Trump threatens extortion

How can it be blackmail if nobody did anything wrong?

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It’s blackmail regardless of whether or not there was wrong doing.

No, blackmail is when you have criminal evidence against somebody and are threatening to reveal that evidence unless your demands are met. If there is no criminal evidence, there can't be blackmail.
Wrong, criminal evidence is not a requirement. There doesn't even have to be a crime, it could be something legal but embarrassing, like revealing an affair. Also, the crime is in demanding money in exchange for silence; not for revealing the matter at hand. So even blackmail based on the belief that there was a crime or something embarrassing is all that is needed, even if there was none; as the crime is solely on the actions of the blackmailer.

Here is an example. This is the law in Florida. As you can see, a crime on the victim's part is not required.

836.05 Threats; extortion.—Whoever, either verbally or by a written or printed communication, maliciously threatens to accuse another of any crime or offense, or by such communication maliciously threatens an injury to the person, property or reputation of another, or maliciously threatens to expose another to disgrace, or to expose any secret affecting another, or to impute any deformity or lack of chastity to another, with intent thereby to extort money or any pecuniary advantage whatsoever, or with intent to compel the person so threatened, or any other person, to do any act or refrain from doing any act against his or her will, shall be guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. [/URL]775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

Trump just blackmailed Democrats and the sycophantic right, ever diligent and loyal to trump, leap once again at the opportunity to defend his boorish tactics.

So what does that have to do with what I said?

If Trump doesn't have anything, he has no ability to blackmail anybody.
That's not true. Like I said, all that is required is that Trump believes he has something on them, and he does; and then he uses that to coerce them into giving into his demands.

No, there is no "what Trump believes." He either has something or he doesn't. And if he doesn't have anything, then it's not blackmail.

I can't blackmail you by saying I'll tell the cops you are on USMB because you are doing nothing wrong by being on USMB.
It’s blackmail regardless of whether or not there was wrong doing.

No, blackmail is when you have criminal evidence against somebody and are threatening to reveal that evidence unless your demands are met. If there is no criminal evidence, there can't be blackmail.
Wrong, criminal evidence is not a requirement. There doesn't even have to be a crime, it could be something legal but embarrassing, like revealing an affair. Also, the crime is in demanding money in exchange for silence; not for revealing the matter at hand. So even blackmail based on the belief that there was a crime or something embarrassing is all that is needed, even if there was none; as the crime is solely on the actions of the blackmailer.

Here is an example. This is the law in Florida. As you can see, a crime on the victim's part is not required.

836.05 Threats; extortion.—Whoever, either verbally or by a written or printed communication, maliciously threatens to accuse another of any crime or offense, or by such communication maliciously threatens an injury to the person, property or reputation of another, or maliciously threatens to expose another to disgrace, or to expose any secret affecting another, or to impute any deformity or lack of chastity to another, with intent thereby to extort money or any pecuniary advantage whatsoever, or with intent to compel the person so threatened, or any other person, to do any act or refrain from doing any act against his or her will, shall be guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. [/URL]775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

Trump just blackmailed Democrats and the sycophantic right, ever diligent and loyal to trump, leap once again at the opportunity to defend his boorish tactics.

So what does that have to do with what I said?

If Trump doesn't have anything, he has no ability to blackmail anybody.
That's not true. Like I said, all that is required is that Trump believes he has something on them, and he does; and then he uses that to coerce them into giving into his demands.

No, there is no "what Trump believes." He either has something or he doesn't. And if he doesn't have anything, then it's not blackmail.

I can't blackmail you by saying I'll tell the cops you are on USMB because you are doing nothing wrong by being on USMB.

