Trump to Recognize Jerusalem As Capital of Israel Wednesday

Still avoiding the question .

How is this good for America ?

Careful, you're liberal lack of caring for others is beginning to show.

No I DO care for others. That’s what I am not for instigating trouble (aka violence) for no other reason than to stroke egos .
Israel has been attacked numerous times unprovoked. You are a coward too afraid of your own shadow to stand for anything other than to go get a second helping of whatever it is you like to eat.

Islam is opposed to and hates Christians and Jews. Therefore nothing Israel does regarding Jerusalem and nothing THE US DOES, or DOES NOT do has no effect on provocation.

The mere existence of Israel is provocation to Islam. Therefore, no matter what Israel or The US does in regards to Jerusalem matters. Islam is already violent, and needs no provocation, so we may as well recognize Jerusalem as the 3,000 year old historic capital of Israel that it is and has always been.

Radical Hate filled Liberals and Their Jihadist Allies need NO INSTIGATION TO HATE someone. So Fuck them, and their feelings, because they hate you if you do nothing, and they hate you if you defend what is rightfully yours.
I don't see any facts, just conjecture and opinions. I don't claim to have facts, but I do have opinions based on facts. Problem with me is that I'm lazy. This is an internet forum and as such, I see no utility in devoting too much time and/or effort in it. In this case, trump made a costly blunder that will inflame people and cause needless death.

1. "I don't see any facts, just conjecture and opinions."

Well....then you're a dunce.

This is what I wrote.

"Why shouldn't it be?The Israelis own it.And, as you've inadvertently admitted, they are fair to everyone withing their jurisdiction."

Both are facts.

2." I see no utility in devoting too much time and/or effort in it."

Hence, the great difference between the two of us. I do copious research, and that is why I am never wrong.
The religious right (evangelicals. baptists, fundamentalists, et al) made a Faustian bargain to get trump elected. This, is part of their belief....that this action will help usher in the Second Coming.

Have you been to Jerusalem?

Are any barred from exercising freedom of their chosen religion under Israeli control?

No to both?


You say under Israeli control. That speaks for itself.

Why shouldn't it be?

The Israelis own it.

And, as you've inadvertently admitted, they are fair to everyone withing their jurisdiction.

So the Israelis are fair to the Palestinians, as per my inadvertent admission? A White House spokes person couldn't speak better. Hehehe. And what makes you think that the Israelis own jerusalem? If Israel owned Jerusalem, then entire countries should never have been created. For example Kosovo or Romania. Why does Israel own it then?
The religious right (evangelicals. baptists, fundamentalists, et al) made a Faustian bargain to get trump elected. This, is part of their belief....that this action will help usher in the Second Coming.

Have you been to Jerusalem?

Are any barred from exercising freedom of their chosen religion under Israeli control?

No to both?


You say under Israeli control. That speaks for itself.

Why shouldn't it be?

The Israelis own it.

And, as you've inadvertently admitted, they are fair to everyone withing their jurisdiction.

So the Israelis are fair to the Palestinians, as per my inadvertent admission? A White House spokes person couldn't speak better. Hehehe. And what makes you think that the Israelis own jerusalem? If Israel owned Jerusalem, then entire countries should never have been created. For example Kosovo or Romania. Why does Israel own it then?

Pay attention and prepare to take notes....then, perhaps, you'll embarrass yourself to a lesser extent:

King Abdallah of Jordan complains several times in his memoirs about Jews acquiring land in Palestine. Not once does he accuse the Jews of stealing it from the Arabs. Each time he mentions it, the complaint is how much land they are buying:

  • "... the fears of the Arab political leaders are supported by the fact that the sale of land continues unrestricted and every day one piece of land after another is torn from the hands of the Arabs.
  • 8 King Abdallah of Jordan, My Memoirs Completed (Al-Takmilah), Pg. 81. In a letter written to the High Commissioner for Transjordan, Sir Arthur Wauchope on July 25, 1934.
"According to my information the Jews have requested the continuance of the mandate so that they can buy up more land and bring in additional immigrants. No other country has gone through such a trial as Palestine.

  • 9 King Abdallah of Jordan, My Memoirs Completed (Al-Takmilah), Pg. 88. In a letter written to 'Abd al-Hamid Sa'id on June 5, 1938.

  • "Of course, the Zionists bought the land from Arab landholders, who moved to cities or even left the country. They were all too willing to sell, for the price paid by the purchasers was often many times more than anyone else would or could pay." 32 Crist, Raymond E. "Land for the Fellahin, VIII: Land Tenure and Land Use in the Near East".American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 18, No. 4 (Jul., 1959). 415

  • "The land policy of the Zionist movement in the pre-state era was based on purchase of land on the open market by Jewish institutions (mainly the JNF) and subsequent freezing of the ownership so as to ensure that the purchased land would be in Jewish hands in perpetuity." Kretzmer, David. The Legal Status of the Arabs in Israel. Boulder: Westview Press, 1990. 50.

