TRUMP to Sign executive order on social media, their attacks on free speech!

You keep propping the same old straw man. No one claims there is no cheating in elections.
Is it your stance that we shouldn't do anything about it? Please, read my previous post.

Edit: Ok, I just told the zinger adults were talking... Read the one before that.

Fair warning... I don't give two shits if you are a moderator. I will attack your ideas if I disagree with them. You post, you are a poster. Nothing more or less.
Last edited:
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.
How do you fact check an opinion of the consequences of a future event?

Shouldn't Twitter have disclosed they are pro-mail in ballot AND partnered with pro-mail-in ballot organizations?

Sounds less like "fact-checking" and more like putting a thumb on the scales/election interference, doesn't it?

Don't expect the biased MSM to cover that.

Oh, so you don't want a "thumb" on the scales/election interference? Then maybe the President should keep his fat mouth shut about Democratic fraud that doesn't happen.

But it is,, you have to report both sides.. be fair.. what are you afraid of? People listing? Making decisions? Awww to bad

Geezus, Jitts, try to get a tiny clue what you're talking about before you start an OP.

TWITTER DID NOT REMOVE THE PRESIDENT'S TWEET. It sits there still, in all its glory, for all to read. In FAIRNESS, twitter gave readers the option of going to information on real mail in voting. Which I'm thinking sounds like BOTH SIDES. Right?

They didn’t post sources from sides that report the presidents
Side. Just left wing view. So again LET THE PEOPLE MAKE THE DECISION

What decision? Cult members never decide to doubt the cult leader. Trump still has not realized the the sheer power he has over the true believers. God help you if he figures out just how far out on a limb you would follow him.

Let Americans decide, let them
Hear both sides and make a decision. Deal?

The tweet is still there and you are free to click on the fact check or ignore it. Trump is also totally free to link to or release something to support his argument. There is no censorship, You and Trump are mad because someone dared tell him he is full of shit to his face. Thin-skin does not look good on the President of the United States.

No they Gave fake news sources,, they should have added breibart, Fox News, to counter the fake news. And let ppl decide.. cnn seriously lol haha

Quit it. They insulted your dear leader and made him pout and therefore must pay. It's as simple as that.

Shut up.. Adults are talking.

Shut Up? LOL You're trying to censor me?
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.

CNN and Washington Compost are not fact checkers and the referenced articles in the attached links were to opinion articles. Opinions aren't facts for fucks sake. And there's countless examples of mail in voter fraud. Trump stated an opinion and did not cite facts so twitter has no standing whatsoever. Damn, you go with any stupid shit you're told by the echo chamber.
Since when does a strong statement like that, made by the President of the United States, not have importance? If you had said to Trump when he tweeted it, "Well, that's your opinion," what do you think he would have said to you? There is absolutely no evidence to back up his claims. You can find a judge (a Republican) stuffing a ballot box for pay recently, but let's see some of those countless examples of mail in voter fraud. I don't mean conjecture, like "30,000 more people on the voting lists than live in the city" or "1 woman receives 83 mail in ballots." THAT'S NOT VOTING. That's logistical mistakes. But the signature on a mail in ballot is matched to their signature on file before it is considered, and yes, they actually mark that name off as VOTED and don't accept duplicates.
Do you think I can just take another person's ballot, merrily check off who I like and mail it in, along with my own. That's not how it works.

You're a fool. This just happened in Patterson, New Jersey. Massive voter fraud.

"A Paterson NAACP leader said the recent city council vote-by-mail election was allegedly so flawed that the results should be thrown out and a new election ordered.

“Invalidate the election. Let’s do it again,” said Rev. Kenneth Clayton said amid reports more that 20 percent of all ballots were disqualified, some in connection with voter fraud allegations.

“These kinds of acts make people not want to vote anymore. They feel disenfranchised, disconnected that their votes don’t count, and that is not fair to people," he said." Paterson NAACP leader said the recent city council vote-by-mail election was allegedly so flawed that the results should be thrown out and a new election ordered.“Invalidate the election. Let’s do it again,” said Rev. Kenneth Clayton said amid reports more that 20 percent of all ballots were disqualified, some in connection with voter fraud allegations.“These kinds of acts make people not want to vote anymore. They feel disenfranchised, disconnected that their votes don’t count, and that is not fair to people," he said.s/politics/nj-naacp-leader-calls-for-paterson-mail-in-vote-to-be-canceled-amid-fraud-claims/2435162/
Oh my God, Ricky, are you really that stupid? allegedly so flawed that the results should be thrown out One pastor wants the election done over because .. a lot of ballots were not counted. This is not evidence of anything.

