Trump to meet security advisers Sunday over hostile N. Korea test


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
US President Donald Trump will convene his national security team Sunday and weigh possibly drastic economic sanctions against North Korea after Pyongyang test-fired what it claimed was a hydrogen bomb able to fit atop a missile.
Trump to meet security advisers Sunday over ‘hostile’ N.Korea test

The question will be will Russia and China stay out of this? Russia is already pulling their troops from the east. Russia doesn't do things to often on the " What if's.

“The national security team is monitoring this closely,” said Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Will the team send Jared to fix it? Or send The Great Orange Douche ITs self? Really IT said, the guy, is a great guy, in 2016 and before.
Will the team send Jared to fix it? Or send The Great Orange Douche ITs self? Really IT said the guy a great guy in 2016 and before.
One thing is certain, they will have a leader try and fix it. Not you.
Trump 'honored' to meet Kim Jong Un under 'right circumstances' - CNNPolitics

Really, the Great Orange Douche said he's a good leader, he kills the people
who stand in its way.

No your bastard Obama kills people including AMERICANS " DRONE STRIKE THEY WILL NEVER SEE IT COMING"


Obama Apologizes After Drone Kills American and Italian Held by Al Qaeda

The Obama administration has spent a great deal of time on outreach to Muslims worldwide, and on dialing down the volume and rhetoric of the prior administration in order to defuse al-Qaeda's narrative of a clash of civilizations between Muslims and non-Muslims. So you have to wonder why in the world the president's speech writers would think it was a good idea to throw a joke about predator drones into the president's speech during the White House Correspondent's Dinner, given that an estimated one-third of drone casualties, or between 289 and 378, have been civilians. It evinces a callous disregard for human life that is really inappropriate for a world leader, especially a president who is waging war against an enemy that deliberately targets civilians. It also helps undermine that outreach by making it look insincere. It's already hard enough to convince Muslims that the U.S. isn't indifferent to civilian casualties without having the president joke about it.


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