Trump to End Obama Funding to Wuhan Lab that Started Pandemic

Why are our tax dollars going to ChiCom labs?

Give us some credible proof. Not just a Tweet from a lunatic like Gaetz.

Ask your ChiCom masters.

You mean Trump's buddy? Xi?

View attachment 325573

View attachment 325576

I think chana already spent the money obama gave them for the chinese disease

are you pissed that trump refuses to give them any more?

Apparently..he has for the past 3 years. Are you pissed?
You guys have to watch this it will help you totally understand why a tard is a tard..

It will perfectly demonstrate how HOLLYWOOD/TV/MOVES has thee leftist loon brainwashed--- when one doesn't understand how pysh warfare works you dumb-asses are a target every time.

now that we know what makes them so dumb we can reprogram them again get it " TV PROGRAMMING". we will return after our regularly scheduled program and you all still never ever got it all lmfao.

Why are our tax dollars going to ChiCom labs?

Ya gotta give money to China so Hunter Biden can get a kickback.

You mean the Trump family.

Obama gave funds to the Lab for the Trump family? Sure that makes sense.

Obama gave funds to a lab? Sounds like another rightest lie since NIH grants aren’t given by the president.

So you're saying NIH gave money to the lab for the Trump family? Fricken not easy to follow your screwed up logic.

Of course it is not easy with your screwed up mind Since you clearly do not have clue how grants work. Maybe it’s your ODS.

Who funds the grants?

WHO signs off on the funding for NIH? The Queen of England??

You shouldn't insult USMB members insisting they have screwed up minds and false claims

Clearly, you have no idea how grants work.

please. Stop your hypocritical outrage.

Who establishes the funding? Congress. Who signs off? The president.

Now here is the part you do not get.

Who decides who gets what grants?

Whatever guidelines the Administration puts in place is how grants are passed out.

Now your turn to stop your hypocritical outrage, please.

Personally I dgaf if the US gave China $3.7m in grants.

I sincerely think the US should be involved in finding solutions to prevent possible pandemics.

Regardless the OP is bunk.

Trump can't end a one time grant that has already been spent.

Exactly. But the president does not choose who the grants go or even the selection process. The Trump administration has continued to provide funding to the same lab as well.

Bilateral collaborative research like this is valuable because this is where these these novel Corona virus' are emerging from.

The US has had decades of strong research partnerships with China. Suddenly cutting off funding like this, based on unsubstantiated speculation is foolish and could further hinder cooperation with China into the virus.
Why are our tax dollars going to ChiCom labs?

Ya gotta give money to China so Hunter Biden can get a kickback.

You mean the Trump family.

Obama gave funds to the Lab for the Trump family? Sure that makes sense.

Obama gave funds to a lab? Sounds like another rightest lie since NIH grants aren’t given by the president.

So you're saying NIH gave money to the lab for the Trump family? Fricken not easy to follow your screwed up logic.

Of course it is not easy with your screwed up mind Since you clearly do not have clue how grants work. Maybe it’s your ODS.

Who funds the grants?

WHO signs off on the funding for NIH? The Queen of England??

You shouldn't insult USMB members insisting they have screwed up minds and false claims

Clearly, you have no idea how grants work.

please. Stop your hypocritical outrage.

Who establishes the funding? Congress. Who signs off? The president.

Now here is the part you do not get.

Who decides who gets what grants?

Whatever guidelines the Administration puts in place is how grants are passed out.

Now your turn to stop your hypocritical outrage, please.

Personally I dgaf if the US gave China $3.7m in grants.

I sincerely think the US should be involved in finding solutions to prevent possible pandemics.

Regardless the OP is bunk.

Trump can't end a one time grant that has already been spent.

Exactly. But the president does not choose who the grants go or even the selection process. The Trump administration has continued to provide funding to the same lab as well.

Bilateral collaborative research like this is valuable because this is where these these novel Corona virus' are emerging from.

The US has had decades of strong research partnerships with China. Suddenly cutting off funding like this, based on unsubstantiated speculation is foolish and could further hinder cooperation with China into the virus.

It is foolish & why Trump will do it.
The Wuhan lab studying corona viruses from a certain bat that gave us SARS under the Bush2 administration, has been given Grant funding by the USA since president Bush, thru Obama, and yes...thru Trump.

