Trump threatens parasites

Now WITF does that have to do with the Republican threats to repeal the ACA?

How can insurers invest in cultivating market opportunities if they don't know if the rules will change on the whim of Republicans and cost them a fortune?

"....WITF does that have to do with the Republican threats to repeal the ACA?"

Gads, you're a moron.

There was never a need for ObamaCare.
Reagan solved the problem in '86.

But...the Left expected the brain-dead, you, to fall right in line and turn over 17% of GDP to big government.

And, you jumped right through the hoop.
Did they give you a doggie treat????

BTW.....prior to ObamaCare, the US had the best healthcare in the world, as proven by the polls:

Quinnipiac University, Sept. 2009. "How satisfied are you with your health insurance plan?" 54 percent very satisfied, 34 percent somewhat.Total: 88 percent satisfaction.

Quinnipiac University, June 2009. "How satisfied are you with your health insurance plan?" 49 percent very satisfied, 36 somewhat satisfied.Total: 85 percent satisfaction.

ABC News/Washington Post, June 2009. "For each specific item I name, please tell me whether you are very satisfied with it, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. ... Your health insurance coverage." 42 percent very satisfied, 39 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 81 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, May 2009. "Overall, how satisfied are you with your current health insurance plan?" 21 percent extremely satisfied, 37 percent very satisfied, 30 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 88 percent satisfaction.

ABC News/Washington Post, June 2009. "For each specific item I name, please tell me whether you are very satisfied with it, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. ... Your health insurance coverage." 42 percent very satisfied, 39 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 81 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, Aug. 2008. "Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following aspects of your health care. ... Quality of health care I receive through my (health insurance) plan." 31 percent extremely satisfied, 41 percent very satisfied, 23 somewhat satisfied. Total: 95 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, Aug. 2008. "Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following aspects of your health care. ... Overall satisfaction with my health (insurance) care plan." 23 percent extremely satisfied, 38 percent very satisfied, 30 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 91 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, May 2008. "Overall, how satisfied are you with your current health insurance plan?" 17 percent extremely satisfied, 36 percent very satisfied, 33 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 86 percent satisfaction.

If you average these eight scores, the total rate of satisfaction is 87 percent. In all but one poll, the satisfaction level was below Will's stated level of 95 percent.

One poll, taken five months before Obama was inaugurated, did come up with 95 percent satisfaction. But alone among these eight polls, that survey asked participants about the "quality of health care I receive through my (health insurance) plan." While we decided that the wording was close enough to merit inclusion on our list, the modest difference in satisfaction levels may stem from the way the question was phrased. Many people feel more warmly toward their doctors than they do toward their insurers.

So, while one poll with unique wording pegged satisfaction at 95 percent, the average of all relevant polls over a two-year period was eight points lower than what Will cited. However, Will is correct that the levels of satisfaction with one's own health insurance are consistently high. Indeed, they're extraordinarily high, when one considers how rarely surveys find such high levels of agreement among Americans. Since Will portrayed the larger point accurately, even while modestly overstating the number, we rate his comment Mostly True.

Will says that 95 percent of people with health insurance are satisfied with it

Now....can we agree that you are a moron, and exactly what the Democrats want?

Gads, you're a moron.

There was never a need for ObamaCa

You are a moron indeed. EMTALA is what causes the explosive growth in cost.

Also, EMTALA was never really funded resulting in losses for the hospitals and all it really does it make the ER's stabilize you and send you on your way or admit you running up thousands of dollars in medical bills.

You're not just an imbecile....a lying imbecile.
You're trying to pretend that the government losing money is any consideration to Leftists???????

"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

"...the exchanges are on the brink of collapse. Major insurers are quitting, premiums are skyrocketing, enrollment is below expectations, and the administration is taking increasingly desperate measures to paper over the problems. By this time next year, the exchanges could be out of business."
Read more at: More Duct Tape Won’t Save Obamacare’s Collapsing Exchanges

"Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts"
Enrollment in the insurance exchanges for President Obama’s signature health-care law is at less than half the initial forecast, pushing several major insurance companies to stop offering health plans in certain markets because of significant financial losses."
Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts

"For 2016, the average deductible for singles for the lowest-cost bronze plan is $5,700, and for families, it is $12,000.

