trump threatens violence by his "fans" if jailed

That turned out to be Trump supporters, not Antifa.

A South Carolina man bragged in a group text chat that he disguised himself as an anti-fascist, or antifa, activist during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and succeeded in assaulting officers and stealing police gear, authorities said.He claimed that once he changed out of antifa garb, he was targeted by officers.

"I fought 4 cops, they did nothing. When I put my red hat on, they pepper balled me," Norwood wrote.
The freaking US Army disagrees.
You mean all those well armed members of our armed forces?

The Capitol was closed that day. You're a lying sack of shit.

Yet they had undercover FBI Agents dressed as Trump supporters INSIDE THE CAPITOL before any violence began or tbe Capitol was breeched. If the Capitol was closed that day why was the FBI doing this?

Baiting protestors.

Tbe FACT remains that Democrats, the DOJ, the FBI, and the Capitol Police NEVER did anything to PREVENT J6 from happening.
What's beyond stupid is trying to relitigate what happened on J6. Trumpers stormed the Capitol to put their loser God Grifty Trump back into the White House.
I didn’t try to “relitigate” anything you idiot.
Like all Democrats, snowflakes, trolls, and bots, you are a complete liar.

Not once in the article you posted did Donald Trump 'THREATEN' VIOLENCE.

Trump WARNED that the on-going, blatantly obvious criminal partisanly weaponization of the DOJ combined with tbe frustration and anger with it and the passion of his supporters makes for a potentially volatile situation.

Biden, Democrats, Garland, Wray and their 3rd world partisanly weaponized Socialist Injustice system that targets Trump and Conservatives while prote ting the Bidens, Democrats, and violent leftist criminals and domestic terrorists gave this country at the precipice of a CIVIL WAR.

The Democrats already know this, as on J6 they gave Americans a nudge a cross that line, baited them, then rounded all of them up and punished them as a message to the test of them NOT to oppose tbe Democrat Socialist agenda / takeover.

Democrats know now that they have targeted, unfairly attacked, Intimidated, silenced, victimized, Conservatives to a point Anwricans are almost ready to more actively oppose what the Democrats are doing.

Trump didn't threatening anything - he said what others know but are afraid to say. He WARNED the criminal, traitorous, Socialist oppressors and Gestapo the Anerican people ate almost at a breaking point.
“Come to Washington on January 6th. It will be wild!” :rolleyes:
You mean all those Trump loving military friends who’ve told the government to go to hell I’m not getting the clot shot will shoot me because of orders?
Far less than you think. It inly takes a platoon to wipe you fat fucks out.
And so ironic, since the Orwellian left has been reinventing language to mask their agenda for years, now .
Or you’ve just never really understood the language very well.
It’s commonplace for the common to have very common comprehension. :dunno:

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