Everything fa;ls under the catch-all category of "national security" if there is a chance of exposing the criminality of the deep state operatives that do the bidding of the owners of USA.INC. The sheeple are treated like mushrooms i.e kept in the dark and fed shit.
No, I think releasing classified documents for the purpose of getting even with political opponents can. The purpose of declassifying such documents is when doing so no longer exposes national security. Not to blackmail one’s political opponents into not investigating him.
What makes you think releasing these particular classified documents woud threaten national security?
I said it could, not that it necessarily would. Obviously, I'm not privy to its contents. But given material is classified to protect national security, declassifying it for the purpose of blackmailing political opponents so they hopefully won't investigate the president, certainly poses that risk. That's why we've never seen a president make such a careless threat.

You'd care about this nation if you weren't such a committed cult member who puts the president above everything else.
Spoken like a true cult member who puts Democratic politics above the welfare and security of the nation. The Democrats are threatening to squander tax payer money on investigations for the purpose of harassing the President and driving his approval ratings down instead of dealing with the nation's issues, and you think that's just fine, but you make up nonsense about the documents he is threatening to release being a danger to national security. Have you no shame at all or is it you have no intelligence at all?

You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.
It’s blackmail regardless of whether or not there was wrong doing.

No, blackmail is when you have criminal evidence against somebody and are threatening to reveal that evidence unless your demands are met. If there is no criminal evidence, there can't be blackmail.
Wrong, criminal evidence is not a requirement. There doesn't even have to be a crime, it could be something legal but embarrassing, like revealing an affair. Also, the crime is in demanding money in exchange for silence; not for revealing the matter at hand. So even blackmail based on the belief that there was a crime or something embarrassing is all that is needed, even if there was none; as the crime is solely on the actions of the blackmailer.

Here is an example. This is the law in Florida. As you can see, a crime on the victim's part is not required.

836.05 Threats; extortion.—Whoever, either verbally or by a written or printed communication, maliciously threatens to accuse another of any crime or offense, or by such communication maliciously threatens an injury to the person, property or reputation of another, or maliciously threatens to expose another to disgrace, or to expose any secret affecting another, or to impute any deformity or lack of chastity to another, with intent thereby to extort money or any pecuniary advantage whatsoever, or with intent to compel the person so threatened, or any other person, to do any act or refrain from doing any act against his or her will, shall be guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. [/URL]775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

Trump just blackmailed Democrats and the sycophantic right, ever diligent and loyal to trump, leap once again at the opportunity to defend his boorish tactics.

So what does that have to do with what I said?

If Trump doesn't have anything, he has no ability to blackmail anybody.
That's not true. Like I said, all that is required is that Trump believes he has something on them, and he does; and then he uses that to coerce them into giving into his demands.

No, there is no "what Trump believes." He either has something or he doesn't. And if he doesn't have anything, then it's not blackmail.

I can't blackmail you by saying I'll tell the cops you are on USMB because you are doing nothing wrong by being on USMB.
Of course it matters what he believes as that amounts to intent. And he believes he has something. That's blackmail.
No, blackmail is when you have criminal evidence against somebody and are threatening to reveal that evidence unless your demands are met. If there is no criminal evidence, there can't be blackmail.
Wrong, criminal evidence is not a requirement. There doesn't even have to be a crime, it could be something legal but embarrassing, like revealing an affair. Also, the crime is in demanding money in exchange for silence; not for revealing the matter at hand. So even blackmail based on the belief that there was a crime or something embarrassing is all that is needed, even if there was none; as the crime is solely on the actions of the blackmailer.

Here is an example. This is the law in Florida. As you can see, a crime on the victim's part is not required.

836.05 Threats; extortion.—Whoever, either verbally or by a written or printed communication, maliciously threatens to accuse another of any crime or offense, or by such communication maliciously threatens an injury to the person, property or reputation of another, or maliciously threatens to expose another to disgrace, or to expose any secret affecting another, or to impute any deformity or lack of chastity to another, with intent thereby to extort money or any pecuniary advantage whatsoever, or with intent to compel the person so threatened, or any other person, to do any act or refrain from doing any act against his or her will, shall be guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. [/URL]775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

Trump just blackmailed Democrats and the sycophantic right, ever diligent and loyal to trump, leap once again at the opportunity to defend his boorish tactics.