Obamacare is collapsing as health insurance companies continue to withdraw from the exchanges.
Congress will either convert Obamacare into a public plan—such as Medicare for all—or repeal it altogether."
An Insurance Giant Has Rung Obamacare's Death Knell | Diana Furchtgott-Roth

You're a goddamn idiot who must have been in that welfare line collectingg your cheese and peanut butter while posting on your obamaphone.

In other words, you can't find a single thing to point to in my post....and it's eating away at you.

Great plan. Flood the healthcare system with millions of people that can't pay. Then assholes like you will pay through higher medical costs & premiums.

Trump is a fricken idiot. Mr Bluff will get nowhere with that threat.

These parasites can afford to pay, but they don't want to. The only difference between us and them is they had a powerful friend.

If these people really can't afford it then they can find another line (maybe even a productive line) off work.

So, why aren't you for the mandate?

First Trump is just talking about just the illegal subsidies that federal workers are getting.

Second I am against all unnecessary force. Unless you are directly hurting someone's body or are stealing from someone then there is a 95% chance I am against government force.
With out the mandate, you are supporting the parasites the are not insured & have to use the ER or get a major health issue.
Great plan. Flood the healthcare system with millions of people that can't pay. Then assholes like you will pay through higher medical costs & premiums.

Trump is a fricken idiot. Mr Bluff will get nowhere with that threat.

These parasites can afford to pay, but they don't want to. The only difference between us and them is they had a powerful friend.

If these people really can't afford it then they can find another line (maybe even a productive line) off work.

So, why aren't you for the mandate?

First Trump is just talking about just the illegal subsidies that federal workers are getting.

Second I am against all unnecessary force. Unless you are directly hurting someone's body or are stealing from someone then there is a 95% chance I am against government force.
With out the mandate, you are supporting the parasites the are not insured & have to use the ER or get a major health issue.

If we deregulate the health insurance market you won't really need the mandate. Health insurance companies can offer insurance that people want at a price most can afford.

Yes there will always be some parasites, but we can reduce the number of them.
Great plan. Flood the healthcare system with millions of people that can't pay. Then assholes like you will pay through higher medical costs & premiums.

Trump is a fricken idiot. Mr Bluff will get nowhere with that threat.

These parasites can afford to pay, but they don't want to. The only difference between us and them is they had a powerful friend.

If these people really can't afford it then they can find another line (maybe even a productive line) off work.

So, why aren't you for the mandate?

First Trump is just talking about just the illegal subsidies that federal workers are getting.

Second I am against all unnecessary force. Unless you are directly hurting someone's body or are stealing from someone then there is a 95% chance I am against government force.
With out the mandate, you are supporting the parasites the are not insured & have to use the ER or get a major health issue.

If we deregulate the health insurance market you won't really need the mandate. Health insurance companies can offer insurance that people want at a price most can afford.

Yes there will always be some parasites, but we can reduce the number of them.
So you think the health insurance companies will magically offer all these cheap plans? What planet do you live on.
"....WITF does that have to do with the Republican threats to repeal the ACA?"

Gads, you're a moron.

There was never a need for ObamaCare.
Reagan solved the problem in '86.

But...the Left expected the brain-dead, you, to fall right in line and turn over 17% of GDP to big government.

And, you jumped right through the hoop.
Did they give you a doggie treat????

BTW.....prior to ObamaCare, the US had the best healthcare in the world, as proven by the polls:

Quinnipiac University, Sept. 2009. "How satisfied are you with your health insurance plan?" 54 percent very satisfied, 34 percent somewhat.Total: 88 percent satisfaction.

Quinnipiac University, June 2009. "How satisfied are you with your health insurance plan?" 49 percent very satisfied, 36 somewhat satisfied.Total: 85 percent satisfaction.

ABC News/Washington Post, June 2009. "For each specific item I name, please tell me whether you are very satisfied with it, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. ... Your health insurance coverage." 42 percent very satisfied, 39 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 81 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, May 2009. "Overall, how satisfied are you with your current health insurance plan?" 21 percent extremely satisfied, 37 percent very satisfied, 30 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 88 percent satisfaction.

