Trump: 'Thugs, Tyrants' Awakened a 'Sleeping Giant'

Yes indeed! The mass psychological overreaction over a man that loves his country was fed by the MSM and big tech social media.
Then the mass psychosis and overreaction of the COVID-19 GoF manufactured virus that was nothing more than another strain of the COMMON COLD.
The demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are EASILY FOOLED!!!
Sure, whatever you'd like.
Poll: Trump leads Biden in a potential 2024 match-up

(KWTX) - Donald J. Trump leads President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 presidential election matchup, according to a new Emerson College poll.

The poll conducted nationwide shows Trump leading Biden 44 percent to 39 percent in a head-to-head match-up.

12 percent of voters who participated in poll said they plan to vote for another candidate.

The same survey of US voters found a majority disapprove of Biden’s performance. The president has a 40 percent job approval, while 53 percent disapprove of the job he is doing as president.
Fake news!
They couldn't care less. If ANYTHING was going to wake the rubes up, it would be a phony foundation that was nothing more than a slush fund for protecting his ass.

He grifted them, he took their hard-earned money, and they STILL don't care.

So, no, full speed ahead with the cult.

So of course you have the same opinion about those who donated to Biden's campaign too, right? :dunno:
Trump: 'Thugs, Tyrants' Awakened a 'Sleeping Giant'

The "thugs and tyrants" attacking the MAGA movement have awakened a "sleeping giant," former President Donald Trump said during his Save America rally in Youngstown, Ohio, on Saturday night.

"They have no idea of the sleeping giant that they have awoken," Trump told the rally, which aired live on Newsmax. "The American people will never accept the corruption and the ruination of our beloved country, and that's what they want to do."

The Democrats' policies are "mad," he added, but come Nov. 8, "we are going to vote in record numbers, and we are going to send these left-wing lunatics a message: They cannot cancel, silence, or ignore ... all the abuse, all the smears, and all the attacks will not dissuade us. They will only make us stronger, much stronger. Much much stronger."

He pointed out that Democrats spied on his first campaign, but "nobody wants to do anything about it."

Trump said: "No matter what our sick and deranged political establishment throw at me, no matter what they do to me, I will endure their torment and oppression, and I will do it very willingly.

"They will never get me to stop fighting for you, the American people. And I will never quit because the fate of our country is at stake."

TheReaper says: I believe that many are in for a rude awakening on election night 2022. The people who believe the fake news propaganda on CNN and MSNBC are going to get a shot of truth in the arm and have a very bad reaction. Those who do know what is in the cards are going to cheat, cheat, and cheat like never before. We must volunteer to watch and and guard polling places and drop boxes.
They've made such asses out of themselves that toying with election results is all they have left. They are the true pandemic and many people have gained immunity since 2016. Since then they have completely dominated most mainstream media with their outrage had everything which is not them. More and more they're depending on people being complete and total morons in order to get votes.
So of course you have the same opinion about those who donated to Biden's campaign too, right? :dunno:
Anyone who plays the game of donating to political candidates gets what they deserve.

But if you don't see the orange grift -- especially after learning (have you?) that one of his "non-profits" didn't even exist -- then you're one of the many who has been had by the most blatant con man this country has ever seen.
Anyone who plays the game of donating to political candidates gets what they deserve.

But if you don't see the orange grift -- especially after learning (have you?) that one of his "non-profits" didn't even exist -- then you're one of the many who has been had by the most blatant con man this country has ever seen.

What I bolded is the truth, the fact that you have to specifically only call out people that donate to Trump and insinuate that they're any different than anyone who donates to Biden or any other swamp politico is just a symptom of your TDS. :itsok:
What I bolded is the truth, the fact that you have to specifically only call out people that donate to Trump and insinuate that they're any different than anyone who donates to Biden or any other swamp politico is just a symptom of your TDS. :itsok:
Are you aware of Biden collecting money for a non-profit that doesn't exist? That would probably change my vote.
... your TDS.

😂 😆😂🤣 Trump thinks he's a sleeping giant.

Do you think he'll eat his necktie on national TV?
Quite Simply The Democrat Party is the equivalent of ISIS. They are enemies of The United States and friends of Globalism which is the most Evil thing a Sovereign Nation like The US has to combat. It is far more dangerous than any terrorist group because these Evil Forces operate from within our own Government.

