Trump to stop freedom of speech

Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.

Well he gives a specific example.

"But when you have articles out there that have no basis or fact and we're sitting here on 24/7 cable companies writing stories about constant contacts with Russia and all these other matters ..."

I would suggest that this is exactly what the press should be covering.

Nobody knows what the outcome of the Russian thing will be but you certainly should not be able to shut down the press because you dont like it.

This isnt a fine point and it applies to all parties.
Of course. There is absolutely nothing else to investigate and report about. Be funny as hell if that evil midget in N. Korea manages to get a nuke in the air and across the water. But, shee-et, that ain't no thang. Let's make up more shit about President Trump because we hate his guts and would prefer to see him destroyed.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.

Well he gives a specific example.

"But when you have articles out there that have no basis or fact and we're sitting here on 24/7 cable companies writing stories about constant contacts with Russia and all these other matters ..."

I would suggest that this is exactly what the press should be covering.

Nobody knows what the outcome of the Russian thing will be but you certainly should not be able to shut down the press because you dont like it.

This isnt a fine point and it applies to all parties.
Of course. There is absolutely nothing else to investigate and report about. Be funny as hell if that evil midget in N. Korea manages to get a nuke in the air and across the water. But, shee-et, that ain't no thang. Let's make up more shit about President Trump because we hate his guts and would prefer to see him destroyed.
So you dont want the press to look at the Russia thing ?
In view of what's going on at Berkeley and other college campuses by those on the Left, it's hypocritical as hell for any of them to be talking about stopping freedom of speech

It's dishonest as hell for you to be blaming the actions of a few anarchists on "the left", as the left doesn't support it at all. You lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites.

I think it's a lot more than a few anarchists on the left, which BTW is an oxymoron. There are no anarchists on the far left, anarchists want no gov't or rule of law at all, whereas the far left wants as much gov't control as possible to the point of totalitarian socialism and communism. C'mon now, how many times do we see the lefties around here bitching about Fox News every day? You saw what Obama and his administration did to try to squelch Fox News and it's reporters. You might want to check out Kirsten Powers' book The Silencing How the Left is Killing Free Speech. BTW, she's a lefty herself.
They want as much gov't control as possible, but only as long as they control the gov't.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.

Well he gives a specific example.

"But when you have articles out there that have no basis or fact and we're sitting here on 24/7 cable companies writing stories about constant contacts with Russia and all these other matters ..."

I would suggest that this is exactly what the press should be covering.

Nobody knows what the outcome of the Russian thing will be but you certainly should not be able to shut down the press because you dont like it.

This isnt a fine point and it applies to all parties.
Of course. There is absolutely nothing else to investigate and report about. Be funny as hell if that evil midget in N. Korea manages to get a nuke in the air and across the water. But, shee-et, that ain't no thang. Let's make up more shit about President Trump because we hate his guts and would prefer to see him destroyed.
So you dont want the press to look at the Russia thing ?
If the press would look into and honestly investigate the issue, I would applaud. As it stands, the lame-stream media looks at nothing but makes up lots of shit. As long as they can sell papers, get enough 'clicks' or likes from morons incapable of thinking for themselves, the so-called press doesn't seem to care what they print/publish.
Trump will never silence me while I am alive. Fuck him and all the thugs that are like him.

Freedom of speech forever!
And your moron compatriots who are stopping free speech, rioting, burning, looting, and fuck all in the name of "free speech" (theirs' only) as they define it should be wary of trying to silence the great majority of others with a voice in this country.
This is one of those threads I will show my friends so that they can fully understand how America is threatened by stupidity.

Your friends, I expect, will be the same ones who thought it would be a good idea to bring in a hoard of Barbarians from the Middle East to see how they would do under English enlightenment.

Surely inhabitants of the land of Shakespeare and Newton and Locke will know that when all you have got for an argument in a political debate is that you have friends who will agree with you that the other side is "stupid".....surely you know....when that's all you've've already lost the argument...and are now just embarrassing yourself.

They retort with "You're Stupid" too, in the Heartland of America....but only on Elementary School Playgrounds.
Nobody thinks it's okay for a journalist to lie and spread rumors about people, not even the media. Mrs. Trump already proved that by suing the news agency that said she was a prostitute and winning.