ABC News/Washington Post, June 2009. "For each specific item I name, please tell me whether you are very satisfied with it, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. ... Your health insurance coverage." 42 percent very satisfied, 39 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 81 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, Aug. 2008. "Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following aspects of your health care. ... Quality of health care I receive through my (health insurance) plan." 31 percent extremely satisfied, 41 percent very satisfied, 23 somewhat satisfied. Total: 95 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, Aug. 2008. "Please rate your satisfaction with each of the following aspects of your health care. ... Overall satisfaction with my health (insurance) care plan." 23 percent extremely satisfied, 38 percent very satisfied, 30 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 91 percent satisfaction.

Mathew Greenwald & Associates for the Employee Benefit Research Institute, May 2008. "Overall, how satisfied are you with your current health insurance plan?" 17 percent extremely satisfied, 36 percent very satisfied, 33 percent somewhat satisfied. Total: 86 percent satisfaction.

If you average these eight scores, the total rate of satisfaction is 87 percent. In all but one poll, the satisfaction level was below Will's stated level of 95 percent.

One poll, taken five months before Obama was inaugurated, did come up with 95 percent satisfaction. But alone among these eight polls, that survey asked participants about the "quality of health care I receive through my (health insurance) plan." While we decided that the wording was close enough to merit inclusion on our list, the modest difference in satisfaction levels may stem from the way the question was phrased. Many people feel more warmly toward their doctors than they do toward their insurers.

So, while one poll with unique wording pegged satisfaction at 95 percent, the average of all relevant polls over a two-year period was eight points lower than what Will cited. However, Will is correct that the levels of satisfaction with one's own health insurance are consistently high. Indeed, they're extraordinarily high, when one considers how rarely surveys find such high levels of agreement among Americans. Since Will portrayed the larger point accurately, even while modestly overstating the number, we rate his comment Mostly True.

Will says that 95 percent of people with health insurance are satisfied with it

Now....can we agree that you are a moron, and exactly what the Democrats want?

Gads, you're a moron.

There was never a need for ObamaCa

You are a moron indeed. EMTALA is what causes the explosive growth in cost.

Also, EMTALA was never really funded resulting in losses for the hospitals and all it really does it make the ER's stabilize you and send you on your way or admit you running up thousands of dollars in medical bills.

You're not just an imbecile....a lying imbecile.
You're trying to pretend that the government losing money is any consideration to Leftists???????

"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

"...the exchanges are on the brink of collapse. Major insurers are quitting, premiums are skyrocketing, enrollment is below expectations, and the administration is taking increasingly desperate measures to paper over the problems. By this time next year, the exchanges could be out of business."
Read more at: More Duct Tape Won’t Save Obamacare’s Collapsing Exchanges

"Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts"
Enrollment in the insurance exchanges for President Obama’s signature health-care law is at less than half the initial forecast, pushing several major insurance companies to stop offering health plans in certain markets because of significant financial losses."
Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts

"For 2016, the average deductible for singles for the lowest-cost bronze plan is $5,700, and for families, it is $12,000.

Obamacare is collapsing as health insurance companies continue to withdraw from the exchanges.
Congress will either convert Obamacare into a public plan—such as Medicare for all—or repeal it altogether."
An Insurance Giant Has Rung Obamacare's Death Knell | Diana Furchtgott-Roth

You're a goddamn idiot who must have been in that welfare line collectingg your cheese and peanut butter while posting on your obamaphone.

In other words, you can't find a single thing to point to in my post....and it's eating away at you.


I didn't even read your further posts, you rely on copy and paste every time, no original thoughts just like everyone I have ever met from Brooklyn. I start reading some of your posts and realize you don't know shit about anything.
These parasites can afford to pay, but they don't want to. The only difference between us and them is they had a powerful friend.

If these people really can't afford it then they can find another line (maybe even a productive line) off work.

So, why aren't you for the mandate?

First Trump is just talking about just the illegal subsidies that federal workers are getting.

Second I am against all unnecessary force. Unless you are directly hurting someone's body or are stealing from someone then there is a 95% chance I am against government force.
With out the mandate, you are supporting the parasites the are not insured & have to use the ER or get a major health issue.

If we deregulate the health insurance market you won't really need the mandate. Health insurance companies can offer insurance that people want at a price most can afford.

Yes there will always be some parasites, but we can reduce the number of them.
So you think the health insurance companies will magically offer all these cheap plans? What planet do you live on.