So what does that have to do with what I said?

If Trump doesn't have anything, he has no ability to blackmail anybody.
That's not true. Like I said, all that is required is that Trump believes he has something on them, and he does; and then he uses that to coerce them into giving into his demands.

No, there is no "what Trump believes." He either has something or he doesn't. And if he doesn't have anything, then it's not blackmail.

I can't blackmail you by saying I'll tell the cops you are on USMB because you are doing nothing wrong by being on USMB.
Of course it matters what he believes as that amounts to intent. And he believes he has something. That's blackmail.

No, it's only blackmail if he does have something. Furthermore, don't you think Trump has legal advisors telling him what he does have or what's at stake for revealing what he has? If Trump has something, he knows it. If it's just a supposition of his, I'm sure his administration has advised him. And yes, it could be a bluff as well. But if it is, it's not blackmail. It's more like a game of Chicken.
What makes you think releasing these particular classified documents woud threaten national security?
I said it could, not that it necessarily would. Obviously, I'm not privy to its contents. But given material is classified to protect national security, declassifying it for the purpose of blackmailing political opponents so they hopefully won't investigate the president, certainly poses that risk. That's why we've never seen a president make such a careless threat.

You'd care about this nation if you weren't such a committed cult member who puts the president above everything else.
Spoken like a true cult member who puts Democratic politics above the welfare and security of the nation. The Democrats are threatening to squander tax payer money on investigations for the purpose of harassing the President and driving his approval ratings down instead of dealing with the nation's issues, and you think that's just fine, but you make up nonsense about the documents he is threatening to release being a danger to national security. Have you no shame at all or is it you have no intelligence at all?

You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.

This investigation is up to 40 million and still nothing but process crimes that had nothing to do with the election or Russian involvement in it.

Other investigations in the past had evidence of possible wrong doing. This investigation was started over Trump making a joke during the debates and Papa-Dop getting drunk at a bar in Europe and shooting off his mouth. That's it.
Wrong, criminal evidence is not a requirement. There doesn't even have to be a crime, it could be something legal but embarrassing, like revealing an affair. Also, the crime is in demanding money in exchange for silence; not for revealing the matter at hand. So even blackmail based on the belief that there was a crime or something embarrassing is all that is needed, even if there was none; as the crime is solely on the actions of the blackmailer.

Here is an example. This is the law in Florida. As you can see, a crime on the victim's part is not required.

836.05 Threats; extortion.—Whoever, either verbally or by a written or printed communication, maliciously threatens to accuse another of any crime or offense, or by such communication maliciously threatens an injury to the person, property or reputation of another, or maliciously threatens to expose another to disgrace, or to expose any secret affecting another, or to impute any deformity or lack of chastity to another, with intent thereby to extort money or any pecuniary advantage whatsoever, or with intent to compel the person so threatened, or any other person, to do any act or refrain from doing any act against his or her will, shall be guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. [/URL]775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

Trump just blackmailed Democrats and the sycophantic right, ever diligent and loyal to trump, leap once again at the opportunity to defend his boorish tactics.

So what does that have to do with what I said?

If Trump doesn't have anything, he has no ability to blackmail anybody.
That's not true. Like I said, all that is required is that Trump believes he has something on them, and he does; and then he uses that to coerce them into giving into his demands.

No, there is no "what Trump believes." He either has something or he doesn't. And if he doesn't have anything, then it's not blackmail.

I can't blackmail you by saying I'll tell the cops you are on USMB because you are doing nothing wrong by being on USMB.
Of course it matters what he believes as that amounts to intent. And he believes he has something. That's blackmail.

