Trump to black people: "Haha, fuck you"

"Wiped the floor"??

He lost by 3 million votes. That's what you call "wiping the floor"? LOL @ you and your relationship with numbers, retard.

Do a 50 state recount (on your dime) and you'll not only see the popular vote go to Trump, but several hundred democrat polling officials sent to federal prison. They stopped the Michigan recount when it was discovered that in several Detroit precincts, Hillary votes were run through the scanner as many as 6 times. One can only wonder if Trump got a single vote in California or Oregon, or Massachusetts, or even New York by the time the dust settled.
You notice how Trump is supposed to have said all this stuff, but in the article the reporter actually only quotes a few words of what HE said.

Like many libs on this board, the reporter likes to talk, tell a story, tells us what someone supposedly said without giving us the exact quotes of what Trump actually said.

I would rather hear what a man says than be told what he said and means from someone with a biased agenda.
Your refusal to make excuses for your pathetic president-elect is noted.

So pathetic he wiped the floor with a scumbag who outspent him over 5 to 1.

"Wiped the floor"??

He lost by 3 million votes. That's what you call "wiping the floor"? LOL @ you and your relationship with numbers, retard.

They want to believe regardless of the math and facts. These idiots who referred to Obama as the left's Messiah, now they've saddled us all with a fucking Big Daddy potentate.
Your refusal to make excuses for your pathetic president-elect is noted.

So pathetic he wiped the floor with a scumbag who outspent him over 5 to 1.

"Wiped the floor"??

He lost by 3 million votes. That's what you call "wiping the floor"? LOL @ you and your relationship with numbers, retard.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA....dumb ass Gary still thinks popular vote matters. See how they score a tennis match, first one to win 3 sets. Why don't tennis players every say it's unfair and it should be the one who wins the most games? I guess because liberal pussies are bigger whiners than tennis players. BTW- I have nothing against tennis players.

And if you win a tennis match 6-5, 5-6, 6-5, it's not "wiping the floor", moron.

Look -- YOUR OP wants to talk about how Trump and ALL his basket of deplorables are racist. And yet YOU (the OP) want to talk about election statistics. Now either Trump said a RACIST THING (according to StinkProgress) or he didn't. I would SUSPECT you posted this to convince every one of us (including the middle of the road kill politics kids like me) that something sinister and racist happened in that speech. I don't see it.

I see a man who actually REACHED out to the black community as neither Romney or McCain had done. PROMISING them action and an open door. And in that speech --- I see him thanking those same folks for NOT being loyal party hacks and rejecting Hillary Clinton. That was a step TOWARDS a greater dialogue. Not a racist remark..
Many people were not that excited with Hillary so they didn't come out to vote like Obama was telling them to do.

Many see that not voting is coming back to kick them in the ass.

I think BLM will quiet down or be court marshaled to shut anything down.

And we will see more of this, which will be interesting...

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A lot of democrats voted Trump....

I supported Trump until he chose Mike Pence and I saw the way he was going.. I am very angry with him..

One good thing is I will have fun giving you all a headache....lo
He was pointing out that many African Americans despise Hillary Clinton. Many chose not to participate in the Election. And that did help Trump. He was just being honest. He's not a corrupt career politician. He doesn't mince words.
Many people were not that excited with Hillary so they didn't come out to vote like Obama was telling them to do.

Many see that not voting is coming back to kick them in the ass.

I think BLM will quiet down or be court marshaled to shut anything down.

And we will see more of this, which will be interesting...

View attachment 102400

Why do you hate the 1st amendment? I guess anyone who doesn't share your world view you have no tolerance for, got it.

You don't even know me, so with that I will say your comment is Bullshit...
Your refusal to make excuses for your pathetic president-elect is noted.

So pathetic he wiped the floor with a scumbag who outspent him over 5 to 1.

"Wiped the floor"??

He lost by 3 million votes. That's what you call "wiping the floor"? LOL @ you and your relationship with numbers, retard.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA....dumb ass Gary still thinks popular vote matters. See how they score a tennis match, first one to win 3 sets. Why don't tennis players every say it's unfair and it should be the one who wins the most games? I guess because liberal pussies are bigger whiners than tennis players. BTW- I have nothing against tennis players.

And if you win a tennis match 6-5, 5-6, 6-5, it's not "wiping the floor", moron.

I never said it was boi. What if you win 50% more states? Orange clown won 30 states, your bulldyke won 20.
Your refusal to make excuses for your pathetic president-elect is noted.

So pathetic he wiped the floor with a scumbag who outspent him over 5 to 1.

"Wiped the floor"??

He lost by 3 million votes. That's what you call "wiping the floor"? LOL @ you and your relationship with numbers, retard.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA....dumb ass Gary still thinks popular vote matters. See how they score a tennis match, first one to win 3 sets. Why don't tennis players every say it's unfair and it should be the one who wins the most games? I guess because liberal pussies are bigger whiners than tennis players. BTW- I have nothing against tennis players.

And if you win a tennis match 6-5, 5-6, 6-5, it's not "wiping the floor", moron.

Look -- YOUR OP wants to talk about how Trump and ALL his basket of deplorables are racist. And yet YOU (the OP) want to talk about election statistics. Now either Trump said a RACIST THING (according to StinkProgress) or he didn't. I would SUSPECT you posted this to convince every one of us (including the middle of the road kill politics kids like me) that something sinister and racist happened in that speech. I don't see it.

I see a man who actually REACHED out to the black community as neither Romney or McCain had done. PROMISING them action and an open door. And in that speech --- I see him thanking those same folks for NOT being loyal party hacks and rejecting Hillary Clinton. That was a step TOWARDS a greater dialogue. Not a racist remark..

That was a well written a logical post. I'm sure it went right over Gary's head.
Your refusal to make excuses for your pathetic president-elect is noted.

So pathetic he wiped the floor with a scumbag who outspent him over 5 to 1.

He had one of the richest men in the Communist world helping him out. Or haven't you heard?

No soros was funding the shrilary. Add to that the Kock brothers were against him as well, and the shrilary OUTSPENT him by five to one, plus add in all the taxpayer supported campaigning that obummer and michelle did for the shrilary and the money was overwhelmingly on the shrilary side.

You lose.

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