The difference is that under Bush and under Obama, we had an American Scientist embedded in China's CDC lab to oversee what they were doing and report back to us...

In 2019, July, our embedded Virologist in their Lab was REMOVED by Trump, right before the COVID outbreak began, because they decided it was not necessary.... And didn't wast to fund the position.

HOW FOOLISH of the Trump admin....

Gaetz and all of you, are pawns of disinformation, to cover up the Trump admin's foolish mistake of removing our scientist there.... who could have given us a heads up to this new virus spreading there months before we took it seriously.

We likely could have saved the whole world from this virus and pointed out China lying about it!
The difference is that under Bush and under Obama, we had an American Scientist embedded in China's CDC lab to oversee what they were doing and report back to us...

In 2019, July, our embedded Virologist in their Lab was REMOVED by Trump, right before the COVID outbreak began, because they decided it was not necessary.... And didn't wast to fund the position.

Got source on this?
The difference is that under Bush and under Obama, we had an American Scientist embedded in China's CDC lab to oversee what they were doing and report back to us...

In 2019, July, our embedded Virologist in their Lab was REMOVED by Trump, right before the COVID outbreak began, because they decided it was not necessary.... And didn't wast to fund the position.

Got source on this?
Yeah, I've posted it in another thread on this...let me go find it.

In the meantime, the Trump admin has been on mission to cut science on that...

The difference is that under Bush and under Obama, we had an American Scientist embedded in China's CDC lab to oversee what they were doing and report back to us...

In 2019, July, our embedded Virologist in their Lab was REMOVED by Trump, right before the COVID outbreak began, because they decided it was not necessary.... And didn't wast to fund the position.

Got source on this?

U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before coronavirus outbreak
The American disease expert, a medical epidemiologist embedded in China’s disease control agency, left her post in July.

March 22, 2020, 6:09 PM EDT
By Reuters

WASHINGTON - Several months before the coronavirus pandemic began, the Trump administration eliminated a key American public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China, Reuters has learned.

The American disease expert, a medical epidemiologist embedded in China’s disease control agency, left her post in July, according to four sources with knowledge of the issue. The first cases of the new coronavirus may have emerged as early as November, and as cases exploded, the Trump administration in February chastised China for censoring information about the outbreak and keeping U.S. experts from entering the country to help.

“It was heartbreaking to watch,” said Bao-Ping Zhu, a Chinese American who served in that role, which was funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 2007 and 2011. “If someone had been there, public health officials and governments across the world could have moved much faster.”

Zhu and the other sources said the American expert, Dr. Linda Quick, was a trainer of Chinese field epidemiologists who were deployed to the epicenter of outbreaks to help track, investigate and contain diseases. As an American CDC employee, they said, Quick was in an ideal position to be the eyes and ears on the ground for the United States and other countries on the coronavirus outbreak, and might have alerted them to the growing threat weeks earlier.

No other foreign disease experts were embedded to lead the program after Quick left in July, according to the sources. Zhu said an embedded expert can often get word of outbreaks early, after forming close relationships with Chinese counterparts.

Zhu and the other sources said Quick could have provided real-time information to U.S. and other officials around the world during the first weeks of the outbreak, when they said the Chinese government tamped down on the release of information and provided erroneous assessments.
Quick left amid a bitter U.S. trade dispute with China when she learned her federally funded post, officially known as resident adviser to the U.S. Field Epidemiology Training Program in China, would be discontinued as of September, the sources said. The U.S. CDC said it first learned of a “cluster of 27 cases of pneumonia” of unexplained origin in Wuhan, China, on Dec. 31.
Why are our tax dollars going to ChiCom labs?

Give us some credible proof. Not just a Tweet from a lunatic like Gaetz.

Ask your ChiCom masters.

You mean Trump's buddy? Xi?

View attachment 325573

View attachment 325576

I think chana already spent the money obama gave them for the chinese disease

are you pissed that trump refuses to give them any more?

Apparently..he has for the past 3 years. Are you pissed?

I dont know when the last payment was sent to china

but trump is the first baby boomer president to stand up to the communists and say No More.
the other important funding for scientists that they cut was this program to hunt out new viruses in the known animals that pass these viruses to us.... called PREDICT

By Donald G. McNeil Jr.

