Trump to declare national emergency

Funny to see how far repubs will go for more spending.

Spending is fun. Plus you get all sorts of neat things when you spend, like a big, beautiful wall to keep out trespassers.
And an increase in ladder sales.

And what else can we all expect to be better after this spending?

How about maybe the Border Patrol just opens fire on a few ladder Mexicans trying to get over the wall? That would put a stop to that shit.
You continually prove how dumb you are....
Many of us across the country have been calling the border problem a national crisis for decades. Trump listened and THAT is what got him elected. He is the first to take it anything close to as serious as we do.

This, in my opinion, is sure to secure his reelection.

What you said was the one and only one reason the Democrats don't want this wall. They are more afraid of his reelection than they are of murderers, human traffickers, sex offenders, and drug dealers coming across the border.

Not looking too good for the Democrats in 2020.
Funny to see how far repubs will go for more spending.

Spending is fun. Plus you get all sorts of neat things when you spend, like a big, beautiful wall to keep out trespassers.
And an increase in ladder sales.

And what else can we all expect to be better after this spending?

How about maybe the Border Patrol just opens fire on a few ladder Mexicans trying to get over the wall? That would put a stop to that shit.
You continually prove how dumb you are....

It would be even dumber to get one's ass shot off trying to cross the border.
Bwuhahahahaha.......STFU, you idiot!

AGAIN, the President is using Constitutional / Legal Authority given to him by Congress, using a power that has been used 59 times in the past by Presidents from both parties. 32 of those remain in effect.

I don't mind snowflake WHINING...its when they lie their assess off while whining I can't stand.
Those Presidents had real emergencies. Those are time sensitive situations that require immediate attention, and Congress is read in as soon as they can get their fannies there to enact whatever legislation is required.
Emergencies with OTHER countries that have nothing to do with us.
Dont act like you know what those emergencies are, because you obviously have no idea.
Obama signed NE so no one could contribute to venezuela and burundi. Among other countries.
Please, just stop.
From AP, just the facts:

It’s a contentious move, likely to be legally challenged, and not something presidents routinely do, contrary to his rhetoric:

TRUMP: “You know, we already have national emergencies out there. You know, President Obama, President Clinton, President Bush — they’ve declared many national — this is not unique. They’ve declared many national emergencies. Many, many.” — remarks at a Cabinet meeting Tuesday.

THE FACTS: The emergency action would be rare. The presidents he cites did not use emergency powers to pay for projects that Congress wouldn’t support.

Emergency declarations by Obama, Bush and Clinton were overwhelmingly for the purpose of addressing crises that emerged abroad. Many blocked foreign interests or terrorist-linked entities from access to funds. Some prohibited certain imports from or investments to countries associated with human rights abuses.

“It’s extremely rare for a president to declare a national emergency in a bid to fund domestic construction projects, particularly one that Congress has explicitly refused to fund,” said Andrew Boyle, an attorney in the national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice. “The ones that former presidents declared are of a different sort.”

I looked up the NE declared on Burundi. It was for sanctions and stopping access to funds. It was not to steal money from other governmental coffers without Congress's permission.
No, Obama used executive orders to do that.
President Obama today issued a new Executive Order (E.O.) declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the situation in Burundi.
FACT SHEET: Burundi Executive Order
He signed an executive order that cost us over 15billion.
No one said a damn word.
Those Presidents had real emergencies. Those are time sensitive situations that require immediate attention, and Congress is read in as soon as they can get their fannies there to enact whatever legislation is required.
Emergencies with OTHER countries that have nothing to do with us.
Dont act like you know what those emergencies are, because you obviously have no idea.
Obama signed NE so no one could contribute to venezuela and burundi. Among other countries.
Please, just stop.
From AP, just the facts:

It’s a contentious move, likely to be legally challenged, and not something presidents routinely do, contrary to his rhetoric:

TRUMP: “You know, we already have national emergencies out there. You know, President Obama, President Clinton, President Bush — they’ve declared many national — this is not unique. They’ve declared many national emergencies. Many, many.” — remarks at a Cabinet meeting Tuesday.

THE FACTS: The emergency action would be rare. The presidents he cites did not use emergency powers to pay for projects that Congress wouldn’t support.

Emergency declarations by Obama, Bush and Clinton were overwhelmingly for the purpose of addressing crises that emerged abroad. Many blocked foreign interests or terrorist-linked entities from access to funds. Some prohibited certain imports from or investments to countries associated with human rights abuses.

