Trump threatens parasites

With out the mandate, you are supporting the parasites the are not insured & have to use the ER or get a major health issue.

If we deregulate the health insurance market you won't really need the mandate. Health insurance companies can offer insurance that people want at a price most can afford.

Yes there will always be some parasites, but we can reduce the number of them.
So you think the health insurance companies will magically offer all these cheap plans? What planet do you live on.

Sure they will $10000 deductible with a max out of pocket of $20,000 and no co pays first 10 out of your pocket then they will pay 60% you pay 40%.

The free market has provided Whole Foods or Piggly Wiggly. You can get a 1200 dollar Alienware gaming laptop or a cheap laptop that does only basic things. You have the 4 Seasons or Motel 6

Also you have a huge market of let's say 18 to 25 yr olds who are all young and the vast majority are healthy.
health care and health care insurance is not a widget.... the normal market forces of widgets does not apply to ones own health never has and never will apply.

If you are talking about extreme cases like cancer then yes you are correct. If we are talking about primary care then that would be effected by market forces.

What do you think would happen to the price of a doctor visit if we imported a bunch of doctors from other countries?
Can you imagine the confetti parades we would have seen if Obama had accrued the record....either domestic or foreign policy....that Reagan did!!!

You realize Reagan started the crack epidemic, got over 400 Marines killed in Beiruit, and traded arms to Iran for hostages, and didn't get any hostages for it.

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
In other words, you can't find a single thing to point to in my post....and it's eating away at you.


The problem with your polls of healthcare satisfaction, are actually asking those with healthcare insurance, how satisfied they are with their insurance plan. The millions without healthcare insurance weren't asked.

Of course, you just proved my premise.

Why didn't the Bolsheviks simply focus on those few without insurance, rather than destroy what was the best healthcare system in the world?

Yes....the best.

Answer: the gambit (better look that up, dunce) was to gain control of another 17% of the GDP rather than improve anything.

Oh....and my mention of Bolsheviks?
Two reason:
a. Liberals stand for the very same things that he Communist Party stood for
b. Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too. Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately.)
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

How many times a day do you wish you had an actual education, and were able to respond?
Can you imagine the confetti parades we would have seen if Obama had accrued the record....either domestic or foreign policy....that Reagan did!!!

You realize Reagan started the crack epidemic, got over 400 Marines killed in Beiruit, and traded arms to Iran for hostages, and didn't get any hostages for it.

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
download (4).jpg
Can you imagine the confetti parades we would have seen if Obama had accrued the record....either domestic or foreign policy....that Reagan did!!!

You realize Reagan started the crack epidemic, got over 400 Marines killed in Beiruit, and traded arms to Iran for hostages, and didn't get any hostages for it.

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
View attachment 141788

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
Can you imagine the confetti parades we would have seen if Obama had accrued the record....either domestic or foreign policy....that Reagan did!!!

You realize Reagan started the crack epidemic, got over 400 Marines killed in Beiruit, and traded arms to Iran for hostages, and didn't get any hostages for it.

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
View attachment 141788

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
I think I made that clear.
You're way off topic BTW.
Can you imagine the confetti parades we would have seen if Obama had accrued the record....either domestic or foreign policy....that Reagan did!!!

You realize Reagan started the crack epidemic, got over 400 Marines killed in Beiruit, and traded arms to Iran for hostages, and didn't get any hostages for it.

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
View attachment 141788

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
I think I made that clear.
You're way off topic BTW.

I just wanted your help in proving you a moron.

"His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll."

"Democrats suffered a greater loss of power during Obama’s tenure than under any other two-term president since World War II." Obama returns to political fray for a Democratic Party cause
Can you imagine the confetti parades we would have seen if Obama had accrued the record....either domestic or foreign policy....that Reagan did!!!

You realize Reagan started the crack epidemic, got over 400 Marines killed in Beiruit, and traded arms to Iran for hostages, and didn't get any hostages for it.

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
View attachment 141788

The only reason everyone in President Affirmative Action Hire's administration wasn't investigated was because no Republican wanted to be seen as "racist" and Republicans for some reason go along to get along.
You realize Reagan started the crack epidemic, got over 400 Marines killed in Beiruit, and traded arms to Iran for hostages, and didn't get any hostages for it.