No, it's only blackmail if he does have something. Furthermore, don't you think Trump has legal advisors telling him what he does have or what's at stake for revealing what he has? If Trump has something, he knows it. If it's just a supposition of his, I'm sure his administration has advised him. And yes, it could be a bluff as well. But if it is, it's not blackmail. It's more like a game of Chicken.
Nope, that's still not true. What makes it blackmail is the blackmailer's intent. It has nothing to do with the victim. If he or she thinks they have something on someone and they threaten to reveal it unless their demands are met, it's blackmail.

Shit you didn't even realize the offense didn't have to be criminal in nature. You demonstrate repeatedly you have no clue what you're rambling about.

The only difference between whether or not they actually have something worth revealing is the reaction of the victim. If they have nothing, even though they believe they do, the victim is more likely to simply ignore the threat.

As far as Trump's legal advisors, sure, he has them -- but he routinely ignores them. For example, he recently submitted answers to Mueller's questions and he admitted he answered them without legal counsel.
I said it could, not that it necessarily would. Obviously, I'm not privy to its contents. But given material is classified to protect national security, declassifying it for the purpose of blackmailing political opponents so they hopefully won't investigate the president, certainly poses that risk. That's why we've never seen a president make such a careless threat.

You'd care about this nation if you weren't such a committed cult member who puts the president above everything else.
Spoken like a true cult member who puts Democratic politics above the welfare and security of the nation. The Democrats are threatening to squander tax payer money on investigations for the purpose of harassing the President and driving his approval ratings down instead of dealing with the nation's issues, and you think that's just fine, but you make up nonsense about the documents he is threatening to release being a danger to national security. Have you no shame at all or is it you have no intelligence at all?

You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.

This investigation is up to 40 million and still nothing but process crimes that had nothing to do with the election or Russian involvement in it.

Other investigations in the past had evidence of possible wrong doing. This investigation was started over Trump making a joke during the debates and Papa-Dop getting drunk at a bar in Europe and shooting off his mouth. That's it.
"that had nothing to do with the election or Russian involvement in it."

Well that's not true. Mueller's latest target appears to be Jerome Corsi and his purported connections with Roger Stone and WikiLeaks releasing Podesta's emails.
What makes you think releasing these particular classified documents woud threaten national security?
I said it could, not that it necessarily would. Obviously, I'm not privy to its contents. But given material is classified to protect national security, declassifying it for the purpose of blackmailing political opponents so they hopefully won't investigate the president, certainly poses that risk. That's why we've never seen a president make such a careless threat.

You'd care about this nation if you weren't such a committed cult member who puts the president above everything else.
Spoken like a true cult member who puts Democratic politics above the welfare and security of the nation. The Democrats are threatening to squander tax payer money on investigations for the purpose of harassing the President and driving his approval ratings down instead of dealing with the nation's issues, and you think that's just fine, but you make up nonsense about the documents he is threatening to release being a danger to national security. Have you no shame at all or is it you have no intelligence at all?

You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.
Obviously, you're expressing your support for the Democrats' plan to use the House for their own political gain instead of using it for the good of the nation by trying to justify it with your nonsense of what the Republicans, you claim, once did. What is wrong with you that you keep making statements you are ashamed of?
I said it could, not that it necessarily would. Obviously, I'm not privy to its contents. But given material is classified to protect national security, declassifying it for the purpose of blackmailing political opponents so they hopefully won't investigate the president, certainly poses that risk. That's why we've never seen a president make such a careless threat.

You'd care about this nation if you weren't such a committed cult member who puts the president above everything else.
Spoken like a true cult member who puts Democratic politics above the welfare and security of the nation. The Democrats are threatening to squander tax payer money on investigations for the purpose of harassing the President and driving his approval ratings down instead of dealing with the nation's issues, and you think that's just fine, but you make up nonsense about the documents he is threatening to release being a danger to national security. Have you no shame at all or is it you have no intelligence at all?