  • Oct. 25, 2019

In a move that worries many public health experts, the federal government is quietly shutting down a surveillance program for dangerous animal viruses that someday may infect humans.
The United Nations Environment Program estimates that a new animal disease that can also infect humans is discovered every four months. Ending the program, experts fear, will leave the world more vulnerable to lethal pathogens like Ebola and MERS that emerge from unexpected places, such as bat-filled trees, gorilla carcasses and camel barns.
The program, known as Predict and run by the United States Agency for International Development, was inspired by the 2005 H5N1 bird flu scare. Launched 10 years ago, the project has cost about $207 million.
The initiative has collected over 140,000 biological samples from animals and found over 1,000 new viruses, including a new strain of Ebola. Predict also trained about 5,000 people in 30 African and Asian countries, and has built or strengthened 60 medical research laboratories, mostly in poor countries.

Dennis Carroll, the former director of USAID’s emerging threats division who helped design Predict, oversaw it for a decade and retired when it was shut down. The surveillance project is closing because of “the ascension of risk-averse bureaucrats,” he said.

the other important funding for scientists that they cut was this program to hunt out new viruses in the known animals that pass these viruses to us.... called PREDICT

By Donald G. McNeil Jr.
  • Oct. 25, 2019

In a move that worries many public health experts, the federal government is quietly shutting down a surveillance program for dangerous animal viruses that someday may infect humans.
The United Nations Environment Program estimates that a new animal disease that can also infect humans is discovered every four months. Ending the program, experts fear, will leave the world more vulnerable to lethal pathogens like Ebola and MERS that emerge from unexpected places, such as bat-filled trees, gorilla carcasses and camel barns.
The program, known as Predict and run by the United States Agency for International Development, was inspired by the 2005 H5N1 bird flu scare. Launched 10 years ago, the project has cost about $207 million.
The initiative has collected over 140,000 biological samples from animals and found over 1,000 new viruses, including a new strain of Ebola. Predict also trained about 5,000 people in 30 African and Asian countries, and has built or strengthened 60 medical research laboratories, mostly in poor countries.

Dennis Carroll, the former director of USAID’s emerging threats division who helped design Predict, oversaw it for a decade and retired when it was shut down. The surveillance project is closing because of “the ascension of risk-averse bureaucrats,” he said.

Great news, we should not be funding ANYTHING in China. If the outbreak was not enough to conclude that, nothing is.

As the aftermath of the virus, we can not afford to pay the virtue signaler extrordinares anyway.
Why are our tax dollars going to ChiCom labs?

Ya gotta give money to China so Hunter Biden can get a kickback.

You mean the Trump family.

Obama gave funds to the Lab for the Trump family? Sure that makes sense.

Obama gave funds to a lab? Sounds like another rightest lie since NIH grants aren’t given by the president.

So you're saying NIH gave money to the lab for the Trump family? Fricken not easy to follow your screwed up logic.

Of course it is not easy with your screwed up mind Since you clearly do not have clue how grants work. Maybe it’s your ODS.

Who funds the grants?

WHO signs off on the funding for NIH? The Queen of England??

You shouldn't insult USMB members insisting they have screwed up minds and false claims

Clearly, you have no idea how grants work.

please. Stop your hypocritical outrage.

Who establishes the funding? Congress. Who signs off? The president.

Now here is the part you do not get.

Who decides who gets what grants?

Whatever guidelines the Administration puts in place is how grants are passed out.

Now your turn to stop your hypocritical outrage, please.

Personally I dgaf if the US gave China $3.7m in grants.

I sincerely think the US should be involved in finding solutions to prevent possible pandemics.

Regardless the OP is bunk.

Trump can't end a one time grant that has already been spent.

Exactly. But the president does not choose who the grants go or even the selection process. The Trump administration has continued to provide funding to the same lab as well.

Bilateral collaborative research like this is valuable because this is where these these novel Corona virus' are emerging from.

The US has had decades of strong research partnerships with China. Suddenly cutting off funding like this, based on unsubstantiated speculation is foolish and could further hinder cooperation with China into the virus.

Pretty sure we don’t need the Chicom‘s help, especially when we can’t believe a thing they say.
The difference is that under Bush and under Obama, we had an American Scientist embedded in China's CDC lab to oversee what they were doing and report back to us...

In 2019, July, our embedded Virologist in their Lab was REMOVED by Trump, right before the COVID outbreak began, because they decided it was not necessary.... And didn't wast to fund the position.