If the media does say something that is demonstrably untrue, they should be held to account.

However..............when they report something that is true, you have to accept it as fact even if you don't like it. You cannot dismiss something you disagree with as fake news if it is true.
Amen to this. What makes journalists different compared to the rest of us is the fact that they get paid for what they write, but why should they be allowed to get away with lying if that is how far they are willing to go in order to score a paycheck?

God bless you always!!!

If Trump changes the libel laws to make lawsuits easier, then Obama will be able to sue Trump for libel, over Trump's birther lies and over Trump's wiretapping lies. Wouldn't that make the Trump-snowflake heads explode.

Trump snowflakes love those lies, of course, as much as they love all of Trump's lies. And look at 'em here, getting triggered over people telling the truth about Trump. The two sides are totally different. Liberals are honest, while conservatives proudly lie for their DearLeader and TheParty at every opportunity.
Like those who can't stand anyone who opposes same sex marriage,
or abortion, aka legalized baby killing, or demands accountability
and enforcing laws....Get the fuck outta here!

Snowflake, "can't stand" is not restricting your free speech, no matter how much your cry it is.
First of all, I'm not a snowflake, asshole.
Secondly, your reply didn't address what I stated,
it was the typical bullshit we can all expect!

Let's post my reply in context...

Trump remains of the President of turkey as he can't stand people having other opinions or fighting against his idiotic belief system.

To which l replied....'ve got to be kidding me!
Like those who can't stand anyone who opposes same sex marriage,
or abortion, aka legalized baby killing, or demands accountability
and enforcing laws....Get the fuck outta here!

My reply listed examples of the opinions and beliefs
others hold and there are those that 'can't stand' those beliefs.

People who oppose same sex marriage
are bigots, homophobic, intolerant

people who are indifferent to transgenders,
especially, when it comes to kids as young as 3,
are out of the loop and behind the times

people who oppose abortion
are anti feminist and against women's rights

people who want an overhaul of government handouts
hate the poor and have no sympathy for the needy

people who want our immigration laws enforced
and putting a stop to financially supporting immigrants
are hateful, racist, white supremacists

The very people who throw around the words
bigotry, intolerant, hateful, racist and anti
to label those who have opposing views,
fit the definition, of what defines those very words!

Your side does something worse then
restrict freedom of speech, it negates opposing views
under the guise of negativity, hate, discrimination
and personal freedom, through violence and propaganda,
in order to advance the agenda that the majority opposes
and to eliminate future opposition through indoctrination

I don't hate people who are gay,
homosexuality is not normal,
no matter how much you cry it is

A man, who thinks he's a woman, vice versa,
and taking measures to achieve as much
is not normal, no matter how much you cry it is...
and when it comes to children, its fucking criminal!

Abortion is legalized baby killing,
no matter how much you cry its not!

Government handouts promote laziness
and contribute to poverty and entitlement mentality,
no matter how much you cry people will suffer otherwise

Illegal immigrants are a financial burden
as well as immigrants who depend on government assistance
if your not here legally, you don't belong here
if your not able to support yourselves
it is not the taxpayers responsibility to do so,
it is the person who sponsored you...
no matter how much you cry!

Be gay, just don't force your lifestyle on me as normal

Fine, change your sex, call it what it is, mental illness

If you don't want to have a baby, take precautions
or keep your legs shut, abortion is legalized killing...
not a woman's right

If you are getting government handouts,
you shouldn't be having more kids, let alone,
allowed to stay home and not raise them right....
these kids here in Chicago, gang banging, baby factories,
ghetto mentalities, need to have their caretakers held accountable

If you're here illegally, you risk deportation
If that will split apart families, that's on you.
Wanna play, gotta pay
Don't make your choices our problem

There is nothing wrong with accountability,
responsibility, ethics and values...
no matter how much you cry otherwise!
We can only guess at whatever repressive measures are knocking about in the space where his brain should be.

Maybe we could look at how Messrs Putin and Erdogan manage things ?

But perhaps the dribblers on here might want to consider that these measures would be available to the next Democratic President.

It is a bad thing. No amount of frothing can cover this up.
I find it amusing that folks are getting in an uproar over "Freedom of the Press" when we just threw sanctions upon a foreign nation based on their news network and the freedom of speech for internet trolls...

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