Trump to stop freedom of speech

Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.
Libel should be a crime.

You should educate yourself, because it already is.

Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.
Libel should be a crime.

You should educate yourself, because it already is.

You should read your own link, because it is not.

Libel is a tort governed by State law. State courts generally follow the common law of libel, which allows recovery of damages without proof of actual harm. Under the traditional rules of libel, injury is presumed from the fact of publication. However, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that freedom of expression secured by the First Amendment limits a State's power to award damages in actions for libel.

It is a crime, and damages can be awarded, but the states have the power to limit award damages if they so choose.
A tort...civil, not criminal!

If you get taken to court and fined for something that you did to another, it qualifies as a crime in my book. You went to court, were found guilty, and you were punished.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.

And yet it's really none of Tommy's business. All Trump has to do is roll back this thing that Bill Clinton did in

1996-97 and the press will have to be responsible again.

It's really not cool to have lying press. That's wrong and needs corrected.
Its cool to have a press that can investigate things that the state would rather it ignored.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Most educated Americans know POTUS can't amend the Constitution, but clearly anti-American Socialists think he/she can.
Maybe you should tell Donny about that.
Why? Like I did for you, I'm sure someone will quickly educate him about it.
....Refusal to release his taxes tells us he's hiding something HUGE, and his use of public resources to promote his businesses is a violation of the Constitution.

He can't sue for slander and libel because what they're printing is provably true.
The IRS is auditing him. If he's hiding something illicit, they'll find it. OTOH, if he's only hiding the fact that he legally used the tax code to minimize his taxes, then why does it matter? normal people, I mean. Not LWLs seeking to dig up dirt to sling.
You need to stop posting until you are capable of understanding the difference between civil and criminal law.
To many people, any violation of a law they fully support is criminal. Take immigration laws. Most of it is civil law and most violators are are guilty of a civil misdemeanor.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.

Well he gives a specific example.

"But when you have articles out there that have no basis or fact and we're sitting here on 24/7 cable companies writing stories about constant contacts with Russia and all these other matters ..."

I would suggest that this is exactly what the press should be covering.

Nobody knows what the outcome of the Russian thing will be but you certainly should not be able to shut down the press because you dont like it.

This isnt a fine point and it applies to all parties.
Of course. There is absolutely nothing else to investigate and report about. Be funny as hell if that evil midget in N. Korea manages to get a nuke in the air and across the water. But, shee-et, that ain't no thang. Let's make up more shit about President Trump because we hate his guts and would prefer to see him destroyed.
So you dont want the press to look at the Russia thing ?

So they can create more fake news?

I'd like to know what, if anything, our Representatives know.

Do you think he'd still be occupying his position if there was any there, there?
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.

Well he gives a specific example.

"But when you have articles out there that have no basis or fact and we're sitting here on 24/7 cable companies writing stories about constant contacts with Russia and all these other matters ..."

I would suggest that this is exactly what the press should be covering.

Nobody knows what the outcome of the Russian thing will be but you certainly should not be able to shut down the press because you dont like it.

This isnt a fine point and it applies to all parties.
Of course. There is absolutely nothing else to investigate and report about. Be funny as hell if that evil midget in N. Korea manages to get a nuke in the air and across the water. But, shee-et, that ain't no thang. Let's make up more shit about President Trump because we hate his guts and would prefer to see him destroyed.
So you dont want the press to look at the Russia thing ?

So they can create more fake news?

I'd like to know what, if anything, our Representatives know.

Do you think he'd still be occupying his position if there was any there, there?
It is not the governments right to decide that they can silence stuff that they dont like.

A free press is a necessity in any democracy. And unfortunately that allows a lot of shysters into the conversation.

But giving them the authority to close down Info Wars and Breitbart means they get to shut down the next Watergate scandal is not a price I would want to pay.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.

Well he gives a specific example.

"But when you have articles out there that have no basis or fact and we're sitting here on 24/7 cable companies writing stories about constant contacts with Russia and all these other matters ..."

I would suggest that this is exactly what the press should be covering.

Nobody knows what the outcome of the Russian thing will be but you certainly should not be able to shut down the press because you dont like it.

This isnt a fine point and it applies to all parties.
Of course. There is absolutely nothing else to investigate and report about. Be funny as hell if that evil midget in N. Korea manages to get a nuke in the air and across the water. But, shee-et, that ain't no thang. Let's make up more shit about President Trump because we hate his guts and would prefer to see him destroyed.
So you dont want the press to look at the Russia thing ?

So they can create more fake news?

I'd like to know what, if anything, our Representatives know.

Do you think he'd still be occupying his position if there was any there, there?
It is not the governments right to decide that they can silence stuff that they dont like.

A free press is a necessity in any democracy. And unfortunately that allows a lot of shysters into the conversation.

But giving them the authority to close down Info Wars and Breitbart means they get to shut down the next Watergate scandal is not a price I would want to pay.

Correct. Nor is it anyone's right to shut down anyone's speech, "Under any circumstances," in a free country, unless it is on your own personal property.

You may not like what someone says, but in this country, I find it offensive to silence them. Rioting because you say you are offended is not freedom of speech.

My employer can control my speech, but I will not permit your attempt to silence me in public.

I'm all for the freedom of press. I rarely watch t.v. or MSM, for the outright lies and falsehoods presented daily.

I won't shut them down but I will not support their efforts.

Many want to shut down websites, news outlets, and individuals.

