Trump to send 120 thousand Troops to Iran, while we are getting invaded by Latinos!??

Do you have visual evidence of these cheering lefties? You would rather have seen those sailors killed than given their OWN money. Nice.

aren't there verified photos of Iranians and Muslims cheering after the 911 attacks?

That said, I think the US made a huge mistake attacking Iraq and removing Saddam even though by modern standards he was a terrorist. He kept Iran in check. Amiwrong?
Saddam was convicted and executed for killing 148 people in 1982 and 50,000 in 1988. We showed up a little late for liberation. He had no ties to 9-11 and none of the 19 hijackers were from Iraq. SH wasn`t worth the life of one American soldier. Saddam had no use for religious nuts and Iraqi Christians were safe when he was alive.

Neocon maniacs just made a mess in Iraq, killing 100's of thousands, if not millions, and all it did was strengthen Iran, and ISIS into Iraq.
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?

Western Europeans have something very, very wrong with them, going nuts looting, and shooting non-Whites in racial genocide, and then doing a 1980, and allowing non-Whites to loot, and shoot them in racial suicide.
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?

Western Europeans have something very, very wrong with them, going nuts looting, and shooting non-Whites in racial genocide, and then doing a 1980, and allowing non-Whites to loot, and shoot them in racial suicide.
Because neo-Cons live for the moment.
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?

Western Europeans have something very, very wrong with them, going nuts looting, and shooting non-Whites in racial genocide, and then doing a 1980, and allowing non-Whites to loot, and shoot them in racial suicide.
Because neo-Cons live for the moment.

Western Europeans, and Jews are also racial trash.
Only such a shortsighted, and barbaric people spend so much time worrying about war, and not securing their own livelihood, and heritage at home.

The same logic which dictates that over 25% of the USA is Hispanic, and Black, also dictates that Israel is about 25% Arab.

It seems war genocide abroad, and multicultural suicide at home, is all the rage.
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?

Western Europeans have something very, very wrong with them, going nuts looting, and shooting non-Whites in racial genocide, and then doing a 1980, and allowing non-Whites to loot, and shoot them in racial suicide.
Because neo-Cons live for the moment.

Western Europeans, and Jews are also racial trash.
Only such a shortsighted, and barbaric people spend so much time worrying about war, and not securing their own livelihood, and heritage at home.

The same logic which dictates that over 25% of the USA is Hispanic, and Black, also dictates that Israel is over 25% Arab.

It seems war genocide abroad, and multicultural suicide at home, is all the rage.
You need to get the message out! NOW!!!
That’s the only quote you have of trump and Iran? Lol wow
Do we need another one? Seriously? When Trump talks about bombing the shit out of Iran then taking their oil, I think the one who comes closest to that talk might have been Hitler. And I'm not sure he went that crazy with his rhetoric.
Now you were just talking anti Trump deranged
Somebody better. He wants to use and have murdered thousands of troops for his own enrichment.

Nope. He wants Iran to stop funding terror groups who want to obliterate Israel and kill Americans.

What about terrorist Israel, who's killed more in massacres in recent years, rather than terrorist Iran?

Iran's done nothing like the May 14th Massacre, like Israel has done.

Enough is enough of you Neocon war criminals, always looking to kill, kill, kill, for Israel.

All those deaths you accuse Israel of is due to Iran as they fund Hezbollah and Hamas.
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
How many world wars, genocides, and invasions of white nations have they been responsible for?

Western Europeans have something very, very wrong with them, going nuts looting, and shooting non-Whites in racial genocide, and then doing a 1980, and allowing non-Whites to loot, and shoot them in racial suicide.
Because neo-Cons live for the moment.

Western Europeans, and Jews are also racial trash.
Only such a shortsighted, and barbaric people spend so much time worrying about war, and not securing their own livelihood, and heritage at home.

The same logic which dictates that over 25% of the USA is Hispanic, and Black, also dictates that Israel is about 25% Arab.

It seems war genocide abroad, and multicultural suicide at home, is all the rage.
Lots of good Arabs...they prevent terrorist attacks.
Do we need another one? Seriously? When Trump talks about bombing the shit out of Iran then taking their oil, I think the one who comes closest to that talk might have been Hitler. And I'm not sure he went that crazy with his rhetoric.
Now you were just talking anti Trump deranged
Somebody better. He wants to use and have murdered thousands of troops for his own enrichment.

