Trump Throws Pro-Lifers Under the Bus

Doesn't a developing human being have rights too? Like the right to live?

That’s not a simple question. Are you talking about recognized legal rights? Natural rights? Rights recognized by this or that particular Church? Also, you need to specify the time period and the society you are discussing.

When you say a “developing human being” are you referring to a fertilized single cell egg, a zygote of a few hundred or few thousand cells, a first trimester unwanted fetus growing in a women’s womb, or a living child like my own 4 year old granddaughter?

The latter I assure you has legal personhood in our society and universally recognized natural human rights. She is also in every way protected and loved — a remarkable and magical “developing human being.”

That’s not a simple question. Are you talking about recognized legal rights? Natural rights? Rights recognized by this or that particular Church? Also, you need to specify the time period and the society you are discussing.

When you say a “developing human being” are you referring to a fertilized single cell egg, a zygote of a few hundred or few thousand cells, a first trimester unwanted fetus growing in a women’s womb, or a living child like my own 4 year old granddaughter?

The latter I assure you has legal personhood in our society and universally recognized natural human rights. She is also in every way protected and loved — a remarkable and magical “developing human being.”
Once conception results in division and multiplying there is life. A fetus, whether wanted or unwanted is still a life. It is a life that will most likely develop into a fully formed human being like your granddaughter or mine unless it is killed and if it is killed for convenience, it's probably legal murder. You do know that if one takes the life of a pregnant woman and then that person can be charged with 2 murders?
Dunking witches was fun too, or throwing them in a pond.

If they floated, they definitely were witches.
Naw, if the floated they were fat. If they were fat they probably had money. Good way for the truly evil to make a living.
You said the magic word - “child”

As in a unique human person
"at that stage of development". An acorn is not an "ungrown" tree. An acorn is a tree at that stage of development, but we don't call acorns trees.
Then the stupid coxuckers deserve to lose.
Hell, even Mike Pence is good with a 15-week ban

Pence told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer back in March that he would support legislation restricting abortion to six weeks of pregnancy. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law in his state that banned abortion at six weeks while President Donald Trump has suggested the legislation was “too harsh.”

I made a post on you earlier about people making threads on here hoping to get Republicans to question Trump and tried explaining to you that Republican voters don't vote for Trump because he's a Republican, they vote for him because Trump is NOT a Republican or a democrat, which is what these voters want.
And that's why Republicans nearly exclusively vote for him.
You do know that if one takes the life of a pregnant woman and then that person can be charged with 2 murders?

Of course I know this is true … in some states.

Do you know that it is precisely the anti-abortion movement that is and has been quietly and very deliberately pushing these laws as part of a legal strategy to create a new “personhood” status for fetuses and embryos?
Of course I know this is true … in some states.

Do you know that it is precisely the anti-abortion movement that is and has been quietly and very deliberately pushing these laws as part of a legal strategy to create a new “personhood” status for fetuses and embryos?
Personhood? Give me a break. ALL Human life, regardless of stage of development, is a gift from G-d.
Personhood? Give me a break. ALL Human life, regardless of stage of development, is a gift from G-d.
Sorry but your haven’t proven your G-d exists, that he and not some regular guy with a dick has given the women this “gift,” or even — in the case of rape or an unwanted pregnancy — that it wasn’t the devil himself who arranged matters so poorly.
Of course I know this is true … in some states.

Do you know that it is precisely the anti-abortion movement that is and has been quietly and very deliberately pushing these laws as part of a legal strategy to create a new “personhood” status for fetuses and embryos?
It needs to be voted on. Unlike Roe but, Roe set a bad precedent.
I sure do. Elected bodies shouldn’t make decisions about anyone’s health care.
Well, that's true, Congress shouldn't do anything about healthcare at all, as they have no authority related to that topic.

Abortion isn't healthcare though, so try to stay on topic, retard.
Of course I know this is true … in some states.

Do you know that it is precisely the anti-abortion movement that is and has been quietly and very deliberately pushing these laws as part of a legal strategy to create a new “personhood” status for fetuses and embryos?
Yes, of course all human beings, including the unborn, should be legal persons.

Does the idea offend you, hatemongering bigot? Good.

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