Trump to join striking UAW workers....

Biden has now had everything he owned stolen from him by Trump.
Biden is left with trying to attract the 30% of the people who don't support the UAW.

This is not smart of Trump because the UAW's support will melt away as they refuse offers that any MacD worker would salivate over.
Biden is too blind and shi*ting his pants too often to be an effective blob.
A far better use of his time than attending a legacy media debate.

Agreed. In fact it is a brilliant move. He minimalizes his opponents' importance AND courts an important vote at the same time, while also shining a light on Biden;s failures.
I know you're very whiny. So I posted the opinion of the UAW leadership, backed by facts. Read it and weep (some more).

That's why I pointed out the Member's reaction, and not the leadership. The leadership is just an extension of the Democratic party, and one losing power to the identity politics idiots.
Agreed. In fact it is a brilliant move. He minimalizes his opponents' importance AND courts an important vote at the same time, while also shining a light on Biden;s failures.
ahhhh but Ukraine!! Got to push this Ukraine love interest since he's owned by them, compromised by them. It's sooooooo obvious today.
Agreed. In fact it is a brilliant move. He minimalizes his opponents' importance AND courts an important vote at the same time, while also shining a light on Biden;s failures.
Of course it's the smart move. Trump is a moron and cannot actually debate anything.
So think about how stupid the demofks are, it’s okay to create economic chaos with a strike that will increase the cost of product sold, but not shut down the government to reduce spending! Hahaha the amount of stupid is amazing
Most people side with the workers. Pretty easy call here. Good on trump to support the union over the filthy management.
Most people side with the workers. Pretty easy call here. Good on trump to support the union over the filthy management.
Wonder how many fewer jobs there’s going to be once they agree! Payroll is payroll. So congratulations you got people layed off
dude, that's so special. You really have TDS bad. wow. It seems with that comment, you don't understand the way society works at all. Just curious, how do ou supposed Creepy joe pays for all of his properties on a senator and president salary?
Senator Bob Melendez, read up on how he hid his money!! Money hidden in jackets. Where do you think xiden’s hide theirs? Melendez indictments is how every politician takes additional money!! It’s the template

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