Yes, mail in ballots ARE thrown out if the signature doesn't match the one in their records, if the name doesn't match ANY of the names in their record, if it is mailed too late, or if the selections are totally fucked up for one reason or another and they can't tell who was voted for.
The signature is on the OUTSIDE of the envelope and is checked BEFORE the ballot is opened. This guy seems to think the clerk was merrily throwing away ballots for the candidate they didn't like. He most likely wasn't pleased with the outcome. It is TRUE that mail in voting requires some education of the voters on how to do it right, and states that use it spend a lot of money on that. Maybe that NAACP chapter ought to get busy and start doing some community education on it. I know some of the League of Women Voters ladies who man our elections and they take their jobs VERY seriously. Votes are sacred. No one is fucking with them in the counting office.

I just proved it to you and you just jerk your skirt up and start ranting. The entire fucking town is pissed off at what is blatant voter fraud.

What's the fucking problem with you? You still pissed off about your grammar lesson this morning, Karen?
I just explained why it is NOT evidence of blatant voter fraud. Try reading it.
If you want're a publishers. No more
indemnity protections...then sue every day.
It’s their site....they set the rules of behavior

Wrong. They get special exemptions from laws to provide a platform for ALL people. If they censor they are in violation of the agreement.
What kind of exemptions? They have to allow outright lies with a blind eye? I do not use twitter or facebook, but if you show me the exemption I would be interested to read it.

The second they begin choosing content they become a PUBLISHER.

Look it up.
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.
How do you fact check an opinion of the consequences of a future event?

Shouldn't Twitter have disclosed they are pro-mail in ballot AND partnered with pro-mail-in ballot organizations?

Sounds less like "fact-checking" and more like putting a thumb on the scales/election interference, doesn't it?

Don't expect the biased MSM to cover that.

Oh, so you don't want a "thumb" on the scales/election interference? Then maybe the President should keep his fat mouth shut about Democratic fraud that doesn't happen.

But it is,, you have to report both sides.. be fair.. what are you afraid of? People listing? Making decisions? Awww to bad

Geezus, Jitts, try to get a tiny clue what you're talking about before you start an OP.

TWITTER DID NOT REMOVE THE PRESIDENT'S TWEET. It sits there still, in all its glory, for all to read. In FAIRNESS, twitter gave readers the option of going to information on real mail in voting. Which I'm thinking sounds like BOTH SIDES. Right?

They didn’t post sources from sides that report the presidents
Side. Just left wing view. So again LET THE PEOPLE MAKE THE DECISION

What decision? Cult members never decide to doubt the cult leader. Trump still has not realized the the sheer power he has over the true believers. God help you if he figures out just how far out on a limb you would follow him.

Let Americans decide, let them
Hear both sides and make a decision. Deal?

The tweet is still there and you are free to click on the fact check or ignore it. Trump is also totally free to link to or release something to support his argument. There is no censorship, You and Trump are mad because someone dared tell him he is full of shit to his face. Thin-skin does not look good on the President of the United States.

No they Gave fake news sources,, they should have added breibart, Fox News, to counter the fake news. And let ppl decide.. cnn seriously lol haha

Quit it. They insulted your dear leader and made him pout and therefore must pay. It's as simple as that.

Shut up.. Adults are talking.

Shut Up? LOL You're trying to censor me?

No... I'm telling you that you are the kid jumping up and down yelling mommy. Add something to the discussion like an adult that might actually give a shit.

Edit: I know you're capable. But this is actually something we SHOULD discuss. Don't make harder with the my team vs your team bullshit.
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.

CNN and Washington Compost are not fact checkers and the referenced articles in the attached links were to opinion articles. Opinions aren't facts for fucks sake. And there's countless examples of mail in voter fraud. Trump stated an opinion and did not cite facts so twitter has no standing whatsoever. Damn, you go with any stupid shit you're told by the echo chamber.
Since when does a strong statement like that, made by the President of the United States, not have importance? If you had said to Trump when he tweeted it, "Well, that's your opinion," what do you think he would have said to you? There is absolutely no evidence to back up his claims. You can find a judge (a Republican) stuffing a ballot box for pay recently, but let's see some of those countless examples of mail in voter fraud. I don't mean conjecture, like "30,000 more people on the voting lists than live in the city" or "1 woman receives 83 mail in ballots." THAT'S NOT VOTING. That's logistical mistakes. But the signature on a mail in ballot is matched to their signature on file before it is considered, and yes, they actually mark that name off as VOTED and don't accept duplicates.
Do you think I can just take another person's ballot, merrily check off who I like and mail it in, along with my own. That's not how it works.

You're a fool. This just happened in Patterson, New Jersey. Massive voter fraud.

"A Paterson NAACP leader said the recent city council vote-by-mail election was allegedly so flawed that the results should be thrown out and a new election ordered.

“Invalidate the election. Let’s do it again,” said Rev. Kenneth Clayton said amid reports more that 20 percent of all ballots were disqualified, some in connection with voter fraud allegations.

