Trump to send 120 thousand Troops to Iran, while we are getting invaded by Latinos!??

So, you are continuing to spread a rumor, that has been denied for the nonsense it is?
That has nothing to do with our deal with them as it relates to uranium enrichment. Reagan sold chemical weapons to Saddam. Did Iran stop that? No! It's all relative. We had a deal with Iran about nuclear. We had no agreement with them about selling or receiving weapons from other countries. We do it. And? What's your point? Exactly, you have no point. Just excuses.

Nope. They are providing monies and weapons to enemy terror states and that has EVERYTHING to do with sanctions and working with Iran. If you don't think Iran is a threat then you're mentally ill.
The Iran deal was about uranium enrichment. The selling and receiving of weapons by both countries is a door that swings open both ways. If the US wants Iran to stop, the US has the same obligation. We haven't, so Trump just made up that excuse to halt the Iran deal.

No. We turned a blind eye as Iran was disrupting the region and funding terror groups. Finally we have a POTUS who said enough is enough. Thankfully. What would your solution have been? Do share.

I'm hearing rumours about the American troops, on my radio feed.

Is it true? Or are they rumours?

We have had enough with Iran and their terror regime.
I said no such thing. Just reminding you of who the majority of the "bums" are.
Just reminding you that whites make up 74% of the nation's population. I assume that's who you mean by "bums".
I don't think you would have the guts or inclination to refer to black people as freeloaders or parasites. Or Hispanics.

No. Only whites are bums to you, it looks like. And if you think that, no! Not me! Conservatives would see people on some sort of assistance program as a bum automatically, then your attempt to slur with a broad brush is a big failure.
Some would but the feeling is in no way universal or applies in all cases.

It's hardly surprising that the racial group with the largest percentage of the population by far would also make up most of the people on some sort of government assistance program. Duh, as they say.
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?
Lets see Civil war, started by the South and democrats. WW1 Democrat, Central America in the 30's Democrat, WW2 democrat, Korea Democrat, Vietnam Democrat.
You sad about it, snowflake? :crybaby:
Just pointing out democrats started a LOT more wars then Republicans.
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?
Lets see Civil war, started by the South and democrats. WW1 Democrat, Central America in the 30's Democrat, WW2 democrat, Korea Democrat, Vietnam Democrat.
You sad about it, snowflake? :crybaby:
Just pointing out democrats started a LOT more wars then Republicans.
Like saying your great grandpa wasn’t retarded so you being an idiot is fine. So fucking stupid.
So where are these 120,000 troops gathering?
Nope. They are providing monies and weapons to enemy terror states and that has EVERYTHING to do with sanctions and working with Iran. If you don't think Iran is a threat then you're mentally ill.
The Iran deal was about uranium enrichment. The selling and receiving of weapons by both countries is a door that swings open both ways. If the US wants Iran to stop, the US has the same obligation. We haven't, so Trump just made up that excuse to halt the Iran deal.

No. We turned a blind eye as Iran was disrupting the region and funding terror groups. Finally we have a POTUS who said enough is enough. Thankfully. What would your solution have been? Do share.

I'm hearing rumours about the American troops, on my radio feed.

Is it true? Or are they rumours?

That has nothing to do with our deal with them as it relates to uranium enrichment. Reagan sold chemical weapons to Saddam. Did Iran stop that? No! It's all relative. We had a deal with Iran about nuclear. We had no agreement with them about selling or receiving weapons from other countries. We do it. And? What's your point? Exactly, you have no point. Just excuses.

Nope. They are providing monies and weapons to enemy terror states and that has EVERYTHING to do with sanctions and working with Iran. If you don't think Iran is a threat then you're mentally ill.
The Iran deal was about uranium enrichment. The selling and receiving of weapons by both countries is a door that swings open both ways. If the US wants Iran to stop, the US has the same obligation. We haven't, so Trump just made up that excuse to halt the Iran deal.

No. We turned a blind eye as Iran was disrupting the region and funding terror groups. Finally we have a POTUS who said enough is enough. Thankfully. What would your solution have been? Do share.
We turned a blind eye, because we sell weapons ourselves. Including chemical weapons that we sold to Iraq. We have no moral high ground here. Until we stop, expect nothing to change with Iran.

Solution is simple. We ourselves have to stop in order to set examples. We supply weapons to our friends. We have no moral high ground, and Trump knows that. He is fos.

Pretty sure that was Obama. Trump regime in NOT selling weapons to Iran.
Trump is selling billions of dollars to SA, who kills our journalists. SA is a terrorist organization who orchestrated 9/11. Get a clue.
A contingency plan is not a deployment. Regretfully some people read a great deal into the what if scenario which the DOD strategic planning department is always developing in case of worst possible. The exercise has and will continue to develop strategic plans for all the hotspots in the world. Is the Donald planning a war, no more than the previous administrations have. So what we have is a lot about nothing other then to plan, which the DOD is empowered and instructed to do so.
A contingency plan is not a deployment. Regretfully some people read a great deal into the what if scenario which the DOD strategic planning department is always developing in case of worst possible. The exercise has and will continue to develop strategic plans for all the hotspots in the world. Is the Donald planning a war, no more than the previous administrations have. So what we have is a lot about nothing other then to plan, which the DOD is empowered and instructed to do so.
Are you going to question a "what if" with Trump? Lol! You people are so pitifully naive. Trump is a con man out for his own enrichment. Folks like that would do anything given the chance.
That has nothing to do with our deal with them as it relates to uranium enrichment. Reagan sold chemical weapons to Saddam. Did Iran stop that? No! It's all relative. We had a deal with Iran about nuclear. We had no agreement with them about selling or receiving weapons from other countries. We do it. And? What's your point? Exactly, you have no point. Just excuses.

