Trump: 'Thugs, Tyrants' Awakened a 'Sleeping Giant'

I heard otherwise. The murdering of women by Roe is going to destroy you.
Of course you heard otherwise.

You listen to the FAKE NEWS.

Hell, I used to also. I was probably every bit as brainwashed as you clearly are.

But ask yourself this: How many predictions that they share with you, actually come to fruition?

Remember when Trump was going to be found guilty of colluding with the Russians as their super spy? Millions of tax payer dollars later, no dice. There are countless other examples as well. (See Jan. 6th, Covid, Jussie Smollet....etc. etc.)

At some point, you need to take some responsibility and grow some intellectual curiousity.

All you've "heard" is the most basic corporate crap that they want you to believe. You've got a world of information literally at your finger tips, and you're accepting the most surface-level dreck, which is continually proved wrong over and over again.

Newsflash: The "News" ain't there to inform you, or help you.

Quite the opposite.

Now c'mon. I invite you to pull that thread there.

And watch the entire propaganda edifice collapse in on itself.

It doesn't take much.
The only reason we are not living in total tyranny is because we still have responsible people with weapons. We are covering for Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Western Europe and other Euro Nations, Japan, South Korea and other Asian nations, Much of Central and South America and the Caribe islands. Weapons have been removed from much of the people in these nations except for criminals.
We took over many of the weapons in Central and South America because we took over those countries; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -
Trump: 'Thugs, Tyrants' Awakened a 'Sleeping Giant'

The "thugs and tyrants" attacking the MAGA movement have awakened a "sleeping giant," former President Donald Trump said during his Save America rally in Youngstown, Ohio, on Saturday night.

"They have no idea of the sleeping giant that they have awoken," Trump told the rally, which aired live on Newsmax. "The American people will never accept the corruption and the ruination of our beloved country, and that's what they want to do."

The Democrats' policies are "mad," he added, but come Nov. 8, "we are going to vote in record numbers, and we are going to send these left-wing lunatics a message: They cannot cancel, silence, or ignore ... all the abuse, all the smears, and all the attacks will not dissuade us. They will only make us stronger, much stronger. Much much stronger."

He pointed out that Democrats spied on his first campaign, but "nobody wants to do anything about it."

Trump said: "No matter what our sick and deranged political establishment throw at me, no matter what they do to me, I will endure their torment and oppression, and I will do it very willingly.

"They will never get me to stop fighting for you, the American people. And I will never quit because the fate of our country is at stake."

TheReaper says: I believe that many are in for a rude awakening on election night 2022. The people who believe the fake news propaganda on CNN and MSNBC are going to get a shot of truth in the arm and have a very bad reaction. Those who do know what is in the cards are going to cheat, cheat, and cheat like never before. We must volunteer to watch and and guard polling places and drop boxes.
Whenever he's flapping his jaws like this trying to whip up some self-righteous indignation in you sheeple you'd might as well open your wallets and get ready.
The sucker pitch is coming next.

subscribe today.

Trump’s ‘Save America’ Scam​

His PAC never launched a “legal defense fund,” despite deceitful ads that raked in millions.

SEPTEMBER 19, 2022
Trump’s ‘Save America’ Scam

(Composite / Midjourney)
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In 2019, Donald Trump’s charitable foundation was fined $2 million for misusing funds and ordered to shut down. The foundation’s misdeeds included:
  • improperly furthering Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign;
  • funding the purchase of a 6-foot portrait of Trump;
  • buying ads to promote Trump hotels; and
  • paying settlements for legal claims against Trump unrelated to the charity.
"In short, Trump abused his foundation’s special tax status as a charity to help himself.
But losing the foundation and forking over $2 million wasn’t enough to teach Trump a lesson. Neither was the $25 million he paid to settle with the Trump University students he duped. Trump went on to scam his supporters on a much grander and more dangerous scale in the aftermath of the 2020 election with his Save America political action committee—which, as the New York Times reported this month, is now a subject of interest to a federal grand jury.
Now he’s using the same tactics to raise money off the FBI’s search of Mar-a-Lago."

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Of course you heard otherwise.

You listen to the FAKE NEWS.

Hell, I used to also. I was probably every bit as brainwashed as you clearly are.

But ask yourself this: How many predictions that they share with you, actually come to fruition?

Remember when Trump was going to be found guilty of colluding with the Russians as their super spy? Millions of tax payer dollars later, no dice. There are countless other examples as well. (See Jan. 6th, Covid, Jussie Smollet....etc. etc.)

At some point, you need to take some responsibility and grow some intellectual curiousity.

