Trump Throws Pro-Lifers Under the Bus

Only a man would think a 15 week ban is 'reasonable'. What happens to the 200,000 women who have complications of pregnancy from 12 - 20 weeks? Why they die of course.

What about the 200,000 women every year who suffer "still birth" or whose babies have genetic abnormalities, which aren't revealed under after 20 weeks. No help for them either.

More and more American women are dying needlessly from treatable complications of pregnancy, and you're debated at what point you're just going to let them die.

The figures above are from 2018. Since 2020, that death rate has climed to 30 deaths per 100,000 live births. As in life expectancy, the USA is going backwards.

Since 2020, that death rate has climbed to 30 deaths per 100,000 live births. As in life expectancy, the USA is going backwards compared to the rest of the first world.
Trump said he wants exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother.
It most certainly is.
Objectively false, and stupid.

You probably also say things like "pregnant person" and "trans women are women."

"Trans women" are men, gender isn't real.

You people live in a world of pure delusion and you can't speak English.
Trump said he wants exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother.

Texas says that they have exceptions for the "life of the mother" as well, but that means, when a woman miscarries, they send her home until the woman has sepsis and her life is endangered. A partial miscarriage doesn't threaten a woman's life, unless the tissue rots inside her and becomes infected.

At that point, her life is endangered, and the resulting infection may rendered her infertile and she can never have children, assuming she gets treatment in time and survives The time to remove that tissue is before it becomes infected and endangers her life. But Texas law doesn't allow that.

One of the women who successfully sued the State of Texas had an ectopic pregnancy. The zygote implanted in her fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy is not viable, and will result in the death of the zygote 100% of the time. The zygote will grow in the tube until it becomes too large and the tube bursts. When that happens, the woman has 10 minutes to receive treatment or she'll die too.

The Texas woman was admitted to hospital so that when her tube burst, she would receive immediate treatment, but when it happened, the fetal heart kept beating and they couldn't treat her until it died. By the time the fetus died, her time had nearly run out too.

1 in 50 pregnancies in the USA are ectopic pregnancies. 100,000 American women have ectopic pregnancies in the USA every year.
Texas says that they have exceptions for the "life of the mother" as well, but that means, when a woman miscarries, they send her home until the woman has sepsis and her life is endangered. A partial miscarriage doesn't threaten a woman's life, unless the tissue rots inside her and becomes infected.

At that point, her life is endangered, and the resulting infection may rendered her infertile and she can never have children, assuming she gets treatment in time and survives The time to remove that tissue is before it becomes infected and endangers her life. But Texas law doesn't allow that.

One of the women who successfully sued the State of Texas had an ectopic pregnancy. The zygote implanted in her fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy is not viable, and will result in the death of the zygote 100% of the time. The zygote will grow in the tube until it becomes too large and the tube bursts. When that happens, the woman has 10 minutes to receive treatment or she'll die too.

The Texas woman was admitted to hospital so that when her tube burst, she would receive immediate treatment, but when it happened, the fetal heart kept beating and they couldn't treat her until it died. By the time the fetus died, her time had nearly run out too.

1 in 50 pregnancies in the USA are ectopic pregnancies. 100,000 American women have ectopic pregnancies in the USA every year.

Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.

But we can't make you prove any of it so you think you are safe.


Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.

But we can't make you prove any of it so you think you are safe.


I posted links. These are not lies. Everything is proven. Covering your eyes and ears and pretending it's not, doesn't change anything.

When Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the USA, women stopped dying over night, and both Republicans and Democrats cheered. This was seen as a victory for women's rights throughout the world, by both the left and the right.

Only a small group of misogynists and Catholic radicals refused to accept this decision and they spent 50 years and a WHOLE lot of money to strip women of their rights.

Thanks for giving me more opportunities to dispell right wing lies and bullshit. Keep posting proganda and right wing lies.
Texas says that they have exceptions for the "life of the mother" as well, but that means, when a woman miscarries, they send her home until the woman has sepsis and her life is endangered.
You only intervene if there's no other option, yes, I know you hate the unborn so much you consider them disposable trash, valueless property, but try to think NOT like a hateful bigot for a change?

If she's miscarried, the kid is already dead. The law doesn't bar intervention in that case. Stop lying.
In 2019 he would have signed it. Maybe not in 2025.

