Trump Threatens the GOP

It would be good.
I absolutely believe, despite the left media trying to convince everyone differently, that Trump is popular because the entertainment value and the media talking about him CONSTANTLY. I thourghly believe by March he will be toppled by one of the other candidates.
Right now the left media is talking about Trump 24/7 because it serves their cause...both that it takes all attention away from Hillary - but also they love trying to convince everyone that this is what conservative people are like.
Trump is like a comedy series...a damn good one. Everyone wants to see and hear what dumbass thing he will say next...but as the run becomes serious...he will fall, and fall fast.
Guarantee it.
Hello? This IS what conservative people are like. You can't blame that on the media, unless you are one of those laughable personal responsibility conservatives.

Get a brain
See what I mean? It's conservatives that need to get a brain.
It would be good.
I absolutely believe, despite the left media trying to convince everyone differently, that Trump is popular because the entertainment value and the media talking about him CONSTANTLY. I thourghly believe by March he will be toppled by one of the other candidates.
Right now the left media is talking about Trump 24/7 because it serves their cause...both that it takes all attention away from Hillary - but also they love trying to convince everyone that this is what conservative people are like.
Trump is like a comedy series...a damn good one. Everyone wants to see and hear what dumbass thing he will say next...but as the run becomes serious...he will fall, and fall fast.
Guarantee it.
Youre assuming the majority of the republican base is intelligent. Take this forum as a microcosm. It doesnt look good for the GOP.

This forum is not in anyway representative of anything other than this forum.Political forums attract the nuts and uber partisans. On both sides. Pick any political forum and...oh...maybe 20% are reasonable, smart people who come here because they like to talk politics but no one else in their family does...the rest are the aforementioned.
I would agree but my personal experience with repubs away from this forum show the same lack of intelligence. Oddly enough your figure of 20% is pretty close to the amount of repubs I consider reasonable and smart.
It would be good.
I absolutely believe, despite the left media trying to convince everyone differently, that Trump is popular because the entertainment value and the media talking about him CONSTANTLY. I thourghly believe by March he will be toppled by one of the other candidates.
Right now the left media is talking about Trump 24/7 because it serves their cause...both that it takes all attention away from Hillary - but also they love trying to convince everyone that this is what conservative people are like.
Trump is like a comedy series...a damn good one. Everyone wants to see and hear what dumbass thing he will say next...but as the run becomes serious...he will fall, and fall fast.
Guarantee it.
Youre assuming the majority of the republican base is intelligent. Take this forum as a microcosm. It doesnt look good for the GOP.

This forum is not in anyway representative of anything other than this forum.Political forums attract the nuts and uber partisans. On both sides. Pick any political forum and...oh...maybe 20% are reasonable, smart people who come here because they like to talk politics but no one else in their family does...the rest are the aforementioned.
I would agree but my personal experience with repubs away from this forum show the same lack of intelligence. Oddly enough your figure of 20% is pretty close to the amount of repubs I consider reasonable and smart. thing is certain, TV has dumbed down America to a downright frightening amount. That and both sides watch news channels that feed them exactly what they want to hear, which means they don't hear what they NEED to hear.
It wasn't always like this, so divided and partisan. Nobody listens to anyone they don't agree with anymore. That is the real problem. You can never know the truth when you only listen to half what you hear.

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