Trump to declare national emergency

The left finally care about the Constitution!
Quite an accomplishment, trump!
Since Obama is a constitutional law professor, he has some knowledge of the subject. Perhaps the only issue of contention was Obamacare, where the issue of whether it was constitutional or not only came after republicans made changes to it, which then a judge ruled it unconstitutional due to those changes.

Most people who use the constitution are only using it as a pejorative, and have no idea what the constitution actually says. Emoluments for example.
The supreme court ate obamas ass up on multiple occasions.
Good try though.
It is an actual emergency when fatal drugs cross into another nation, giving a perpetrator a more silent and deadly weapon than firearms. To lace the kool-aid in an elementary school is an example of a time-destroying, time-sensitive crisis. Yes, there are Podunks in Canada, too, though the word 'hillbilly' actually came from the Irish potato farmers in south-central Michigan (Irish Hills). Thus, it does have to do with agricultural workers doing jobs that U.S. citizens shirk from doing.
Well, that actual emergency has been going on at least since we made opium and heroin illegal to sell over the counter. Sure took long enough to declare it.
Anyone else notice how quickly this Major Breaking News has been swept off of the Main Headlines and moved to tiny hard to find spaces?

The Establishment is either really pissed with Trump now, or it's part of the scam.

I'm thinking it's NOT part of the big scam, otherwise it would still be a major front page headline.

<scratches chin>

Trump needs more trusted body guards and people watching his back.
Funny how the right applauds tyranny...
Bwuhahahahaha.......STFU, you idiot!

AGAIN, the President is using Constitutional / Legal Authority given to him by Congress, using a power that has been used 59 times in the past by Presidents from both parties. 32 of those remain in effect.

I don't mind snowflake WHINING...its when they lie their assess off while whining I can't stand.
Those Presidents had real emergencies. Those are time sensitive situations that require immediate attention, and Congress is read in as soon as they can get their fannies there to enact whatever legislation is required.
Emergencies with OTHER countries that have nothing to do with us.
Dont act like you know what those emergencies are, because you obviously have no idea.
Obama signed NE so no one could contribute to venezuela and burundi. Among other countries.
Please, just stop.
From AP, just the facts:

It’s a contentious move, likely to be legally challenged, and not something presidents routinely do, contrary to his rhetoric:

TRUMP: “You know, we already have national emergencies out there. You know, President Obama, President Clinton, President Bush — they’ve declared many national — this is not unique. They’ve declared many national emergencies. Many, many.” — remarks at a Cabinet meeting Tuesday.

THE FACTS: The emergency action would be rare. The presidents he cites did not use emergency powers to pay for projects that Congress wouldn’t support.

Emergency declarations by Obama, Bush and Clinton were overwhelmingly for the purpose of addressing crises that emerged abroad. Many blocked foreign interests or terrorist-linked entities from access to funds. Some prohibited certain imports from or investments to countries associated with human rights abuses.

“It’s extremely rare for a president to declare a national emergency in a bid to fund domestic construction projects, particularly one that Congress has explicitly refused to fund,” said Andrew Boyle, an attorney in the national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice. “The ones that former presidents declared are of a different sort.”

I looked up the NE declared on Burundi. It was for sanctions and stopping access to funds. It was not to steal money from other governmental coffers without Congress's permission.
No, Obama used executive orders to do that.
The left finally care about the Constitution!
Quite an accomplishment, trump!

And the right still won't.

So, not really much has changed
Maybe the right is next.
Give it time :lol:

When the left goes after the guns, then they will care. The 2nd Amendment is the only one the right gives a shit about

The Left will not "go after" the guns. Not one of them believes their nonsensical hype strongly enough to put their lives on the line for it.
I hope his idea dies just like ancient Roman criminals.
Of course you do. For the good of the Democratic Party and in revenge of Hillary losing you snowflakes have obstructed, undermined, plotted, and prayed for the failure of this President. It's not like anything is going to change that...ever.
I can't speak for the Democrats, and I've said numerous times that I have nothing against a physical barrier in places where there is a lot of travel. BUT this is truly alarming and if the President gets away with it, it has pretty much made an Emperor of Caesar. You watch.
Funny how the right applauds tyranny...

You filthy LefTarded fucks have lost your minds....”Tyranny” is not when a POTUS takes extreme action against treasonous pieces of shits to protect and act on behalf good, legit, real Americans.
“Tyranny” IS when a Kenyan POTUS personally writes new immigration law which fucks good Americans over without congressional approval.
What else can I teach you?
I see no difference.
The left finally care about the Constitution!
Quite an accomplishment, trump!
Since Obama is a constitutional law professor, he has some knowledge of the subject. Perhaps the only issue of contention was Obamacare, where the issue of whether it was constitutional or not only came after republicans made changes to it, which then a judge ruled it unconstitutional due to those changes.