“It’s extremely rare for a president to declare a national emergency in a bid to fund domestic construction projects, particularly one that Congress has explicitly refused to fund,” said Andrew Boyle, an attorney in the national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice. “The ones that former presidents declared are of a different sort.”

I looked up the NE declared on Burundi. It was for sanctions and stopping access to funds. It was not to steal money from other governmental coffers without Congress's permission.
No, Obama used executive orders to do that.
President Obama today issued a new Executive Order (E.O.) declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the situation in Burundi.
FACT SHEET: Burundi Executive Order
He signed an executive order that cost us over 15billion.
No one said a damn word.
I'm not playing Jeopardy, Alex.
No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

The partisanship is being displayed by Trump.

Sorry, you contradict yourself. The NE power was created by Congress and has been used for 40 years by Presidents in both parties. Not once during that 40 years and 59 times it has been used, to include 13 times by Obama, have snowflakes complained once. You claim Trump is being Partisan; yet, where were you when Obama declared NEs 13 times?

I am sitting back enjoying watching butt-hurt, partisan, party-1st, Trump-Hating, easily emotionally-manipulated snowflakes melt down into a whiny, HYPOCRITICAL, lying mass of blubbering goo, making such easily proven wrong / ridiculous about hos 'NE's are 'Un-Constitutional' - out of pure emotion without having the 1st clue what they are talking about.
Funny to see how far repubs will go for more spending.

Spending is fun. Plus you get all sorts of neat things when you spend, like a big, beautiful wall to keep out trespassers.
And an increase in ladder sales.

And what else can we all expect to be better after this spending?

How about maybe the Border Patrol just opens fire on a few ladder Mexicans trying to get over the wall? That would put a stop to that shit.
You continually prove how dumb you are....

It would be even dumber to get one's ass shot off trying to cross the border.
Won’t happen.
Nancy Pelosi and the left wing media are not making a fool out of Donald Trump. They're just letting him go on TV and do it to himself.
Actually, they set Trump up against his own temper tantrum behavior. They knew he would do something drastic, and he did. He's too predictable. Trump's an idiot.

No dipshit, he already researched it and knew what he was going to do.

H4r H4r!
He's not doing anything; article 1 section 9 - Google Search

Cling to that, tard.
Thanks, I will. And you have nothing to hang on to.
Many of us across the country have been calling the border problem a national crisis for decades. Trump listened and THAT is what got him elected. He is the first to take it anything close to as serious as we do.

This, in my opinion, is sure to secure his reelection.

What you said was the one and only one reason the Democrats don't want this wall. They are more afraid of his reelection than they are of murderers, human traffickers, sex offenders, and drug dealers coming across the border.

Not looking too good for the Democrats in 2020.
That stuff has been dropping and is at lowest level in decades. Most of those crimes are home grown anyway.
Those Presidents had real emergencies. Those are time sensitive situations that require immediate attention, and Congress is read in as soon as they can get their fannies there to enact whatever legislation is required.
Emergencies with OTHER countries that have nothing to do with us.
Dont act like you know what those emergencies are, because you obviously have no idea.
Obama signed NE so no one could contribute to venezuela and burundi. Among other countries.
Please, just stop.
From AP, just the facts:

It’s a contentious move, likely to be legally challenged, and not something presidents routinely do, contrary to his rhetoric:

TRUMP: “You know, we already have national emergencies out there. You know, President Obama, President Clinton, President Bush — they’ve declared many national — this is not unique. They’ve declared many national emergencies. Many, many.” — remarks at a Cabinet meeting Tuesday.

THE FACTS: The emergency action would be rare. The presidents he cites did not use emergency powers to pay for projects that Congress wouldn’t support.

Emergency declarations by Obama, Bush and Clinton were overwhelmingly for the purpose of addressing crises that emerged abroad. Many blocked foreign interests or terrorist-linked entities from access to funds. Some prohibited certain imports from or investments to countries associated with human rights abuses.

“It’s extremely rare for a president to declare a national emergency in a bid to fund domestic construction projects, particularly one that Congress has explicitly refused to fund,” said Andrew Boyle, an attorney in the national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice. “The ones that former presidents declared are of a different sort.”

I looked up the NE declared on Burundi. It was for sanctions and stopping access to funds. It was not to steal money from other governmental coffers without Congress's permission.

"THE FACTS: The emergency action would be rare. The presidents he cites did not use emergency powers to pay for projects that Congress wouldn’t support."