Biden's Legacy is Russian Collusion along with Obama, Clinton, Comey, Mueller, Strozk, Paige, Brennan, Clapper, Baker, and Ohr. So is Pelosi's, Nadler's John Kerry's, Swallwell, and Schiff's. All Traitors to this Nation. All Russian Moles doing Putin's and Xi's and The UN's and WEF's bidding, even right down to selling Putin 20% of our Strategic Uranium and selling China our Strategic Oil Reserves, and actually financing Iran and The Taliban and arming them to the teeth with our weapons or financing the purchase of arms with our money. The Democrat Party (DemNazi Party) even went so far to make a deal with Iran and Russia to help Iran develop Nukes. and help Russia sell it's oil to China, Iran and North Korea.

Iran paints "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" on every missile they test and we pay for. Why is Biden wanting to give them even more money, and remove more sanctions from such Evil people? Because he is with them. He hates America and Israel as much as Iran does.

These people should be tried and hung for treason, not held up as heroes by slaves like you trapped in The Matrix.

But don't dare ask if Joe extorted Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, and Romney's children for taking bribes and selling out America. The corruption is perfectly fine, but it is the asking about it that will get you impeached.....twice.

Schummer did warn Trump that they were going to come after him for exposing their Greed, Graft, and Extortion schemes. And they came hard, and have not let up even to this day.

Obama, McCain, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Mueller, Comey, and Holder can all be involved in a crooked deal to sell our Uranium to Putin, just don't ask why they suddenly became wealthy and flush with Russian Money after the deal was approved. That's not how things work in a corrupt government. You are supposed to take the bribes too and just shut up about it.

And when you don't shut up about it and dare ask questions about it as Schummer warned......then they come after you. When they can't buy you, own you, and influence you, they will find 100 ways to ruin you.

Russian Collusion COUP, COVID Hoax and Lockdowns, January 6th Hoax, and Maro Lago Hoax are all attempts by The Deep State to eliminate a problem for them, and remove an obstacle preventing them from moving forward with the continued betrayal of America to The New World Order.

Orange Man Bad!

New World Order and Lining My Pockets, GOOD



Quite Simply The Democrat Party is the equivalent of ISIS. They are enemies of The United States and friends of Globalism which is the most Evil thing a Sovereign Nation like The US has to combat. It is far more dangerous than any terrorist group because these Evil Forces operate from within our own Government.

Biden's Legacy is Russian Collusion along with Obama, Clinton, Comey, Mueller, Strozk, Paige, Brennan, Clapper, Baker, and Ohr. So is Pelosi's, Nadler's John Kerry's, Swallwell, and Schiff's. All Traitors to this Nation. All Russian Moles doing Putin's and Xi's and The UN's and WEF's bidding, even right down to selling Putin 20% of our Strategic Uranium and selling China our Strategic Oil Reserves, and actually financing Iran and The Taliban and arming them to the teeth with our weapons or financing the purchase of arms with our money. The Democrat Party (DemNazi Party) even went so far to make a deal with Iran and Russia to help Iran develop Nukes. and help Russia sell it's oil to China, Iran and North Korea.

Iran paints "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" on every missile they test and we pay for. Why is Biden wanting to give them even more money, and remove more sanctions from such Evil people? Because he is with them. He hates America and Israel as much as Iran does.

These people should be tried and hung for treason, not held up as heroes by slaves like you trapped in The Matrix.

But don't dare ask if Joe extorted Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, and Romney's children for taking bribes and selling out America. The corruption is perfectly fine, but it is the asking about it that will get you impeached.....twice.

Schummer did warn Trump that they were going to come after him for exposing their Greed, Graft, and Extortion schemes. And they came hard, and have not let up even to this day.

Obama, McCain, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Mueller, Comey, and Holder can all be involved in a crooked deal to sell our Uranium to Putin, just don't ask why they suddenly became wealthy and flush with Russian Money after the deal was approved. That's not how things work in a corrupt government. You are supposed to take the bribes too and just shut up about it.

And when you don't shut up about it and dare ask questions about it as Schummer warned......then they come after you. When they can't buy you, own you, and influence you, they will find 100 ways to ruin you.

Russian Collusion COUP, COVID Hoax and Lockdowns, January 6th Hoax, and Maro Lago Hoax are all attempts by The Deep State to eliminate a problem for them, and remove an obstacle preventing them from moving forward with the continued betrayal of America to The New World Order.

Orange Man Bad!

New World Order and Lining My Pockets, GOOD

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OUTSTANDING POST^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Are you aware of Biden collecting money for a non-profit that doesn't exist? That would probably change my vote.

How stupid/naive can you be, seriously? That was rhetorical of course. Too bad you idiots never hold your own sleazy politicos to the same standards you try to hold R's to. :rolleyes:

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