trump threatens violence by his "fans" if jailed

And the false electors, who trump encouraged to falsely sign certification are in Big Trouble. You think trump will come to their defense?

J6 should give you the answer.

That's ok. Many of them were given immunity in exchange for their testimony. Who do ya think they're gonna blame?
Which begs why he would still have such support? If his inner circle is now no bueno and excommunicado. Then who was ever trusted?
It is singularly about the man. A cult.

He’ll call for violence whenever he feels it’s necessary.
He's developed the skill over the years to create and enforce loyalty by leveraging threats and intimidation, like a Mafia Don.

As craven as we know politicians can be, these people have reached all new depths. These enablers in his circle, in his party, and in his media created and maintain his support system. They've sold their soul and their dignity to this con man, and they damn well know it.
He is quite the con artist. He grifts his cult until they got nothing left, then he throws his devoted fools under the bus.

There must a line a person crosses, a point of no return, at which they have to just turn off all critical thinking and give in.

And they can't go back unless and until they can create a reason that lets them off the hook for what they have allowed to happen to them.
Yeah, like the 8 months of racial riots, right?

You're dumb as the day is long. And you dont control the narrative anymore.

Your leadership is now officially in loose cannon mode. If I were you I'd watch my back.
Watch my back?
You threatening me, scud?
There is only narrative on your side. No substance in any of it.
I on the other hand stand in reality where everything I believe actually happens. I occupy the high ground. You endlessly scream up at me only to find yourself in the same place. Again.

The Second Coming, by William Butler Yeats​

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats | Poetry Foundation


On the right are millions of angry white men who are would like Trump to rule as a dictator, and who might use violence to install him as dictator.

On the left are millions of angry blacks who loot and burn stores given any excuse, and millions of whites who are sympathetic toward them.

What can a sensible American do?
Watch my back?
You threatening me, scud?
There is only narrative on your side. No substance in any of it.
I on the other hand stand in reality where everything I believe actually happens. I occupy the high ground. You endlessly scream up at me only to find yourself in the same place. Again.
High ground?

Is that where you think you are ???

LMAO !!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

This is you on high ground:

Yes the high ground where I have the benefit of my beliefs actually existing in reality.

You have no high ground, idiot. You have trannies that steal other peoples' luggage, that's what you have.

You scream dopey narratives that go nowhere. You have all the work to do. I have none.

Every Stalinist piglet tries to convince us he's infallible. And the Popes, them too

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