Trump to declare national emergency

When the next Democratic president declares a national emergency about guns and the 15000 gun homicides each year, be sure to thank Trump.

Second Amendment scare-mongering. Every time I hear another leftard repeat that, I get the overwhelming urge to bite the head off a puppy.
You will sure hate it when it happens. Politicians just grab more and more.

Like someone's going to come door to door, confiscating guns? Good way to get shot in the face.
You won’t like what is going to happen.
Funny how the right applauds tyranny...
Bwuhahahahaha.......STFU, you idiot!

AGAIN, the President is using Constitutional / Legal Authority given to him by Congress, using a power that has been used 59 times in the past by Presidents from both parties. 32 of those remain in effect.

I don't mind snowflake WHINING...its when they lie their assess off while whining I can't stand.
Those Presidents had real emergencies. Those are time sensitive situations that require immediate attention, and Congress is read in as soon as they can get their fannies there to enact whatever legislation is required.
Emergencies with OTHER countries that have nothing to do with us.
Dont act like you know what those emergencies are, because you obviously have no idea.
Obama signed NE so no one could contribute to venezuela and burundi. Among other countries.
Please, just stop.
From AP, just the facts:

It’s a contentious move, likely to be legally challenged, and not something presidents routinely do, contrary to his rhetoric:

TRUMP: “You know, we already have national emergencies out there. You know, President Obama, President Clinton, President Bush — they’ve declared many national — this is not unique. They’ve declared many national emergencies. Many, many.” — remarks at a Cabinet meeting Tuesday.

THE FACTS: The emergency action would be rare. The presidents he cites did not use emergency powers to pay for projects that Congress wouldn’t support.

Emergency declarations by Obama, Bush and Clinton were overwhelmingly for the purpose of addressing crises that emerged abroad. Many blocked foreign interests or terrorist-linked entities from access to funds. Some prohibited certain imports from or investments to countries associated with human rights abuses.

“It’s extremely rare for a president to declare a national emergency in a bid to fund domestic construction projects, particularly one that Congress has explicitly refused to fund,” said Andrew Boyle, an attorney in the national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice. “The ones that former presidents declared are of a different sort.”

I looked up the NE declared on Burundi. It was for sanctions and stopping access to funds. It was not to steal money from other governmental coffers without Congress's permission.
No, Obama used executive orders to do that.
President Obama today issued a new Executive Order (E.O.) declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the situation in Burundi.
FACT SHEET: Burundi Executive Order
The left finally care about the Constitution!
Quite an accomplishment, trump!

And the right still won't.

So, not really much has changed
Maybe the right is next.
Give it time :lol:

When the left goes after the guns, then they will care. The 2nd Amendment is the only one the right gives a shit about

The Left will not "go after" the guns. Not one of them believes their nonsensical hype strongly enough to put their lives on the line for it.

If they ever try this, it will be their end.

I hope you don't shoot your eye out in your fear and rage
When the next Democratic president declares a national emergency about guns and the 15000 gun homicides each year, be sure to thank Trump.

Second Amendment scare-mongering. Every time I hear another leftard repeat that, I get the overwhelming urge to bite the head off a puppy.
You will sure hate it when it happens. Politicians just grab more and more.

Like someone's going to come door to door, confiscating guns? Good way to get shot in the face.
You won’t like what is going to happen.

You don't like what's happening now.
This is a wonderful day! The national emergency had to be declared. Any illegal alien who enters our country is a national emergency! It's time to finally stop the browning of America!
This is what happens when Democrats refuse to do their job and put Americans and Immigrants who come her legally first. Instead of helping President Trump fix the humanitarian crisis that even President Obama warned about, Democrats are to concerned with killing babies, sexually assaulting women, wearing black face and killing 25,000 jobs in New York.
Your track record speaks for itself.

Yes it does.

There is a reason all you Trump sheep call me a lefty and the Liberals call me a right-wing nut.

It is because I am standing out side of both of the sheep pens pointing at you mindless sheep and laughing my ass off at you.