I don’t know how Trump would act if re-elected

In his first term, he had to pander to his base.
Second term would be totally about him. He will use the term to settle past grievances, squash investigations and help his post presidency position
When Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the USA, women stopped dying over night, and both Republicans and Democrats cheered.
"Women stopped dying"

What a steaming crock of shit.

First of all, scum who hire black market contract killers deserve to die. Second of all, legalizing this killing didn't meaningfully change anything in this particular regard, because the whole idea of this supposed epidemic of said scum dying WASN'T occurring.

And again, I have no reason to deny this, because I think them dying would be GREAT. It's too bad they weren't. You are lying.
I posted links. These are not lies. Everything is proven. Covering your eyes and ears and pretending it's not, doesn't change anything.

When Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the USA, women stopped dying over night, and both Republicans and Democrats cheered. This was seen as a victory for women's rights throughout the world, by both the left and the right.

Only a small group of misogynists and Catholic radicals refused to accept this decision and they spent 50 years and a WHOLE lot of money to strip women of their rights.

Thanks for giving me more opportunities to dispell right wing lies and bullshit. Keep posting proganda and right wing lies.

Your "links" are laughable and everything that comes out of your cult is a lie.

This OP is properly placed in the “Politics” forum and discusses the narrow issue of Trump seeming to reverse, soften or “triangulate” his position on abortion.

In my several comments I talked about larger but related aspects of the politics of women’s reproductive & abortion rights. I discussed Roe vs. Wade, state rights vs. natural rights, and outlined a few legal, scientific, and Constitution-based approaches that support both women’s “natural power” & “natural right” to decide for herself whether to continue or terminate an unwanted and unplanned for pregnancy.

Many anti-abortion fanatics here over and over again merely assert that “G-d” implants a soul at conception, while conveniently ignoring — even “damning” — all other approaches.

I am not interested in discussing their religious superstitions or obsessions here, or arguing at length over their obvious authoritarian, statist or religious-based desire to control women’s bodies.

I have my own opinion about “souls” and “soul-less” people, about how human character and morality and also the “human soul” can develop or stay in an infantilized state, about how people “lose their souls,” or “sell their souls to the devil,” etc. All such discussions are probably better argued in a forum on religion & philosophy … or child psychology.

Of course serious discussion of religion and philosophy is hardly possible in an OP about … Donald Trump.
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Yeah, and have the states outlaw it. You can spin it any way you want, but you know full well that was the end goal. What was the point of overturning Roe if 99% of what was happening before is going to continue to happen?
And? Thought you were supposed to be a Libertarian??

Returning power to decide for themselves and not an Overpowering Fed Gov. Is a key point in the original Constitution. This decision gives that power back where it belongs.

Trump agrees or disagrees. I simply dont care. Trump has Broken you.
This OP is properlylaced in the “Politics” forum and discusses the narrow issue of Trump seeming to reverse, soften or “triangulate” his position on abortion. In my several comments I talked about larger related aspects of the politics of women’s reproductive & abortion rights. I discussed Roe vs. Wade, states rights vs. natural rights, and outlined a few legal, scientific, and Constitutional “natural rights” approaches that support women’s right to decide for herself whether to continue or terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

The human right to life is natural and unalienable.

The DoI cites it, the Constitution implies it.

The Constitution absolutely does not mention Abortion at all.

The 10th Amendment exists.

There is and can be no "right" to attack innocent or helpless human beings in cold-blooded violence, as occurs in every abortion.

Many anti-abortion fanatics here over and over again merely assert that “G-d” implants a soul at conception, while conveniently ignoring — even “damning” — all other approaches. I am not interested in discussing their religious superstitions or obsessions here.
I don't believe in souls at all.

Don't attack other innocent human beings, you piece of shit.

If anything, all this does is cement that I am correct in once again hoping Donald Trump does not win the primary, and will support his competitors.

I believe this also cements that if Trump wins the primary, he is scum who will not win the general, dooming us to more of the worst President in U.S. History.
Conservatives celebrated the overturning of Roe v Wade with the unrealistic expectation that abortion bans would start popping up in state after state. Several attempts at that have been predictably futile and little to nothing has changed since the ruling was reversed and they've paid that price politically. Apparently, Trump isn't on board either. He specifically cites Florida when talking about the so-called "Heartbeat" legislations passed in states like Florida, Iowa, and Georgia as a "terrible thing."

The past two days, Trump has been unable to answer if a man can become a woman and has criticized pro-life legislation, two high profile issues among his base.

Wow, you have joined the kook left in your nonstop campaigning for Trump now.

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