Trump: 'Thugs, Tyrants' Awakened a 'Sleeping Giant'





IOW? They are not only amateurs at the game of politics? Their insistence on living in a TDS echo chamber, has them pissing donor money away on awful campaign strategies.

"Democrats are the party of sodomy (gay marriage), the party of pedophile teachers/groomers.....
"Democrats are the party now of full infanticide, they support killing a baby at the time of birth"
"Democrats are the party ..... soaring inflation, a recession, empty store shelves...."
The poster Reaper inexplicably failed to mention that Democrats are the party of SnakePeople, Archons, The Deep State Cabal; (probably Democrats) who use secret weather manipulation to inflict upon us hurricanes, Ida, Isaac, Gustav, and Harvey. (Not to mention Zionist Space Lasers to burn down California's groves of ancient Sequoias.)
Democrats sacrifice babies in order to drink their blood......or, if not exactly Dems, then the Deep State Cabal does. And of course, we all know that the secret DSC is being run by Hillary Clinton and Jordan Klepper.
We could go on and on. After all, QAnon has been around awhile so there is sort of an accretion of their conspiracies which the good poster Reaper only too happily wishes to ascribe to Democrats.

You know I cherish posters like The Reaper. He proves, he confirms......that there really is a QAnon-Cabal in this gossipboard.

And personally, speaking for both me and my avatar, well......we both treasure the diversity of opinion, the whimsy, and the nutso-crazo that posters like that bring to us here in the hinterlands....just across the border from Q-Landia.

Where we go one, we go all......making America gooder and gooder. And a little bit loony too. ;)

Who doesn't love this bar?
Democrats are the party of sodomy (gay marriage), the party of pedophile teachers/groomers
the party of socialism, the party of open borders
Democrats destroyed our energy independence and now gas is through the roof
Democrats are the party now of full infanticide, they support killing a baby at the time of birth
Democrats are the party or Marxist/Fascist fake show trials and fraudulent impeachments, Millions of illegal immigrants flooding into the country, record gas prices, soaring inflation, a recession, empty store shelves, American citizens still left behind in Afghanistan,

Democrats are no longer just fellow Americans with a different opinion, they are the enemy of Freedom.

Republicans are still the party of traditional values, limited government and individual Liberty.

Those are the hard facts that the little socialist vermin here cannot bear to face.
The poster Reaper inexplicably failed to mention that Democrats are the party of SnakePeople, Archons, The Deep State Cabal . . . .

The childish response of a ignorant toad who cannot come to grips with reality.
Every single thing stated is a fact and can be backed up with proof, including Democrats own words.
Your post, on the other hand, is just flat out stupid ad demonstrates your inability to defend the evil of your side, and an ignorance of what your side embraces.

In fact, almost all your posts have been nothing but snotty bullshit and pure lies. Its getting close to the time to cut your sorry stupid ass off.

Last edited:
"The childish response of a ignorant toad who cannot come to grips with reality.
Every single thing stated is a fact and can be backed up with proof,"

Classic QAnon gaslighting.
Straight from the Q-Operating Manual v2.0.

But still, after saying that......Reaper is still a pretty entertaining bloke. No?
The poster Reaper inexplicably failed to mention that Democrats are the party of SnakePeople, Archons, The Deep State Cabal; (probably Democrats) who use secret weather manipulation to inflict upon us hurricanes, Ida, Isaac, Gustav, and Harvey. (Not to mention Zionist Space Lasers to burn down California's groves of ancient Sequoias.)
Democrats sacrifice babies in order to drink their blood......or, if not exactly Dems, then the Deep State Cabal does. And of course, we all know that the secret DSC is being run by Hillary Clinton and Jordan Klepper.
We could go on and on. After all, QAnon has been around awhile so there is sort of an accretion of their conspiracies which the good poster Reaper only too happily wishes to ascribe to Democrats.

You know I cherish posters like The Reaper. He proves, he confirms......that there really is a QAnon-Cabal in this gossipboard.

And personally, speaking for both me and my avatar, well......we both treasure the diversity of opinion, the whimsy, and the nutso-crazo that posters like that bring to us here in the hinterlands....just across the border from Q-Landia.

Where we go one, we go all......making America gooder and gooder. And a little bit loony too. ;)

Who doesn't love this bar?

You forgot liberals think men can become women and get pregnant.
What does snopes have to do with the topic you nasty skank.

Trump: 'Thugs, Tyrants' Awakened a 'Sleeping Giant'

The "thugs and tyrants" attacking the MAGA movement have awakened a "sleeping giant," former President Donald Trump said during his Save America rally in Youngstown, Ohio, on Saturday night.

"They have no idea of the sleeping giant that they have awoken," Trump told the rally, which aired live on Newsmax. "The American people will never accept the corruption and the ruination of our beloved country, and that's what they want to do."

The Democrats' policies are "mad," he added, but come Nov. 8, "we are going to vote in record numbers, and we are going to send these left-wing lunatics a message: They cannot cancel, silence, or ignore ... all the abuse, all the smears, and all the attacks will not dissuade us. They will only make us stronger, much stronger. Much much stronger."

He pointed out that Democrats spied on his first campaign, but "nobody wants to do anything about it."

Trump said: "No matter what our sick and deranged political establishment throw at me, no matter what they do to me, I will endure their torment and oppression, and I will do it very willingly.