“These kinds of acts make people not want to vote anymore. They feel disenfranchised, disconnected that their votes don’t count, and that is not fair to people," he said." Paterson NAACP leader said the recent city council vote-by-mail election was allegedly so flawed that the results should be thrown out and a new election ordered.“Invalidate the election. Let’s do it again,” said Rev. Kenneth Clayton said amid reports more that 20 percent of all ballots were disqualified, some in connection with voter fraud allegations.“These kinds of acts make people not want to vote anymore. They feel disenfranchised, disconnected that their votes don’t count, and that is not fair to people," he said.s/politics/nj-naacp-leader-calls-for-paterson-mail-in-vote-to-be-canceled-amid-fraud-claims/2435162/
Oh my God, Ricky, are you really that stupid? allegedly so flawed that the results should be thrown out One pastor wants the election done over because .. a lot of ballots were not counted. This is not evidence of anything.

Yes, mail in ballots ARE thrown out if the signature doesn't match the one in their records, if the name doesn't match ANY of the names in their record, if it is mailed too late, or if the selections are totally fucked up for one reason or another and they can't tell who was voted for.
The signature is on the OUTSIDE of the envelope and is checked BEFORE the ballot is opened. This guy seems to think the clerk was merrily throwing away ballots for the candidate they didn't like. He most likely wasn't pleased with the outcome. It is TRUE that mail in voting requires some education of the voters on how to do it right, and states that use it spend a lot of money on that. Maybe that NAACP chapter ought to get busy and start doing some community education on it. I know some of the League of Women Voters ladies who man our elections and they take their jobs VERY seriously. Votes are sacred. No one is fucking with them in the counting office.

I just proved it to you and you just jerk your skirt up and start ranting. The entire fucking town is pissed off at what is blatant voter fraud.

What's the fucking problem with you? You still pissed off about your grammar lesson this morning, Karen?
I just explained why it is NOT evidence of blatant voter fraud. Try reading it.
It is voter fraud!!! Democrats invite millions of illegals here, democrats say they can vote, this is an emergency! We need voter ID’s! ASAP! We need mass deportations! Assimilating policies! HELL YEA
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.

You mean twitter fact checker who was just busted trashing Trump and his supporters?
That kind?
If you want're a publishers. No more
indemnity protections...then sue every day.
It’s their site....they set the rules of behavior

Wrong. They get special exemptions from laws to provide a platform for ALL people. If they censor they are in violation of the agreement.
What kind of exemptions? They have to allow outright lies with a blind eye? I do not use twitter or facebook, but if you show me the exemption I would be interested to read it.

The second they begin choosing content they become a PUBLISHER.

Look it up.
If they just publish links to true facts, that does not sound like choosing content. I seriously doubt the courts would see it your way even if they literally took down provable lies. Good luck with that.
If you want're a publishers. No more
indemnity protections...then sue every day.
It’s their site....they set the rules of behavior

Wrong. They get special exemptions from laws to provide a platform for ALL people. If they censor they are in violation of the agreement.
What kind of exemptions? They have to allow outright lies with a blind eye? I do not use twitter or facebook, but if you show me the exemption I would be interested to read it.

The second they begin choosing content they become a PUBLISHER.

Look it up.
Interesting argument. The contention is that by choosing to censor some content..they are in effect 'choosing' the remainder. Negative choice, if you will.

It could be argued....probably lose...but these days..who knows?
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.
How do you fact check an opinion of the consequences of a future event?

Shouldn't Twitter have disclosed they are pro-mail in ballot AND partnered with pro-mail-in ballot organizations?

Sounds less like "fact-checking" and more like putting a thumb on the scales/election interference, doesn't it?

Don't expect the biased MSM to cover that.

Oh, so you don't want a "thumb" on the scales/election interference? Then maybe the President should keep his fat mouth shut about Democratic fraud that doesn't happen.

But it is,, you have to report both sides.. be fair.. what are you afraid of? People listing? Making decisions? Awww to bad

Geezus, Jitts, try to get a tiny clue what you're talking about before you start an OP.

TWITTER DID NOT REMOVE THE PRESIDENT'S TWEET. It sits there still, in all its glory, for all to read. In FAIRNESS, twitter gave readers the option of going to information on real mail in voting. Which I'm thinking sounds like BOTH SIDES. Right?

They didn’t post sources from sides that report the presidents
Side. Just left wing view. So again LET THE PEOPLE MAKE THE DECISION

What decision? Cult members never decide to doubt the cult leader. Trump still has not realized the the sheer power he has over the true believers. God help you if he figures out just how far out on a limb you would follow him.

Let Americans decide, let them
Hear both sides and make a decision. Deal?