You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.
Obviously, you're expressing your support for the Democrats' plan to use the House for their own political gain instead of using it for the good of the nation by trying to justify it with your nonsense of what the Republicans, you claim, once did. What is wrong with you that you keep making statements you are ashamed of?
And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.

I didn’t say that — you did.

Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.
Spoken like a true cult member who puts Democratic politics above the welfare and security of the nation. The Democrats are threatening to squander tax payer money on investigations for the purpose of harassing the President and driving his approval ratings down instead of dealing with the nation's issues, and you think that's just fine, but you make up nonsense about the documents he is threatening to release being a danger to national security. Have you no shame at all or is it you have no intelligence at all?

You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.

This investigation is up to 40 million and still nothing but process crimes that had nothing to do with the election or Russian involvement in it.

Other investigations in the past had evidence of possible wrong doing. This investigation was started over Trump making a joke during the debates and Papa-Dop getting drunk at a bar in Europe and shooting off his mouth. That's it.
"that had nothing to do with the election or Russian involvement in it."

Well that's not true. Mueller's latest target appears to be Jerome Corsi and his purported connections with Roger Stone and WikiLeaks releasing Podesta's emails.
Which is just gossip and has nothing to do with collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, but then you never post anything but groundless gossip.
Spoken like a true cult member who puts Democratic politics above the welfare and security of the nation. The Democrats are threatening to squander tax payer money on investigations for the purpose of harassing the President and driving his approval ratings down instead of dealing with the nation's issues, and you think that's just fine, but you make up nonsense about the documents he is threatening to release being a danger to national security. Have you no shame at all or is it you have no intelligence at all?

You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.
Obviously, you're expressing your support for the Democrats' plan to use the House for their own political gain instead of using it for the good of the nation by trying to justify it with your nonsense of what the Republicans, you claim, once did. What is wrong with you that you keep making statements you are ashamed of?
And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.

I didn’t say that — you did.

Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.

What investigations did Republicans have while DumBama was in office?

You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.

This investigation is up to 40 million and still nothing but process crimes that had nothing to do with the election or Russian involvement in it.

Other investigations in the past had evidence of possible wrong doing. This investigation was started over Trump making a joke during the debates and Papa-Dop getting drunk at a bar in Europe and shooting off his mouth. That's it.
"that had nothing to do with the election or Russian involvement in it."

Well that's not true. Mueller's latest target appears to be Jerome Corsi and his purported connections with Roger Stone and WikiLeaks releasing Podesta's emails.
Try using words next time.


You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.
Obviously, you're expressing your support for the Democrats' plan to use the House for their own political gain instead of using it for the good of the nation by trying to justify it with your nonsense of what the Republicans, you claim, once did. What is wrong with you that you keep making statements you are ashamed of?
And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.

I didn’t say that — you did.

Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.

What investigations did Republicans have while DumBama was in office?
Spoken like a true cult member who puts Democratic politics above the welfare and security of the nation. The Democrats are threatening to squander tax payer money on investigations for the purpose of harassing the President and driving his approval ratings down instead of dealing with the nation's issues, and you think that's just fine, but you make up nonsense about the documents he is threatening to release being a danger to national security. Have you no shame at all or is it you have no intelligence at all?

You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.
Obviously, you're expressing your support for the Democrats' plan to use the House for their own political gain instead of using it for the good of the nation by trying to justify it with your nonsense of what the Republicans, you claim, once did. What is wrong with you that you keep making statements you are ashamed of?
And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.

I didn’t say that — you did.

Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.
Which is your way of supporting the political misuse of the House by the Democrats.
Spoken like a true cult member who puts Democratic politics above the welfare and security of the nation. The Democrats are threatening to squander tax payer money on investigations for the purpose of harassing the President and driving his approval ratings down instead of dealing with the nation's issues, and you think that's just fine, but you make up nonsense about the documents he is threatening to release being a danger to national security. Have you no shame at all or is it you have no intelligence at all?