"They will never get me to stop fighting for you, the American people. And I will never quit because the fate of our country is at stake."

TheReaper says: I believe that many are in for a rude awakening on election night 2022. The people who believe the fake news propaganda on CNN and MSNBC are going to get a shot of truth in the arm and have a very bad reaction. Those who do know what is in the cards are going to cheat, cheat, and cheat like never before. We must volunteer to watch and and guard polling places and drop boxes.

You're the one believing "fake news" and about to get the rude awakening. The right wing billionaire media is lying to you and you love it. How stupid is that??
The childish response of a ignorant toad who cannot come to grips with reality.
Every single thing stated is a fact and can be backed up with proof, including Democrats own words.
Your post, on the other hand, is just flat out stupid ad demonstrates your inability to defend the evil of your side, and an ignorance of what your side embraces.

In fact, almost all your posts have been nothing but snotty bullshit and pure lies. Its getting close to the time to cut your sorry stupid ass off.

The New York Post. You need to shut off the WIFI and get yourself a job FuckBoi, because you're definitely too stupid to be one person.

You haven't responded to a single point raised, just attacked with your usual childish insults which indicate a complete dearth of a response.
Yes, trump's speeches are always entertaining. He just bragged about inventing the word "caravan". I'm just trying to figure out how Webster's was able to include that word so many years before he invented it.

At least he doesn't invent dirty pictures and then try to make them look like wealthy, powerful people in embarrassing situations.
The New York Post. You need to shut off the WIFI and get yourself a job FuckBoi, because you're definitely too stupid to be one person.

You haven't responded to a single point raised, just attacked with your usual childish insults which indicate a complete dearth of a response.
Did you see the study that indicated that Canadians have IQ's generally about half of the average American IQ? :laughing0301:
Did you see the study that indicated that Canadians have IQ's generally about half of the average American IQ? :laughing0301:

No, I missed that one, but I did read the one that said that Canada is the Best Country in the World to Live - again!

I also read the study that said that life expectancy in the USA declined again last year. This is the 6th year in a row it's declined.

Once again, you can't refute my posts so you attack my nationality. Wow. I'm so offended. No one has every done that before.
I believe that many are in for a rude awakening on election night 2022. The people who believe the fake news propaganda on CNN and MSNBC are going to get a shot of truth in the arm and have a very bad reaction. Those who do know what is in the cards are going to cheat, cheat, and cheat like never before. We must volunteer to watch and and guard polling places and drop boxes.
Best post I've read today!
Yes, trump's speeches are always entertaining. He just bragged about inventing the word "caravan". I'm just trying to figure out how Webster's was able to include that word so many years before he invented it.

Helpful hint: It ain't 2016 anymore.

Hispanics are stampeding to the GOP in record numbers.

Your "racist" grift no longer works.

In fact, it backfires.

Enjoy November, I know I will. :)
Trump: 'Thugs, Tyrants' Awakened a 'Sleeping Giant'

The "thugs and tyrants" attacking the MAGA movement have awakened a "sleeping giant," former President Donald Trump said during his Save America rally in Youngstown, Ohio, on Saturday night.

"They have no idea of the sleeping giant that they have awoken," Trump told the rally, which aired live on Newsmax. "The American people will never accept the corruption and the ruination of our beloved country, and that's what they want to do."

The Democrats' policies are "mad," he added, but come Nov. 8, "we are going to vote in record numbers, and we are going to send these left-wing lunatics a message: They cannot cancel, silence, or ignore ... all the abuse, all the smears, and all the attacks will not dissuade us. They will only make us stronger, much stronger. Much much stronger."

He pointed out that Democrats spied on his first campaign, but "nobody wants to do anything about it."

Trump said: "No matter what our sick and deranged political establishment throw at me, no matter what they do to me, I will endure their torment and oppression, and I will do it very willingly.

"They will never get me to stop fighting for you, the American people. And I will never quit because the fate of our country is at stake."

TheReaper says: I believe that many are in for a rude awakening on election night 2022. The people who believe the fake news propaganda on CNN and MSNBC are going to get a shot of truth in the arm and have a very bad reaction. Those who do know what is in the cards are going to cheat, cheat, and cheat like never before. We must volunteer to watch and and guard polling places and drop boxes.
Defending a criminal. That's all this thread says. You must really hate America by taking sides with a mafia boss? You should be ashamed.
Helpful hint: It ain't 2016 anymore.

Hispanics are stampeding to the GOP in record numbers.

Your "racist" grift no longer works.

In fact, it backfires.

Enjoy November, I know I will. :)
I heard otherwise. The murdering of women by Roe is going to destroy you.
Did you even read the Snopes report you linked to which completely debunks the whole Republican lie about the "Caravans" and exposes how Donald Trump used an annual political demonstration to ramp up fear and outrage amongst his ever gullible supporters?

From your own link, which includes a link to that Mexican government statement:

"In a 2 April 2018 statement, Mexico’s government voiced strong objection to the way in which the caravan, which they considered to be “a public demonstration that sought to call attention to migration and the importance of respecting the rights of Central American migrants,” had been portrayed in the United States."

Stupid is is stupid does.
Helpful hint: It ain't 2016 anymore.

Hispanics are stampeding to the GOP in record numbers.

Your "racist" grift no longer works.

In fact, it backfires.

Enjoy November, I know I will. :)
What has that got to do with his insane claim that he invented the word caravan?

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