and must NOT allow the scumbags to get away with murder.

Just name one time the SCOTUS has amended the constitution.

They don't AMEND the Constitution...they interpret.

But even though the 5-4 majority ruling makes an intellectual end run around the language of the Second Amendment to get to their ruling, they very clearly state that society (government, convened to collectively protect us from what we can’t protect ourselves from as individuals) has the right to, and legitimate interest in controlling gun ownership, in several specific ways.

On pp. 54 and 55, the majority opinion, written by conservative bastion Justice Antonin Scalia, states:
“Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited…”. It is “…
not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”

“Nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”

“We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. Miller (an earlier case) said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those “in common use at the time”. We think that limitation is fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of ‘dangerous and unusual weapons.’ ”

The court even recognizes a long-standing judicial precedent “…to consider… prohibitions on carrying concealed weapons.”
The Supreme Court Ruling on the 2nd Amendment Did NOT Grant an Unlimited Right to Own Guns
It doesn't matter whether to constitution is amended if the supreme court just interprets the 2nd amendment to mean that only Hillary Clinton should have access to arms. It's not like the liberal judges aren't using the constitution as toilet paper already.

If you have any concept of reality, please give the scenario of how 300 million guns will be taken from the American people. If you can't, you're just a moron.
wake up Normie, the SC can't do jack shit without a State majority ..

now, go back to sleep.

So how come we have Roe Vs Wade? Or Obamacare? Or as you are so enamored Citizens United?
All SCOTUS interpretations of the Constitution!
Why is it that you are so ignorant as to not know that congress passed both?

Yup congress passes laws and guess what you dummy!

The Supreme Court is the final judge in all cases involving laws of Congress, and the highest law of all — the Constitution. The Supreme Court, however, is far from all-powerful. Its power is limited by the other two branches of government. The President nominates justices to the court.
The Role of the Supreme Court |


We can not allow SCOTUS to amend the Constitution and deprive us of its protection under the guise of "interpreting" the Constitution.

Americans must learn what the constitution says, what it means and must NOT allow the scumbags to get away with murder.

Just name one time the SCOTUS has amended the constitution.

What a stupid fuck - Among many

1- allowing the issuance of irredeemable paper money

2- allowing the draft - involuntary servitude

3- allowing the civil war against drug users

4- allowing the destruction of the 4th and 5th Amendments in order to allow #3

5- Allowing fedgov to adopt a federal immigration law

6- the dissent in Heller (4 "justices") who are so intellectually dishonest to state that the right to bear arms is a NEW RIGHT and that the 2A confers regulatory authority

Wake the fuck up

It doesn't matter whether to constitution is amended if the supreme court just interprets the 2nd amendment to mean that only Hillary Clinton should have access to arms. It's not like the liberal judges aren't using the constitution as toilet paper already.

If you have any concept of reality, please give the scenario of how 300 million guns will be taken from the American people. If you can't, you're just a moron.

First tell us, do you believe in original intent?
Here's a clue for all the moron Trump Supporters......An amendment to the constitution can only be overturned by a super majority of the House and Senate and three quarters of the states.

That's an example of how ignorant Trump and is minions are. It's just another Nazi style propaganda fear tactic.

And suggesting that Clinton even plans to overturn the 2nd amendment is a flat out LIE!

There is a big difference between banning assault weapons and taking everyone's guns away.

Trying to take away 300 million guns from Americans is as big a fantasy as building a wall across the Mexican boarder.....both are impossible.

Well, I heard Chelsea saying the same thing. I guess you better write to her.

Knowing the way the Dems think, they likely believe that after Scalia's convenient death that they can more easily push their agenda. Congress is just something to work around, anyway.

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