trump threatens violence by his "fans" if jailed

These are "trespassers," cretin...?

Yep, trespassing.

Unlike you Leftards who ransacked and burned down government buildings….
Yep, trespassing.

Unlike you Leftards who ransacked and burned down government buildings….
We`ve had riots for 300 years but only one riot was incited by a president who tried to steal the highest office in the land. One of his goons bagged an 18 year prison sentence. :laughing0301:
Here`s the typical MAGA loser. 8 kids and no job.
We`ve had riots for 300 years but only one riot was incited by a president who tried to steal the highest office in the land. One of his goons bagged an 18 year prison sentence. :laughing0301:
Here`s the typical MAGA loser. 8 kids and no job.
Yeah, sure. Saying there will be protests is just like BLM saying they’re going to torch a city.
Yeah, sure. Saying there will be protests is just like BLM saying they’re going to torch a city.
Had the coup attempt succeeded in delaying the certification of Biden, trump would have been crowing that the people have spoken, but it failed. Now the word is "What Coup Attempt?"

The only reason he is not in jail now is he is a former president. He has threatened violence before.
Here is what I believe will be a likely scenario IF Trump is incarcerated and the Biden criminal family is not.
1. There will be a general "vocal" uproar and that's about it.
2. A handful of mentally challenged trolls will make vague threats on the internet.
End of story.
Fighting your way in is mere trespassing in your world?
It was also not an insurrection in your world. What it is, is the powerful of the world putting their jackboot... ala Chauvin on the necks of the Floyd. And a ready population numbed from many years of propaganda ready to stamp out anyone protesting the events that cause this. What was closer to an insurrection. Just one..was when Trump walked out of the White House to the Church across from it that was damaged from the nice protestors. He held the bible for a few seconds as he stood up in front of it and walked back. Trump ended over backwards to not become authoritarian to the people for all of the so-called protests. To me, that was a defining moment that is overlooked.
Yep, a few dozen unarmed yahoos almost overthrew the United States government.

We’ll be better prepared next time.
You are such a liar. Those "few dozen" are sitting in jail. And the next crop of idiots that the orange bastard calls up for an attack will get the same. Maybe you will be one of them?
Here is what I believe will be a likely scenario IF Trump is incarcerated and the Biden criminal family is not.
1. There will be a general "vocal" uproar and that's about it.
2. A handful of mentally challenged trolls will make vague threats on the internet.
End of story.
There may be a few who go over the edge. But the incarcerations from J6 has taught a tough lesson to the MAGA cult members.
You are such a liar. Those "few dozen" are sitting in jail. And the next crop of idiots that the orange bastard calls up for an attack will get the same. Maybe you will be one of them?
It is not apparent to you we live in a totalitarian state. A soft tyranny in many respects. Until you get to close. The it turns vicious.
There may be a few who go over the edge. But the incarcerations from J6 has taught a tough lesson to the MAGA cult members.
Don't get me going on that B.S.. There's ample video of so-called J6 rioters, simply being escorted through the Capitol building and those jailed weren't permitted to access lawyers for their defense in a timely manner. They rotted in jail for a year awaiting trial, whereas the BLM and Antifa rioters have yet to be brought to justice.

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