Sure they will $10000 deductible with a max out of pocket of $20,000 and no co pays first 10 out of your pocket then they will pay 60% you pay 40%.
So, why aren't you for the mandate?

First Trump is just talking about just the illegal subsidies that federal workers are getting.

Second I am against all unnecessary force. Unless you are directly hurting someone's body or are stealing from someone then there is a 95% chance I am against government force.
With out the mandate, you are supporting the parasites the are not insured & have to use the ER or get a major health issue.

If we deregulate the health insurance market you won't really need the mandate. Health insurance companies can offer insurance that people want at a price most can afford.

Yes there will always be some parasites, but we can reduce the number of them.
So you think the health insurance companies will magically offer all these cheap plans? What planet do you live on.

Sure they will $10000 deductible with a max out of pocket of $20,000 and no co pays first 10 out of your pocket then they will pay 60% you pay 40%.

The free market has provided Whole Foods or Piggly Wiggly. You can get a 1200 dollar Alienware gaming laptop or a cheap laptop that does only basic things. You have the 4 Seasons or Motel 6

Also you have a huge market of let's say 18 to 25 yr olds who are all young and the vast majority are healthy.
Last edited:
You are a moron indeed. EMTALA is what causes the explosive growth in cost.

Also, EMTALA was never really funded resulting in losses for the hospitals and all it really does it make the ER's stabilize you and send you on your way or admit you running up thousands of dollars in medical bills.

You're not just an imbecile....a lying imbecile.
You're trying to pretend that the government losing money is any consideration to Leftists???????

"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

"...the exchanges are on the brink of collapse. Major insurers are quitting, premiums are skyrocketing, enrollment is below expectations, and the administration is taking increasingly desperate measures to paper over the problems. By this time next year, the exchanges could be out of business."
Read more at: More Duct Tape Won’t Save Obamacare’s Collapsing Exchanges

"Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts"
Enrollment in the insurance exchanges for President Obama’s signature health-care law is at less than half the initial forecast, pushing several major insurance companies to stop offering health plans in certain markets because of significant financial losses."
Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts

"For 2016, the average deductible for singles for the lowest-cost bronze plan is $5,700, and for families, it is $12,000.

Obamacare is collapsing as health insurance companies continue to withdraw from the exchanges.
Congress will either convert Obamacare into a public plan—such as Medicare for all—or repeal it altogether."
An Insurance Giant Has Rung Obamacare's Death Knell | Diana Furchtgott-Roth

You're a goddamn idiot who must have been in that welfare line collectingg your cheese and peanut butter while posting on your obamaphone.

In other words, you can't find a single thing to point to in my post....and it's eating away at you.


I didn't even read your further posts, you rely on copy and paste every time, no original thoughts just like everyone I have ever met from Brooklyn. I start reading some of your posts and realize you don't know shit about anything.

And yet another attempt to hide the fact that you have no way to dispute what I've posted.

Is the reason that you are trying to use documentation...'copy and paste' a pejorative (better look that up), that you are not widely read nor educated enough to use the technique?'s jealousy, ...just as you are: plain and simple?
Also, EMTALA was never really funded resulting in losses for the hospitals and all it really does it make the ER's stabilize you and send you on your way or admit you running up thousands of dollars in medical bills.

You're not just an imbecile....a lying imbecile.
You're trying to pretend that the government losing money is any consideration to Leftists???????

"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

"...the exchanges are on the brink of collapse. Major insurers are quitting, premiums are skyrocketing, enrollment is below expectations, and the administration is taking increasingly desperate measures to paper over the problems. By this time next year, the exchanges could be out of business."
Read more at: More Duct Tape Won’t Save Obamacare’s Collapsing Exchanges

"Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts"
Enrollment in the insurance exchanges for President Obama’s signature health-care law is at less than half the initial forecast, pushing several major insurance companies to stop offering health plans in certain markets because of significant financial losses."
Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts

"For 2016, the average deductible for singles for the lowest-cost bronze plan is $5,700, and for families, it is $12,000.

Obamacare is collapsing as health insurance companies continue to withdraw from the exchanges.
Congress will either convert Obamacare into a public plan—such as Medicare for all—or repeal it altogether."
An Insurance Giant Has Rung Obamacare's Death Knell | Diana Furchtgott-Roth

You're a goddamn idiot who must have been in that welfare line collectingg your cheese and peanut butter while posting on your obamaphone.