Nope. He wants Iran to stop funding terror groups who want to obliterate Israel and kill Americans.

What about terrorist Israel, who's killed more in massacres in recent years, rather than terrorist Iran?

Iran's done nothing like the May 14th Massacre, like Israel has done.

Enough is enough of you Neocon war criminals, always looking to kill, kill, kill, for Israel.

All those deaths you accuse Israel of is due to Iran as they fund Hezbollah and Hamas.

So, Iran is responsible for the May 14th Massacre by Israel?

Get real.
Do we need another one? Seriously? When Trump talks about bombing the shit out of Iran then taking their oil, I think the one who comes closest to that talk might have been Hitler. And I'm not sure he went that crazy with his rhetoric.
Now you were just talking anti Trump deranged
Somebody better. He wants to use and have murdered thousands of troops for his own enrichment.

Nope. He wants Iran to stop funding terror groups who want to obliterate Israel and kill Americans.

What about terrorist Israel, who's killed more in massacres in recent years, rather than terrorist Iran?

Iran's done nothing like the May 14th Massacre, like Israel has done.

Enough is enough of you Neocon war criminals, always looking to kill, kill, kill, for Israel.

All those deaths you accuse Israel of is due to Iran as they fund Hezbollah and Hamas.
Oh, come on!
Play along.
I mean, after all, the FBI knows who he is.
Now you were just talking anti Trump deranged
Somebody better. He wants to use and have murdered thousands of troops for his own enrichment.

Nope. He wants Iran to stop funding terror groups who want to obliterate Israel and kill Americans.

What about terrorist Israel, who's killed more in massacres in recent years, rather than terrorist Iran?

Iran's done nothing like the May 14th Massacre, like Israel has done.

Enough is enough of you Neocon war criminals, always looking to kill, kill, kill, for Israel.

All those deaths you accuse Israel of is due to Iran as they fund Hezbollah and Hamas.

So, Iran is responsible for the May 14th Massacre by Israel?

Get real.

What part of all of them did you not understand? Should I say it in Polish?
Now you were just talking anti Trump deranged
Somebody better. He wants to use and have murdered thousands of troops for his own enrichment.

Nope. He wants Iran to stop funding terror groups who want to obliterate Israel and kill Americans.

What about terrorist Israel, who's killed more in massacres in recent years, rather than terrorist Iran?

Iran's done nothing like the May 14th Massacre, like Israel has done.

Enough is enough of you Neocon war criminals, always looking to kill, kill, kill, for Israel.

All those deaths you accuse Israel of is due to Iran as they fund Hezbollah and Hamas.
Oh, come on!
Play along.
I mean, after all, the FBI knows who he is.

He is a 45 yr old unemployed Fascist. Pathetic
Nope. They are providing monies and weapons to enemy terror states and that has EVERYTHING to do with sanctions and working with Iran. If you don't think Iran is a threat then you're mentally ill.
The Iran deal was about uranium enrichment. The selling and receiving of weapons by both countries is a door that swings open both ways. If the US wants Iran to stop, the US has the same obligation. We haven't, so Trump just made up that excuse to halt the Iran deal.

No. We turned a blind eye as Iran was disrupting the region and funding terror groups. Finally we have a POTUS who said enough is enough. Thankfully. What would your solution have been? Do share.
We turned a blind eye, because we sell weapons ourselves. Including chemical weapons that we sold to Iraq. We have no moral high ground here. Until we stop, expect nothing to change with Iran.

Solution is simple. We ourselves have to stop in order to set examples. We supply weapons to our friends. We have no moral high ground, and Trump knows that. He is fos.

Pretty sure that was Obama. Trump regime in NOT selling weapons to Iran.
Trump is selling billions of dollars to SA, who kills our journalists. SA is a terrorist organization who orchestrated 9/11. Get a clue.
SA never killed any journalist of ours.
The Iran deal was about uranium enrichment. The selling and receiving of weapons by both countries is a door that swings open both ways. If the US wants Iran to stop, the US has the same obligation. We haven't, so Trump just made up that excuse to halt the Iran deal.

No. We turned a blind eye as Iran was disrupting the region and funding terror groups. Finally we have a POTUS who said enough is enough. Thankfully. What would your solution have been? Do share.
We turned a blind eye, because we sell weapons ourselves. Including chemical weapons that we sold to Iraq. We have no moral high ground here. Until we stop, expect nothing to change with Iran.