Most people who use the constitution are only using it as a pejorative, and have no idea what the constitution actually says. Emoluments for example.

Roberts flipped it to a tax to make it constitutional, essentially rewriting the law. Roberts should have ruled it unconstitutional.
Wonder how much Roberts got paid for that gig.
The left finally care about the Constitution!
Quite an accomplishment, trump!

And the right still won't.

So, not really much has changed
Maybe the right is next.
Give it time :lol:

When the left goes after the guns, then they will care. The 2nd Amendment is the only one the right gives a shit about

The Left will not "go after" the guns. Not one of them believes their nonsensical hype strongly enough to put their lives on the line for it.

If they ever try this, it will be their end.
So, the way the national emergency funding breaks down will give Trump about 4.5 billion unquestioned, and about 3.5 from military assets that will be challenged.

4.5 ain't bad right off the bat. :113:

Trump wins.

Has Pelosi stopped screaming yet?
And how much of the fat in the other $4 trillion has been trimmed?...Like, none.

You've been played for a chump, chump.

Your concerns in this matter do not reflect my own.
Of course not....You're a pretend "conservative"...


I'm not a conservative, never claimed to be. What I am is a classically defined liberal, as were the Founders.

Exactly the brand of party man team player that drove me out of the GOP in the '90s, because of the rank hypocrisy and focus on things that don't add up to a heap of fly shit in the long run.

I belong to no political party. Never have, never will.

Congratulations, you're everything you profess to hate from the other team.

Then why oh Gawd are they so mean to me? :auiqs.jpg:
So we're agreed that you don't GAF....And if you can support this shit show of a budget, you're no classical liberal either....Glad we cleared this up.
When the next Democratic president declares a national emergency about guns and the 15000 gun homicides each year, be sure to thank Trump.

Second Amendment scare-mongering. Every time I hear another leftard repeat that, I get the overwhelming urge to bite the head off a puppy.
You will sure hate it when it happens. Politicians just grab more and more.
Anyone else notice how quickly this Major Breaking News has been swept off of the Main Headlines and moved to tiny hard to find spaces?

The Establishment is either really pissed with Trump now, or it's part of the scam.

I'm thinking it's NOT part of the big scam, otherwise it would still be a major front page headline.

<scratches chin>

Trump needs more trusted body guards and people watching his back.

Good idea. Anything happens to President Trump and it's Civil War 2.0.
The way this Presidential term is going, and with the continual partisan gridlock on just about every issue imaginable, they should start selling Pay Per View Tickets to Supreme Court proceedings.....

On a more serious note this gridlock, whereby everything is simply opposed that the other side does has been pushing us in this direction for a while. Fine, great, what-the-fuck-ever, except that the court gets put in a role it was never intended to fill.

Well, may you live in interesting times and all that jazz.....
Libs are going to be beside themselves !

President Donald Trump will sign the border-security agreement that heads off a government shutdown but declare a national emergency at the same time to build his proposed wall, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday. The agreement contains less money than Trump wanted but heads off another government shutdown after midnight Friday. McConnell did not give any more details of the emergency declaration while speaking on the Senate floor.

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Published: Feb 14, 2019 3:10 p.m. ET
A friend of mine predicted the President would sign such a bill and then declare a national emergency last week, but I argued it would be better for him to agree to short term funding of the government and then declare a national emergency. I still think that would have been a better idea, but I'm guessing this was a compromise to help some Republican members of Congress from purple states avoid the stress of continuing short term funding.
Trump needed McConnell's support to block the House in an effort to overturn Trump's National Emergency. Trump signs the deal and McConnell announces his support for the National Emergency.

McConnell bitterly opposed a declaration of National Emergency but McConnell realized how devastating another shutdown would be in 2020 so he made a deal with Trump. This is real political deal making something Trump will never understand.

When Trump said he was ready to make a deal on border security and refused to compromise on wall funding which was the only real issue, he wasn't making a deal he was issuing an ultimatum. If you look back at Trump's great deals, you will find they are mostly ultimatums, despite all the bull shit in his books.
The situation was never that serious. The last poll I saw showed 86% of Republican voters strongly wanted the border fence, so regardless of how they felt about a national emergency, Republicans in Congress were not going to piss off Republican voters by trying to stop the President from building the fence. On the other hand, Republicans in Congress were anxious about another shutdown, so this compromise relieves everyone's stress and the fence gets built to satisfy Republican voters. It was necessary to go through the negotiations with the Democrats to demonstrate to both Republican voters and Republicans in Congress that the fence simply could not be built with a declaration of national emergency, and the Democrats played their role nicely in the President's little show and tell.
And a Monmouth Poll and a CNN poll both confirm approximately 64% of Americans believe the president should not declare a national emergency to build the wall and 33% of Republicans hold that view.
Funny how the right applauds tyranny...
Bwuhahahahaha.......STFU, you idiot!