In other words, you can't find a single thing to point to in my post....and it's eating away at you.


I didn't even read your further posts, you rely on copy and paste every time, no original thoughts just like everyone I have ever met from Brooklyn. I start reading some of your posts and realize you don't know shit about anything.

And yet another attempt to hide the fact that you have no way to dispute what I've posted.

Is the reason that you are trying to use documentation...'copy and paste' a pejorative (better look that up), that you are not widely read nor educated enough to use the technique?'s jealousy, ...just as you are: plain and simple?

Hey, get in that kitchen and make your man a meal fit for a king and when you're finished clean the house.
Also, EMTALA was never really funded resulting in losses for the hospitals and all it really does it make the ER's stabilize you and send you on your way or admit you running up thousands of dollars in medical bills.

You're not just an imbecile....a lying imbecile.
You're trying to pretend that the government losing money is any consideration to Leftists???????

"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

"...the exchanges are on the brink of collapse. Major insurers are quitting, premiums are skyrocketing, enrollment is below expectations, and the administration is taking increasingly desperate measures to paper over the problems. By this time next year, the exchanges could be out of business."
Read more at: More Duct Tape Won’t Save Obamacare’s Collapsing Exchanges

"Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts"
Enrollment in the insurance exchanges for President Obama’s signature health-care law is at less than half the initial forecast, pushing several major insurance companies to stop offering health plans in certain markets because of significant financial losses."
Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts

"For 2016, the average deductible for singles for the lowest-cost bronze plan is $5,700, and for families, it is $12,000.

Obamacare is collapsing as health insurance companies continue to withdraw from the exchanges.
Congress will either convert Obamacare into a public plan—such as Medicare for all—or repeal it altogether."
An Insurance Giant Has Rung Obamacare's Death Knell | Diana Furchtgott-Roth

You're a goddamn idiot who must have been in that welfare line collectingg your cheese and peanut butter while posting on your obamaphone.

In other words, you can't find a single thing to point to in my post....and it's eating away at you.


I didn't even read your further posts, you rely on copy and paste every time, no original thoughts just like everyone I have ever met from Brooklyn. I start reading some of your posts and realize you don't know shit about anything.

And yet another attempt to hide the fact that you have no way to dispute what I've posted.

Is the reason that you are trying to use documentation...'copy and paste' a pejorative (better look that up), that you are not widely read nor educated enough to use the technique?'s jealousy, ...just as you are: plain and simple?

I only read what you have typed when it gets to the copy and paste bullshit I'm done.
You're not just an imbecile....a lying imbecile.
You're trying to pretend that the government losing money is any consideration to Leftists???????

"The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo"
The Federal Government's $146 Billion Obamacare Boo-Boo -- The Motley Fool

"...the exchanges are on the brink of collapse. Major insurers are quitting, premiums are skyrocketing, enrollment is below expectations, and the administration is taking increasingly desperate measures to paper over the problems. By this time next year, the exchanges could be out of business."
Read more at: More Duct Tape Won’t Save Obamacare’s Collapsing Exchanges

"Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts"
Enrollment in the insurance exchanges for President Obama’s signature health-care law is at less than half the initial forecast, pushing several major insurance companies to stop offering health plans in certain markets because of significant financial losses."
Health-care exchange sign-ups fall far short of forecasts

"For 2016, the average deductible for singles for the lowest-cost bronze plan is $5,700, and for families, it is $12,000.

Obamacare is collapsing as health insurance companies continue to withdraw from the exchanges.
Congress will either convert Obamacare into a public plan—such as Medicare for all—or repeal it altogether."
An Insurance Giant Has Rung Obamacare's Death Knell | Diana Furchtgott-Roth

You're a goddamn idiot who must have been in that welfare line collectingg your cheese and peanut butter while posting on your obamaphone.

In other words, you can't find a single thing to point to in my post....and it's eating away at you.


I didn't even read your further posts, you rely on copy and paste every time, no original thoughts just like everyone I have ever met from Brooklyn. I start reading some of your posts and realize you don't know shit about anything.

And yet another attempt to hide the fact that you have no way to dispute what I've posted.

