Trump to Speak this morning


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
Like most of you, I expect Trump to be calm and rational and tell us that the jury has spoken and that while he respects the process, he disagrees with the verdict and will appeal. Trump will then ask for calm while the judicial process works its way through the system.


I thought I would start this thread with some humor.

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Like most of you, I expect Trump to be calm and rational and tell us that the jury has spoken and that while he respects the process, he disagrees with the verdict and will appeal. Trump will then ask for calm while the judicial process works its way through the system.


I thought I would start this thread with some humor.

When a person is convicted of an offense and gains donors, it says something about the credibility of the process.

Trump is no saint. He isn't the warmest, nicest guy. I can see how people can dislike him. However, I've lived in enough difficult circumstances and I know how to separate a person from an idea, in this case, in policies.

If there was ever a legitimate existential threat to Trump winning the presidency it would have expressed itself in his first term, wouldn't it?
"Biden is the president so we have to use his name.." LOL
Trump noted:

They were not allowed to have their election expert [head of the federal elections committee] testify. Brad Smith says he would have testified to this... [Link]

Trump is still under a gag order.

They asked for the judge (who donated to Biden in 2020) to be removed, which was denied.

They asked for a new venue to get a fair trial, which was denied.

"I greatly appreciate the large crowd of people outside."

This case was dropped by the Southern District and Federal Elections .

They revived this case only because I announced I am running for president.

"We are living in a Fascist State."

He called Cohen a sleazeball, but did not mention his name due to gag order.

"Even though this is not pleasant, I am honored to be involved, because this is important for this country."

"There was no crime."

Statute of limitations expired.

Last night, $39M was raised in 10 hours.

"I don't want to win because of this. I want to win legitimately."

Dailymail says he's up six points. The people know it's a hoax.

"We are going to fight."

They claimed on January 6th that I grabbed a black belt in karate who is 35 years younger than me by the neck.

November 5th is going to be the most important day in the history of our country.

Record levels of terrorists are coming into our country. Kids can't have a little league game, because migrant have taken over the fields. Migrants are living in luxury hotels.

"This is bigger than me... I am willing to do whatever is necessary to save our country. It's an honor to be doing this, as unpleasant as it is."
Trump calls the USA a "fascist state." Only a POS who hates the USA would call us a fascist state. This is especially true of a former president of the USA.
It actually says something about the donors. They are a brainwashed cult
Like you, we have a preferred candidate. That doesn't make anyone part of a cult, just part of a political party which has views which differ from your own. There is a spectrum of Dems, Republicans, and Independents.

Polls say the Trump "cult" is bigger than the Biden one, for good reason. Despite Trump's personality flaws, he is better for the country, and he is being persecuted by a tyrannical regime which seeks to control our elections.

It actually says something about the donors. They are a brainwashed cult
Blame those who went after him relentlessly even before he won the nomination. Once he won the WH it was an all hands on deck assault.

Amazingly the same people who hated him then are now realizing how much worse they have it without him in office. He is drawing many former Dems who see the GOP as the Party of the working class and defender of the U.S economy.

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