Didn't Congress just give Trump some money for border security in the bill?

Obviously Congress did have some measure of support for Trump's border security plan. If I'm not mistaken, Pelosi offered him the whole sum of $1 awhile back.

But he got more that $1 in the bill. Even though their border security bill only gave him a fraction of the $5.7 billion he wanted, it was a hell of alot more than $1. The bill passed in Congress did provide $1.375 billion for a border wall, so that sounds like congressional support to me.
No border wall. Border security!
I joined this forum to specifically warn people that trump has all the characteristics of a wannabe dictator ....I live under a dictator and i know one when i see one.
He is fucking this country up.
Emergencies with OTHER countries that have nothing to do with us.
Dont act like you know what those emergencies are, because you obviously have no idea.
Obama signed NE so no one could contribute to venezuela and burundi. Among other countries.
Please, just stop.
From AP, just the facts:

It’s a contentious move, likely to be legally challenged, and not something presidents routinely do, contrary to his rhetoric:

TRUMP: “You know, we already have national emergencies out there. You know, President Obama, President Clinton, President Bush — they’ve declared many national — this is not unique. They’ve declared many national emergencies. Many, many.” — remarks at a Cabinet meeting Tuesday.

THE FACTS: The emergency action would be rare. The presidents he cites did not use emergency powers to pay for projects that Congress wouldn’t support.

Emergency declarations by Obama, Bush and Clinton were overwhelmingly for the purpose of addressing crises that emerged abroad. Many blocked foreign interests or terrorist-linked entities from access to funds. Some prohibited certain imports from or investments to countries associated with human rights abuses.

“It’s extremely rare for a president to declare a national emergency in a bid to fund domestic construction projects, particularly one that Congress has explicitly refused to fund,” said Andrew Boyle, an attorney in the national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice. “The ones that former presidents declared are of a different sort.”

I looked up the NE declared on Burundi. It was for sanctions and stopping access to funds. It was not to steal money from other governmental coffers without Congress's permission.
No, Obama used executive orders to do that.
President Obama today issued a new Executive Order (E.O.) declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by the situation in Burundi.
FACT SHEET: Burundi Executive Order
He signed an executive order that cost us over 15billion.
No one said a damn word.
I'm not playing Jeopardy, Alex.
I was just saying
I joined this forum to specifically warn people that trump has all the characteristics of a wannabe dictator ....I live under a dictator and i know one when i see one.
He is fucking this country up.
Fear mongering is fucking this country up. So gfy
President Trump is trying to build the wall as a military construction project, which is specifically allowed in the US code:

10 U.S. Code § 2808 - Construction authority in the event of a declaration of war or national emergency

10 U.S. Code § 2808 - Construction authority in the event of a declaration of war or national emergency

(a)In the event of a declaration of war or the declaration by the President of a national emergency in accordance with the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) that requires use of the armed forces, the Secretary of Defense, without regard to any other provision of law, may undertake military construction projects, and may authorize the Secretaries of the military departments to undertake military construction projects, not otherwise authorized by law that are necessary to support such use of the armed forces. Such projects may be undertaken only within the total amount of funds that have been appropriated for military construction, including funds appropriated for family housing, that have not been obligated.
When a decision is made to undertake military construction projects authorized by this section, the Secretary of Defense shall notify, in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title, the appropriate committees of Congress of the decision and of the estimated cost of the construction projects, including the cost of any real estate action pertaining to those construction projects.
Trump declares national emergency to "unlock" $8 billion for his border wall
Thompson had discovered that Ocasio-Cortez’s boyfriend, Riley Roberts, is now listed as staff in the House directory and tweeted “while you were having a nice Valentine’s Day, @AOC decided to put her boyfriend on staff – drawing a salary on the taxpayer’s dime. Nice to see her adapting to the swamp so quickly.”

Oh yes who didn't get their wall bitches. LOL Now what kind off stunt will the democratic idiots pull to hault this , stop it, etc, etc. You know these foaming at the mouth rabid dogs will be on a war path now.
I joined this forum to specifically warn people that trump has all the characteristics of a wannabe dictator ....I live under a dictator and i know one when i see one.
He is fucking this country up.
Fear mongering is fucking this country up. So gfy
Fear mongering like the orange does daily ? STFU hillbilly.
No border wall. Border security!
Obama's own hand-picked Director of the Border Patrol already came out to say Trump is right, there is no reason not to build a wall, and that walls are part of Border Security that should be used together.

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