In their effort to do so they have resorted to violence. Burning, looting and destroying property.

Tommy, we are paying one hell of a price to hold on to our Constitutional rights.
Listen bitch, I don't cry because others don't share my opinion,
I defend my viewpoint by calling a spade a spade...

And then crying when the liberals dare criticize that viewpoint.

You and those like you, cry because yous can't get everyone on board and face opposition, because of that
yous resort to labeling your opposition negatively, despite the fact, yous define those very labels.

Yet we're not the ones making long boohoo posts about what victims we are.

Yous are the ones who are crying because of the opposition and if yous can't get people on board, then yous use the law
under the guise of discrimination and rights, personal freedom to redefine normalcy, values, ethics and personal freedom,

Using the law! Personal Freedom! Oh, the horror!

If you're upset, it means liberty just increased, so we hope to see you get upset more often.
Listen bitch, I don't cry because others don't share my opinion,
I defend my viewpoint by calling a spade a spade...
And then crying when the liberals dare criticize that viewpoin
Again, and I can only speak for myself....
I don't cry when anyone criticizes my viewpoint....
because I don't care whether they like it or not!

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one!

I stand by my point of view and offer no apologies...
and I definitely don't allow a guilt trip to become my baggage!

Liberals, social progressives, any freaking label or term
which defines, includes or is indicative, of those,
who wish to redefine normalcy, decency and perversion,

and allow irresponsibility and unaccountability to flourish,
by removing consequences and personal accountability
has been destructive, unconscionable and irresponsible!

These are the viewpoints that have people crying....
we defend our viewpoints, yous cry because we have a defense.
we hold fast to our viewpoints, yous criticize our convictions!

All yous can do is cry and criticize
because yous don't have a reasonable defense!

Just because a man, liking men, is his 'normal'
doesn't make it normal!

Just because females can't engage in sex responsibly,
doesn't mean killing a baby is a females right.

Just because you don't want to take responsibility,
doesn't mean it should become everyone else's

Just because you don't like our immigration laws,
doesn't make them any less criminal

You and those like you, cry because yous can't get
everyone on board and face opposition, because of that
yous resort to labeling your opposition negatively,
despite the fact, yous define those very labels.
Yet we're not the ones making long boohoo posts about what victims we are
Oh please, either you consider yourself a victim or the defender of.
Yous are the ones boo hooing, post after post,
about how everyone who doesn't embrace homosexuality,
abortion, the 'poor', transgenders, PC, illegal immigrants,
are bigots, racists, intolerant and white supremacist.

Yous are the ones crying for change,
and criticize the opposition!
Yous are the ones who are crying because of the opposition
and if yous can't get people on board, then yous use the law
under the guise of discrimination and rights, personal freedom
to redefine normalcy, values, ethics and personal freedom,
Using the law! Personal Freedom! Oh, the horror!

If you're upset, it means liberty just increased, so we hope to see you get upset more often.
Using the law through manipulation,
so others can freely infect society with immorality,
and brazenly break our laws and rebel against enforcing them,
does not increase liberty, it contributes to the decay of America.

Eventually, those consequences will be undeniable!
Anyone with half a brain should know,
what we have to deal with now, are the consequences
of what we've already allowed over the years!

Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
We could just form a mob and descend on the Journalists every where they go like the left does.
Where does that happen ?
At Campuses all over the US when a right leaning speaker is invited to speak lefties form mobs attack and burn everything in sight and prevent the speech. We should do the same to the left.

"Right leaning speaker"???? Right wing fringe radicals. Ann Coulter thinks women having the right to vote is a bad idea. Milo lives to outrage and seems to spout forth with whatever will piss people off the most.

Both are milking the resulting press coverage for all it's worth.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
You obviously know jack shit about our freedoms and the 1st amendment. He isn't eliminating the freedom of speech clause, he is curbing the freedom of the press part. That is something all Americans need to get behind. The Press should no longer receive protection.

A free press is essential in any democracy. You know jack shit if you dont understand that.
There will still be a free press. They just won't be able to lie as easily.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
You obviously know jack shit about our freedoms and the 1st amendment. He isn't eliminating the freedom of speech clause, he is curbing the freedom of the press part. That is something all Americans need to get behind. The Press should no longer receive protection.

A free press is essential in any democracy. You know jack shit if you dont understand that.
There will still be a free press. They just won't be able to lie as easily.
No doubt, you think Breitbart doesn't lie.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
We could just form a mob and descend on the Journalists every where they go like the left does.
Where does that happen ?
At Campuses all over the US when a right leaning speaker is invited to speak lefties form mobs attack and burn everything in sight and prevent the speech. We should do the same to the left.

"Right leaning speaker"???? Right wing fringe radicals. Ann Coulter thinks women having the right to vote is a bad idea. Milo lives to outrage and seems to spout forth with whatever will piss people off the most.

Both are milking the resulting press coverage for all it's worth.
People have the choice to believe them; or not.

However, no one has the right to keep them from speaking those opinion's unless very specific conditions are met. Such as private property. A private university can be specific on who they will allow and on who they will deny. However, if they take public funds (for anything) they are required to give equal access to any point of view that wishes to exercise their free speech.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.

ANTIFA is your blame piece buddy wake up commie.

As they said in a video , they want to stop free speech, yet when the losers got arrested their attorney comes out and says " their being arressted was a violation of their " FREE SPEECH" lmfao,
you fks are such hypocrites and don't even know it. Pretty sickening.

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