Trump to declare national emergency

It's a National Emergency! Trump is running out of chamber maids and gardeners?
Yep, serious abuse of powers. And the next one will be worse.
It's not like Trump by-passed Congress to impose his own personal liberal edict into existence as 'law of the land', negotiated his own personal Treaty with an enemy of the United States, dragged the US into a war to help Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - take over their own nation, or committed an International War Crime by dragging us into another war by ordering the invasion of a sovereign nation without that nation's request or permission to do so.

He just exercised his Legal Authority bestowed upon him by Congress, the same authority used 59 times in the past - 13 by Obama.

This could set bad precedents if successful.

Do you know that there exist, the National Emergency Acts?

"As noted in the first installment on this topic, Congress has given a president the power to declare a national emergency by 50 U.S.C. 1621 and 50 U.S.C. 1622. A declaration of an emergency allows the President to reprogram funds in the military budget. See 33 U.S. Code § 2293 “Reprogramming during national emergencies.”

Here is the post on this:

Obama Declared 13 National Emergencies — 11 Are Still Active

Clinton declared 17 times, Obama 13 and Trump 3 times.
'President Trump said Friday he is declaring a national emergency on the southern border, tapping into executive powers in a bid to divert billions toward construction of a wall even as he plans to sign a funding package that includes just $1.4 billion for border security.'

"We’re talking about an invasion of our country,"

"We will have a national emergency, and we will then be sued," Trump said, adding that the federal appeals courts could well rule against his administration. "Then we’ll end up in the Supreme Court, and hopefully we’ll get a fair shake, and we’ll win at the Supreme Court

“We’re going to confront the national security crisis on our southern border … one way or the other, we have to do it,” Trump said in the Rose Garden."

Democrats do not have a legal leg to stand on.

The Constitutional Power for the President to do this was given to him by Congress through law.

Presidents of both parties have declared National Emergencies approx. 59 times since it was 1st used by President Jimmy Carter.
Approx 32 of those National Emergencies remain in effect.

Not only does the President continue to fight for this nation's national sovereignty, border security, safety for citizens, and for enforcement of existing US law, he continues to put on display the despicable, brazen partisan opposition to all of that for the benefit of the Democratic Party in hopes of harming the President's Re-election chances in 2020.

After rushing to embrace AOC's insane 'Green New Deal' expected to cost as much if not more that $100 TRILLION in new debt, after California and Gov Newsom refuses to give tax payers back $3.1 Billion after scrapping their high speed rail project which that money was for, the Democrats' opposition to $5 billion for securing our southern border makes it obviously clear it has nothing to do with the money.


Yes they do have a legal leg to stand on.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

A law cannot override the Constitution as proven by the 2nd Amendment. Of those 59 emergencies, none of them directly contradicted the Constitution. Trump's order does.

The partisanship is being displayed by Trump. He cannot get this through the Congress legally so he resorts to illegal methods. Even people like Rep Justin Amish have said the same thing. It is Trump who is killing his 2020 re-election chances by ignoring the opinion of the majority who are overwhelmingly against this.
Yes no real difference between repubs and Dems is there?
In some things, NO.

In others, from the Democrats insatiable desire to kill babies, even after they are born, to standing with Illegals instead of Americans to ensure illegal immigration continues so they can continue reap and grow the benefits of Illegal Voting and a new minority dependent on the Democrats who put them in 'economic slavery'.....

....but we digress....this thread is about the get back to it.
'President Trump said Friday he is declaring a national emergency on the southern border, tapping into executive powers in a bid to divert billions toward construction of a wall even as he plans to sign a funding package that includes just $1.4 billion for border security.'

"We’re talking about an invasion of our country,"

"We will have a national emergency, and we will then be sued," Trump said, adding that the federal appeals courts could well rule against his administration. "Then we’ll end up in the Supreme Court, and hopefully we’ll get a fair shake, and we’ll win at the Supreme Court

“We’re going to confront the national security crisis on our southern border … one way or the other, we have to do it,” Trump said in the Rose Garden."

Democrats do not have a legal leg to stand on.

The Constitutional Power for the President to do this was given to him by Congress through law.

Presidents of both parties have declared National Emergencies approx. 59 times since it was 1st used by President Jimmy Carter.
Approx 32 of those National Emergencies remain in effect.

