trump threatens violence by his "fans" if jailed

You may be worse off but that’s a you problem.
Most folks can and do just fine.
You should focus your efforts on bettering your situation rather than placing blame.
We are not a Progressive Fascist nation, we are presently occupied by Progressive Fascists posing as democrats.

Fear not! It will be righted!
If you break the law, you should be punished. Oh wait I forgot your kind hasnt believed in the rule of law for a while now.
You are a Fascist peckerhead! The current pestilence of Progressive Fascism stinking up America will soon be swept away by the Hand of the Almighty.

Your leaders were given great wealth to help other, but instead they seek to replace the Lord. Repent
You are a Fascist peckerhead! The current pestilence of Progressive Fascism stinking up America will soon be swept away by the Hand of the Almighty.

Your leaders were given great wealth to help other, but instead they seek to replace the Lord. Repent
Haha you're delusional. Now what would you consider the "Hand of the Almighty"? A natural disaster? A bunch of slack jawed low end whites getting violent?
You’ve already forgotten that any force used against you will be in response.

You should take a little time to plan some more.
Yeah, like the 8 months of racial riots, right?

You're dumb as the day is long. And you dont control the narrative anymore.

Your leadership is now officially in loose cannon mode. If I were you I'd watch my back.

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