Trump to join striking UAW workers....

I am sure you wish that were true.
Well it is. If it isn't true, then post the amount approved outside of the measly 700 a household? Post it where they are getting billions. You can't, you won't you'll make a snarky insulting response because you can't. You're not in my league bub!
And unearned hubris and narcissism are usually found in leftist idiots like you.
Dang you whine a lot.

I wonder how these workers would feel, if they were educated on the fact that Trump was possibly the lost anti labor and anti union president in all of history?

Ih that's right, the stupids won't care.
Dang you whine a lot.

I wonder how these workers would feel, if they were educated on the fact that Trump was possibly the lost anti labor and anti union president in all of history?

Ih that's right, the stupids won't care.

Calling out narcissistic self important SJW idiots like you isn't whining, it's a public service.

Dems have only been giving lip service to private labor unions for about 2 decades now, all they care about is public unions, AGW, DEI, and Trans idiocy.
Calling out narcissistic self important SJW idiots like you isn't whining, it's a public service.

Dems have only been giving lip service to private labor unions for about 2 decades now, all they care about is public unions, AGW, DEI, and Trans idiocy.
Please stop whining. It adds nothing and just embarrasses you.

Trump the pile of shit stacked the courts with anti labor judges. That's going to matter.

But the squealing cultists don't care. They would cut off their pinky fingers, if they thought it pleased their orange god.
Please stop whining. It adds nothing and just embarrasses you.

Trump the pile of shit stacked the courts either anti labor judges. That's going to matter.

But you and the other squealing cultists don't care. You would cut off your pinky fingers, if you thought it pleased your orange god.

Not whining, not stopping, if you don't like it, go to one of those echo chamber message boards to feed your ego.

Not anti-labor, just not unfairly pro-labor.

I've said I'm a DeSantis man before, so pay attention, dipshit.
Dang you whine a lot.

I wonder how these workers would feel, if they were educated on the fact that Trump was possibly the lost anti labor and anti union president in all of history?

Ih that's right, the stupids won't care.
it's his demofk programming. Being a human being isn't in his wheelhouse,

Right to Work is the biggest movement to date, and it's picked up steam and unions are losing dues because of it. It's all them whining over and over and over obsessively!!! Just like that demofk schmuck.
Why sure it's sort of a joke for a hard right capitalist!

But it's a slamdunk to pull off if Trump can choose the right time to turn against the UAW by claiming they want too much.

And what American wouldn't support that?

Trump may not have 'thunk' it through yet but it's going to be obvious even to him.

Smart move.

The conservative right in America won't start crying over this Trump move, as would be expected.
The majority isn't going to vote for that fantasy, but you do you.
Worthless opinion from a worthless poster.

Correction, someone else's opinion you regurgitate like the good wibble SJW hack you are.
I know you're very whiny. So I posted the opinion of the UAW leadership, backed by facts. Read it and weep (some more).
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You do realize that they will meet somewhere in the middle which is perfectly logical. The absolute worst most ignorant workers show up and work hard and never consider asking for a yearly raise. The management hates those people.

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