All you've "heard" is the most basic corporate crap that they want you to believe. You've got a world of information literally at your finger tips, and you're accepting the most surface-level dreck, which is continually proved wrong over and over again.

Newsflash: The "News" ain't there to inform you, or help you.

Quite the opposite.

Now c'mon. I invite you to pull that thread there.

And watch the entire propaganda edifice collapse in on itself.

It doesn't take much.
Large majorities of women across racial and ethnic groups did not want the Supreme Court to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision and oppose criminalizing clinicians who provide abortion services. A May 2022 KFF survey found that across racial and ethnic groups, most women ages 18-49 said they did not want Roe v. Wade overturned and they think getting an abortion should be a personal choice (Figure 3). Majorities of women across groups also said that they opposed laws making it a crime for doctors to perform abortions and opposed laws allowing private citizens to sue people who provide or assist people with getting an

"How many predictions reached fruition?"
Have you talked to women in Kansas lately?

Trump is guilty of collusion; U.S. has new intel that Manafort pal gave Trump campaign data to Russia

Have you got a link debunking that? Of course not. Dude, it's easy to type bs. It's not so easy to debunk my argument. And you won't.

You're nothing but a bull shitter.
Last edited:
"You listen to the FAKE NEWS.
Hell, I used to also."
But it now begs the question: Which 'news' outlets does the poster 'RhodyPatriot' recommend to other posters here in order to be well informed?
And why?
Why are those outlets you recommend better than others?
Trump: 'Thugs, Tyrants' Awakened a 'Sleeping Giant'

The "thugs and tyrants" attacking the MAGA movement have awakened a "sleeping giant," former President Donald Trump said during his Save America rally in Youngstown, Ohio, on Saturday night.

"They have no idea of the sleeping giant that they have awoken," Trump told the rally, which aired live on Newsmax. "The American people will never accept the corruption and the ruination of our beloved country, and that's what they want to do."

The Democrats' policies are "mad," he added, but come Nov. 8, "we are going to vote in record numbers, and we are going to send these left-wing lunatics a message: They cannot cancel, silence, or ignore ... all the abuse, all the smears, and all the attacks will not dissuade us. They will only make us stronger, much stronger. Much much stronger."

He pointed out that Democrats spied on his first campaign, but "nobody wants to do anything about it."

Trump said: "No matter what our sick and deranged political establishment throw at me, no matter what they do to me, I will endure their torment and oppression, and I will do it very willingly.

"They will never get me to stop fighting for you, the American people. And I will never quit because the fate of our country is at stake."

TheReaper says: I believe that many are in for a rude awakening on election night 2022. The people who believe the fake news propaganda on CNN and MSNBC are going to get a shot of truth in the arm and have a very bad reaction. Those who do know what is in the cards are going to cheat, cheat, and cheat like never before. We must volunteer to watch and and guard polling places and drop boxes.

Poll: Trump leads Biden in a potential 2024 match-up

(KWTX) - Donald J. Trump leads President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 presidential election matchup, according to a new Emerson College poll.

The poll conducted nationwide shows Trump leading Biden 44 percent to 39 percent in a head-to-head match-up.

12 percent of voters who participated in poll said they plan to vote for another candidate.

The same survey of US voters found a majority disapprove of Biden’s performance. The president has a 40 percent job approval, while 53 percent disapprove of the job he is doing as president.
Whenever he's flapping his jaws like this trying to whip up some self-righteous indignation in you sheeple you'd might as well open your wallets and get ready.
The sucker pitch is coming next.

subscribe today.

Trump’s ‘Save America’ Scam​

His PAC never launched a “legal defense fund,” despite deceitful ads that raked in millions.

SEPTEMBER 19, 2022
Trump’s ‘Save America’ Scam

(Composite / Midjourney)
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via email Print
In 2019, Donald Trump’s charitable foundation was fined $2 million for misusing funds and ordered to shut down. The foundation’s misdeeds included:
  • improperly furthering Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign;
  • funding the purchase of a 6-foot portrait of Trump;
  • buying ads to promote Trump hotels; and
  • paying settlements for legal claims against Trump unrelated to the charity.
"In short, Trump abused his foundation’s special tax status as a charity to help himself.
But losing the foundation and forking over $2 million wasn’t enough to teach Trump a lesson. Neither was the $25 million he paid to settle with the Trump University students he duped. Trump went on to scam his supporters on a much grander and more dangerous scale in the aftermath of the 2020 election with his Save America political action committee—which, as the New York Times reported this month, is now a subject of interest to a federal grand jury.
Now he’s using the same tactics to raise money off the FBI’s search of Mar-a-Lago."

They couldn't care less. If ANYTHING was going to wake the rubes up, it would be a phony foundation that was nothing more than a slush fund for protecting his ass.