The tweet is still there and you are free to click on the fact check or ignore it. Trump is also totally free to link to or release something to support his argument. There is no censorship, You and Trump are mad because someone dared tell him he is full of shit to his face. Thin-skin does not look good on the President of the United States.

No they Gave fake news sources,, they should have added breibart, Fox News, to counter the fake news. And let ppl decide.. cnn seriously lol haha

Quit it. They insulted your dear leader and made him pout and therefore must pay. It's as simple as that.

Shut up.. Adults are talking.

Shut Up? LOL You're trying to censor me?

No... I'm telling you that you are the kid jumping up and down yelling mommy. Add something to the discussion like an adult that might actually give a shit.

Ow, your criticism of my posts has wounded me to my core. However shall I survive such a stinging rebuke from such a towering intellect as yours? I think I shall humbly entreat you to take your comments and shove them up your ass.
Any alleged Executive Order would be found unconstitutional

ITS ABOUT Time! Time
For free speech online!
He can't. Social media isn't attacking free speech, but any executive order attempting to limit social media is definitely a first amendment violation.
It is .. and I hope Gavin McGinnis and Milo return!
It isn't.

You kids claim to love the Constitution so much, when are some of you actually gonna read it?
This oughta be good. His staff, lawyers, and DOJ will be up all night trying to figure out something he can do to stop Twitter from attaching a fact check to his tweets.
How do you fact check an opinion of the consequences of a future event?

Shouldn't Twitter have disclosed they are pro-mail in ballot AND partnered with pro-mail-in ballot organizations?

Sounds less like "fact-checking" and more like putting a thumb on the scales/election interference, doesn't it?

Don't expect the biased MSM to cover that.

Oh, so you don't want a "thumb" on the scales/election interference? Then maybe the President should keep his fat mouth shut about Democratic fraud that doesn't happen.

But it is,, you have to report both sides.. be fair.. what are you afraid of? People listing? Making decisions? Awww to bad

Geezus, Jitts, try to get a tiny clue what you're talking about before you start an OP.

TWITTER DID NOT REMOVE THE PRESIDENT'S TWEET. It sits there still, in all its glory, for all to read. In FAIRNESS, twitter gave readers the option of going to information on real mail in voting. Which I'm thinking sounds like BOTH SIDES. Right?

They didn’t post sources from sides that report the presidents
Side. Just left wing view. So again LET THE PEOPLE MAKE THE DECISION

What decision? Cult members never decide to doubt the cult leader. Trump still has not realized the the sheer power he has over the true believers. God help you if he figures out just how far out on a limb you would follow him.

Let Americans decide, let them
Hear both sides and make a decision. Deal?

The tweet is still there and you are free to click on the fact check or ignore it. Trump is also totally free to link to or release something to support his argument. There is no censorship, You and Trump are mad because someone dared tell him he is full of shit to his face. Thin-skin does not look good on the President of the United States.

No they Gave fake news sources,, they should have added breibart, Fox News, to counter the fake news. And let ppl decide.. cnn seriously lol haha

Quit it. They insulted your dear leader and made him pout and therefore must pay. It's as simple as that.

Shut up.. Adults are talking.

Shut Up? LOL You're trying to censor me?

No... I'm telling you that you are the kid jumping up and down yelling mommy. Add something to the discussion like an adult that might actually give a shit.

Ow, your criticism of my posts has wounded me to my core. However shall I survive such a stinging rebuke from such a towering intellect as yours? I think I shall humbly entreat you to take your comments and shove them up your ass.


Any alleged Executive Order would be found unconstitutional
Not protecting free speech would be unconstitutional. This is beyond having private property ownership.. nobody’s taking that away from them all they’re saying is protected free speech let all sides talk.

ITS ABOUT Time! Time
For free speech online!
He can't. Social media isn't attacking free speech, but any executive order attempting to limit social media is definitely a first amendment violation.
It is .. and I hope Gavin McGinnis and Milo return!
It isn't.

You kids claim to love the Constitution so much, when are some of you actually gonna read it?
I did it says free speech.. if you want to keep ownership he will enforce free-speech if he does it is going to be call
Any alleged Executive Order would be found unconstitutional
OH good... Another one. Meaning someone who might actually address a pretty damn serious topic...

Let me repost this then...

The fact that this shows that huge fraud TRYING to happen also suggests that you know damn well they are trying multiple ways to do it. Have we found all those ways? I don't know. What I do know is I CAN CHEAT THIS SYSTEM.

If I want more than one vote I'll get it... Easily. I have NO IDEA how they can catch me. All I need to do is to get the person to sign that paper. I'll do the rest. If I KNOW I can cheat it, I also know damn well other people are going to do it better than me. Because I won't put that much work into it. But how are they going to catch me?f Who is going to even spend the time to try?

Edit: Republican, Democrat, Independent, or whatever you are reading this... Is this a good thing?

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