Nope. They are providing monies and weapons to enemy terror states and that has EVERYTHING to do with sanctions and working with Iran. If you don't think Iran is a threat then you're mentally ill.
The Iran deal was about uranium enrichment. The selling and receiving of weapons by both countries is a door that swings open both ways. If the US wants Iran to stop, the US has the same obligation. We haven't, so Trump just made up that excuse to halt the Iran deal.

No. We turned a blind eye as Iran was disrupting the region and funding terror groups. Finally we have a POTUS who said enough is enough. Thankfully. What would your solution have been? Do share.

I'm hearing rumours about the American troops, on my radio feed.

Is it true? Or are they rumours?

We have had enough with Iran and their terror regime.
More pitiful excuses about a country who held up their end of the iran deal. Trump is a war monger who needs to fulfill his own wealth through the murderous slaughter of others. Including his own people. The evil of Trump is on full display. Impeach now.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?
Lets see Civil war, started by the South and democrats. WW1 Democrat, Central America in the 30's Democrat, WW2 democrat, Korea Democrat, Vietnam Democrat.
You sad about it, snowflake? :crybaby:
Just pointing out democrats started a LOT more wars then Republicans.
Like saying your great grandpa wasn’t retarded so you being an idiot is fine. So fucking stupid.
You are the one that claimed republicans started more wars.
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?
Lets see Civil war, started by the South and democrats. WW1 Democrat, Central America in the 30's Democrat, WW2 democrat, Korea Democrat, Vietnam Democrat.
You sad about it, snowflake? :crybaby:
Just pointing out democrats started a LOT more wars then Republicans.
Like saying your great grandpa wasn’t retarded so you being an idiot is fine. So fucking stupid.
You are the one that claimed republicans started more wars.
Quote me, dipshit
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
Our Founding Fathers knew better than You. There is no express immigration clause.

And, we have a Second Amendment that clearly informs us, what is Necessary for the security of our free States.
Wrong the founding fathers stopped the Germans from coming here. They hated them
simple stereotyping?

being, Hispanic, i sometimes find it difficult to tell Anglos from Saxons.
Lets see Civil war, started by the South and democrats. WW1 Democrat, Central America in the 30's Democrat, WW2 democrat, Korea Democrat, Vietnam Democrat.
You sad about it, snowflake? :crybaby:
Just pointing out democrats started a LOT more wars then Republicans.
Like saying your great grandpa wasn’t retarded so you being an idiot is fine. So fucking stupid.
You are the one that claimed republicans started more wars.
Quote me, dipshit
It is right in this quote tree first post of quote tree you fucking retard.
Lets see Civil war, started by the South and democrats. WW1 Democrat, Central America in the 30's Democrat, WW2 democrat, Korea Democrat, Vietnam Democrat.
You sad about it, snowflake? :crybaby:
Just pointing out democrats started a LOT more wars then Republicans.
Like saying your great grandpa wasn’t retarded so you being an idiot is fine. So fucking stupid.
You are the one that claimed republicans started more wars.
Quote me, dipshit
Bottom of page 6.
Because Israel matters more than the USA to the Zionist maniacs who run the USA, they love, love Latino invaders, but don't want Israel to be invaded by Iran.

We all know Iran has been more peaceful than Israel in the past 70 years.
Who has Iran ethnic cleansed?
Now Israel on the other hand............
I did. It quotes Trump. Enough said. You keep making a fool of yourself.
That’s the only quote you have of trump and Iran? Lol wow
Do we need another one? Seriously? When Trump talks about bombing the shit out of Iran then taking their oil, I think the one who comes closest to that talk might have been Hitler. And I'm not sure he went that crazy with his rhetoric.
Now you were just talking anti Trump deranged
Somebody better. He wants to use and have murdered thousands of troops for his own enrichment.

Nope. He wants Iran to stop funding terror groups who want to obliterate Israel and kill Americans.

What about terrorist Israel, who's killed more in massacres in recent years, rather than terrorist Iran?

Iran's done nothing like the May 14th Massacre, like Israel has done.

Enough is enough of you Neocon war criminals, always looking to kill, kill, kill, for Israel.
That’s the only quote you have of trump and Iran? Lol wow
Do we need another one? Seriously? When Trump talks about bombing the shit out of Iran then taking their oil, I think the one who comes closest to that talk might have been Hitler. And I'm not sure he went that crazy with his rhetoric.
Now you were just talking anti Trump deranged
Somebody better. He wants to use and have murdered thousands of troops for his own enrichment.

Nope. He wants Iran to stop funding terror groups who want to obliterate Israel and kill Americans.

What about terrorist Israel, who's killed more in massacres in recent years, rather than terrorist Iran?

Iran's done nothing like the May 14th Massacre, like Israel has done.

Enough is enough of you Neocon war criminals, always looking to kill, kill, kill, for Israel.
Faster! Pussycat! Kill! Kill!

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