Trump to send 120 thousand Troops to Iran, while we are getting invaded by Latinos!??

they are not complaining about that; we have a refugee problem. it is a humanitarian issue and we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.
We've pumped billions into Mexico and Central America for decades. If the politicians in that part of the world are hopelessly corrupt and venal (as they are) why does the burden for that fall onto us?

Since when has our nation become the run down flop house for the world? When do these people get the nerve and gumption to improve their lot without always coming to Uncle Scam with hands out?

Through illegal immigration alone we pay well over one billion dollars per year to support the people who are here illegally and rob us blind through a variety of ways. When is enough enough?
If we can sweep in 2020 we can deport all Latinos and fix immigration. We can put laws in place that will protect our culture.

Nothing was holding back immigration reform and the building of a Great Immigration Wall to honor your Orange Mad Dog in the WH his first two years in office. LOL!.
We needed 60 votes and not anti American democrats in Congress
If they wanted immigration reform as badly as you say, republicans could have easily worked a deal.
Not with these democrats they want the invaders,, who are killing America
Meh, hyperbole. Keep trolling.

Trolling is what he does best.
they are not complaining about that; we have a refugee problem. it is a humanitarian issue and we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.
We've pumped billions into Mexico and Central America for decades. If the politicians in that part of the world are hopelessly corrupt and venal (as they are) why does the burden for that fall onto us?

Since when has our nation become the run down flop house for the world? When do these people get the nerve and gumption to improve their lot without always coming to Uncle Scam with hands out?

Through illegal immigration alone we pay well over one billion dollars per year to support the people who are here illegally and rob us blind through a variety of ways. When is enough enough?
we have wasted our money on a drug war for a generation. Government cannot solve all problems for the right wing, unless you are not for capitalism.
Correction: United States-Iran-Mideast story
WASHINGTON (AP) — In a May 14 story about US-Iran tensions, The Associated Press misquoted a British general who disputed the U.S. assessment of security threats from Iran. The story quoted Maj. Gen. Chris Ghika as saying he has not detected increased threats from "any" of the militia groups in Iraq and Syria. In fact, Ghika said he doesn't see increased threats from "many" of the groups.

A correction issued on an ap article. No surprise.

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