You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.

This investigation is up to 40 million and still nothing but process crimes that had nothing to do with the election or Russian involvement in it.

Other investigations in the past had evidence of possible wrong doing. This investigation was started over Trump making a joke during the debates and Papa-Dop getting drunk at a bar in Europe and shooting off his mouth. That's it.
"that had nothing to do with the election or Russian involvement in it."

Well that's not true. Mueller's latest target appears to be Jerome Corsi and his purported connections with Roger Stone and WikiLeaks releasing Podesta's emails.

Of course, the man is facing a lifetime in jail for things he did prior to joining the Trump campaign, and was told to create some BS on Trump for a lesser sentence. Gee, what are the choices here?
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.
Obviously, you're expressing your support for the Democrats' plan to use the House for their own political gain instead of using it for the good of the nation by trying to justify it with your nonsense of what the Republicans, you claim, once did. What is wrong with you that you keep making statements you are ashamed of?
And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.

I didn’t say that — you did.

Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.

What investigations did Republicans have while DumBama was in office?

An expected reply.

rolling eyes.gif
Spoken like a true cult member who puts Democratic politics above the welfare and security of the nation. The Democrats are threatening to squander tax payer money on investigations for the purpose of harassing the President and driving his approval ratings down instead of dealing with the nation's issues, and you think that's just fine, but you make up nonsense about the documents he is threatening to release being a danger to national security. Have you no shame at all or is it you have no intelligence at all?

You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.
Obviously, you're expressing your support for the Democrats' plan to use the House for their own political gain instead of using it for the good of the nation by trying to justify it with your nonsense of what the Republicans, you claim, once did. What is wrong with you that you keep making statements you are ashamed of?
And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.

I didn’t say that — you did.

Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.

Actually , Clinton was guilty of sexually harassing Paula Corbin Jones and paid her off.

Executives in the Private Sector- where Trump came from- are traditionally fired on the spot for such a transgression.

You crack me up. You don't even know what investigations might pop up -- yet here you are, already claiming they'll be "squandering tax payer money." But you do reveal more than you intend. Was "harassing the president and driving his approval ratings down" the reason Republicans re-opened Whitewater? And then parlayed that into endless investigations like travelgate, filegate, vincefostergate, etc...

Nah, it is most certainly you who's swallowed the Kool-Aid. Every last drop.
So what you're saying is that you approve of opening investigations in the House for harassing the President and improving Democrats' chances in 2020, a clear abuse of power and a waste of taxpayer money, and this leads you to make up lies about the President threatening national security. In post after post you reveal to us that you have no idea why you hate the President so much.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.
Obviously, you're expressing your support for the Democrats' plan to use the House for their own political gain instead of using it for the good of the nation by trying to justify it with your nonsense of what the Republicans, you claim, once did. What is wrong with you that you keep making statements you are ashamed of?
And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.

I didn’t say that — you did.

Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.
Which is your way of supporting the political misuse of the House by the Democrats.
And still, the only one suggesting that is you.

The only one assuming any investigation Democrats start will be bogus, is again you.
No, that's not actually what I said.

What I said was you're projecting since Republicans were the ones who actually held endless investigations and squandered tens of millions of tax payer dollars.
Obviously, you're expressing your support for the Democrats' plan to use the House for their own political gain instead of using it for the good of the nation by trying to justify it with your nonsense of what the Republicans, you claim, once did. What is wrong with you that you keep making statements you are ashamed of?
And the only one suggesting they will crank up bogus investigations — is you, projecting that on me.

I didn’t say that — you did.

Which revealed you were projecting since that’s exactly why Republicans did while Bill Clinton was president and then again while Obama was president.

What investigations did Republicans have while DumBama was in office?

An expected reply.

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fast n furious, Benghazi- 8 separate committee investigations, IRS Lois Lerner gate, IRAN deal, Clinton email ..... etc etc etc

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