Solution is simple. We ourselves have to stop in order to set examples. We supply weapons to our friends. We have no moral high ground, and Trump knows that. He is fos.

Pretty sure that was Obama. Trump regime in NOT selling weapons to Iran.
Trump is selling billions of dollars to SA, who kills our journalists. SA is a terrorist organization who orchestrated 9/11. Get a clue.
SA never killed any journalist of ours.
They raised the price of oil via OPEC and millions of seniors lost their homes.
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.

LMAO No they aren't. They are fake asylum seekers trying to get to our border and a free ride.


Really? Every one?
ENOUGH! Get rid of theses invaders first! Get these cockroaches and there kids out of my country!
We have no country if we can’t control who is in our country!

NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation
These are human beings fleeing danger. It’s your kind that gives this country a bad name. You’re just awful.
Why are Brown nations so dangerous?
Because they're run by brown people.
You sad about it, snowflake? :crybaby:
Just pointing out democrats started a LOT more wars then Republicans.
Like saying your great grandpa wasn’t retarded so you being an idiot is fine. So fucking stupid.
You are the one that claimed republicans started more wars.
Quote me, dipshit
It is right in this quote tree first post of quote tree you fucking retard.
Then you should easily be able to quote it, you dumb fucking inbred waste of oxygen. Do it, bitch, or fuck off
You sad about it, snowflake? :crybaby:
Just pointing out democrats started a LOT more wars then Republicans.
Like saying your great grandpa wasn’t retarded so you being an idiot is fine. So fucking stupid.
You are the one that claimed republicans started more wars.
Quote me, dipshit
Bottom of page 6.
I can't see whatever page 6 in your imagination is
The Iran deal was about uranium enrichment. The selling and receiving of weapons by both countries is a door that swings open both ways. If the US wants Iran to stop, the US has the same obligation. We haven't, so Trump just made up that excuse to halt the Iran deal.

No. We turned a blind eye as Iran was disrupting the region and funding terror groups. Finally we have a POTUS who said enough is enough. Thankfully. What would your solution have been? Do share.
We turned a blind eye, because we sell weapons ourselves. Including chemical weapons that we sold to Iraq. We have no moral high ground here. Until we stop, expect nothing to change with Iran.

Solution is simple. We ourselves have to stop in order to set examples. We supply weapons to our friends. We have no moral high ground, and Trump knows that. He is fos.

Pretty sure that was Obama. Trump regime in NOT selling weapons to Iran.
Trump is selling billions of dollars to SA, who kills our journalists. SA is a terrorist organization who orchestrated 9/11. Get a clue.
SA never killed any journalist of ours.
Of course not. How stupid of me. They killed 3000 American civilians in two big buildings. How could I forget.
No. We turned a blind eye as Iran was disrupting the region and funding terror groups. Finally we have a POTUS who said enough is enough. Thankfully. What would your solution have been? Do share.
We turned a blind eye, because we sell weapons ourselves. Including chemical weapons that we sold to Iraq. We have no moral high ground here. Until we stop, expect nothing to change with Iran.

Solution is simple. We ourselves have to stop in order to set examples. We supply weapons to our friends. We have no moral high ground, and Trump knows that. He is fos.

Pretty sure that was Obama. Trump regime in NOT selling weapons to Iran.
Trump is selling billions of dollars to SA, who kills our journalists. SA is a terrorist organization who orchestrated 9/11. Get a clue.
SA never killed any journalist of ours.
Of course not. How stupid of me. They killed 3000 American civilians in two big buildings. How could I forget.

Yet the Democrat party elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. How could they forget?
Do we need another one? Seriously? When Trump talks about bombing the shit out of Iran then taking their oil, I think the one who comes closest to that talk might have been Hitler. And I'm not sure he went that crazy with his rhetoric.
Now you were just talking anti Trump deranged
Somebody better. He wants to use and have murdered thousands of troops for his own enrichment.

Nope. He wants Iran to stop funding terror groups who want to obliterate Israel and kill Americans.

What about terrorist Israel, who's killed more in massacres in recent years, rather than terrorist Iran?

Iran's done nothing like the May 14th Massacre, like Israel has done.

Enough is enough of you Neocon war criminals, always looking to kill, kill, kill, for Israel.

All those deaths you accuse Israel of is due to Iran as they fund Hezbollah and Hamas.
And what do we do? We sell weapons to countries like Iraq and SA . Stop with the moral high ground. It's vomit talk. :puke:

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