Not only does the President continue to fight for this nation's national sovereignty, border security, safety for citizens, and for enforcement of existing US law, he continues to put on display the despicable, brazen partisan opposition to all of that for the benefit of the Democratic Party in hopes of harming the President's Re-election chances in 2020.

After rushing to embrace AOC's insane 'Green New Deal' expected to cost as much if not more that $100 TRILLION in new debt, after California and Gov Newsom refuses to give tax payers back $3.1 Billion after scrapping their high speed rail project which that money was for, the Democrats' opposition to $5 billion for securing our southern border makes it obviously clear it has nothing to do with the money.


Yes they do have a legal leg to stand on.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

A law cannot override the Constitution as proven by the 2nd Amendment. Of those 59 emergencies, none of them directly contradicted the Constitution. Trump's order does.

The partisanship is being displayed by Trump. He cannot get this through the Congress legally so he resorts to illegal methods. Even people like Rep Justin Amish have said the same thing. It is Trump who is killing his 2020 re-election chances by ignoring the opinion of the majority who are overwhelmingly against this.
If they were strongly behind this the house would still be repub...
what if that planet with the giant insects decided to fly here and take out the USA? would the Dems block the decision to fight them?

obama declared a national emergency 13 times while in office

Yes, during the Ebola outbreak, Hurricane Sandy, similar natural disasters and you know, ACTUAL emergencies, when the states or the regions needed government resources for which no allocations had been made. The way an Emergency Declaration is SUPPOSED to be used.

What Obama didn't do was to declare a national emergency as an end around because he lost a political fight. The Constitution is VERY clear that the power of the purse resides in the House, and if the people refuse to find your program, as President, you cannot use an emergency declaration as an end-around to the Constitution.

Today, on national television, a dejected, defeated, and defiant Donald Trump told America that there is no national emergency but he's doing to declare one anyway to get his wall built. This is an admission that the is declaring this emergency for political reasons, and nothing else. All Dems need to do is to walk into the Supreme Court, play that clip, and even the SC will rule against him.
No, Dragon Lady. I assumed that, too, and I'm sure many of them were natural disasters, but he did declare 13 national emergencies, many which were against foreign countries in order to place sanctions or stop any US financial interactions.

Yes, but he did NOT do it because Congress refused his funding requests.
Yes no real difference between repubs and Dems is there?
In some things, NO.

In others, from the Democrats insatiable desire to kill babies, even after they are born, to standing with Illegals instead of Americans to ensure illegal immigration continues so they can continue reap and grow the benefits of Illegal Voting and a new minority dependent on the Democrats who put them in 'economic slavery'.....

....but we digress....this thread is about the get back to it.
And yet repubs did nothing about it when they had full control. They really aren’t different...
Here comes that wall! Hah!
Not. This. Way.


While Democrats are trying to pass a bill that expands illegal immigration and human trafficking the President is actually trying to do something to secure and help this nation...

And you snowflakes are on your knees praying for the President to fail.


I want to stand up for what this country has always stood for. A refuge for people who are in fear for their lives. The fact is it has nothing to do with human trafficking as you well know. This is your strawman argument. He is trying to help himself by appealing to his base and ignoring the rest of the country, 2/3 of which disapprove of this.

I want a President that I can support like Ronald Reagan. Trump is no Ronald Reagan.
Funny to see how far repubs will go for more spending.

Spending is fun. Plus you get all sorts of neat things when you spend, like a big, beautiful wall to keep out trespassers.
And an increase in ladder sales.

And what else can we all expect to be better after this spending?

How about maybe the Border Patrol just opens fire on a few ladder Mexicans trying to get over the wall? That would put a stop to that shit.
Many of us across the country have been calling the border problem a national crisis for decades. Trump listened and THAT is what got him elected. He is the first to take it anything close to as serious as we do.

This, in my opinion, is sure to secure his reelection.
In this morning's press conference Trump was talking about economic growth as the solution to the deficits and debt, but it really isn't. This is the same argument from the Dems, they focus on raising taxes as if we have a revenue problem, when it reality we have a spending problem that no one wants to address. Economic growth really helps, that's how we got to a year or 2 under Clinton with little increase in the national debt. But in today's world, economic growth and raising taxes is nowhere near enough, and I think most politicians probably know that but don't have the balls to do anything about it.

I do think Trump will work on cutting spending, but he won't be getting much help from either side in Congress.

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