Oh....and 'Palestinian'???

"An autonomous Palestinian political identity did not begin to assert itself until the mid-1960s. In the 1950s, no political organization existed around which a specifically Palestinian identity could be articulated. Pan-Arabism was a dominant mode of political expression, and the Hashimite regime strongly promoted Jordanian sovereignty over Palestinian affairs and identity."
Jordan - Palestinians

And....I've been in Jordan....another country you know nothing about.
This move of the embassy and recognizing Jerusalem as the Israeli capital reminds me of the movie "Wag The Dog." There, a president invents a war to detract attention from the political problems he's facing at home. Sound similar?
Terrorists Kill People for NO REASON, and you coddle them, enable them, and encourage them.

As if the Radical Settlers haven't killed innocent Palestinians civilians during the entire modern history of the Zionist movement and you ignore them.......
As if the Radical Settlers haven't killed innocent Palestinians civilians during the entire modern history of the Zionist movement and you ignore them.......
Hey, I am with you. Both sides are the scum of the Earth. Let them destroy each other. Why should we lay one more dime of American Taxpayer money to keep them from doing the world a great service?
I would liken allowing Israel the freedom to defend itself and it's capital to what we are planning to do with Japan. We are going to shift the burden of Japan's defense to Japan itself and in doing so, this will reduce the capital and manpower we expend to accomplish these tasks by allowing Nations like Israel and Japan to strengthen it's defensive capabilities as regional powers.
Israel without a Superpower is - no more.

Israel, themselves are a regional Superpower. You would be a fool NOT TO KNOW THIS.

And this is why Islam has gotten their asses handed to them every time they have launched unprovoked and immoral wars against Israel.

Israel has their own weapons research labs, and from what I have read about their weapons systems development, they not only are on par with The US, but they are advanced in many areas above and beyond some of our systems. And the US weapons systems they do use, they have modified them and improved upon them.

Not only that, THEIR ENTIRE POPULATION is Military Trained, and if war would come upon them, they would have near 100% mobilization of their population to defend themselves.

And "THEY" knowing what has happened to them in the past at the hands of Antisemitic Hatred, ISRAEL will fight and defend themselves FANATICALLY to the very last man, woman and child.

Also, anyone who thinks NO ONE would come to aide ISRAEL is making a huge mistake. They can handle most conflicts all by themselves, but I can guarantee you if Islam were to launch a GENOCIDAL All out War of Hatred against Israel, Tarshish and her Young Lions will defend Israel extreme prejudice and malice against the immoral aggressors in a Righteous War.

And if it be ARMAGEDDON, God himself will play his hand, and slaughter throngs of allah's minions with his Holy Word "The Sword of His Mouth" if necessary to preserve His Promise, and His Covenant with Israel, and with those who believe in Jehovah a defend his name'sake.

The True God is not mocked, and neither is He a liar, like the "deceiver" allah and his followers who were liars and murderers from their births.

Without the promise of US aid and resupply, Israel would be forced to use nuclear weapons on it's enemies. They have neither the manpower nor the hardware to sustain a war of attrition.

Supernatural beings have nothing to do with it.
Without the promise of US aid and resupply, Israel would be forced to use nuclear weapons on it's enemies. They have neither the manpower nor the hardware to sustain a war of attrition.
So, those nukes would be put to good use?

Um, no. Killing a massive amount of innocent civilians wouldn't be good at all. The effects would spread out across the globe.
Um, no. Killing a massive amount of innocent civilians wouldn't be good at all. The effects would spread out across the globe.
Yeah, but we would be done with this bullshit. Short-term loss, long-term gain.

It's not our problem. We're not the WPD (World Police Department).

But, cut the funding, and I bet this problem goes away REALLY fast.
There is no reason why we shouldn't make it official and recognize Jerusalem as the OFFICIAL Capital of Israel.

The Islamic Hate Cults, have shown us that they will kill, torture, and terrorize anyone they can get their hands on regardless of the status of Jerusalem whether it is divided like a contested child brought before Solomon, or whether it is officially recognized as the Unified Capital of Israel.

Land for Peace is a Fraud, a Ruse, and Con Game, and a Myth, and is Nothing but an Obstacle to moving forward in the region.

No amount of appeasement has stopped even one attack in Israel or around the world by Islamic Extremists, Hell bent on Killing Christians and Jews. There is no reason to negotiate with a people that do not exist in history, are not an ethnic, social or cultural group. There is NO SUCH THING as a Palestinian.

Well, technically that is true....there is NO SUCH THING AS A PALESTINIAN but ONLY if you disregard The Roman Empire's term for Jews living in Israel which they renamed Palestine during their occupation of Israel.

