Trump to be arrested in Atlanta on Thursday....This is great news.


You dumb fucktards have ALREADY been educated on this point.

Yet you to continue to insist on LYING about it.

Leftards are LIARS, and here is a perfect example.


You stupid fucktards screwed it up so bad that NO ONE can make that determination anymore.

And anyone who tries, is a BIG FAT FUCKING LIAR.
We already made the determination Soy Boy. Trump lost and Biden is your president. 😄
How weird....a Lib happy to violate ones First Amendment right.
Haven't seen that before.
but but but...Conservatives are authoritarian fascists.
Scream Fire!, in a crowded movie theater and see what happens to you. All of our rights come with limitations.
Crazy people say crazy things like Deep State. Is that your bogeyman?
You think Trump ran his administration as an extremist Republican? The GOPe party acquiesced to him Supreme Court justices. And even that was not like Progs do. Somehow federal law enforcement to Progs is right and just. Local ones are just no good. An authoritarian is a fascist/communist/sadist/masochist/ and abuser of power. And those who work within government departments who abuse others outside citizens and fellow employees need to be held up to justice. And that is the problem as many are collecting benefits as retirees with no comeuppance while destroying others in this era.
Crime ridden? Lolol 😂



(100 is safest)

My town ranks 20. :funnyface: Almost half the violent crime.

Looks like you don't know shit from shinola.
This is great news....imagine what we'll see in his poll numbers....Imagine how many mugshot t-shirts will be sold. Imagine how many Independents will decide to take a stand.

It may help him among those that were already going to vote for him, but Independents are typically sensitive little creatures who are social Democrats. I fear that their sensitive side will win out over their pragmatic side.
No politician in the U.S. has EVER been prosecuted like this for strenuously objecting to the results of an election.
If only.....

If only he merely "objected".
Instead, he put in motion the illegal false-elector scheme.
He summoned the mob to the Capitol on January 6th ----"Be there, will be wild."
He instigated the mob to attack the Capitol ...... saying "peacefully" once, but 'fight' 20+ times.
He planned --per Bannon and Stone ---to allege he won as a fait accompli long before the final vote tally could be official.
He encouraged state officials to break the law to support his false claims.

So, this so called 'objection'......wasn't merely words. It was actions.
Hence, Don Trump has been indicted, to be tried by a jury of his peers. And America is better for it. No man should be above our laws. We are a nation of laws. We are a law-abiding nation. If juries of Don Trump's peers find him guilty.
So be it.
That is our law.
And we are a nation of laws.

Hopefully, I'm not being too blunt, for some here.


No election in U.S. history has been as loosely run...indeed no civilized country in the world allows mail-in ballots...because they know that it is an invitation to fraud.
And yet, Don Trump himself votes by mail, as does his family.
And 8 states allow all voting be done by mail: California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington.
And yet, those states seem to do OK.
In my personal opinion, the hissfitting over "mail-in ballots" is done by Trump fanboys, groupies; and because Don Trump lost.
If there were no mail-in ballots the hissyfitting would have still occurred.... because Don Trump lost because there were no mail-in ballots.

It is, again, in my opinion......merely SoreLoser-ism. Whiner-itis.

But "we" are told that this was the safest, most secure election in history.
Yupper, we were.
By none other than the very people Don Trump put in charge of such things.

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double-checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result,” the coordinating bodies on election infrastructure and security said in a joint statement issued by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)."

"In the statement, election officials noted that though some states may do recounts, “All of the states with close results in the 2020 presidential race have paper records of each vote, allowing the ability to go back and count each ballot if necessary.” This beefs up the security of the vote and allows officials to correct and identify mistakes in the counting process.

But the statement made one thing very clear: “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”
Or as Chris Krebs, the head of CISA, put it: “TLDR: America, we have confidence in the security of your vote, you should, too.”

(As CISA's director, Krebs was the "administration's most senior cybersecurity official responsible for securing the presidential election".[12] Sidney Powell, an attorney for Trump and Michael Flynn, asserted on the Lou Dobbs and Maria Bartiromo Fox News programs that a secret government supercomputer program had switched votes from Trump to Biden in the election, a claim Krebs dismissed as "nonsense" and a "hoax."[13]
On November 17, 2020, Krebs said in a tweet that "59 election security experts all agree, 'in every case of which we are aware, these claims (of fraud) either have been unsubstantiated or are technically incoherent.'"[14] Trump fired Krebs via Twitter the same day....."



(100 is safest)

My town ranks 20. :funnyface: Almost half the violent crime.

Looks like you don't know shit from shinola.

I live in Buckhead... in Fulton county. It's nice. Criminals come here from rural areas and the suburbs.
I just exposed you as being a dirty LIAR, and this is all you have to say?

Guess what, I don't suffer liars, and scumbags are even worse.

Why don't you keep your nasty little leftard paws off my feelings, scumbag. No one invited you in. My feelings are MY business, not yours.

Goddamn stinking leftards don't understand PROPERTY. That's probably why they're stealing shit all the time.
You`ve been sending money to Trump for 6 years and you don`t suffer liars? :laughing0301:
"The general election, which was conducted inthe midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, was also the first general election held followingthe implementation of Proposal 2018-3 in the state. In addition to the constitutional right tostatewide audits described above, the proposal also amended the state constitution to introducesame-day voter registration, automatic voter registration, and no-reason absentee voting inMichigan. Despite the pandemic, 2020 shattered state records for voter turnout, with more than5.5 million total ballots cast (the previous record was 5 million, set in 2008). Approximately 3.3
million of ballots cast were absentee ballots, also a new state record; by comparison, the 2016election, with an overall turnout of 4.8 million, saw 1.3 million voters cast absentee ballots."

They legalized vote fraud in Michigan. :rolleyes-41:

Same day registration?! Seriously? I bet none of those were vetted.

2 million more voters and it went to Biden? Bullshit!

Why were there 2 million more in the 1st place? :rolleyes-41:

Gee, they open op same day registration and automatic registration and get 500K more votes.

Did their state population of eligible voters increase that much? I fucking doubt it.

Fraud all the way.

Righties better get on board

If that's the way they want it, then that's the way they get it

Their game, their rules.
There have been major deletions in this thread as it has gotten off-topic, moving that way since last night.
The topic does not involve Michigan election recounts, audits or anything else in the state of Michigan.
The thread topic is not a call to arms, or lawbreaking.
The thread is not involved with the bible or turning from religion.
Get back on topic or get off the thread or be booted off the thread. Those are the choices.
Here is the topic.

Trump to be arrested in Atlanta on Thursday....This is great news​

Thread now back open for business. Stay On Topic.

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