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
View attachment 141788

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
I think I made that clear.
You're way off topic BTW.

I just wanted your help in proving you a moron.

"His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll."

"Democrats suffered a greater loss of power during Obama’s tenure than under any other two-term president since World War II." Obama returns to political fray for a Democratic Party cause

Even further off topic. You're off topic on the off topic subject. :laugh2:
Can you imagine the confetti parades we would have seen if Obama had accrued the record....either domestic or foreign policy....that Reagan did!!!

You realize Reagan started the crack epidemic, got over 400 Marines killed in Beiruit, and traded arms to Iran for hostages, and didn't get any hostages for it.

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
View attachment 141788

The only reason everyone in President Affirmative Action Hire's administration wasn't investigated was because no Republican wanted to be seen as "racist" and Republicans for some reason go along to get along.

Do you honestly believe that?
Can you imagine the confetti parades we would have seen if Obama had accrued the record....either domestic or foreign policy....that Reagan did!!!

You realize Reagan started the crack epidemic, got over 400 Marines killed in Beiruit, and traded arms to Iran for hostages, and didn't get any hostages for it.

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
View attachment 141788

The only reason everyone in President Affirmative Action Hire's administration wasn't investigated was because no Republican wanted to be seen as "racist" and Republicans for some reason go along to get along.

Do you honestly believe that?

Fast and Furious
IRS Tea Party
Anwar al-Awlaki
Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch
Unmasking Flynn
Hillary's Illegal Server

That is just what I can think of off the top of my head.
You realize Reagan started the crack epidemic, got over 400 Marines killed in Beiruit, and traded arms to Iran for hostages, and didn't get any hostages for it.

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
View attachment 141788

The only reason everyone in President Affirmative Action Hire's administration wasn't investigated was because no Republican wanted to be seen as "racist" and Republicans for some reason go along to get along.

Do you honestly believe that?

Fast and Furious
IRS Tea Party
Anwar al-Awlaki
Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch
Unmasking Flynn
Hillary's Illegal Server

That is just what I can think of off the top of my head.

Dude, Benghazi, IRS and the server were investigated ad nauseum. We all know what came from those. Nada.

Do you truly believe that Obama got over simply because he was black?
Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?

Whose record would you rather have, Reagan's or Obama's?
View attachment 141788

The only reason everyone in President Affirmative Action Hire's administration wasn't investigated was because no Republican wanted to be seen as "racist" and Republicans for some reason go along to get along.

Do you honestly believe that?

Fast and Furious
IRS Tea Party
Anwar al-Awlaki
Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch
Unmasking Flynn
Hillary's Illegal Server

That is just what I can think of off the top of my head.

Dude, Benghazi, IRS and the server were investigated ad nauseum. We all know what came from those. Nada.

Do you truly believe that Obama got over simply because he was black?

That and Republicans going along and getting along.

He should have a least gotten life without parol for Anwar al-Awlaki. He was a US citizen who was targeted and killed without trial.

But he is not only a Democrat (just by that virtue alone means he can do whatever he wants), but he is also half black.

Don't believe me that Democrats can do anything? The worthless cripple FDR literally rounded up US citizens and put them in camps (like Hitler)

The only reason everyone in President Affirmative Action Hire's administration wasn't investigated was because no Republican wanted to be seen as "racist" and Republicans for some reason go along to get along.

Do you honestly believe that?

Fast and Furious
IRS Tea Party
Anwar al-Awlaki
Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch
Unmasking Flynn
Hillary's Illegal Server

That is just what I can think of off the top of my head.

Dude, Benghazi, IRS and the server were investigated ad nauseum. We all know what came from those. Nada.

Do you truly believe that Obama got over simply because he was black?

That and Republicans going along and getting along.

He should have a least gotten life without parol for Anwar al-Awlaki. He was a US citizen who was targeted and killed without trial.

But he is not only a Democrat (just by that virtue alone means he can do whatever he wants), but he is also half black.

Don't believe me that Democrats can do anything? The worthless cripple FDR literally rounded up US citizens and put them in camps (like Hitler)

Sure, dude.
That makes complete sense.

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