Trump Throws Pro-Lifers Under the Bus

Your "links" are laughable and everything that comes out of your cult is a lie.

I'm not posting them for the hopeless idiots like YOU, fool. I'm posting them for the independents who haven't been brainwashed into complete idiocy. You just keep providing me with the opportunities to promote the truth, while make yourself look ridiculous with your white space posts saying NOTHING.

Not at all. I am committed to voting only for candidates I trust and believe have my ideology and best interests in this case thst makes ME the only possible person I can vote for.
Who was the last candidate you trusted?

Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.

But we can't make you prove any of it so you think you are safe.


It's EASY to prove all of it. Their testimony is a matter of public record.

Let's try some Florida stories.

This is one of the saddest stories of all:

Not at all. I am committed to voting only for candidates I trust and believe have my ideology and best interests in this case thst makes ME the only possible person I can vote for.

Ah the insanity of the rabid right. You're not qualified to head up your own family, must less the nation. You don't even have the good sense to vote for your own best interests.
Ah the insanity of the rabid right. You're not qualified to head up your own family, must less the nation. You don't even have the good sense to vote for your own best interests.
Rabid socialist pro-abort Canuckistani barbarian who hates human rights says what?
Not at all. I am committed to voting only for candidates I trust and believe have my ideology and best interests in this case thst makes ME the only possible person I can vote for.
Again, there will never be anyone like that with a chance of winning so.....
It's EASY to prove all of it. Their testimony is a matter of public record.

Let's try some Florida stories.

This is one of the saddest stories of all:


Sure thing, Cunadian.

Sure thing.

Keep trying to get folks here to believe you.

I'm not posting them for the hopeless idiots like YOU, fool. I'm posting them for the independents who haven't been brainwashed into complete idiocy. You just keep providing me with the opportunities to promote the truth, while make yourself look ridiculous with your white space posts saying NOTHING.


Just wrong, Cunadian, but you're free to keep trying.

Conservatives celebrated the overturning of Roe v Wade with the unrealistic expectation that abortion bans would start popping up in state after state. Several attempts at that have been predictably futile and little to nothing has changed since the ruling was reversed and they've paid that price politically. Apparently, Trump isn't on board either. He specifically cites Florida when talking about the so-called "Heartbeat" legislations passed in states like Florida, Iowa, and Georgia as a "terrible thing."

The past two days, Trump has been unable to answer if a man can become a woman and has criticized pro-life legislation, two high profile issues among his base.

This OP is properly placed in the “Politics” forum and discusses the narrow issue of Trump seeming to reverse, soften or “triangulate” his position on abortion.

In my several comments I talked about larger but related aspects of the politics of women’s reproductive & abortion rights. I discussed Roe vs. Wade, state rights vs. natural rights, and outlined a few legal, scientific, and Constitution-based approaches that support both women’s “natural power” & “natural right” to decide for herself whether to continue or terminate an unwanted and unplanned for pregnancy.

Many anti-abortion fanatics here over and over again merely assert that “G-d” implants a soul at conception, while conveniently ignoring — even “damning” — all other approaches.

I am not interested in discussing their religious superstitions or obsessions here, or arguing at length over their obvious authoritarian, statist or religious-based desire to control women’s bodies.

I have my own opinion about “souls” and “soul-less” people, about how human character and morality and also the “human soul” can develop or stay in an infantilized state, about how people “lose their souls,” or “sell their souls to the devil,” etc. All such discussions are probably better argued in a forum on religion & philosophy … or child psychology.

Of course serious discussion of religion and philosophy is hardly possible in an OP about … Donald Trump.


It's EASY to prove all of it. Their testimony is a matter of public record.

Let's try some Florida stories.

This is one of the saddest stories of all:


Proves nothing, Cunadian.

Keep trying.

Fun way to fill a dull Monday morning.

Ah the insanity of the rabid right. You're not qualified to head up your own family, must less the nation. You don't even have the good sense to vote for your own best interests
My best interests would be served by having been born 300 years ago. Instead I’m stuck with you worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen.
It's EASY to prove all of it. Their testimony is a matter of public record.

Let's try some Florida stories.

This is one of the saddest stories of all:

I'm not posting them for the hopeless idiots like YOU, fool. I'm posting them for the independents who haven't been brainwashed into complete idiocy. You just keep providing me with the opportunities to promote the truth, while make yourself look ridiculous with your white space posts saying NOTHING.

Thanks for these links. Some are really informative and others very sad and revealing. You are certainly right that arrogant and obnoxious OhPleaseJustQuit has been …“brainwashed into complete idiocy.”
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Pro lifers are used to beaten up by spin machines and political rants but where are pro-abortionists? Shouldn't they be on board with Trump?

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