Got source on this?
Yeah, I've posted it in another thread on this...let me go find it.

In the meantime, the Trump admin has been on mission to cut science on that...

Um, that link talks about a budget PROPOSAL.

where are the actual cuts you claim happened? This will be fun.
Why are our tax dollars going to ChiCom labs?

Give us some credible proof. Not just a Tweet from a lunatic like Gaetz.

Ask your ChiCom masters.

You mean Trump's buddy? Xi?

View attachment 325573

View attachment 325576

I think chana already spent the money obama gave them for the chinese disease

are you pissed that trump refuses to give them any more?

Apparently..he has for the past 3 years. Are you pissed?

I dont know when the last payment was sent to china

but trump is the first baby boomer president to stand up to the communists and say No More.

Trump's China policy is working so great. Other Presidents worked to improve China's human rights issues. Trump says China can do what they want within their own borders. Trump placed sanctions & ended up bankrupting American Farmers & hurting US manufacturing.
The difference is that under Bush and under Obama, we had an American Scientist embedded in China's CDC lab to oversee what they were doing and report back to us...

In 2019, July, our embedded Virologist in their Lab was REMOVED by Trump, right before the COVID outbreak began, because they decided it was not necessary.... And didn't wast to fund the position.

Got source on this?
Yeah, I've posted it in another thread on this...let me go find it.

In the meantime, the Trump admin has been on mission to cut science on that...

Um, that link talks about a budget PROPOSAL.

where are the actual cuts you claim happened? This will be fun.
Trump TRIED to cut those budgets & Congress said Fuck no.

Jesus fuck, how uninformed are you?
Why are our tax dollars going to ChiCom labs?

Ya gotta give money to China so Hunter Biden can get a kickback.

You mean the Trump family.

Obama gave funds to the Lab for the Trump family? Sure that makes sense.

Obama gave funds to a lab? Sounds like another rightest lie since NIH grants aren’t given by the president.

So you're saying NIH gave money to the lab for the Trump family? Fricken not easy to follow your screwed up logic.

Of course it is not easy with your screwed up mind Since you clearly do not have clue how grants work. Maybe it’s your ODS.

Who funds the grants?

WHO signs off on the funding for NIH? The Queen of England??

You shouldn't insult USMB members insisting they have screwed up minds and false claims

Clearly, you have no idea how grants work.

please. Stop your hypocritical outrage.

Who establishes the funding? Congress. Who signs off? The president.

Now here is the part you do not get.

Who decides who gets what grants?

Whatever guidelines the Administration puts in place is how grants are passed out.

Now your turn to stop your hypocritical outrage, please.

Personally I dgaf if the US gave China $3.7m in grants.

I sincerely think the US should be involved in finding solutions to prevent possible pandemics.

Regardless the OP is bunk.

Trump can't end a one time grant that has already been spent.

Exactly. But the president does not choose who the grants go or even the selection process. The Trump administration has continued to provide funding to the same lab as well.

Bilateral collaborative research like this is valuable because this is where these these novel Corona virus' are emerging from.

The US has had decades of strong research partnerships with China. Suddenly cutting off funding like this, based on unsubstantiated speculation is foolish and could further hinder cooperation with China into the virus.

Pretty sure we don’t need the Chicom‘s help, especially when we can’t believe a thing they say.

why does Trump want to send investigators to Wuhan if he needs no help.

We can't believe ANYTHING Trump says. I'd believe China over Trump any day.
Why are our tax dollars going to ChiCom labs?

Give us some credible proof. Not just a Tweet from a lunatic like Gaetz.

Ask your ChiCom masters.

You mean Trump's buddy? Xi?

View attachment 325573

View attachment 325576

I think chana already spent the money obama gave them for the chinese disease

are you pissed that trump refuses to give them any more?

Apparently..he has for the past 3 years. Are you pissed?

I dont know when the last payment was sent to china

but trump is the first baby boomer president to stand up to the communists and say No More.

Trump's China policy is working so great. Other Presidents worked to improve China's human rights issues. Trump says China can do what they want within their own borders. Trump placed sanctions & ended up bankrupting American Farmers & hurting US manufacturing.

No one improved china’s civil rights policy

they are evil and inhuman progressives aka communists with no regard for people in china or anywhere else

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