trump threatens violence by his "fans" if jailed

So fucking what?

Jeebus, stop with the faux leftard outrage.

Kamala Harris has threatened violence.

Sheila Jackson Lee has threatened violence.

Maxine Waters has threatened violence.

Yet you despicable assholes want to single out Trump.

Fuck you. Go away.
As you single out black females? :rolleyes:
I think it is quite possible that there could be severe unrest should the US do what’s often done in a banana republic and jail political opposition.
I doubt the trials in those places are in any way similar to the due process Trump is given.
Dangerous to white supremacy maybe.
No, just a whole corrupt government.
It is certainly fascinating to watch you guys make such dopey assertions without a lick of thought put into it.
You are literally suggesting that the entire US govt is in cahoots to take out Trump despite the literal mountain of evidence that Trump is just simply corrupt.
I don’t know if it’s disbelief, denial, blind loyalty or just plain old stupidity that drives this but it is fascinating to watch.
Makes me often wonder what you folks do for a living. I can’t imagine anything requiring a high degree of competency.

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