You are the perfect example, I provide actual dollar figures and you call it "talking points" while you give vague examples of "savings" without a single fact or figure given

you are nothing but one more of the mindless sheep that do nothing but parrot the talking points their party masters give them.
Oh, fuck off.

You're just a rudderless, principle-less contrarian gadfly, who is only slightly less annoyingly trollish than g5000.
And the right still won't.

So, not really much has changed
Maybe the right is next.
Give it time :lol:

When the left goes after the guns, then they will care. The 2nd Amendment is the only one the right gives a shit about

The Left will not "go after" the guns. Not one of them believes their nonsensical hype strongly enough to put their lives on the line for it.

If they ever try this, it will be their end.

I hope you don't shoot your eye out in your fear and rage

Fear? The left has become enraged in their insatiable quest for gun control. You should probably direct your energy towards the raging, seething ,hate that the left has on this issue.
This is a wonderful day! The national emergency had to be declared. Any illegal alien who enters our country is a national emergency! It's time to finally stop the browning of America!

STFU. You're not a Trump supporter. I'm calling you out on your BS.
In 1976 with the drafting of the update of the National Emergency statute in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal and Nixon's attempt to absorb extraordinary Presidential powers, new termination laws were codified to allow Congress to reclaim their Article 1 powers assumed by the president ceded by Congress.

50 USC § 1622 contains those specifics which include termination of a Presidential declaration of a National Emergency through a nullification process if both Chambers concur with a SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE in both houses. If one Chamber votes to terminate, the other house is required to vote, and NO FILIBUSTER for the Senate.

The Speaker of the House will likely prepare the Joint Resolution soonest, and McConnell has no damn choice but to hold a vote in the Senate per the requirements of the Statute. If the Resolution gets to the Senate, it likely will have enough GOP Senators crossing the line easily. If McConnell gets smart of a sudden, he'll turn his caucus loose to vote on their own.

~~ 50 U.S. Code § 1622 - National emergencies ~~
The left finally care about the Constitution!
Quite an accomplishment, trump!

Good observation. The Mueller probe turned them all into flag-waving neo-McCarthyite commie-hating patriots, and now this.

We'll make decent Americans out of them yet. :laughing0301:
When the next Democratic president declares a national emergency about guns and the 15000 gun homicides each year, be sure to thank Trump.

Second Amendment scare-mongering. Every time I hear another leftard repeat that, I get the overwhelming urge to bite the head off a puppy.
You will sure hate it when it happens. Politicians just grab more and more.

Like someone's going to come door to door, confiscating guns? Good way to get shot in the face.
You won’t like what is going to happen.

You don't like what's happening now.
Yep, serious abuse of powers. And the next one will be worse.
TN, they were national emergencies. I don't care if he wrote them on toilet paper. They were declarations of national emergency.
How many MILLIONS of BURUNDIANS illegally entered the United States before Obama declared a NE over them?

How many THOUSANDS of BURUNDIANS were illegally crossing trying to illegally cross our borders per day before Obama declared that NE?

How many Americans were attacked, robbed, raped, sexually molested, or murdered by BURUNDIANS before Obama declared that NE?

Can you post the link to the Memorial Website honoring Americans murdered by illegal BURUNDIANS?

-- Here's ONE of the ones for Americans killed by Illegals coming into the US through our southern border: Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Obama declared a NE over BURUNDI ... Yet Democrats and Liberals claim there is no crisis, there is no NE despite the statistics that prove the contrary, despite Obama himself and others having declared that what is going on at our southern border IS a National Crisis.
I fucking hate the duopoly
I fucking hate this national emergency
I fucking hate the disingenuous outrage over the wall
I fucking hate the spending bill
I fucking hate washington
I fucking hate our fed gov
You still have to choose.
There is still a huge difference between Trump and his objectives vs. the DNC, the MSM and their objectives.
There is also a gigantic difference between Trump and his objectives vs. most of the republicans in congress as well as the past two Bush administrations. Trump is a hero by comparison to all the scum you say you hate.

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