Trump to stop freedom of speech

First of all, I'm not a snowflake, asshole.

Sure you are. You cry when your opinions are challenged. That makes you a textbook snowflake. Don't worry. You've got lots of company. Most modern conservatives are snowflakes.

Your side does something worse then restrict freedom of speech, it negates opposing views
under the guise of negativity, hate, discrimination and personal freedom, through violence and propaganda,
in order to advance the agenda that the majority opposes and to eliminate future opposition through indoctrination

You're getting all PC on us now, crying that certain terms of speech should be forbidden because they offend you. Screw that. We liberals reject your politically correct demands for a SafeSpace where those awful liberals can't say mean things to you. A certain saying about heat and kitchens comes to mind.
We can only guess at whatever repressive measures are knocking about in the space where his brain should be.

Maybe we could look at how Messrs Putin and Erdogan manage things ?

But perhaps the dribblers on here might want to consider that these measures would be available to the next Democratic President.

It is a bad thing. No amount of frothing can cover this up.
And...three, two, one...let the name-calling and labeling begin!
No change is necessary. Media and the press do not have legal countenance to commit slander or libel.

If such an instance presents itself, they can be sued into a barrel, assuming the case doesn't go to the 9th Circuit.

The problem is that they're not lying about Trump and they can prove he's a liar and a con man. Trump University proved that. Settling the racism case proved his racism. 7 bankruptcies proved he's a crook. Dozens of failed businesses proved his business skills.

Refusal to release his taxes tells us he's hiding something HUGE, and his use of public resources to promote his businesses is a violation of the Constitution.

He can't sue for slander and libel because what they're printing is provably true.
I find it amusing that folks are getting in an uproar over "Freedom of the Press" when we just threw sanctions upon a foreign nation based on their news network and the freedom of speech for internet trolls...
which country?
No change is necessary. Media and the press do not have legal countenance to commit slander or libel.

If such an instance presents itself, they can be sued into a barrel, assuming the case doesn't go to the 9th Circuit.

The problem is that they're not lying about Trump and they can prove he's a liar and a con man. Trump University proved that. Settling the racism case proved his racism. 7 bankruptcies proved he's a crook. Dozens of failed businesses proved his business skills.

Refusal to release his taxes tells us he's hiding something HUGE, and his use of public resources to promote his businesses is a violation of the Constitution.

He can't sue for slander and libel because what they're printing is provably true.
I dont think its actual slander that he is targeting. It seems to be people printing stories he doesnt like.

He is obviously uncomfortable with the Russia coverage but ffs.

There is a government investigation taking place that the AG has to sit out.

Flynn has had to resign because he lied about his involvement.

And he doesnt want the press to cover this ?

All Americans should be outraged about this but we know that a minority would still back him because Hillary.
I find it amusing that folks are getting in an uproar over "Freedom of the Press" when we just threw sanctions upon a foreign nation based on their news network and the freedom of speech for internet trolls...
which country?

I'm assuming you're being a smartass. Russia of course. RT News and Russian Trolls - read the US Intelligence Agencies report, it's quite prominently mentioned as to what they base the entire case of Russian "influence of the election" upon. - Free media and free speech are not acceptable to the D's when it goes against their reckless attempts to seduce votes.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
We could just form a mob and descend on the Journalists every where they go like the left does.
Where does that happen ?
At Campuses all over the US when a right leaning speaker is invited to speak lefties form mobs attack and burn everything in sight and prevent the speech. We should do the same to the left.
If the Constitution was amended, it would be with the full consent of a huge majority of the American people. Its not going to happen.

But, it ought to be noted, that when the Founding Fathers wrote into the Constitution particular safeguards for the Press, they intended the Press to use that special privilege to be a Watch Dog on Government and a protector of the rights of the Citizens.....not an Operating Subsidiary of, and Propaganda Arm, for a single Political Party....particularly one which is tilting rapidly toward Bolshevism.

The polling ratings for the Press...which are down there with head lice and cockroaches...tells us that it has completely abdicated the duties the Constitution expected from it.

The opposite is true, conservatives don't like that the press outs every one of drumpf's lies and there are a mountain of lies coming out of that turd. Either the checks and balances of the Constitution will slap drumpf back to reality or the 2nd amendment will be invoked to do so.
First of all, I'm not a snowflake, asshole.

Sure you are. You cry when your opinions are challenged. That makes you a textbook snowflake. Don't worry. You've got lots of company. Most modern conservatives are snowflakes.

