Trump to black people: "Haha, fuck you"

Your refusal to make excuses for your pathetic president-elect is noted.

No she said fuck you, you racist leftwing butt fucker.

Our guy is President.....nanna nanna boo boo stick your hurt pride in door doo.......
Your refusal to make excuses for your pathetic president-elect is noted.

So pathetic he wiped the floor with a scumbag who outspent him over 5 to 1.

"Wiped the floor"??

He lost by 3 million votes. That's what you call "wiping the floor"? LOL @ you and your relationship with numbers, retard.

Yes, wiped the floor. The popular vote doesn't mean shit which you would know if you had ever taken a civics class silly boy....

It means he has zero mandate and he doesn't have the will of the American people behind him. You'd know that if you had ever taken a class about, well, anything.

30 out of 50 states=mandate
Obama to black people: "Thanks for getting your lazy black ass of the couch and voting for me for the color of my skin."
Your refusal to make excuses for your pathetic president-elect is noted.

So pathetic he wiped the floor with a scumbag who outspent him over 5 to 1.

"Wiped the floor"??

He lost by 3 million votes. That's what you call "wiping the floor"? LOL @ you and your relationship with numbers, retard.

Yes, wiped the floor. The popular vote doesn't mean shit which you would know if you had ever taken a civics class silly boy....

It means he has zero mandate and he doesn't have the will of the American people behind him. You'd know that if you had ever taken a class about, well, anything.

The ass kicking dems have taken across America says different.
Perhaps you on the left should ask why the blacks didn't vote
If Crooked Hillary would have worn an afro wig and black face while speaking with her patented fake southern drawl and swigging on a warm 40 oz. bottle of cheap malt liquor in a brown paper bag during the debates, maybe she would have won.
Your refusal to make excuses for your pathetic president-elect is noted.

So pathetic he wiped the floor with a scumbag who outspent him over 5 to 1.

"Wiped the floor"??

He lost by 3 million votes. That's what you call "wiping the floor"? LOL @ you and your relationship with numbers, retard.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA....dumb ass Gary still thinks popular vote matters. See how they score a tennis match, first one to win 3 sets. Why don't tennis players every say it's unfair and it should be the one who wins the most games? I guess because liberal pussies are bigger whiners than tennis players. BTW- I have nothing against tennis players.

And if you win a tennis match 6-5, 5-6, 6-5, it's not "wiping the floor", moron.

Yeah? But the check is bigger...ain't it.
Your refusal to make excuses for your pathetic president-elect is noted.

So pathetic he wiped the floor with a scumbag who outspent him over 5 to 1.

"Wiped the floor"??

He lost by 3 million votes. That's what you call "wiping the floor"? LOL @ you and your relationship with numbers, retard.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA....dumb ass Gary still thinks popular vote matters. See how they score a tennis match, first one to win 3 sets. Why don't tennis players every say it's unfair and it should be the one who wins the most games? I guess because liberal pussies are bigger whiners than tennis players. BTW- I have nothing against tennis players.

And if you win a tennis match 6-5, 5-6, 6-5, it's not "wiping the floor", moron.

another post that makes no sense
Donald Trump thanks African Americans for not voting

As if we needed more evidence that the "alt-right" is their preferred, snowflake, PC term for white supremacist.
Many people were not that excited with Hillary so they didn't come out to vote like Obama was telling them to do.

Many see that not voting is coming back to kick them in the ass.

I think BLM will quiet down or be court marshaled to shut anything down.

And we will see more of this, which will be interesting...

Many people were not that excited with Hillary so they didn't come out to vote like Obama was telling them to do.

Many see that not voting is coming back to kick them in the ass.

I think BLM will quiet down or be court marshaled to shut anything down.

And we will see more of this, which will be interesting...

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A lot of democrats voted Trump....
Donald Trump thanks African Americans for not voting

As if we needed more evidence that the "alt-right" is their preferred, snowflake, PC term for white supremacist.

You mad bro? Why didn't Dem's in PA, MI, and WI bring home the win for Hillary? Hell that's your own damn base, are all those minorities uncle Tom's or something? Please explain why the blue wall fell and swept Trump to victory.

Butthurt ALERT ^^^
Many people were not that excited with Hillary so they didn't come out to vote like Obama was telling them to do.

Many see that not voting is coming back to kick them in the ass.

I think BLM will quiet down or be court marshaled to shut anything down.

And we will see more of this, which will be interesting...

View attachment 102400

Why do you hate the 1st amendment? I guess anyone who doesn't share your world view you have no tolerance for, got it.

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