Is the reason that you are trying to use documentation...'copy and paste' a pejorative (better look that up), that you are not widely read nor educated enough to use the technique?'s jealousy, ...just as you are: plain and simple?

I only read what you have typed when it gets to the copy and paste bullshit I'm done.

Probably the reason you did so poorly in school.

If you ever get beyond junior high....the following will come in handy.

Some pointers.

1. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (

Composition Patterns: Developing an Argument

2. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(LibGuides: Critically Analyzing Information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis)

3. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience? Do you find the level ‘over your head’ or is this source too elementary? Ibid.

4. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

5. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

6. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

7. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”
You're a goddamn idiot who must have been in that welfare line collectingg your cheese and peanut butter while posting on your obamaphone.

In other words, you can't find a single thing to point to in my post....and it's eating away at you.


I didn't even read your further posts, you rely on copy and paste every time, no original thoughts just like everyone I have ever met from Brooklyn. I start reading some of your posts and realize you don't know shit about anything.

And yet another attempt to hide the fact that you have no way to dispute what I've posted.

Is the reason that you are trying to use documentation...'copy and paste' a pejorative (better look that up), that you are not widely read nor educated enough to use the technique?'s jealousy, ...just as you are: plain and simple?

I only read what you have typed when it gets to the copy and paste bullshit I'm done.

Probably the reason you did so poorly in school.

If you ever get beyond junior high....the following will come in handy.

Some pointers.

1. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (

Composition Patterns: Developing an Argument

2. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(LibGuides: Critically Analyzing Information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis)

3. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience? Do you find the level ‘over your head’ or is this source too elementary? Ibid.

4. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

5. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

6. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

7. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”

I didn't need no stinking diploma after 6th grade, went right into the military after being thrown out of school at 19.
In other words, you can't find a single thing to point to in my post....and it's eating away at you.


I didn't even read your further posts, you rely on copy and paste every time, no original thoughts just like everyone I have ever met from Brooklyn. I start reading some of your posts and realize you don't know shit about anything.

And yet another attempt to hide the fact that you have no way to dispute what I've posted.

Is the reason that you are trying to use documentation...'copy and paste' a pejorative (better look that up), that you are not widely read nor educated enough to use the technique?'s jealousy, ...just as you are: plain and simple?

I only read what you have typed when it gets to the copy and paste bullshit I'm done.

Probably the reason you did so poorly in school.

If you ever get beyond junior high....the following will come in handy.

Some pointers.

1. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (

Composition Patterns: Developing an Argument

2. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(LibGuides: Critically Analyzing Information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis)

3. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience? Do you find the level ‘over your head’ or is this source too elementary? Ibid.

4. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

5. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

6. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

7. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”

I didn't need no stinking diploma after 6th grade, went right into the military after being thrown out of school at 19.

And became the intellectual giant that you now are!!!

If you're the best there is, the wheel would never have been couldn't alphabetize a sack of M & Ms.
I didn't even read your further posts, you rely on copy and paste every time, no original thoughts just like everyone I have ever met from Brooklyn. I start reading some of your posts and realize you don't know shit about anything.

And yet another attempt to hide the fact that you have no way to dispute what I've posted.

Is the reason that you are trying to use documentation...'copy and paste' a pejorative (better look that up), that you are not widely read nor educated enough to use the technique?'s jealousy, ...just as you are: plain and simple?

I only read what you have typed when it gets to the copy and paste bullshit I'm done.

Probably the reason you did so poorly in school.

If you ever get beyond junior high....the following will come in handy.

Some pointers.

1. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (

Composition Patterns: Developing an Argument

2. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(LibGuides: Critically Analyzing Information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis)

3. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience? Do you find the level ‘over your head’ or is this source too elementary? Ibid.

4. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

5. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

6. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

7. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”

I didn't need no stinking diploma after 6th grade, went right into the military after being thrown out of school at 19.

And became the intellectual giant that you now are!!!

If you're the best there is, the wheel would never have been couldn't alphabetize a sack of M & Ms.

Hey, you can't knock this. I was the only kid in my 3rd-grade class that could drive to school, my classmates thought that was cool when I picked them up in the morning. Used to pick the sheriffs kid up and he'd tell me, son one day you have to get a license.
You're a goddamn idiot who must have been in that welfare line collectingg your cheese and peanut butter while posting on your obamaphone.

