trump threatens violence by his "fans" if jailed

You asked an idiotic question which was designed to get the stupid answer you were hoping to get. Try asking a valid question and see what happens. You won’t because huger too stupid to form one.
Bottom line is you refused to answer my question. You calling it an idiotic question doesnt make it so. It's a valid question which you wont answer. I think deep down you know these trumpanzee chimps are guilty and you know they arent crisis actors, but you dont have enough guts to say it out loud, for whatever reason. Probably because you feel like you'll embarrass yourself in front of fellow trump supporters because you arent towing the line.
Bottom line is you refused to answer my question. You calling it an idiotic question doesnt make it so. It's a valid question which you wont answer. I think deep down you know these trumpanzee chimps are guilty and you know they arent crisis actors, but you dont have enough guts to say it out loud, for whatever reason. Probably because you feel like you'll embarrass yourself in front of fellow trump supporters because you arent towing the line.
Anyone who looks at what happened objectively knows those people were right. 7 states were in serious doubt to their citizens. They were framed and cheated out of an investigation that, at that time, would have easily proven fraud. That is why it did not happen and the Congress sided with the fraud refusing to investigate. That disenfranchised 74 million voters.
When trump incites another violent attack and more deaths, they will spin the crime to blame someone else

He is quickly escalating his demand for violence. It is only a matter of time before someone else dies, because of his rhetoric.
Trump never incited the first one.
Bring it.
These are the people who talk about "upholding the constitution" in one sentence and defend a man who tried to destroy our electoral system in the next breath. They defend a man that treats our most sacred country secrets like toilet paper.

That's what Trump does. He weaponizes the weak-minded.
And he takes advantage of his faithful cult. He will call them to violence and walk away free, like he did with J6. And they gladly become his tools of vengeance.

Ultimately, they will sit in jail for him. They are that indoctrinated. They are thoroughly brainwashed.
Bottom line is you refused to answer my question. You calling it an idiotic question doesnt make it so. It's a valid question which you wont answer. I think deep down you know these trumpanzee chimps are guilty and you know they arent crisis actors, but you dont have enough guts to say it out loud, for whatever reason. Probably because you feel like you'll embarrass yourself in front of fellow trump supporters because you arent toeing the line.
It was an idiotic presented by an idiot. A juvenile idiot.

The only reason he is not in jail now is he is a former president. He has threatened violence before.

DONALD TRUMP: I think it’s a very dangerous thing to even talk about, because we do have a tremendously passionate group of voters, much more passion than they had in 2020 and much more passion than they had in 2016.

I think it would be very dangerous.

I'm failing to see the threat here. He's simply stating how he believes his cult will react.
DONALD TRUMP: I think it’s a very dangerous thing to even talk about, because we do have a tremendously passionate group of voters, much more passion than they had in 2020 and much more passion than they had in 2016.

I think it would be very dangerous.

I'm failing to see the threat here. He's simply stating how he believes his cult will react.
He’s slyly asking them to react with violence
Yeah, the question is when.

Another question is something we talked about here a while back: When he'll start throwing even his closest people under the bus. So does he call for violence before or after that?

What a guy.
Which begs why he would still have such support? If his inner circle is now no bueno and excommunicado. Then who was ever trusted?
It is singularly about the man. A cult.

He’ll call for violence whenever he feels it’s necessary.

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