He grifted them, he took their hard-earned money, and they STILL don't care.

So, no, full speed ahead with the cult.
"He grifted them, he took their hard-earned money, and they STILL don't care."

I can help here.
There is a simple and understandable reason as to why "they don't care".
To wit: It is a dynamic of --- "Your money. Or your life."

Meaning, it's better they give him their money --- than have him shoot them down on 5th Avenue.
He has and is doing one, but bragged about the other.

So, we gotta take him serious.

Or so it seems.
Oh yeah, I don't think we're taking this nearly seriously enough.
History has shown us where this is going, and that this doesn't end well, and we're ignoring that.

Well, yes. There is that.
Just how serious should we take obvious grifters?
I am of mixed views on it.
DTrump's grifts and cons are so obvious that one should think..... 'regular folks won't be fooled. Only fools are fooled.' Meaning, the notorious TDS'rs......Trump's Duped & Snookered.

And that has pretty much been my stance. Normal America will be just fine. We'll get through this phase of QAnon-like nuttery from the Right.....and move on.

But, I am now more cautious.
DTrump's grievance-ridden 'base' of about 30-million people does give him political 'heft'. And with his character and ethics, he has used that loyalty to do much damage. Hell, we've seen that in the de-basing of American political rhetoric, social norms, disdaining our governmental institutions without an alternative other than one man's will.
And of course the 'Stop-the-Steal' damage to America's confidence in our Constitutional -- and defining ----electoral system. Not to mention the January 6th attempt to subvert our democracy.
So, Mac's point is not without merit.

But, I'm just one bloke. A retired biz guy who farms a bit. And aging.
So, I'll contribute to this local politician or that one ---(sheriff, drain commissioner, township super, township clerk, state rep. That localized level of 'participation'.*)

(*tho I do like the gal that is now running for Congress...with a real shot despite my deep red district. My bride and I will likely write her campaign group a check.)

Poster Mac's point is well taken. Don Trump appears to be a too-obvious con man. A belled-cat. But.....but those 30million TDS'rs and QKooks.....make him a danger to America.


Well, yes. There is that.
Just how serious should we take obvious grifters?
I am of mixed views on it.
DTrump's grifts and cons are so obvious that one should think..... 'regular folks won't be fooled. Only fools are fooled.' Meaning, the notorious TDS'rs......Trump's Duped & Snookered.

And that has pretty much been my stance. Normal America will be just fine. We'll get through this phase of QAnon-like nuttery from the Right.....and move on.

But, I am now more cautious.
DTrump's grievance-ridden 'base' of about 30-million people does give him political 'heft'. And with his character and ethics, he has used that loyalty to do much damage. Hell, we've seen that in the de-basing of American political rhetoric, social norms, disdaining our governmental institutions without an alternative other than one man's will.
And of course the 'Stop-the-Steal' damage to America's confidence in our Constitutional -- and defining ----electoral system. Not to mention the January 6th attempt to subvert our democracy.
So, Mac's point is not without merit.

But, I'm just one bloke. A retired biz guy who farms a bit. And aging.
So, I'll contribute to this local politician or that one ---(sheriff, drain commissioner, township super, township clerk, state rep. That localized level of 'participation'.*)

(*tho I do like the gal that is now running for Congress...with a real shot despite my deep red district. My bride and I will likely write her campaign group a check.)

Poster Mac's point is well taken. Don Trump appears to be a too-obvious con man. A belled-cat. But.....but those 30million TDS'rs and QKooks.....make him a danger to America.

The world has seen mass psychosis before. It forms and manifests when enough of the populace feel (or have been convinced that they are) beaten down and paranoid that they band together, toss obvious reality to the wind, and emotionally adhere themselves to the most outrageous huckster near them. Europe, 85 to 90 years ago.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme". What we're seeing is an (evidently) inevitable function of the human condition. I just never thought we would see this here. Never. No way.

Well, yes. There is that.
Just how serious should we take obvious grifters?
I am of mixed views on it.
DTrump's grifts and cons are so obvious that one should think..... 'regular folks won't be fooled. Only fools are fooled.' Meaning, the notorious TDS'rs......Trump's Duped & Snookered.

And that has pretty much been my stance. Normal America will be just fine. We'll get through this phase of QAnon-like nuttery from the Right.....and move on.

But, I am now more cautious.
DTrump's grievance-ridden 'base' of about 30-million people does give him political 'heft'. And with his character and ethics, he has used that loyalty to do much damage. Hell, we've seen that in the de-basing of American political rhetoric, social norms, disdaining our governmental institutions without an alternative other than one man's will.
And of course the 'Stop-the-Steal' damage to America's confidence in our Constitutional -- and defining ----electoral system. Not to mention the January 6th attempt to subvert our democracy.
So, Mac's point is not without merit.