Your side does something worse then restrict freedom of speech, it negates opposing views
under the guise of negativity, hate, discrimination and personal freedom, through violence and propaganda,
in order to advance the agenda that the majority opposes and to eliminate future opposition through indoctrination

You're getting all PC on us now, crying that certain terms of speech should be forbidden because they offend you. Screw that. We liberals reject your politically correct demands for a SafeSpace where those awful liberals can't say mean things to you. A certain saying about heat and kitchens comes to mind.
First of all, I'm not a snowflake, asshole.
Sure you are. You cry when your opinions are challenged. That makes you a textbook snowflake.
Listen bitch, I don't cry because others don't share my opinion,
I defend my viewpoint by calling a spade a spade...

You and those like you, cry because yous can't get
everyone on board and face opposition, because of that
yous resort to labeling your opposition negatively,
despite the fact, yous define those very labels.

Yous are the ones who are crying because of the opposition
and if yous can't get people on board, then yous use the law
under the guise of discrimination and rights, personal freedom
to redefine normalcy, values, ethics and personal freedom,

while managing to force your crap on society
through schools and laws, which strip the opposition
of their rights and personal freedom through discrimination.
Your side does something worse then
restrict freedom of speech, it negates opposing views
under the guise of negativity, hate, discrimination
and personal freedom, through violence and propaganda,
in order to advance the agenda that the majority opposes
and to eliminate future opposition through indoctrination
You're getting all PC on us now, crying that certain terms of speech should be forbidden because they offend you. Screw that. We liberals reject your politically correct demands for a SafeSpace where those awful liberals can't say mean things to you. A certain saying about heat and kitchens comes to mind.
You mother fuckers resort to safe spaces
like little kids because you can't handle life
and created and push using PC terms and words
because yous can't handle hearing the truth

Your panties are in a bunch over freedom of speech,
but, what about freedom of information?
Yous still see a problem with emails being released
but, not a problem with what was contained in those emails.
Then, restricting freedom is ok, right?!

Your replies avoid the truth by placing blame...
typical, so again....GO FUCK YOURSELF
Listen bitch, I don't cry because others don't share my opinion,
I defend my viewpoint by calling a spade a spade...

And then crying when the liberals dare criticize that viewpoint.

You and those like you, cry because yous can't get everyone on board and face opposition, because of that
yous resort to labeling your opposition negatively, despite the fact, yous define those very labels.

Yet we're not the ones making long boohoo posts about what victims we are.

Yous are the ones who are crying because of the opposition and if yous can't get people on board, then yous use the law
under the guise of discrimination and rights, personal freedom to redefine normalcy, values, ethics and personal freedom,

Using the law! Personal Freedom! Oh, the horror!

If you're upset, it means liberty just increased, so we hope to see you get upset more often.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.
Libel should be a crime.

You should educate yourself, because it already is.

Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.
Libel should be a crime.

You should educate yourself, because it already is.

Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.
Libel should be a crime.

You should educate yourself, because it already is.

You should read your own link, because it is not.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.
Libel should be a crime.

You should educate yourself, because it already is.

Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.
Libel should be a crime.

You should educate yourself, because it already is.

You should read your own link, because it is not.

Libel is a tort governed by State law. State courts generally follow the common law of libel, which allows recovery of damages without proof of actual harm. Under the traditional rules of libel, injury is presumed from the fact of publication. However, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that freedom of expression secured by the First Amendment limits a State's power to award damages in actions for libel.

It is a crime, and damages can be awarded, but the states have the power to limit award damages if they so choose.
Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.
Libel should be a crime.

You should educate yourself, because it already is.

Reince Priebus says Trump has "looked at" amending Constitution to sue journalists

Quite how he will manage it is yet to be decided.

A chilling insight into the orange rodents mind.
Why don't you think a journalist can cross the line? The 1st amendment does not give one the right to ruin a persons life by knowingly broadcasting or printing unfounded accusations meant to do harm. If you think that is okay you are wrong.
Libel should be a crime.

You should educate yourself, because it already is.

You should read your own link, because it is not.

Libel is a tort governed by State law. State courts generally follow the common law of libel, which allows recovery of damages without proof of actual harm. Under the traditional rules of libel, injury is presumed from the fact of publication. However, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that freedom of expression secured by the First Amendment limits a State's power to award damages in actions for libel.

It is a crime, and damages can be awarded, but the states have the power to limit award damages if they so choose.
A tort...civil, not criminal!

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