AGAIN, the President is using Constitutional / Legal Authority given to him by Congress, using a power that has been used 59 times in the past by Presidents from both parties. 32 of those remain in effect.

I don't mind snowflake WHINING...its when they lie their assess off while whining I can't stand.
Those Presidents had real emergencies. Those are time sensitive situations that require immediate attention, and Congress is read in as soon as they can get their fannies there to enact whatever legislation is required.
Emergencies with OTHER countries that have nothing to do with us.
Dont act like you know what those emergencies are, because you obviously have no idea.
Obama signed NE so no one could contribute to venezuela and burundi. Among other countries.
Please, just stop.
From AP, just the facts:

It’s a contentious move, likely to be legally challenged, and not something presidents routinely do, contrary to his rhetoric:

TRUMP: “You know, we already have national emergencies out there. You know, President Obama, President Clinton, President Bush — they’ve declared many national — this is not unique. They’ve declared many national emergencies. Many, many.” — remarks at a Cabinet meeting Tuesday.

THE FACTS: The emergency action would be rare. The presidents he cites did not use emergency powers to pay for projects that Congress wouldn’t support.

Emergency declarations by Obama, Bush and Clinton were overwhelmingly for the purpose of addressing crises that emerged abroad. Many blocked foreign interests or terrorist-linked entities from access to funds. Some prohibited certain imports from or investments to countries associated with human rights abuses.

“It’s extremely rare for a president to declare a national emergency in a bid to fund domestic construction projects, particularly one that Congress has explicitly refused to fund,” said Andrew Boyle, an attorney in the national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice. “The ones that former presidents declared are of a different sort.”

I looked up the NE declared on Burundi. It was for sanctions and stopping access to funds. It was not to steal money from other governmental coffers without Congress's permission.
No, Obama used executive orders to do that.
TN, they were national emergencies. I don't care if he wrote them on toilet paper. They were declarations of national emergency.
When the next Democratic president declares a national emergency about guns and the 15000 gun homicides each year, be sure to thank Trump.

Second Amendment scare-mongering. Every time I hear another leftard repeat that, I get the overwhelming urge to bite the head off a puppy.
You will sure hate it when it happens. Politicians just grab more and more.

Like someone's going to come door to door, confiscating guns? Good way to get shot in the face.
The left finally care about the Constitution!
Quite an accomplishment, trump!
Since Obama is a constitutional law professor, he has some knowledge of the subject. Perhaps the only issue of contention was Obamacare, where the issue of whether it was constitutional or not only came after republicans made changes to it, which then a judge ruled it unconstitutional due to those changes.

Most people who use the constitution are only using it as a pejorative, and have no idea what the constitution actually says. Emoluments for example.

Roberts flipped it to a tax to make it constitutional, essentially rewriting the law. Roberts should have ruled it unconstitutional.
Wonder how much Roberts got paid for that gig.

He wanted to be part of the circuit. Not sure but Id bet he was rewarded for that.
Anyone else notice how quickly this Major Breaking News has been swept off of the Main Headlines and moved to tiny hard to find spaces?

The Establishment is either really pissed with Trump now, or it's part of the scam.

I'm thinking it's NOT part of the big scam, otherwise it would still be a major front page headline.

<scratches chin>

Trump needs more trusted body guards and people watching his back.
Emergency is the top story on Its everywhere.
So, the way the national emergency funding breaks down will give Trump about 4.5 billion unquestioned, and about 3.5 from military assets that will be challenged.

4.5 ain't bad right off the bat. :113:

Trump wins.

Has Pelosi stopped screaming yet?
And how much of the fat in the other $4 trillion has been trimmed?...Like, none.

You've been played for a chump, chump.

Your concerns in this matter do not reflect my own.
Of course not....You're a pretend "conservative"...


I'm not a conservative, never claimed to be. What I am is a classically defined liberal, as were the Founders.

Exactly the brand of party man team player that drove me out of the GOP in the '90s, because of the rank hypocrisy and focus on things that don't add up to a heap of fly shit in the long run.

I belong to no political party. Never have, never will.

Congratulations, you're everything you profess to hate from the other team.

Then why oh Gawd are they so mean to me? :auiqs.jpg:
So we're agreed that you don't GAF....And if you can support this shit show of a budget, you're no classical liberal either....Glad we cleared this up.

No, I never GAF. Merely press on.

"You can't - always get - what you want."

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