But, I'm just one bloke. A retired biz guy who farms a bit. And aging.
So, I'll contribute to this local politician or that one ---(sheriff, drain commissioner, township super, township clerk, state rep. That localized level of 'participation'.*)

(*tho I do like the gal that is now running for Congress...with a real shot despite my deep red district. My bride and I will likely write her campaign group a check.)

Poster Mac's point is well taken. Don Trump appears to be a too-obvious con man. A belled-cat. But.....but those 30million TDS'rs and QKooks.....make him a danger to America.

By the way, another mistake many are making is to make this about him. One guy. It isn't. This is a sociological, anthropological l issue. It's about US.
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Of course you heard otherwise.

You listen to the FAKE NEWS.

Hell, I used to also. I was probably every bit as brainwashed as you clearly are.

But ask yourself this: How many predictions that they share with you, actually come to fruition?

Remember when Trump was going to be found guilty of colluding with the Russians as their super spy? Millions of tax payer dollars later, no dice. There are countless other examples as well. (See Jan. 6th, Covid, Jussie Smollet....etc. etc.)

At some point, you need to take some responsibility and grow some intellectual curiousity.

All you've "heard" is the most basic corporate crap that they want you to believe. You've got a world of information literally at your finger tips, and you're accepting the most surface-level dreck, which is continually proved wrong over and over again.

Newsflash: The "News" ain't there to inform you, or help you.

Quite the opposite.

Now c'mon. I invite you to pull that thread there.

And watch the entire propaganda edifice collapse in on itself.

It doesn't take much.
Great post.
Trump: 'Thugs, Tyrants' Awakened a 'Sleeping Giant'

The "thugs and tyrants" attacking the MAGA movement have awakened a "sleeping giant," former President Donald Trump said during his Save America rally in Youngstown, Ohio, on Saturday night.

"They have no idea of the sleeping giant that they have awoken," Trump told the rally, which aired live on Newsmax. "The American people will never accept the corruption and the ruination of our beloved country, and that's what they want to do."

The Democrats' policies are "mad," he added, but come Nov. 8, "we are going to vote in record numbers, and we are going to send these left-wing lunatics a message: They cannot cancel, silence, or ignore ... all the abuse, all the smears, and all the attacks will not dissuade us. They will only make us stronger, much stronger. Much much stronger."

He pointed out that Democrats spied on his first campaign, but "nobody wants to do anything about it."

Trump said: "No matter what our sick and deranged political establishment throw at me, no matter what they do to me, I will endure their torment and oppression, and I will do it very willingly.

"They will never get me to stop fighting for you, the American people. And I will never quit because the fate of our country is at stake."

TheReaper says: I believe that many are in for a rude awakening on election night 2022. The people who believe the fake news propaganda on CNN and MSNBC are going to get a shot of truth in the arm and have a very bad reaction. Those who do know what is in the cards are going to cheat, cheat, and cheat like never before. We must volunteer to watch and and guard polling places and drop boxes.
So fat boy has an urge to defecate that six pack of Big Macs with fries but at least he drinks diet coke for fewer calories.
The world has seen mass psychosis before. It forms and manifests when enough of the populace feel (or have been convinced that they are) beaten down and paranoid that they band together, toss obvious reality to the wind, and emotionally adhere themselves to the most oustrageous huckster near them. Europe, 85 to 90 years ago.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme". What we're seeing is an (evidently) inevitable function of the human condition. I just never thought we would see this here. Never. No way.
Yes indeed! The mass psychological overreaction over a man that loves his country was fed by the MSM and big tech social media.
Then the mass psychosis and overreaction of the COVID-19 GoF manufactured virus that was nothing more than another strain of the COMMON COLD.
The demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are EASILY FOOLED!!!
Yes indeed! The mass psychological overreaction over a man that loves his country was fed by the MSM and big tech social media.
Then the mass psychosis and overreaction of the COVID-19 GoF manufactured virus that was nothing more than another strain of the COMMON COLD.
The demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are EASILY FOOLED!!!
So fat boy has an urge to defecate that six pack of Big Macs with fries but at least he drinks diet coke for fewer calories.
Just the sort of degenerate filth we would expect from someone use uses the picture of naked little boy in his signature
Just the sort of degenerate filth we would expect from someone use uses the picture of naked little boy in his signature
I am guessing you have a fetish about naked humans, yet this thread is not about me it is about the metrosexual orange fat ass that thinks he's a Hitler wanna be.

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