In other words, you can't find a single thing to point to in my post....and it's eating away at you.


I didn't even read your further posts, you rely on copy and paste every time, no original thoughts just like everyone I have ever met from Brooklyn. I start reading some of your posts and realize you don't know shit about anything.

And yet another attempt to hide the fact that you have no way to dispute what I've posted.

Is the reason that you are trying to use documentation...'copy and paste' a pejorative (better look that up), that you are not widely read nor educated enough to use the technique?'s jealousy, ...just as you are: plain and simple?

I only read what you have typed when it gets to the copy and paste bullshit I'm done.

Probably the reason you did so poorly in school.

If you ever get beyond junior high....the following will come in handy.

Some pointers.

1. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (

Composition Patterns: Developing an Argument

2. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(LibGuides: Critically Analyzing Information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis)

3. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience? Do you find the level ‘over your head’ or is this source too elementary? Ibid.

4. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

5. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

6. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

7. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”

I certainly hope in between forum posts you a checking on your mans meal.
I hope he does this. These parasites shouldn't be subsidized.

If they can't afford it tough they should get a real job. This might drain the swamp better than any other idea Trump had.

You don't even get that this is the main reason why insurers are pulling out of the exchanges, do you?
It's hard to set up shop and plan for the next year when you constantly have Republicans threatening to pull the rug out from under you.

The ACA is not failing. It's being undermined.

A Republican President signed the bill that mandated healthcare for every single individual in the or otherwise.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay. "
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

I mean, stupid do you have to be to be a Liberal????
Or....are you the bottom of that barrel?
Don't you KNOW? Reagan is a RINO, in today's political arena! ;)
I hope he does this. These parasites shouldn't be subsidized.

If they can't afford it tough they should get a real job. This might drain the swamp better than any other idea Trump had.

You don't even get that this is the main reason why insurers are pulling out of the exchanges, do you?
It's hard to set up shop and plan for the next year when you constantly have Republicans threatening to pull the rug out from under you.

The ACA is not failing. It's being undermined.

A Republican President signed the bill that mandated healthcare for every single individual in the or otherwise.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospital Emergency Departments that accept payments from Medicare to provide an appropriate medical screening examination (MSE) to individuals seeking treatment for a medical condition, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay. "
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

I mean, stupid do you have to be to be a Liberal????
Or....are you the bottom of that barrel?
Don't you KNOW? Reagan is a RINO, in today's political arena! ;)

Can you imagine the confetti parades we would have seen if Obama had accrued the record....either domestic or foreign policy....that Reagan did!!!
First Trump is just talking about just the illegal subsidies that federal workers are getting.

Second I am against all unnecessary force. Unless you are directly hurting someone's body or are stealing from someone then there is a 95% chance I am against government force.
With out the mandate, you are supporting the parasites the are not insured & have to use the ER or get a major health issue.

If we deregulate the health insurance market you won't really need the mandate. Health insurance companies can offer insurance that people want at a price most can afford.

Yes there will always be some parasites, but we can reduce the number of them.
So you think the health insurance companies will magically offer all these cheap plans? What planet do you live on.

Sure they will $10000 deductible with a max out of pocket of $20,000 and no co pays first 10 out of your pocket then they will pay 60% you pay 40%.

The free market has provided Whole Foods or Piggly Wiggly. You can get a 1200 dollar Alienware gaming laptop or a cheap laptop that does only basic things. You have the 4 Seasons or Motel 6

Also you have a huge market of let's say 18 to 25 yr olds who are all young and the vast majority are healthy.
health care and health care insurance is not a widget.... the normal market forces of widgets does not apply to ones own health never has and never will apply.
Can you imagine the confetti parades we would have seen if Obama had accrued the record....either domestic or foreign policy....that Reagan did!!!

You realize Reagan started the crack epidemic, got over 400 Marines killed in Beiruit, and traded arms to Iran for hostages, and didn't get any hostages for it.
In other words, you can't find a single thing to point to in my post....and it's eating away at you.


The problem with your polls of healthcare satisfaction, are actually asking those with healthcare insurance, how satisfied they are with their insurance plan. The millions without healthcare insurance weren't asked.

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