So yes, Jerusalem is the Capital of both Israel and Palestine because Israel is Palestine, and Palestine is Israel, so let it be so officially, for the only Palestinians that ever existed in history were Israeli Jews living under Roman Rule during the occupation, and even then, Jerusalem was still it's capital even when Herod and Pontius Pilate lorded over it.

Jesus was a Palestinian, and so were John The Baptist, and all of the disciples. They were Israelis, and they were Jewish, and Jerusalem was their capital. And Jerusalem should be Israel's Capital again.

These squatters living in The West Bank and Gaza Strip, are Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians and they have a homeland, and their states have capitals. They should go back to their homelands, and leave Jerusalem to The Jews, for it has always been, and will always be Israel's Capital.

There is no question about what should be done. The question is, why have we waited so long to do the right thing? It's so clear and simple what should be done. Restore Jerusalem to it's rightful owners: Israel.
The Romans had changed it Palestine to offend the Jews and their god. The word Palestine were the Greek word for Philistine (Vagrants), the enemy of the Jews. The word Hebrew is Habiru which means wanderers. The land of Canaan means valley. After the flood, people were roaming all over. Some of the people has taking over territories by fighting over it. But in the scriptures that it says that the Canaanites/ Philistines/ vagrants that inhabitant that area were very tall people. But they all were destroyed. But in the scriptures during the time Rome had ruled over Israel, that there were other nomadic tribes that were among them. That they has probably has taken up the name Philistine, since they were roamers. And then there were the Samaritans that had lived in Israel that the both of them didn't get along with each other. The Samaritans might be the descendants of Esau, that they probably had still carried their father's grudge of Jacob stealing their blessings.
But the Palestinians are not the original people that had roamed in the land of Canaan.

Canaan, The land of

(lit. lowland ), a name denoting the country west of the Jordan and the Dead Sea, and between those waters and the Mediterranean; given by God to Abrahams posterity, the children of Israel. ( Exodus 6:4 ; Leviticus 25:38 ) [PALESTINE]
Canaan, The land of - Smith's Bible Dictionary Online

Numbers 13:33 We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.”
There is no reason why we shouldn't make it official and recognize Jerusalem as the OFFICIAL Capital of Israel.

The Islamic Hate Cults, have shown us that they will kill, torture, and terrorize anyone they can get their hands on regardless of the status of Jerusalem whether it is divided like a contested child brought before Solomon, or whether it is officially recognized as the Unified Capital of Israel.

Land for Peace is a Fraud, a Ruse, and Con Game, and a Myth, and is Nothing but an Obstacle to moving forward in the region.

No amount of appeasement has stopped even one attack in Israel or around the world by Islamic Extremists, Hell bent on Killing Christians and Jews. There is no reason to negotiate with a people that do not exist in history, are not an ethnic, social or cultural group. There is NO SUCH THING as a Palestinian.

Well, technically that is true....there is NO SUCH THING AS A PALESTINIAN but ONLY if you disregard The Roman Empire's term for Jews living in Israel which they renamed Palestine during their occupation of Israel.

So yes, Jerusalem is the Capital of both Israel and Palestine because Israel is Palestine, and Palestine is Israel, so let it be so officially, for the only Palestinians that ever existed in history were Israeli Jews living under Roman Rule during the occupation, and even then, Jerusalem was still it's capital even when Herod and Pontius Pilate lorded over it.

Jesus was a Palestinian, and so were John The Baptist, and all of the disciples. They were Israelis, and they were Jewish, and Jerusalem was their capital. And Jerusalem should be Israel's Capital again.

These squatters living in The West Bank and Gaza Strip, are Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians and they have a homeland, and their states have capitals. They should go back to their homelands, and leave Jerusalem to The Jews, for it has always been, and will always be Israel's Capital.

There is no question about what should be done. The question is, why have we waited so long to do the right thing? It's so clear and simple what should be done. Restore Jerusalem to it's rightful owners: Israel.

Israel is a UN concoction.
Almost every post WWI European and Middle Eastern nation is an artificial concoction.
Without the promise of US aid and resupply, Israel would be forced to use nuclear weapons on it's enemies. They have neither the manpower nor the hardware to sustain a war of attrition.
So, those nukes would be put to good use?

Um, no. Killing a massive amount of innocent civilians wouldn't be good at all. The effects would spread out across the globe.
Yeah, Muslims murdering each others and Africans sucks.
Um, no. Killing a massive amount of innocent civilians wouldn't be good at all. The effects would spread out across the globe.
Yeah, but we would be done with this bullshit. Short-term loss, long-term gain.

It's not our problem. We're not the WPD (World Police Department).

But, cut the funding, and I bet this problem goes away REALLY fast.

But in reality it's all about selling US military hardware. Ending it would stop massive contracts, and Congress is all about massive military contracts.

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